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40.9% DxD: King of Curses / Chapter 8: Familiar 2

Chapter 8: Familiar 2

Sukuna saw this city as a good nourishment for his new familiar. Also he could test Abeloth' strength, he wonders if he got some of his own powers. If he could possibly grow stronger from negative emotions, then that would be for the best. He also wants to test his pure destructive powers.

"Tamamo, could you possibly erect a space barrier? I'm sure devils will try to fled with teleportation magic." Sukuna calmly said to Tamamo that was near him. She nodded slightly and started writing different symbols in the air.

He then looked towards devil that wad on the ground "You thought that you will survive after all this shit you said to me? Dream on." he said with sadistic grin. He then called out his familiar: "Abeloth, you are free to destroy all that you see. Let's see what you could possibly do." dragon suddenly formed a large bloodthirsty grin, while his sharp teeth were visible from his jaw.

All devils that were near them and heard their conversation could only gulp audibly. Dragon realised all of his aura and started throwing purple flames everywhere. Devils tried to use water magic to put out the fire, but it didn't affect flames in the slightest. Despite dragon' size, it erupted a lot of fire. Slowly but surely, devils started to die one by one. City' defensive system was alarmed and multiple barriers activated.

Sadly for them, those barriers were mostly for forces that could possibly attack from the outside. Soon enough, a lot of devils started to rush towards the trio, only to be stopped by small dragon. They thought that they could easily kill those that were causing terror, but apparently they were wrong. Dragon turned towards them and started spouting flames with renewed intensity. Even though they were stronger devils, as they were city guards, they still could't put up much resistance to a tiny dragon.

Sukuna watched all this with an amusing smile. His familiar already has such great power and he only showed his flames so far. Even though dragon flames and their body is their main weapon, it's not all they have in their arsenal. Also, he could see that negative emotions are slowly gathering towards Abeloth. It seems that his familiar also got part of his trait, albeit not so potent as Sukuna has. But that should be fine, as dragons should have a lot of different ways to grow stronger.

"So, while we are at it, have you found out something important?" he suddenly asked Tamamo. She just finished putting up a space-magic blocking barrier.

"Yeah I got some information about that Familiar Forest, but as you seem to have a familiar already, I don't think that it matters now. So, apparently this city is called Ferdiff and is ruled by house Flauros. It is one of 72 Pillars that rule the Underworld. Flauros rank is pretty low, as he counts as an Earl. House Flauros leads 26 legions of devils, each legion consists of 50.000 devils. That's most important information." she stated all important information that she could get. "Oh! Also, this house mostly specializes in magic, especially wind and lighting magic. Not that it matters for us, but just a reminder."

"Thanks.. even if this information isn't that useful for us, it's still interesting. If even house with Earl status has 26 legions of devils, then I wonder how many there are devils in summary. Also there are others two factions, Angels and Fallen Angels.. Hahaha, this ought to get really interesting." Sukuna was really excited, he could only wonder what whould happen if The Three Factions wage a war with each other.

He now thinks what he should do.. he could cut out a lot of forces in the Underworld. If previously he thought that this might be a splendid idea, then now he has to ponder. As far as he knows, all three factions hate each other to the very core, so war is inevitable, it's just about when it happens. He could possibly gain a lot from this war, so he won't massacre devils for now, at least not all of them.

"Hey Tamamo." person in question tilted her head cutely. "Do you still want your own familiar? We could get you one. I'm not interested in fighting those legions, at the moment. Abeloth will also probably fully exhaust himself soon. We will finish this city and then we can go explore the rest of the Underworld, while causing some chaos here and there. Like usual, you know."

"Hmm?! Sure!" Tamamo said excitedly.

Meanwhile near Abeloth

He was enjoying himself. He spouted a lot of powerful flames, killing all in his way. Houses and roads were literally melting, low-level magic didn't really have any effect either. Devils were dying like ants, while screaming in pain. They couldn't even think where did this little monster came from.

They were coming more and more, but dragon killed them all without a second thought. Soon after, he started enjoying it even more, than before. When he saw how those lowly beings were crawling only to survive and asking for mercy, throwing away all their pride, disgusted him to no end. But he also had fun in doing so, he could crush their pride and hopes for surviving with a single thought.

He now understands his master even better. It seems that he chose right being to serve and he wouldn't care what others of his kin would have to say about it.

After destroying good part of the city, he slowly started to get exhausted. Barriers were long time down and weren't working properly anymore. Chaos was happening everywhere, devils tried to teleport, but their magic circles were immediately broken the next second they tried to. They tried to fly away, but something invisible to the normal eye was blocking their way. Small kids were crying, while their respective mothers tried to desperately defend them with their own bodies.

Now he sees why master named him as the Bringer of Chaos, because he is just born to bring chaos everywhere he goes. But he likes this feeling, feeling where you could possibly do everything you want. He doesn't care about those desperate screams of pain nor he cares about cries of children. He chose himself the path that he will live- survives the strongest. He will only care about his master and himself, nothing else should matter for him from this moment onwards.

"Hm?" Sukuna wad making plans for future when He suddenly sensed a spike of emotion from his familiar, which consisted mostly of determination. It seems that his familiar made some important decision. Also, it tells him that Abeloth is really intelligent one. After some time passed, dragon finally passed out from exhaustion and had fallen asleep. He instantly returned to Sukuna' inner space and is now sleeping there.

Sukuna thought what he should use to finish this city. Meanwhile, devils saw that dragon wasn't on their view anymore, but they still saw two intruders left, so they quickly rushed towards them.

When they got closer, the commander yelled at them: "Surrender to us now and ur death will be painless!" but as he saw that he was being ignored, he grew irritated. "Are you deaf or something?! So be it! Soldiers, cha-" he suddenly stopped.

They saw that a being with four hands was folding his fingers in a particular manner. As soon as he did that, he muttered, "Domain expansion." they wouldn't hear it, if not for their enchanced hearing.

Suddenly they felt really dreadful aura. They could barely breath, it's like they looked at some ancient monster that has awakened from it's slumber. Then a four-armed man said: "Malevolent shrine!" this time, it was loud enough. But what surprised them, is that as he said that, Buddhist shrine decorated with skulls appeared

Their faces immediately went pale. They felt fear, all of them. They wanted to run away, but they knew they couldn't. Soon enough, their bodies disappeared into nothing. Not only them, but also the whole city. Be it buildings, roads, living beings or even magic. Now, instead of magnificent city with huge walls, there was nothing but plains, without anything left behind, but two people in the centre of plains.

Tamamo was left in awe of this pure destructive power. It didn't let anything behind, even insects were killed. "Wow. You never showed me this technique before." Tamamo said, while still wearing shocked expression

"I was still adjusting this technique and I didn't need it before. I wanted to end all faster this time. Anyways, let's go get you a pet. Then we can go explore rest of the Underworld. If there is someone like Dragon King out there, then we could try to find one of such. They seem to be pretty strong." Sukuna said with a wide grin on his face, while Tamamo could only sigh at this.

They then went towards Familiar Forest to find a familiar for Tamamo. After searching something interesting for few hours, they spotted a particular snake. It had tiny white scales and golden pattern on it's back. It also had golden eyes and two small, protruding horns on top of the head. When Tamamo spotted this snake she immediately went towards it. Sukuna haven't seen any snake in the forest yet, so he was surprised to see one.

When he got near it, his own familiar suddenly manifested in front of him. Abeloth ran towards white snake and so, started their really interesting conversation. Snake was hissing at a dragon, while latter was growling in low-tone.

Even if it could look like they were preparing for a fight, in reality, it wasn't like that. Sukuna knew that they were arguing about something, but couldn't really get about what. After some time passed, snake slithered towards Tamamo offering itself to her. When she understood what little snake wanted, her mood skyrocketed. She immediately offered snake a pact, which latter gladly accepted.

As it happened, snaked started changing a bit. His pattern became more complicated, horns grew a bit longer and it got slight pink hue under it's golden shining eyes. But the most notable change were small wings on the snakes back.

"Hehe, so it's a dragon! My own cute dragon! I will raise you to be most beautiful dragon ever!" she said with an excited tone. When her dragon heard it, it wanted to run away, but her master' grip was not something she could escape.

"Hmm.. Now that I think of it, I have to give you a name.. How about.. Ryoko? No.. Kayda? No, not this as well.. How about? Yes that is!"she paused for a moment, lifted dragon in front of her and said in the most majestic voice she could : "As you seem to be a serpent type dragon, then your name will be Adalinda." Adalina hissed a bit, accepting her new name. She then glanced at Sukuna who was looking with deadpanned expression at her "grand" speech.

Tamamo was so happy right now, that she outright ignored his expression and asked in jovial tone: "So? Do you like her name? I think it's a great name for such beauty!"

"It is.. fine." he sighed at her antics. He paused for a moment and then continued: "Now that we are finally done with it, we can go further. I heard that there are fallen angels in Underworld as well, right?" he asked Tamamo, to which she nodded. "Good, then we can go. We also should train our familiars while we are here, but also remember our own training."

"Of course! I'm sure Adalina will grow into a magnificent dragon!"

"Yeah, sure.. Hmm.. Let's go to the east."

"Stop thinking so much! Let's go already! We have so much to see and so little time! You said you wanted to proceed some of your plans in.. 5 years? So we have 5 years, Adalina let's go!" with those words, she ran towards exit from forest.

(A/N: Sorry if this chapter was a bit boring.. Anyways, next chapter will be a time-skip. I might not post it tomorrow, because I have some urgent stuff to do. If you have any suggestions, then you are free to share.)

GloriousHidden GloriousHidden

Anyways, thanks for reading.

Hope you enjoyed it!~

Till next chapter! ;)

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