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Yugakure, The land of Hot Water

In the middle of the night, a woman could be seen on a table holding the hand of a men, who could be her presume lover. Sweat would drip down from her face as they were clean off by an older woman with a soft fabric. A Candle flame was flickering in the wind, almost ready to be blown off.

Groans and moans of pain could be heard as the woman pushed a small delicate baby, who would be picked up by the older woman. wails and shrieks came from the baby has he was hit on his bottom. Soon after the baby was cleanse from the blood of the woman, he was reunion with his mom, who would gently rock him until the baby fell as sleep.

The presume father who was holding the woman hand, suddenly spoke " What should we name him?"

The woman gently caresses the baby face, with her warmth gaze. She replied with a soft frail voice " Hakuin" as she softly closes her eyes, falling asleep.

The men noticing her soft snores, he backs away and head back to the new leader of the village. The newly leader, could be seen at his desk, filling out paperwork. The bane of all kage for its dread is all well known. The kage looks up at his old friend, he begins to speak.

"Datiku, have you found him? My son, Patorikku?"

Datiku shakes his head, as he replies " No, lord Takahiro, no seen of him or any news as if he disappeared." A moment of silence soon descended onto the two men; it was soon broken.

Datiku spoke " The war is almost over, soon talk of peace will begin"

Takahiro response " Soon my plan will commence, and will it truly bring peace to this village"

Datiku sighs " Lord kage, many people oppose to this plan, especially those elders who are favor in war."

Takehiro get himself up and walks to a window that show cases the whole village. "Those elders are nothing but old short sided fools, they only care for pillaging and wealth. But do they ever cared about death of ninjas who fight and bleed for the village".

Datiku sighs again " Many thinks that their ninja way, to die for the village" as he walks away from the kage office.

Takehiro whispers " I will bring this village to a new era of peace", but none was there to hear of his declaration.

A few years passes and the war finally came to an end. Hakuin as finally became three years, thus enjoying his birthday among his friends. He could be seen playing tag with older kids, named Hidan as his Silver hair could be spotted among the few other kids.

Hakuin Mother could be seen on their house porch as she is creating a few clothes for her child. As for his father, was nowhere in sight , for he was busy with task given by their lord kage. Hakuin was chasing Hidan into woods without realizing they were getting further and further from the village.

Hakuin soon stops as he realizes that he was nowhere near the village, nervously he calls out to Hidan who is still unaware.

Hakuin " Umm hidan , I think were lost?'' has he timidly says

Hidan replies " bah, don't be such a baby, come let me show you something cool". as he grabs Hakuin hand as they both go towards Hidan destination.

A giant canyon could be seen with bones along with mist that would be covering the place. Hakuin accidently steps onto a bone, as he jumps in fear, only to realize it was a bone of a creature. Hakuin shakes his head, as he boldly explores the dangerous area.

At the village Hakuin mother could be seen franticly looking for hakuin as she shouts out for him. Only to receive no answer, fearing for the worst, she rushes to go tell her husband to go find their son. The husband begins to put out a search team, as they rush into the woods, tracking their footsteps.

Unknowing the trouble he would be in, Hakuin was slowly following after Hidan carefully stepping on the ground, scared of stepping on a snake or other animal. They soon came across of many dead people, laying on the floor with various kunai knife lying around. Freak out, Hakuin and hidan soon rushes out, coming in front of a group.

The group in front were in black robs, covering every part of their body with no sign of any ninja head band. One steps in front, as he spoke in a raspy fanatic tone.

Fanatic worshiper " DO you wish hear our lord???"

Both children a bit freak out as they back away slowly.

The fanatic grows madder by each second " are you rejecting our lord Jashin?? our savior ??" As the group begin to circle the two kids, with each look of a fanatic believer.

The leader of the fanatic "you too will do well in serving our great almighty jashin" as he rises his arms in the air, as he gives the signal for the group to pounce onto the kids.

The Hakuin begin to throw a fit, as he tried to break away from the grasp of the fanatic. While Hidan was standing, unbothered from being grappled, almost as if he already becoming a deep believer.

Soon a group of Yugakure Ninjas a appear while the father of hakuin stood at the front, the father seeing his child struggle at the hand of this group.

he shouts " What the fuck you doing to my child" as he rushes into the group to fight the fanatics.

Soon a melee fight erupts between the two group, As the Yugakure were throwing Justus, only for the fanatic to be alive with arms or a leg blown off, as they were crazily praising their lord Jashin.

The father grabs Hakuin and Hidan throwing them at the group of ninjas, he shouts a command " leave, ill deal with this, and warn the kage" as he rushes toward the group buying some time .

The group of ninjas make a retreat while Hakuin screamed "daddy nooo" while kicking and trying to save his dad.

Only to get a chop on his neck, slowly losing conscious as he sees his father being pierced with swords and Kunai knifes. Forever being burned into his mind, for the flame of fury would awaken.

Emmanuel_Reyes Emmanuel_Reyes

Hey author here, ill probably update this once a week, until I'm finished with my other book. If your curious, check them out, their called Ark in multiverse and The great armor slayer in skyrim.

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