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The Apocalypse and the body

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Early morning, Acnologia was looking at his room ceiling absentmindedly, well, that's the only thing he can do when everyone is sleeping, not having a body doesn't require him to sleep since he is conscious at all times. However, this doesn't apply to his partner at the moment.

To his left side, Irene has taken Acnologia's left side as he body pillow, deep in her slumber, fully naked under the blanket, but hey, after what both of them did last night, being naked with Acnologia is the least thing to worry about.

"Mm" Irene shifted in her sleep as she heard the birds near the window chirp, she moved her face and buried it beside Acnologia's neck, trying to hide from the light and noises.

Acnologia let her rest for a bit before finally, he decided it was time to leave the bed.

"Noo~" Irene whined when she felt Acnologia leave the bed.

"Don't start crying, you had enough sleep."

Irene grunted "I haven't slept for 300 years, what enough sleep you are talking about?" She argued back with her eyes closed.

Acnologia tilted his head "Doesn't the human body die from lack of sleep?"

"Yes, Normal human body, not mine. I don't need sleep, but my body take great pleasure from it, and also gives a mental relief." Irene replied as she shifted in her place "So, Come back to bed, just a few minutes more."

"No, let's go!" Acnologia denied her request.

"Please, I am begging you!" Irene opened her eyes and reached for Acnologia who was near the bed "Just come back! Please!" She spoke softly, her eyes threatened to cry.

Acnologia frowned before he let himself be used as a body pillow once more. Well, it wasn't a bad thing anyways.

Later, After Irene finally woke up and took her morning shower, the couple finally left their champer.

"Get ready, we will head to Ramiris' cave to create your body, it may get chaotic." Irene said as she stretched while walking alongside Acnologia.

"Ok, let's leave immediately. I'll inform the others then."

Sensing that almost everyone was at the Great Hall, Acnologia and Irene made their way to them.

"Rimuru!" Acnologia called.

Hearing tye call, not only Rimuru responded, every higher up of Tempest responded. Rimuru, Benimaru, Gaberu, Shuna, Shion, Hakuro, Regurdo, Belsar(Irene's Dragon Commander), Ranga, Gobuta.


"I will be leaving the city for a moment." Acnologia said.

Immediately"understanding" Acnologia's words, Rimuru nodded seriously "Don't worry, enjoy your honeymoon!" He said.

"Ah! That's not what I meant." Acnologia wanted to clarify but seeing that everyone had stars looking at the couple, he was speechless.

"Oh yeah!" He then heard Irene exclaim "There was something like that, a Honeymoon! We should do that!" She said.

"No! No more wasting time!" Acnologia spoke seriously, denying all notions of that matter.

"Eh? But every married couple go to their Honeymoon. Why not us?" Irene responded, she sounded sad and disappointed.

"Oi! Brother!" Rimuru quickly grabbed Acnologia and took him to a corner "What do you mean no Honeymoon? Don't you understand that Honeymoon is a very important thing in marriage."

"But I want her to make me my body, I don't want to waste time anymore. We were just heading out to make it." Acnologia said.

"Great! Then after she makes your body, on your way back, make sure you stop by some cities to sightsee, rent a hotel room, buy her stuff. Ok?" Rimuru spoke cheerfully.

"But I don't have any money." Acnologia spoke his sad truth.

"..." Rimuru was speechless, thankful no one was able to hear that "...You are THE KING!! What do you mean you have no money?"

"I mean, I never held a single coin in my life."

"Here take this." Rimuru's hand spat out a handful of gold coins he usually keeps on him. Tempest while still need city, is also very rich, so money for the brothers isn't a problem. "Enjoy your honeymoon, alright? Buy her sweet stuff, trust me."

"...Fine. " Acnologia opened his palm and all that money was sucked into nothingness. "Alright everyone, I'll be leaving for sometime, Rimuru is in charge while I am gone. If something dangerous happens, contact me." He turned and announced to everyone. Those here the higher ups of Tempest that manage all of the city's affairs.

"As you wish!"

"Before we go. Rimuru, can u turn into your slim form?" Irene quickly spoke and walked towards Rimuru who didn't give it much thought and transformed back "What do you need?" He asked.

Irene pinched his body and pulled part of him like a jelly "I need some of you to use as materials container, remember?" She said.

"Ooh!" Due to his pain resistance, Rimuru didn't mind at all, that part will regenerate within a few seconds.

"Take as much as you need." He said cheerfully.

Irene's eyes flashed as she said "Well, Don't mind me then!" She said as she took more, for a moment scaring Rimuru as he saw his body parts getting sucked into a black box.

"Let us go." Acnologia gestured for Irene after she was done "Follow me." She said.

Quickly, the couple took off flying to the sky in moderately normal speed, but to the normal person, they were like a bullet, meaning, you can only see a little blur and wind pressure follows after them.

Soon, they reached the cave "Still looking like a cave for trolls as ever. Can you believe that this was once the home of fairies?" Irene spoke as she tapped her staff on the ground.

"Times change, things change." Acnologia responded with a faint sigh. "Though, I used to live in places like this." He said.

"Aah~" Irene chucked in understanding "Well, let us start. Sit down here in the middle, leave your body and expose your soul." Irene made a circle and pointed for Acnologia to sit in the middle.

Acnologia's body faded and only his blue soul remained, he waited patiently as Irene took out the black box where she kept all the materials and essence they collected.

She placed the slime body parts near Acnologia "Enter inside the slime." She said, Acnologia did that, making the slime part bloat and shine like a blue orb.

Irene then placed each of the essence inside a part of a slime and put them on the circles end.

After confirming that everything was in place, she took her staff and and let it float on top of Acnologia "Be ready." She said, her aura started to rise, vast magical energy surrounded the place, the circle that was on the ground, seeming like children's drawings, quickly started to be detailed, magic seals started to appear and glow, booming with power, all the essences started to tremble in their slime container, if not for that, they would have dispersed, slowly, those essences were connected by the magic circle, and all connected to the middle.

As if knowing what they should do, the essences started to crawl towards the middle, where Acnologia was waiting, with a completely relaxed mind. Slowly and steadily, everything connected. And in a moment, everything joined and stated fighting inside the slime body, making Acnologia's soul bear the burden.

The cave itself started glowing and shaking, small life forms started emerging from the cave walls, spirits started to circle around Acnologia, not afraid, very attracted to him. Seeing him going such trail, they only wanted to help him. So they laughed and helped him to reach his goal.

"Don't worry, just tolerate it " Irene said as she focused on keeping everything working.

Darkness and Light fought, rejection each other, however, Nature was there, being a link between light and darkness, it managed to hold them together. Nature is neither evil nor good, it can be anything, which is why Darkness and light were absorbed by it. After that, the supreme essence that is now a mix between the three, only found Acnologia's soul near, as if knowing what to do. The essence started accelerating like a magic bomb, expanding the body, surrounding the soul, echos of cracking and breaking could be heard, the slime body started to take shape, it was at its limit, the shape started to get more detailed and colors stared to appear. Bones, organs, muscle, skin, Arms, Legs, head. A human body was being made.

"Argh!" And for the first time, it grunted, uttering it's first voice in the world, hair started to grow from its bald head, taking the color of blue, skin brown, and eyes green, the color of nature.

And finally, it was done. A complete human body stood in the middle of the cave. Spirits faded to their homes and the only ones remained are Acnologia and Irene who finally breathed and fell on the ground to rest.

Her staff fell on Acnologia's head though.

Seeing her exhausted like this, Acnologia walked to her and helped her stand up "It's done." She said as she felt his touch on her body.

"Should have brought clothes with us." Acnologia said as he held her close to him by her arm.

Irene only laughed "Haha! We sure should have." She said. Her eyes drifted down at Acnologia, seeing her look down, her followed her gaze, her gaze fell on his little bro down there.

She looked up at him and smirked "Thank me later!" She said.

Acnologia sighed "Much appreciated!"

His little bro, wasn't little.

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