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Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Classroom

"That was the longest hour of my life. It was so damn boring!" Hikaru said as he walked out of the gymnasium where the opening ceremony was held. All the students were exiting the building and going to their respective classes, the location of which had been provided to them shortly after the Opening Ceremony ended.

"I should go to my class now." Hikaru said while looking at a Chikorita.

"Yawn! I was completely awake prior to the ceremony but it made me sleepy again."

"Come out Glaceon." Hikaru said as he pressed on her Pokeball.

"I wanna snuggle to you, you are cold after all."


"Let's go," Hikaru said as he walked towards Class-D with Glaceon in his arms, who was comfortably cool and snuggled against him. [E/N-How convenient.]

After Hikaru reached Class-D, he put back Glaceon in her Pokeball. It was forbidden to bring Pokemons in the class, after all, it would cause quite a commotion. They were to be kept in their Pokeballs during class hours.

After entering the barely filled classroom, I walked over to the seat with my nameplate on it. It was adjacent to the window which I particularly disliked, I mean come on, I wouldn't be able to sleep with that sunlight falling directly on my face. The classroom was in a 5x5 order and I was seated in the 4'th row.

As I looked at the class, I realized that the class was barely filled, there were 25 students which was obvious from the seats and the nameplates on them.

Some students were talking to each other while the other's were fiddling with their Pokeballs. Some were revising the class material provided while some were just sleeping, those are the good one's, I'll remember the names of the sleeping ones.

Anyway, it was getting boring so I did what a normal person would do, I left the class. It's better for me to take a walk before the class starts, of which I don't have an idea as to when it will. I will just enter the class before the teacher comes I suppose.

As I was lazing around and walking from one place to another, my mood became visible better cause the weather was becoming cloudy and dark which I greatly appreciate. I don't know why but I love this kind of weather. It might be because I am the trainer of Zekrom who is kinda a mini Dark-Clouds generator, jokes aside I don't know why but I really appreciate this weather.

Who is Zekrom you may wonder? Zekrom is a legendary pokemon unlike any other. It helps its trainer, who he chooses himself while in his egg to build an ideal world.

What is the meaning of Ideal? According to the dictionary, it's "satisfying one's conception of what is perfect; most suitable."

But do I agree? Of course not and that is the reason why my other partner chose me I guess.

Frankly speaking, Zekrom is the most selfish pokemon but it's the noblest pokemon too. It assists its trainer who it has chosen for reasons unknown and will serve him/her till eternity.

Myths tell us that Zekrom chooses his trainer according to the righteousness in their hearts, does that mean I am righteous? Maybe, who knows. But one thing is for certain, Zekrom is an ally who will stay with me till the end of time.

"Hello!" A cheerful voice broke Hikaru from his thoughts of righteousness and stuff.

"Ah, hello." Hikaru said while looking at the girl who disturbed his profound thoughts. [E/N-I was gonna change it, but then I found it funny XD]

"My name is Kushida Kikyou, what about you?" The girl now identified as Kikyou said.

"Nice to meet you Kushida-san, my name is Hikaru Akiyama." Hikaru said while looking at the short but cute (and busty) girl and the Alcremie next to her, he really wanted to touch that Alcremie.

"Nice to meet you Akiyama-kun! Are you a student of D-class?"

"I am, are you a student of D-class too?"

"Yes! Please take care of me in the future!"

"I would like to ask the same of you Kishida-san. We should probably enter the class now because I can see Sensei walking this way."

"Yup, let's go. But lemme put my Alcremie in her Pokeball first." Kikyou said while putting the Alcremie in her Pokeball.

"That's a really cute Alcremie you got there. I really wanted to touch it when I first saw it."

"Yup, it has been with me since forever!"

"It should be from the Galar Region right?"

"Yeah, and you can play with it after class too! I am sure Alcremie would be happy!" Kikyou said while smiling. [E/N- So many damn exclamation marks, phew!]

"I would love to."

After which they both walked towards their respective seats and just in time as the teacher just walked into the class.

"Good Morning everybody, my name is Sae Chabashira and I will be your homeroom teacher (D-Class) for the upcoming 3 years as the school doesn't rearrange the classes every year, I hope I get to know all of you. I will be teaching you Japanese History." Ah, D-Class's homeroom teacher is Sae-chan, that's cool. [E/N-I totally didn't anticipate that.]

"I'll be distributing the rule books and the matriculation guide now and as you all know, this high school has some special rules so I advise you to go through the rule book once."

This school as mentioned previously forbids its students to contact anyone outside of the school without the school's permission, though to make it convenient for the students, it has set-up establishments such as karaoke, movie theatre, cafes, shopping centres, pokemon centres, pokemon care centre and many more. It's a mini-town essentially and at the centre of which is the main school building, which occupies more than 600,000 square meters.

"Now I'll be explaining the S-System to you." Sae said as she started explaining about the S-System.

'That girl from before is the Ideal Partner for you.' A voice said in Hikaru's head.


'She is ideal in every sense and she tries to be her ideal self."' the mysterious voice said.

'Don't mess with his love life.' Another voice said in his mind.

These two pokemon were using telepathy to communicate with Hikaru.

'Ugh, be silent for now you two. I am in class!' Hikaru thought.

Alferian Alferian

Zekrom from my point of view is the most selfish pokemon in existence...but the noblest one as well and as for the mysterious voice which said that Kushida was the ideal partner. I am with it. UwU


Leave a review and gimme your power stones or I'll make Zekrom Fusion Bolt you guys. Though they really motivate me.

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