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40% Code Geass: The Atonement / Chapter 2: Gaining a Geass

Chapter 2: Gaining a Geass

"C.S what is a Geass? Why does my right eye sting so much? Why can't I see the world around me that well, WHAT IS GOING ON"

Theo's entire body tensed up as fell to the floor, leaving him unable to move at all, all he could feel was the wind blowing against his body and the cold breeze that came with it.

C..S finally responded with"Geass is a supernatural ability which certain people can bestow upon others, in our case I gave you the ability from the lottery system. Geass manifests itself differently in each individual, possibly related to their inner desires and personality. The power of Geass increases with use and should the user lack the willpower, they may be consumed by it. The issue you are having right now is you didn't gain the ability to use a Geass in a natural contract so your body is rejecting the power strongly, eventually your body and the Geass will find a balance, until then the pain you are feeling will only increase, prepare for the worst."

Theo began to laugh gently as the pain was getting a lot worse than he thought possible, his laughter travelled softly with the wind into the cold night.

Theo awoke to the sounds of birds chirping a subtle song and the rays of the sun on his face, he began to panic as his senses came back to him. He looked scanned the room with his left eye as he was still unable to use his right one, at this moment in time he couldn't even open it.

The room around him was extremely empty, only a table and a single chair were in it other than the bed he was occupying. The walls had a dark grey paint on them that was peeling off, the floor had a worn red carpet on it and the door in the room was on its last hinges.

Theo thought that wherever he is, was struggling financially or he was trapped in some sort of prison, he heard voices approaching his door and pretended to still be asleep in order to listen into the conversation. Two men and a little girl entered the room, the men wore looks of suspicion as they glanced at Theo's 'sleeping' body while the girl had a look of fear, the stories of the Britannian's military brutality had spread even to remote villages like this one.

One of the men said to the other "It maybe best if we kill him off before he wakes, he may have comrades looking for him, if they find him here in this state they may wipe out the entire village." The other man agreed with his suggestion and one of them moved towards the body of Theo with a knife in hand and went to stab at him, on reflex Theo just about rolled out of the way of the knife, the blade glanced past his arm as he landed on the floor in front of the two men.

Startled, the two men walked backwards as Theo's right eye opened suddenly opened and the world froze around him. A system notification rang in his head, the notification surprised Theo as he was not aware that this type of quest even existed.

*Hidden quest completed: Obtain your first Geass. Reward: +2 to all stats, 50 exp, Shop function unlocked, Class: Geass user unlocked and you gain 50GC *

"C.S can you explain about my Geass and why the world has frozen, also what is the Geass user class?"

C.S responded "Your Geass is called the Soul Devouring Geass, it allows the user to drain the life force from selected targets within a certain radius adding it your own life force, restoring your health as well as accessing a portion of their memories and experiences. I have no idea why the world is frozen, the only logical reason I can think of is that another Geass user has used their Geass to freeze time. The Geass user class gives you more control over your Geass and allows you to control more than one Geass in your body. I recommend that you upgrade this class consistently to reduce the chance of your Geass consuming you. You can use your GC that you got to by new skills and abilities in the unlocked shop section however their prices are pretty big so it is recommended you work for the abilities rather than buy them."

Theo tried to work it over in his head and asked C.S to display his status so he could apply his newly gained exp.

*Host's Status*

Name: Theo Thornrow

Health: Body Functions: normal, need food and water.

Class: Noble (Lvl 1 0/50exp) Special Forces(lvl 2 0/100exp) Geass User (lvl2 0/100exp)

Attributes: Strength:3 Agility:5 Constitution:5 Charisma:3 Willpower:5 Intelligence:21

Languages Known: Britannian, Korean, Chinese

Geass Abilities/Skills: Soul Devouring (Lvl 1 0/50exp)

Passive Abilities/Skills: No Sleep(Lvl 1 20/150exp)

Combat Abilities/Skills: Knife Mastery (Lvl 1 0/50exp)

Empire management Abilities/Skills:

*Geass User Class upgraded, gained 5 willpower and 1 extra slot for a Geass. Training your Geass has become easier.*

Time resumed and Theo turned to the little girl and said" Leave this building now, what you will witness if you stay will scar you for life, these men attacked me and must pay with their lives."

The two men began to laugh and said" He is right, what we are going to do to him is too graphic for you to see, go and get the others so we can bury him when we are done."

The girl left the building and the two looked at Theo and saw him smiling like a Tiger looking at his prey, in his right eye a blue symbol shaped like a bird flying flew at the two men and entered their eyes. As soon as the symbol made contact with them their eyes became filled with the symbol and their bodies began to shake at a rapid pace and slowly began to wither, it looked as if they were ageing from thirty years old to one hundred years in a matter of seconds. Their muscles began to evaporate, their hair fell out onto the floor, their teeth fell from their gums and littered the floor. A pure white orb of energy was pulled out of their bodies and it floated into Theo's body. He felt his body become slightly stronger as well as the memories of the two men flooding into his brain, his mind began to process the new information, he was in a small Korean village in a mountain range not far from the sea.

The next mission that came in surprised him drastically, he never expected his grand empire would begin here...

*Main mission issued: Take over the Village, establish the beginnings of your empire here. Rewards: Memory fragment, Random empire ability and 100 exp.*

Theo smiled at the mission rewards and thought 'I may start to remember who I am as well as further develop my abilities.'

"C.S show me what I gained from using my Geass on those two men, also add any gained experience to the special forces class"

C.S responded "As you wish".

*Host's Status*

Name: Theo Thornrow

Health: Body Functions normal, need food and water.

Class: Noble (Lvl 1 0/50exp) Special Forces(lvl 2 50/100exp) Geass User (lvl2 0/100exp)

Attributes: Strength:3 Agility:5 Constitution:5 Charisma:3 Willpower:10 Intelligence:21

Languages Known: Britannian, Korean, Chinese

Geass Abilities/Skills: Soul Devouring (Lvl 2 0/100exp)

Passive Abilities/Skills: No Sleep(Lvl 1 20/150exp)

Combat Abilities/Skills: Knife Mastery (Lvl 1 30/50exp)

Empire management Abilities/Skills:

Theo smiled and went to leave the building he was in, he wanted to make amends for whatever crimes he committed in his previous life however he still had principles he followed. He would only take life if his life or his followers life was in danger unless mercy endangered his people in any way. He would not rule to harshly or to kindly, he would put his nations interests before his own and he would unite the world under his banner.

mccallam48 mccallam48

will be edited at a later date.

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