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Chapter 482: What else am I supposed to do? [Iveyflame Sponsored]

Iveyflame Special [ 4 / 12 ] 3K words.


After that, their conversation grew more serious. For a while, there wasn't a lot of flirting or teasing, especially while they ate their meal.

But that changed as they finished eating the main course. Christine looked around the restaurant conspiratorially, and then leaned forward like she was going to tell him an important secret. She commented, "I wonder what people would think if they saw us here together."

"What, you mean like people at school?" When she nodded he shrugged. "I suppose the rumor mill would have a field day."

"I think it would. Especially since there's all kinds of rumors about you already."

She'd warned him of some rumors before, but still he played coy, with silly, obvious exaggeration. "Me? Little ol' me? Nobody wants to know about a nobody like me."

She smirked. "Yeah, right. Did you know there are even MORE rumors about you lately? And they're getting wilder all the time."

"Really, like what?"

"To tell the truth, there's only one new rumor, but it's quite a doozy. The word is that someone who looks very much like you was seen having sex with a completely naked blonde in the teacher's parking lot during school. Can you believe it?" She laughed heartily. "As if that isn't crazy enough, they say the girl had a long ponytail and a deep tan, just like Heather!"

Between the way Christine was leaning forward and the way she was laughing, it seemed her heavy boobs would escape her dress altogether. But Alan couldn't enjoy the view because he was so frightened by this latest 'rumor'. He realized someone must have seen him and Heather fucking in the parking lot on Friday. He'd been convinced there was no one around, but someone must have seen them anyway, if only from a considerable distance.

He was lucky that Christine apparently dismissed that rumor because she thought it was simply too outrageous. As a result, she was busy laughing instead of closely scrutinizing his face for tell-tale reactions, which he certainly was having. That gave him a few seconds to recover and join in her laughter. "Boy! You're kidding me! Me and HEATHER? Naked in a school parking lot?!"

"I know!"

As the laughter died down, he deadpanned, but in an obviously joking manner, "It's true though. The reason we did it in the parking lot is because that's where she parked her flying saucer. After we did the deed, we took off and flew to her secret moon base."

Christine laughed heartily. "Heather has a moon base?"

"Of course. She and Elvis are using it as part of their fiendish plan to-" He interrupted himself and covered his mouth with a hand. "Oh, shoot! I said too much already! I promised I wouldn't tell. Forget you heard that!"

She laughed even more. "Stop it! You're too funny!" She sat back in her chair and held her sides because she was laughing so hard.

Alan laughed along. He was feeling pretty good that he'd managed to cover up the truth with some clever joking.

In fact, even though Christine figured the rumor was probably a total fabrication, or at least a wild exaggeration, his quick, amusing comments convinced her that even if there was something to the rumor, it must have nothing to do with him. However, as she calmed down from her laughing, she said, "Okay, so maybe you're not having naked sex in the parking lot. But still, there are a lot of weird rumors about you, and if there's that much smoke there has to be some fire. Right?"

He joked, "Yeah, but it's just that Heather's UFO caught on fire, and that created a lot of the smoke."

"Very funny. But still, it's a legitimate question."

He realized he couldn't fob off her curiosity with more joking about flying saucers and moon bases, so he said, "I don't keep up with the rumors. But it's true that not long ago I was a typical nerd and completely clueless with girls. Now I'm involved with some very beautiful girls, and how often does that transition happen, especially so fast? So I'm sure people must wonder if I have magical voodoo dolls or something."

"A-HA! 'Some!' You said 'some' very beautiful girls!"

He rolled his eyes. "Christine, I already told you I'm not going steady. So there's no scandal in saying 'some,' which, by the way, includes you. After all, we're on a date of sorts tonight, aren't we?"

She blushed a little bit and averted her eyes in embarrassment.

He went on, "Besides, it so happens that it's true: I do have magical voodoo dolls." He picked up his napkin and quickly shaped it into an hourglass figure. "See? This is one of you. Do you feel this?" He began stroking the two lumps that crudely represented her big breasts.

She sighed and shot him an exasperated look. "You would touch me THERE. What's with you and boobs?"

But he just smiled and kept on stroking the napkin lumps. "Are you sure you don't feel anything?"

She decided to play along and tease him back. She opened her eyes wide with pretend surprise. Then she gasped as if she really were being groped by an invisible hand. "Alan! Stop that this instant!"

"Bwa-ha-ha-ha!" He cackled like a mad scientist. "Never!"

She raised her hands to her massive rack and covered it with her arms. "Alan, please! Don't! It's too... You're making me tingle!"

His penis went from flaccid to fully engorged in what seemed like a fraction of a second. Suddenly he felt like he really was fondling Christine's breasts, if only by proxy.

She clutched her chest tighter, causing her tit-flesh to bulge out wherever it could. The dress did very little to keep her covered. She moaned in a surprisingly erotic way as she looked around at the other people sitting at tables near them. "Oh, Alan! Please! Not here! Not in front of all these people!"

He thought, "Not here?!" If only she meant that and we could have some fun later! What I wouldn't give to take her to some private place, pull those straps off her shoulders, and... Damn! Oh, man! I'd kill just to see her naked body! But I can't think that either. I have to cool down, or I'm gonna blow a gasket!

He put the napkin back in his lap and straightened it out. "Okay, later then. But beware! With my voodoo doll powers, there's no telling what might happen!"

Christine had started out just trying to tease sexually with her pretend distress. She'd figured, correctly, that he'd love it if she touched her boobs in any way, even if seemingly to cover them up. But things had gotten so hot so fast that she felt a surge of lust rushing through her body. If it hadn't been for the table separating them, she would have immediately pulled him in close for a passionate lip-lock.

She thought, Whoa! What's up with THAT?! I'm not gonna let my passion control me. Plus, I'm probably blushing, and I'm not gonna let him get to me like that. She picked up her napkin. "Hee! Two can play this game. I have my own voodoo doll too." She quickly crumbled it into a shape, but she found that it was hard to make arms and legs with a napkin. So she gave up on that and instead made something resembling a sideways 'T' shape. She held it up. "There!"

He looked at it and laughed, because her "voodoo doll" had a penis about as long as the doll was tall. "Christine, is that your voodoo doll, or are you just happy to see me?"

Her blush deepened and she quickly put the napkin back in her lap. "That doesn't even make sense!" She was frustrated that her attempt to embarrass him with her outrageously erect voodoo doll had somehow backfired.

"No, but we're having fun, aren't we? This is great, don't you think?"

She relaxed, nodding in happy agreement.

With a lopsided grin, he asked, "Is that how you think of me? With my dick bigger than my body?"

Her blush deepened even more. "I was just... I was... I was trying to tease you about the fact that, uh, at school, you seem to be... Well, what I mean is, more often than not... Oh, never mind!"

He laughed, amused at her failed attempt to explain that she'd tried to tease him about his frequent and apparently all-too-obvious erections.

He had mercy on her and changed the topic. "You know what's funny? Before I tried to ask you out, we weren't actually that close. I was, I dunno... scared of you."


"Yeah. You know, when you have a crush on someone and want to ask them out, it's scary. There was a sexual tension that was... daunting, even if it was just a one-way thing. I had to remind myself constantly just to be myself. But now the pressure's off, and that's allowed us to grow a lot closer than before. Ironically, tonight we can flirt and tease each other, but it feels completely different from how it used to be. I'm not tense and nervous around you, even when you shape your napkin into a giant phallus. We can joke in a way we never could before, and have more fun doing it, because all that 'is she into me or not' bullshit is over."

She thought, Speak for yourself! Now I know what you must have felt like then, because the pressure is off you but it's squarely on ME!

She forced herself to smile and say, "Yeah. I know what you mean."

But she thought, Dammit! The tables are turned. It's ironic. Back then, I took it for granted that he wanted to be romantic with me, and I wasn't that interested. I only became really interested after he started dating others and changed somehow. I mean, he's so much more self-confident now. He's got this sexual magnetism that makes my heart beat fast. And I'm in the exact same shoes he used to be in, wanting to get something started but not knowing how to do it. Hell, he doesn't even have a clue how my feelings have changed. This SUCKS!

They continued having a good time, talking about interesting things, laughing and joking, sometimes even lightly flirting. Alan had selected some particularly funny dumb-blonde jokes, and somehow managed to slip them into the conversation every now and then.

He was continually amazed at the fact that he was in such a fancy restaurant with such a beautiful woman. At one point, he found himself thinking, You'd think I'd be pretty used to great beauty, with the ladies running around my house. But Christine truly is extraordinary! Her face is as jaw-dropping as her body. I feel like the cock of the walk, just being here with her. And the men, including our waiter, are envious of me, I can tell.

It's such a shame that I can never allow her to be my girlfriend. But maybe it's for the best. I can barely keep up with her as a friend, intellectually and athletically. She'd be waaaay out of my league as a girlfriend.

It was only at the end of the meal, when they were waiting for the check, that things got a bit heavy. Christine reached over the table and put a hand on his and said, "Alan, before we go, I have some things I need to get off my chest."

His eyes reflexively dropped to her deep cleavage after hearing her say that and he started to gawk. However, he quickly realized what he'd done and returned his gaze to her face.

To his great relief, she burst into laughter.

He laughed along with her and relaxed. He joked, "Well, I was just checking out what it was you needed to get off your chest. I was hoping it was your top."

She replied playfully, "You wish!", then laughed some more. However, she turned serious after that and said, "I really want to apologize for the way I turned you down a while back."

"Oh, don't mention it. It's water under the bridge."

"No it isn't. I feel awful about it."

She had practiced what she was going to say to him at this point over and over. Her plan was to say, "I want to apologize for not only the way I turned you down, but the fact that I turned you down." Then she would reveal that she did have a romantic interest in him after all. She'd analyzed all kinds of possible alternatives of what he might say in response, and had potential follow-ons for each of them.

But that's not what she said. At the last second, she again chickened out and didn't finish her planned full sentence.

Both of them ended up apologizing profusely to the other. They made vows to strengthen their friendship and do more things together outside of school. But there was no hint of wanting romance.

There were a number of reasons why she chickened out, such as inexperience, but the main one was her fear of rejection. Earlier in the evening, Alan had all but said that he only thought of Christine as a friend when he explained how he now felt at ease flirting with her, so it seemed certain to her that they were on different wavelengths.

Strangely enough, she also had a fear of success. If she revealed her feelings and he felt the same way, she was afraid that she'd be a failure at physical intimacy. She was the kind of person who had to be the best at whatever she did, and if she wasn't she didn't want anyone to see her doing it. The more she started to imagine him as some kind of talented Don Juan, the more she feared that somehow she wouldn't measure up.

What she wanted most of all was for Alan to realize from her outfit and her flirting that she wanted him to take charge and be her guide in learning about sex. She didn't know or understand that the recent parade of naked women in his life made her signals too tame for him to recognize. Ironically, his inexperience was such that he could not differentiate among the sexual interest signals of women with varying levels of experience and sophistication. His cleverness and ability to roll with the punches couldn't always make up for his lack of experience.

They split the bill (at Christine's insistence) and left the restaurant. The rest of their time together was pleasant but predictable.

He again kissed her goodnight on the cheek at her front door, and generally acted like a perfect gentleman.

When she got to her room she wanted to break down and cry. Instead, she changed to her gi and practiced her martial arts to blow off some steam.

As she went through her routines, practicing various entries and take-down throws, she thought, Grrr! So frustrating! What frustrates me most is that the date went TOO well! That's bad because my feelings for him keep growing stronger and stronger. Argh!

Why? Why, why, why, why, why?! Why does he have to be fooling around with Amy, Kim, and who knows how many others? It's killing me! There's no way in hell I'm going to share him. NO. WAY. Yet what else am I supposed to do? If it was just one other girl, I could compete with that, but how am I supposed to compete with a lifestyle?! How do I make myself so head and shoulders above everyone else that he comes to his senses and decides to be with just me?


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