She sobered in an instant, stopping her bouncing in place and suddenly taking off at a rapid dash towards you that you had no chance in keeping up with.
In just a moment she was upon you lashing out with a front kick at your chin that would have probably ended the fight then and there. There was no blocking it, and it was too fast for you to dodge, so instead, you attacked. You thrust out both fists in a punch that smashed against the bottom of her black school shoe and used the force behind it to jerk back wards, your speed enhanced by her own strength and your own. You flipped backwards into a rapid handstand, lashing out with a kick at her chin that she dodged and then spun, her leg coming out to sweep your hands from beneath you.
You let her hook your hands from beneath you, and stole the momentum from her own absurd strength and speed. Your arms throbbed, but the blow sent you spiralling in the air, and you caught her in the face with a kick of your own that was infused partially with her own strength.
The blow knocked her back just at the same time you went corkscrewing through the air. You landed above ten feet away, managing to reorient yourself into a flip and land on your feet, though your arms were shaking and throbbing due to the force they were hit with just by a simple leg sweep.
You met the eyes of Moka from a good twenty feet away from you, rubbing her cheek where you kicked, the pale creamy skin having a red mark forming, "I have to say, despite the fact that I am shaking off the rust as it were, your own skills as a fighter top notch," she praised, "In pure skill, you actually may be my superior. Despite the fact that I vastly outclass you in physical ability, you are capable of countering and using my own attacks against me in a split moment, bravo."
You shook your hands out and smirked, "I may not be a 'noble vampire', but I come from a long line of the rich elite in the human world, after my parents got killed, I spent every waking moment learning how to use my youki and my new strength, and paid for the best of the best martial artists around to come teach me," you boasted, you were after all very proud of the family you came from, your fathers blood, the blood of a man brave enough to stand up for his son even bleeding out and dying and managing to wound the monster that attacked you, "Boxing, Muay Thai Kickboxing, Karate, Taekwondo, Krav Maga, Jujitsu, Judo, Kenpo and some more, I trained in them all for the last three years."
"Quite the list, admittedly, I don't recognise even half of them, but impressive nonetheless," the silver haired beauty praised, "I dare say you may even become a challenge in the future at this rate."
You sighed in annoyance, but you couldn't refute her. Right now, the disparity between your physical abilities are just too great for skill alone to bridge it.
Moka lowered her hand from where she was rubbing her cheek and casually began walking over to you, hips swaying tantalizingly. It was mostly instinct you bet, the way she did it, but that didn't stop your eyes from being drawn towards them.
You relaxed, the overpowering pressure of her youki had dwindled down and no longer pressed down on you like an ocean.
"That was quite fun," she smirked at you as she reached you, and as soon as she stopped in front of you, boldly reached down into your pocket and drew out her rosary where you had stashed it when the fight began, "We should do it again some time when you're stronger."
"We should," you agreed. Your blood was singing in your veins, that was awesome, you actually kind of wanted to continue right now, but you were never satisfied fighting someone far below you, so she probably wouldn't here, which was most likely why she said, "About that though.." you began.
"Hm?" she raised a fine silver eyebrow your way, pausing before she raised her rosary up to her neck.
"Think you could teach me that youki trick? The one to enhance myself with?" you asked. While you would never benefit from it the same way a vampire could, you would still gain a physical boost from it.
Her second eyebrow joined the first and she examined you for a moment, before her smirk returned, "..I don't see why not, though it will mean you will have to remove my seal quite often for me to do so, you realise?"
"I don't even know how I took it off," you shrugged, "But as long as neither you or the other Moka mind, it should be fine."
Her smirk grew a bit, pleased somehow by your answer, "Very well...I can teach you how to enhance yourself with youki, though payment will be required for my service, as is only fair." she responded.
"You want money?" you asked, raising your own eyebrow at her. Well, you had plenty of money, so you were fine with that.
"Hmm, not quite," she purred, her mouth opening to show her gleaming fangs as she ran her tongue across them sensually. Slowly, purposefully she reached up and grasped your red tie around your neck and pulled your head down with it, you were quite a bit taller than her, "..You see, neither myself or my other half have ever drank straight from a human before, and humans have the tastiest blood of all. The blood of a human smells so good I can smell it even without them being wounded, and your blood is the most enticing I have ever smelled before, for each lesson I give you, I demand payment, my desire, the blood in your veins."
....Huh. Well, you weren't expecting that. But; "Sure, I don't mind, just don't drink me unconscious." you replied. As far as you were concerned, it was a fair payment and you didn't mind at all.
"Well then, I'll take my first payment now in advance for agreeing then." her ruby red eyes gleamed and she pushed you suddenly, making you sit down on an upturned rock behind you. Before promptly straddling you and yanking your head to the side with her grip on your tie, exposing your throat to her.
On instinct, your hands went to her full hips and gripped them tightly. She paused and pulled back, giving you another raised eyebrow, "Bold of you to brazenly grab at me like that." she noted.
"It's just your hips," you retorted, "If I was being bold, I'd do this." you slipped your hands down under her skirt and took two great big handfuls of her ass, squeezing it in your palms and luxuriating as your hands sunk into the large, round doughy and springy cheeks.
Moke went stiff atop you, "...Very well, I'll rescind my former statement, now this is bold of you," she noted, before narrowing her eyes, "Too bold in fact, watch your step Kai, you are amusing, but do not overstep your bounds, do not do this again without my permission."
You smirked at her and gave her ass another good squeeze, "I didn't hear a stop, so it's fine if I do it this once?" you replied, then shrugged with a casual confidence, "Well, I'll just have to look forward to you giving me permission then, won't I?" you punctuated your statement by squeezing her ass a bit harder and pulling her into you harder, grinding your hardening core into her straddling hips, drawing a startled gasp from her.
She huffed in annoyance as she regained control of herself a split moment later, "If you want my permission, try getting strong enough to give me a good fight, I won't accept a weakling as my mate," She told you seriously, "I'll let you away with it this once however, for getting me out of the seal, but no more than this, understand?"
Again, she didn't stop you though. So, you didn't bother removing your hands and began to put idly squeeze and grope at her plump curvy ass cheeks, "Crystal clear," you nodded, "...So you don't mind becoming my girl then once I'm strong enough?" Quick of her to come to that conclusion, not that you minded. A babe like this as your woman, and one so strong to? Sign you up.
"Hmph, you're tolerable, and my other half is fond of you, I could do worse," she sniffed, "Now, is there anything else, or can I enjoy my well deserved meal?"
"Just one last thing," you said, getting an eye roll from her, "What's the view on polygamy here, as far as monsters are concerned?" you were just curious, really.
After all, did Moka count as one person, or two?
She gave you a disbelieving look, as if asking you 'really', before shaking her head, "I feel like I should be insulted," she huffed, "But, if you really must know, there is no law stopping it, only the wills of the monsters involved. My own father has two wives after all."
"Now, I'm done talking." the silver haired vampiress stated, and leaned down. You shivered as you ran her tongue over your neck, then there was a light stinging sensation as two small sharp points pierced your neck.
Your groin throbbed with arousal when a second letter she released a low, sensual moan and pressed herself into you, her large bodacious tits squishing up against your chest.
Your grip on her ass tightened and a small haze overtook you as a euphoria ran through your veins, the act of her sucking your blood actually felt good. You heartily began to squeeze and pulled the flesh of her doughy ass cheeks, molesting them to your hearts content, your cock throbbing with desire as Moka moaned louder at your ministrations and the taste of your blood. And before you knew it, you were pulling her into you and thrusting your clothed erection into her panty clad core, grinding and dry humping away.
A few minutes passed by in a blur, and only then did Moka pull back, licking her lips and meeting your eyes with a flush of red on her face, "As...expected, your blood is the tastiest I've ever had." she breathed deeply.
"..You're welcome, as long as you enjoyed it." you replied, breathlessly. It was taking all your effort not to just pick her up and fuck her against a tree, you'd never been so hard in your life.
"Oh, I did, but I'm clearly not the only one," Moka chuckled throatily, flashing you a coy look and noticeably directing her gaze down to where your bodies were connected, her skirt hiding where both of your groins met, before raising a finger up and trailing it gently down your cheek, "It's almost cute how much you desire me. Look after the sentimental other Moka now will you? Until next time." and before you could get an edge in otherwise, she lifted the rosary that was still clutched in her hand and clicked it into place on her chain choker seamlessly, and fell limp atop you as her body began to lose mass and her her darkened once more into its previous bubblegum pink.
And there you found yourself, sitting in a clearing, an unconscious girl atop you, and the hardest boner you'd ever had pressing up against her crotch.
....This escalated quickly indeed.
Even five minutes later, Moka still had yet to awaken from her little nap. Not that you were really complaining, having a hot girl sprawled across your lap was nice regardless.
You'd retracted your hands from her ass mind you, after fondling her a bit more and getting a feel for the pink haired Moka's own ass, finding it to be soft, springy and all around just as amazing has her silver haired counterparts, if a decent bit smaller.
You might have chanced your luck with a bit more, if you weren't sure the silver haired one didn't have an eye on you somehow even sealed. Oh well, she was soft and smelled nice, so it was a win win for you.
You would have enjoyed it for a while longer, right up until she woke up shamelessly, if the sound of footsteps didn't alert you to the presence of someone approaching.
You looked over your shoulder and resisted the urge to groan in annoyance as a familiar greasy looking wanna thug swaggered into the clearing.
"So this was where you were you little fucker," Saizou sneered at you, his eyes dropping to Moka's form and ogling her form lustfully, "And Moka's here too, having a little nap by the looks of it. Hope you enjoyed your time with her punk, because you're gonna get it and when she wakes up, it'll be with my cock in her."
As he finished speaking, his body began to bulk outwards and grow, his school uniform ripping apart to reveal a hulking, bulging mass of muscle, his torso covered in spikes, while his tongue grew disgustingly long and began dripping with saliva.
You snorted as you took him in, gently easing Moka down onto the ground and standing up, turning around to face him.
"Not running away, you little fucker?" the massive bulging mess of muscle that as Saizou sneered, "Least you have some balls, I'll give you some props for not running away from an Orc like me! Not that they'll do you any good once I rip em' off and feed them to ya' though!"
You snorted, "Heh, and here I thought you couldn't get any uglier you greasy fuck."
"What did you say to me you little bastard!" Saizo's beady eyes went wide with outrage and he roared, jumping towards you and lashing out with a massive fist, putting all his weight ad strength behind it.
You lifted your hand up and lazily caught it in your palm, stopping it in its tracks. The ground cracked and buckled beneath your feet from the force of the blow.
"Is that it?" you asked, your voice utterly bored.
"W-what the hell! How? Why!? What are you?" It was amusing to see all that bluster in vicious, evil cunt of a monster drain out so fast and turn into terror, "How are you so strong?!" he demanded in a panic, trying to tug his arm from your grip, uselessly at that.
As far as Moka was above you, you were that much and more beyond him. "Push ups, sit ups and plenty of juice." you remarked, smirking.
"W-what?" he gaped.
"In other words, I'm not a little soy boy bitch like you," you added, before narrowing your eyes, murderous intent filling you, "Goodbye Saizou." and with that last goodbye, you opened your mouth and spewed out a gout of flame.
Saizou began to scream as your fire breath seared into him, burning him alive. At this rate, he would wake up Moka. And while you were waiting for that, this wouldn't be a nice sight for her to wake up to, especially with how king the pink haired Moka was.
Using your grip on his huge meaty fist, you pulled him into you and drove a rising roundhouse kick into his jaw. You felt his bones shatter under the force of it, and his teeth become shards, before the impact lifted him up off of the ground and sent him flying off into the distance above the tree line.
'Now then.' With that done, you dusted your hands off and turned back towards Moka, preparing to make your way over to her and get back into your comfortable position with her straddling you, you weren't going to lie, you kinda wanted to see her reaction to it.
Only to pause when you saw her eyelids flicker, and her to begin groggily awakening, "..Kai?" she muttered dazedly, sitting up and rubbing her eyes.
"Right here Moka." you tossed her a wave as you answered, making your way over to her.
As soon as she looked at you, her eyes landed on you, her face exploded into flame, a deep red flush that was practically emitting steam, "" she stuttered.
Hmm. "So you remember what happened?" you asked, intrigued.
"Mmmm," she nodded lightly, before clasping her cheeks with her hands, "...You and my inner self from the seal were fighting...and then you let her drink your blood and you grabbed and played with our butt."
"That's about right, yeah," you grinned lightly at her, "Sorry, not sorry."
Moka's cheeks puffed up and she sent an embarrassed pouty glare at you, " pervert."
You chuckled, before lifting your hand and tugging on the collar of your school shirt, exposing your neck, "Well, would it make it up to you if I let you drink my blood as well?" you teasingly asked. The drain you'd felt from the Inner Moka drinking your blood had already mostly been dealt with by your increased recovery rate as a monster, so you didn't mind giving her another shot from the tap.
"...It would help." she answered quickly, looking away to hide her own eagerness.
Chuckling, you walked over and sat back down on the rock, patting your lap, "Well come on then, I've got the best seat in the house for you."
She hesitated, but only for a moment before she shyly got to her feat and sat back down on your lap, winding her arms around your neck, "...Don't grab my butt this time please." Moka said, face still flushed.
"Alright, I won't grab your amazing ass again until you give me permission, okay?" you replied teasingly.
Interestingly, she only nodded, before leaning down and licking your neck on the other side from where her silver haired counterpart had, and sinking her teeth into your neck, "Capu-chu~"
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