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25% Another Dimension The Ultimate Amalgam / Chapter 3: 2 EARTHLINGS IN NOOTRA


Zach, Ryan, Alan and Noah secretly embarked on a risky journey aboard the RM XIX shuttle, which left Earth and their home city Aven for space. They were happy to live one of their biggest dreams, as they found themselves out of Earth's gravitational force field. But an accident occurred on the way that threw them off the shuttle into outer space. They were supernaturally transported to a world where they met Denver, the Last Dinosaur, and his companions, Wally, Shades, Jeremy and Mario. These lived in a city called Nootra. After agreeing to help them, Denver and his friends were in a strait. They didn't know how to get the Earthlings into the city without a certain bat uncovering them as intruders. Wally suggested that the Earthlings be masked as four teenaged Nootra footballers. Thus Noah was disguised as Benjamin, Zach as Cesare, Alan as Yann and Ryan as Papan.

The four Earthlings, led by Denver, Mario, Wally, Shades and Jeremy walked towards the west gates of Nootra. As they approached, they sighted the shadow of the Dark Knight who, surprisingly, was guarding the city during the day. The Earthlings couldn't contain their excitement upon recognizing Batman from afar. He looked calm, serious and meditative.

Zach: "So the bat you were referring to was actually Batman? Guys, this really is the world of cartoons."

Ryan: "If only his designers could see this! They didn't know they were giving life to someone when they conceived him."

Noah: "He's big and sturdy. The real Batman is even more imperial than he has been presented on Earth."

Alan: "It seems he still has that flaw. I had hoped he would be less sinister in another world."

Ryan: "Always as cold and distant as we know him."

Zach: "Not as we know him, Ryan. What is he doing here in broad daylight at the sight of everyone? Batman used to appear only at night like all bats do."

Wally: "Hey, the Dark Knight is making a lot of efforts here. He's trying to win the trust of people. They used to doubt him because of his ways some term 'weird'. He chose to work during the day to socialize with citizens. People can now talk to him without fear."

Jeremy: "He'll need time to get used to this new life. He still remains mysterious to many though he's doing his best to please everyone."

Alan: "Tell me about it. I can feel a coldness coming from him even at this distance. If I had the chance, I would tell him one or two things that would erase that proud look from his face. That guy thinks he knows everything and doesn't want to fellowship with his friends."

Shades: "Calm down, dude. What's the big deal? Why are you so agitated because of him?"

Mario: "Hahaha. Like the other big guy, you too have an issue with him, right?"

Zach: "Batman is one of Alan's favourites, but he can't stand his ways."

Alan: "Zach, first of all, he's not my favourite and secondly, you didn't have to say that in front of everybody."

Mario: "Now we're getting close. Try not to look at him."

Noah: "I meet Batman and you tell me not to look at him? Impossible!"

Jeremy: "Try to behave like the people you're wearing. Some have nothing you will call 'tender' in them. If you act otherwise, Batman will unmask you and you'll be arrested."

Shades: "Nice work, Jeremy. Of all people in Nootra, you had to choose the images of those hot-tempered guys to camouflage the aliens with."

Jeremy: "It's because they're the only ones out of town at this hour. These guys have the same shape and height as them. I wanted to do something convincing, not just anything the Dark Knight would uncover from afar. Remember; he's also a detective."

Wally: "It'll work, Shades. Earthlings, just try to be normal if you can't mimic the players. I think there'll be no problem since Batman himself doesn't want any clash with citizens."

Batman was standing on top of the gates with arms folded and he looked at the nine children as they approached. Fixing his eyes on them, he lifted up a hand and waved at them from afar. He opened the gates and raised his white eyes to the sky. He was admiring some birds that had first rested on his shoulders that also flew away when he moved.

Noah: "He's awesome, majestic. Oh, my, he's..."

Mario: "Too common. Come on; it's only Batman. He's posted here every day doing nothing."

Zach: "Only Batman? Man, Batman is the coolest superhero of all-time."

When Zach, Noah, Alan and Ryan came in proximity to the hero, they didn't stop looking at him. Noah was almost out of control on crossing him, but Denver warned her to keep her cool. The Earthlings were so excited about Batman, which attitude surprised the Nootrans. These whispered to each other on seeing the unrestrained keenness of their new friends for the caped hero.

Shades: "They'll cause everything to fail."

Wally (whispers to the Earthlings): "Snap out of it, guys. Batman is no amateur."

They had barely crossed the gates when Batman, who had remained silent throughout, made a remark while keeping his eyes on the birds.

Batman: "What in Nootra have Benjamin and his teammates got to do with the Green Dino Band?"

The children panicked and opened mouths and eyes wide, looking at each other. They quickly covered their mouths with their hands, lest any suspicious sound should come out and betray them. Shades didn't waste time to find some devious answer for the hero.

Shades: "We're in the final so we've taken a liking for football lately. Our champions here were kind enough to give us some lessons. Bats, don't you see our football? Denver, a little demonstration for our hero."

Denver played with the ball and they all laughed, as if what he was doing was funny. As they continued on their way, Batman, who now had his eyes on them, wondered aloud.

Batman: "This also is strange. How can Cesare be nice? I don't remember ever seeing you smile, except after scoring a goal, and even then..."

Now that his eyes were on them, it was their hearts that trembled. It was Mario's turn to trick the Dark Knight. He gave some mild slaps on the back of the pseudo-Cesare as he answered the inquisitor.

Mario: "Well, what do you know? Cesare finally understood that friendship was worth more than anything, isn't it, buddy?"

Zach didn't like the ways of Mario so he stopped him before he did something silly.

Zach: "Keep your hand to yourself."

When they thought they had gotten rid of him, Batman called out.

Batman: "And how is it possible for Papan to be quiet? Who ever thought you would keep that mouth shut someday?"

Ryan didn't panic, but found some words the real Papan would almost certainly use to respond to what was said about his personality.

Ryan: "Well, Mister, don't think you know everything about people. I might talk a lot, but I know how to keep quiet when I should. For a silencer, you talk too much, batty."

The Earthlings and their new friends outwitted Batman and crossed the city gates. They all breathed a sigh of relief on accessing the city. Being far away from Batman's sight and hearing, they could now unveil their indignation to one another. Mario was particularly outraged at the way Zach reacted when he did his trick.

Mario: "What's your problem, punk? You nearly caused our plan to fail."

Zach: "Sorry, Mario, but you shouldn't have gone too far."

Mario: "What do you mean 'gone too far'?"

Shades: "Batman would have unmasked us if it wasn't for sheer luck. He's a professional."

Zach: "Professional? The whole thing stank and you call him a professional? This Batman of yours is nothing of the one I know."

Alan: "He's imposing all right, but definitely as blind as a bat."

Noah too was displeased with the way Ryan addressed Batman. According to her, those were not the words to use in their first encounter with him.

Noah: "Batty? For heaven's sake, Ryan, what was that? I can't believe you answered Batman so rudely. Did you forget he's one of my favourites and that of Alan as well?"

Alan: "Keep me out of it. I enjoyed seeing us outsmart him. Who said he was the smartest brain in the world?"

Ryan: "I had to play the game, Noah. Papan would be anything, except polite."

Noah: "What do you know about it? They may not be the same as in the cartoons."

Jeremy: "What's this whole issue of cartoons? Who are these cartoons?"

Alan: "Cartoons and comics are series of drawings, which people use to make stories. We know all of you on Earth because people draw your images and give you your traits and peculiarities. We know that Jeremy is smart, that Wally loves animals, that Mario highly esteems himself and that Shades, well, Shades is just Shades."

Mario: "Hey, that's not true. Your cartoonists know nothing about me."

Shades: "I'm just me and that suits me perfectly. Earth has faithfully represented me."

Wally: "Unbelievable! You mean they know us on Earth and we're famous? That I'm a celebrity there?"

Alan: "You can say so. You five are the protagonists of an animated show, Denver, the Last Dinosaur."

Wally: "Why is Denver the last dinosaur? What was the motivation for giving such a title to that show?"

Zach: "Dinosaurs are extinct on Earth. Wait a minute; you mean dinosaurs are here?"

Jeremy: "If Denver is here, it goes without saying dinosaurs are here. Dinosaurs have their habitat in the Wild of South Nootra."

Noah: "How do you live with them? They're supposed to be dangerous."

Jeremy: "Not all dinosaurs are dangerous. You only have to look at Denver to know that. I wonder what happened on Earth for a species to be extinct."

Noah: "Dinosaurs were extinct even before a man lived on Earth. But Earth isn't worried about extinct species. We're doing everything to preserve some endangered ones."

Wally: "It would be horrible if a species disappeared. I hope you succeed in preserving your wildlife. They're essential for the wellbeing of the natural environment."

Shades: "Let's leave wildlife aside and come back to this story of cartoons. One thing I don't understand. How can your writers know things about us when they've never met us?"

Jeremy: "Can there be some sort of psychic connection between your world and ours so that the people there conceive us exactly as we are?"

Ryan: "That would be intriguing. Well, although many people know you on Earth, they doubt you exist for real."

Mario: "Now listen to their tall tale; taking us for drawings, comics; people giving us our qualities and personalities, and what else? We should better hand them over to Batman and the city forces."

Shades: "Yeah; their story sounds like a pack of lies."

These remarks enraged Denver and he roared against Mario and Shades, who quickly apologized.

Mario: "Sorry, sorry. Forget everything we just said."

As the young Nootrans and their new friends advanced further in the city, they faced another difficulty on the way.

Alan: "Hey, guys look; it's Hawkeye.[1] Boy, this world is beyond all reasoning."

Ryan: "I see empiricists who will have to give up their concept."

Wally: "Disaster number two. Hawkeye is an agent of NSF and his daughter Rain is a fan of Benjamin."

Shades: "Listen now, Earthies; don't act overexcited as you did with Batman earlier. Noah, it's time you put on the character of Benjamin."

Hawkeye was on leave and he was spending the day with his little daughter who was disguised as Rain. Rain was fond of Nootra's Wings football team and on sighting Benjamin, she ran to him and asked for an autograph. Hawkeye also came near and greeted the children.

Hawkeye: "Hello champions. My daughter and I were in the stadium last night. You were fantastic."

Noah (whispers to Jeremy): "What's he talking about?"

Jeremy (whispers to Noah): "Yesterday were the semi-finals of the Nootra Tournament. The team of Benjamin, Nootra's Wings, won and Benjamin scored two goals."

Based on this information, Noah answered Hawkeye confidently.

Noah: "Thanks, archer. It was no big deal. You know, I'm Benjamin and I score goals. Yes, yesterday I scored two. That was pretty cool, huh?"

Rain took a photo of Benjamin out of her sack and asked Noah to sign it. Noah first panicked, but she quickly pulled herself together. She signed something and gave back to Rain her belongings.

Rain: "'Blessed with all blessings in Him, Benjamin'? This is not your signature. I have several images you have signed. What's this autograph?"

Noah: "I changed my signature yesterday night. You must be flexible, kid. Don't dwell on one thing. We're going to win the final, right?"

Rain: "What happened to your voice, Benjamin?"

Noah: "Papan forced me to drink some unhealthy juice this morning and it affected my voice."

Rain started to play with the ball she had in her hands. Noah, who knew nothing about controlling a football, sensed a sweat drop from her face.

Rain: "Hehhehheh. Your second goal was terrific, Benjamin. Can you show me how you did it?"

Noah: "Under no circumstances, little girl. It's my secret shot and nobody has to copy it."

Rain: "Then let's play together for a while."

Noah: "I'm tired. I'm just from training, you know. Why don't you go get an ice-cream over there?"

Rain: "Are you sure you're Benjamin? Benjamin never turns down a football game. You're a counterfeit. Dad, this is not Benjamin. He doesn't have his signature, he doesn't want to play with me and his voice is weird."

Rain had trampled Noah's foot hard before going to cry to her dad. The children feared they were found out, but Hawkeye took those remarks as a child's tantrum.

Hawkeye: "Rain, Benjamin is really tired here. Understand that he can't play with you today. He'll do so after the final. Ben, sorry for my daughter's naughtiness. Well, champions, good luck for the final."

Hawkeye left with his daughter and the children were glad they escaped it, though narrowly. They continued their walk in the city and as they penetrated the town from the West, the Earthlings were seized by the unparalleled beauty of Nootra.

Noah: "The city of Nootra is as beautiful as those beautiful places we only see in cartoons. This is the place I've always wanted to be."

Wally: "It's true this city is unique in several aspects. Nootra is a land where city and village converge; where the calm and the lively go together. It's a mixture of different structures. Everyone would find their taste here."

Jeremy: "Nootra has a large number of neighbourhoods, each with its own specific features. Some are highly advanced, others are mere villages with fields and farms; some are peaceful and quiet, others are noisy and heated. Each neighbourhood is open to everyone."

Shades: "I'm proud to belong here. This is the best place in the world."

Alan: "Yeah Shades; Nootra is literally a dreamland."

Unfortunately, the Earthlings couldn't contemplate the city any longer for they were faced with another problem. As they were moving along the road, they bumped into the real Cesare and Yann.

Mario: "Disaster number three. There's a storm brewing."

Cesare and Yann turned furious on sighting their clones coming in the opposite direction. They stopped them on the spot and required an explanation.

Yann: "What's going on here, Wally? Who are these people and why did you disguise them as us?"

Cesare was in no mood to hear any explaining. He walked straight to Zach, the pseudo-Cesare, to fight him.

Cesare: "I don't care who they are and if there's one thing I don't tolerate, it's people playing ridiculous with my image."

Wally: "Wait, Cesare; it's not what you think. We have a good reason for doing this."

Cesare: "Keep your good reason to yourselves, Wally and his sorry band. That's not going to work with me."

Zach: "That's also fine with me. I've always wanted to get that arrogance out of you. When you taste my fists, then you'll learn a lesson, pal."

Cesare: "I'm not your pal. I'm the best football player of this city. Eric will have to admit that sooner or later for it is I who will score the winning goal in the final. But before that, I would have dealt with you, impostor."

Denver tried to rescue Zach from the wrath of Cesare, but he had to stand back because of the fierce threats of the football player.

Cesare: "Stay out of this, Denver if you don't want any trouble; otherwise, you'll be the one to suffer my rage. I'm not at all impressed that you're a dinosaur. You don't know what I'm capable of. I might tell Wally's parents that he's still keeping you."

Jeremy: "No, you won't do that, Cesare. I forbid you from doing such a thing."

Cesare: "So you're the instigator of all this, Jeremy? It serves you right."

Mario tried to hold back Cesare and dissuade him from executing the horrible threats he made.

Mario: "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Why are you always so angry? Do you have to take everything so seriously? We're not in a football match as far as I know. Yann, get him to listen to reason."

Yann: "Not this time, Mario; you guys have gone too far. There's no reason using us for your silly jokes. It's not because you can transform people into others that you'll use our images for that."

Shades: "Stand down, men; what's the issue? You can settle scores with your clones another day. We're here on a secret mission from Captain Nootra himself. You won't stand in his way, will you?"

Cesare: "Your lies are as hopeless as the players of the East Side we thrashed yesterday. Even if it did come from your Captain, he should know better than to use me for his ridiculous caricature. This minion here will pay for his insolence."

Zach: "I would apologize if I were you, Cesare. Zach won't take any more insults from your pathetic self devoid of all honour."

Cesare: "So little Zachary has got vocabulary. Let's settle this here and now."

Zach: "My pleasure. If I beat you, you leave Denver and his friends alone. Got me?"

Cesare: "You'll have to beat me first and I doubt you can. And you're not the one to set the rules in the first place, but I'll abide by them 'cause you're going to lose."

Zach: "It's you who say so, Cesare, but I'll prove the contrary."

As Cesare and Zach were preparing to fight each other, Yann walked to Alan, the pseudo-Yann, to sort him out.

Alan: "Cool down, dude. I can't fight you back."

Yann: "You should have thought about that when you disguised yourself as me. Now it's too late."

Alan: "I'm not trying to avoid fighting you, Yann; you'll have an opponent. I ask my champion to fight in my place."

Ryan stepped in as Alan's substitute.

Yann: "It's him your champion? You should have chosen someone heftier."

Ryan: "Yann, I used to think you were smarter, but I see hanging out with Cesare has made you as mean as him. If you want to fight, I'm your man."

Without saying any more words, Yann released his grip on Alan and went for Ryan. Noah watched the scene and deplored the unfolding of things. She shouted at her companions to stop them from fighting her favourite footballers.

Noah: "What are you doing? You'll only get us into more trouble. Stop them, Alan."

Alan: "Why would I do such a thing? You can't come to cartoon world and not fight. I'm excited to see those two take a hammering from my pals. Noah, you'll see it wasn't for nothing they spent their time training."

Noah: "Alan? Zach, Ryan: don't hurt Cesare and Yann."

Jeremy: "Hurt Cesare and Yann? Was that some kind of irony? Cesare and Yann may be footballers, but they're very strong. Even Saiyans[2] are afraid of them."

Noah: "Wait; did you just say Saiyans?"

[1] Hawkeye (Clint Barton) of Marvel Comics was created by Stan Lee and Don Heck. He first appeared as a villain in Tales of Suspense #57 (Sept. 1964) and later joined the Avengers in Avengers #16 (May 1965). Eric appears in l'Ecole des Champions.

[2] Saiyans are a warrior race in Dragon Ball, a manga series written and illustrated by Akira Toriyama. It was originally serialized in Weekly Shōnen Jump (1984 – 1995) with the 519 individual chapters published into 42 tankōbon volumes by Shueisha.

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