Before the two of them knew it, they arrived at the proud University of Summeria and the two ladies stepped out of the carriage. It was beautiful and consisted of several tall and large buildings that looked like they reached the tip of the skies.
"Castile is densely populated and several people, even outside of Summeria visit here to acquire the services that we proudly offer to those who seek to learn and study, among others."
Lady Rose Goodwin recited all of the information as if she knew all of them by heart, and it was something that Elise couldn't help but admire.
The people that Loriel knew were truly talented.
"Of course, the university is not only what I'm referring to, Your Grace." Lady Rose smiled and walked forward. "We are also the proud holders of a body of knowledge that most kingdoms can only dream of."
Elise raised a brow, but immediately got what she was implying. "A library?"
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