At 7 am, the birds are chipping. The fresh air with a calm breeze.
"Good morning Nic!", greetings from Micky.
"Good morning Micky".
Micky asks, "Where's Joe?"
Nic says, "He went out early at 6 am."
Nic asks, "Micky did Joe give you any other schedules besides being my bodyguard cum driver?"
Micky says, "No, that's what I am employed for. Micky continues to say Joe mentioned to me I will follow your schedule, wherever you go I have to follow you."
Nic says, "Okay, come let's have breakfast."
The servants serve their breakfast and left them alone in the living hall.
Nic sees no one else around, and he says, "Today we will go buy gold after that deposit them in the safebox and we will have lunch and we will go to Mila."
Micky says, "Huh we are taking a plane? I don't have my passport with me."
Nic says, "No, we won't need to take a plane it's a beach near the southern part but it will take about 3 hours to drive."
Micky asks, "Which shop is Nic going to?"
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