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[Chapter 2]

We pulled up to the school and after a kiss on the cheek she let me go inside, luckily I still had muscle memory of where the classroom was so it didn't take me to long to find. Going inside the class was half full but what caught my eye was a person who was sitting in the room, my eyes went a little wide not believing what I was seeing at the moment.

Sitting at the front of the class was a bushy haired girl, it wouldn't be surprising if it wasn't for the fact that she has a distinct face, it was obviously Hermione Granger sitting there. She looked like the actress in the movies only with slight buck teeth if the little jut on her lip showed how big they were.

Like she could feel my stare she looked over and my face went blank, she didn't catch it but she did look at me with a funny expression and remembering that I was a loner I could tell why. I used Occlumency to school my expression before walking over and taking the seat next to her that was also next to the window, looks like I was going to make my first friend.

"Hi I am Daniel Sharman." I said with a smile and hand stretched to her after setting up my school stuff.

She looked left, right and behind herself before she realized that I was actually talking to her, it was actually cute to see but sad since I knew she was in the same boat as me. "Hermione Granger. Pleasure to meet you but may I ask why are you talking to me..... you have never talked to anyone before. Let alone a know it all like me." She said the last part quietly but I still heard every word she said.

My smile never broke but I was a little mad, "Well I figured I should make some friends since I have none and thought why not ask the cute girl who looks smart."

My words stunned her if her eyes going wide was any indication, "Friends?! Cute?!" Her cute little chubby cheeks went pink hearing the words but she tried to calm herself down enough to talk, "You want to be friends with me?"

"Of course unless you don't want to be?" I asked hesitant in tone, I was discovering that I may be mature but there were parts of me that was acting child like.

"No I want too!" She said quickly with a bright smile on her face before she covered her mouth.

"Huh? Why are you covering your mouth?" which was obvious since it was her teeth but I wasn't going to say that.

"Well... people always laugh at my teeth and I-I don't want you to do it too." She said looking at me with wry eyes.

"But I already saw them. They aren't funny to me." Alright well it seems like I needed to help her with her confidence since she was always being put down by other kids.

"Ahh would you look at that Bucky Hermione is talking to the loner." A big kid said pointing at us from the back, he was big in the sense of being fat not in the sense of height.

Hermione looked down her face covered by her bushy hair, "Well at least we aren't fat like you. Is that a mustard stain on your shirt? Don't you shower before coming to school piggy?!" I said sticking up for her and myself, I saw her look at me and I smile winking at her.

The room was quite and the boy who I yelled at face was red and he stood like he was going to charge me but the teacher chose that moment to walk into the room to start the lessons. Hermione gave me a blinding smile before she payed attention she would nudge me every time I would zone out and look out the window, one funny face though and she left me alone.

Free Time/Lunch....

"You need to pay attention in class. This is important you will need to know this all later in life." Hermione lectured me while we were in the lunch hall sitting alone at a table.

"Sorry Mione but that is my style. This is how it is going you are going to be the brains with that incredibly big one you have while I am the man behind the scenes supporting you." I said while popping a chip into my mouth.

"No you need to listen to the teacher, what will you do if you don't get into a good university?" she asked pout and puffing out her cheeks ignoring the food on her plate.

"Simple if nothing good happens in life then I will marry you and you can support me while I raise the kids." I said shamelessly, we are still only nine at the moment so those words don't have a big impact on her.

Rubbing her forehead she sighs, "Fine but you still need to try harder."

"Just stick with me Mione. By the time I am done with you then you will be spending more time having fun then listening to teachers and reading books. We are friends now so we need to take interest in each others hobbies." Plus I wasn't going to let her join the two idiots who wanted to go around and investigate every little thing that bumped at Hogwarts, to much work.

She glared at me a little before nodding in agreement then she went to eating her food, we spent the entire lunch telling each other about our lives until this point. She was sad to hear about my parents and I got one of her famous hugs which felt amazing, that was the best hug I have ever gotten.

After we went to the playground where she wanted to play doctor, not dentist like her parents but doctor, it was mainly her doing check-ups on me though since she wanted to be the doctor. In the middle of playing the fat kid came over and the first thing he did was push her over, she was in the middle of checking my ears without equipment.

"Bug off Bucky Hermione before we get the girls on you again." He said with his friends laughing from behind him.

Before anyone could do anything though I punched him right in the nose, he went down like a sack of potatoes with blood coming out of his nose, his friends and Hermione were staring at me wide eyed, "Don't ever touch her again piggy or call her names or I will punch you again." I said while looking down at him, none of his friends moved to help him.

The commotion drew the attention of a teacher who rushed over and asked what happened, they all said it was us who started it but Hermione was really outspoken about it not being true. After leaving the playground the day went on as normal but the parents of Hermione, Peter (Fatty), and mine were called to talk about our behavior.

When they got there we were still sitting in the class and Aunt Gwen along with Hermione's parents were clearly shocked about this, when she came in Aunt Gwen checked me over. "I called all the parents in and kept your kids back to let you know that there was a fight on the playground today and it involved these three." Our teacher said to the shock of the parents.

Hermione's parents were the most shocked looking at her with surprised faces but they listened as we told the story again with the piggy jumping in to defend himself like he was right. I saw the Grangers looking at me with thankful eyes while my Aunt looked proud for what I did for her, we were all left off with a warning though since we are just kids.

"Thank you again Daniel for sticking up for our daughter." Rose Granger said while giving me a hug much like her daughter.

"Yes thank you for being there for our daughter and not letting those bullies tease her." Hector said nodding along.

"No problem. Hermione is my friend so of course I needed to help her, plus they were after me anyway so they didn't need to mess with her." I said with a smile while patting Hermione's head who was standing next to me, she smiled and hugged me while the grown ups laughed.

They talked for a little before we had to go home, Hermione gave me a big hug before leaving looking reluctant to leave with her parents and wanting to stay more with me. Laughing a little I got into my aunts car, "I am so proud of you Daniel, not only did you stick up for a friend you actually made one today. Keep this up and you will have a lot more in school."

"Thanks Auntie Gwen." I said with a smile not taking her words seriously I could only be friends with Hermione and that was because she was already smart.

"Well I am going to take you home, there is already something there to eat. I might be home late because of a meeting so make sure to be in bed at the right time, if I come home and you aren't properly ready for bed you will be in trouble." she told me while dropping me off at home before she took off back to her office.

Going into the house I sat there and thought about what to do, the name Tony Stark was something from Marvel but that wasn't confirmed yet it could just be that he is in this world. There was also no way for me to actually look it up and see if that is true or not so all I could do was scratch that off the list.

In my inventory I still had a Polyjuice Potion of myself and also 10million pounds, which could be used for later in my life like setting up accounts for stocks but I didn't know anything about those. If only I could get to the leaky cauldron it would be easier cause I could use the goblins but I wasn't sure if I could make it there in time or not.

Ahh! How could I forget something so important..... "Are there any House Elf's out there who are free and willing to serve me?" This was a toss up since it wasn't in the books or movies but fanfics but seeing my current life then why not.

*POP* One showed up in my living room right in front of me the large black eyes and floppy ears in all, it was a young one compared to the ones I saw in the movies, "Nissy is willing to serve if Mister would have Nissy." she spoke out but there was a lot of hope in her eyes.

"Great how do we get this done then?" I asked bouncing with some excitement about this.

She explained about just touching her head and creating the connection, when my magic formed with her at that time her eyes shined taking on some of my magic. I was stunned to know that she was actually close to death since she wasn't getting any magic from anyone, they could only last about a eighty years before they actually died without it.

"Alright Nissy, first thing first I need to go to Gringotts to check some things out, would you mind taking me to Diagon Alley here soon?" I said while standing up I needed to change first so no one would recognize me when I went there.

"Nissy would be happy to take Master Daniel to the Diagon Alley." She bounced with excitement.

"Okay well I am going to change my clothes then we can set off." I told her while running up the stairs to change my clothes, it wasn't always bad to go in secret to do things.

Once I was ready I took Nissy's arm and she popped us there, the place was straight out of some fantasy novel, with things flying around and wizards in robes everywhere. It matched my expectations but seeing as I still needed to go and do other things I didn't worry about that at the moment and went straight to the bank.

Ignoring the warning out front I went inside and saw that their were signs to lead you to what you in the place, I followed the one that lead to the exchange desk. Along the way I got some looks since I was a kid in a hoodie covering my face but no one stopped me, going right to the teller he made it quick and I was three hundred Galleons richer.

"Hi can you help me with some investments?" I said after going to the desk for it, the teller looked at me slowly then he called someone to take me to a private room.

"My name is Griphook, I will be you manager for you stocks. Do you have a vault with us or will you be needing one." He asked when we sat inside a private room, they charged ten Galleons for this but it was better then everyone knowing my business.

"No I need a vault with you. Also I will be investing a lot of muggle money today since I didn't bring anything else with me. Also is there a way that I can do an inheritance test?" I said in one breath.

"Alright we can get you a vault for a hundred Galleons, and don't think this is over charging usually we wouldn't even be doing this for a minor but since you are a Muggle we are allowing it." Griphook said while moving papers around, "And it will be another hundred for the inheritance test."

I had no problems with it and dropped him the money, after giving him a list of what I wanted to invest in her told me that he would be my manager of the account and Vault. Next was the inheritance test which was simple just a drop of blood on one of their parchments that they hard ready for this type of situation.

The paper flashed lightly before his eyes went wide, "What the Fu-----"

FallingStarssux FallingStarssux

Well I am going the Hermione route but since he will have two titles then I will add one more woman, not that he will be a lord to any house.

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