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Friends in crime

Nancy and her daughter went to their usual restaurant. The staff there knew her well since she was a frequent customer. Nancy scanned the restaurant before picking a spot to sit with her daughter.

Nancy picked a menu and began going through.

"Mum, I want chips." Lydia said.

Nancy motioned the water to come to them.

"Give us some chips, a half chicken and mango juice. Then also pack for us the same for take away." Nancy ordered.

They two, mother and daughter were served and ate silently as Nancy watched a soap opera that airing on the restaurant TV.


Nancy was on her way back when she met the housing agent who had come to collect their rent. The date was 4th of that month and the deadline was 5th. She needed 11,000 for the bedsitter which was among the finest bedsitters in Mtwapa.

"I don't have money now." Nancy told the middle-aged man who had come to collect the rent.

"Tomorrow is the deadline." The man told her.

"I know." Nancy said.

"You know? Then get the money." The man said with a smile. Nancy laughed.

"Come back on 7th please, I will not have gotten money by tomorrow." Nancy said.

"You know so well if I come back on 7th you shall be charged 10% on top." The man said.

"I know." Nancy replied.

"Ok." The man said and walked away. He never joked with the ladies who lived in that plot since he knew they can easily lure someone.

Nancy got inside and had not even settled when her friend and neighbor knocked. She was a slim tall light skin lady from Makueni whose name was Daisy Kanini.

"Come in." Nancy said. Daisy came inside.

Nancy had just dropped her take away meal on the glass table when Daisy came in.

"Wow! right on time!" Daisy said and pointed at the food on the table.

"Leave that alone, it is for me and my daughter." Nancy said.

"Don't worry, I came to see you." Daisy said and threw herself onto the seat until the cushions fell on the tiled floor.

"Glad you came, I need some money and it is urgent. I have not paid my rent and the agent was here. I need 11,000 before tomorrow morning." Nancy said.

"Look at you, do I look like a walking bank? In fact, I am here to borrow some salt from you." Daisy said.

"Can't remember when I cooked last in my house." Nancy said but reached for some cupboards mounted on top of the kitchen sink. She opened and came out with a packet of salt which was halfway used.

"I am only cooking because I have a visitor. My boyfriend has come to visit and I do not have salt in my house and no money." Daisy said.

"Just ask your boyfriend to give you money, he should." Nancy said.

Lydia picked a remote and switched on the TV that was mounted on the wall, scrolled down the channels and stopped when she got to a channel that was showing some animations.

"This boyfriend of mine is forever broke. Every time he visits, he comes without any money sometimes I have to give him fare to go back to Nairobi." Daisy said.

"Then why do you still date him? did he bewitch you?" Nancy asked.

"I don't know." Daisy said. But she knew. Hey boyfriend whose name was Johnston Nyamanche hailed from Kisii. Despite being forever broke, he was the only man who was able to contain her carnal desires. But since he was broke and working at a construction site in Nairobi, Daisy had to get a sugar daddy to sustain her financially, man who he lied to Johnston that it was her uncle and he believed.

"I never keep broke men in my life. With my fine ass here what would I be doing with a broke man? I am not his mother." Nancy said with some pride.

"Glad you have an ass, what do I have to keep them salivating for me?" Daisy said and stood up. She turned around, made some dance to some imaginary song and headed for the door.

"Men go crazy for light skin girls." Nancy said and laughed.

"I wish I could attract a better man, but for now, let me stick to my Kisii bae." Daisy said.

"Ok, go and cook for your Kisii bae, remember to bring him to say hi to your neighbor." Nancy said.

"I will." Daisy said and left.

Nancy's daughter was so comfortable on her chair watching the television not knowing her mother was deeply thinking on how to obtain her rent before the end of the following day. She never wanted to be charged for being late but from time to time, she would get charged.

When evening came, Daisy knocked at Nancy's door. She was escorting her boyfriend who had not come sleep that day.

Nancy welcomed them to her house.

"This is my friend who I have been telling you about." Daisy introduced Johnston innocently. Nancy had never met Johnston but would only hear Daisy praising him from time to time.

"Pleasure to meet you." Nancy said as she greeted Johnston.

"We are on our way to the bus stop. Their bus leaves in a few minutes." Daisy said.

"It is ok. At least he knows you friend, someone who can host him for a few minutes when he comes and you are not yet home." Nancy said with a smile.

Daisy did not reply.

"Come honey, let us go before you get late." Daisy told Johnston.

As Johnston turned to go, Nancy did a quick analysis of him. Johnston was slightly shorter than Daisy but with a broad chest and large arms totally befitting of someone who works at a construction site. He had a small tattoo on his right bicep. He was dark skinned too. When he spoke, he had a deep calm voice. But it left her wondering: Why would she pick a man shorter than her?

Daisy escorted Johnston and returned to her house. The time was around 9 pm. She had just sat down to relax when she got a call from Nancy.

NANCY: Come to my place please, or should I come over?

DAISY: Stop wasting airtime, why call when you can just come and knock?

NANCY: Ok. I wanted to request a favor from you.

DAISY: I am coming over.

Daisy terminated the call and walked to Nancy's house.

"What is it?" Daisy asked.

"I want you to sleep with my daughter, here or there at your place. I want to go out tonight and see if I can get some money to pay rent. I really need that money." Nancy said.

Daisy smiled. She knew what Nancy was up to.

"I told you to leave your, "Daisy discreetly pointed at Lydia, "With your mother but you insisted you must live with her in town. Right now, my son is safe at home. When I sleep hungry here, he does not have to."

"My parents are poor and even sometimes rely on me. I do not want to burden them with my problems. I would rather do shit in town to sustain my child than leave her with my aging parents." Nancy said.

"Ok, what are you up to tonight?" Daisy asked.

"I will know when I get to the club, just take her, or sleep here with her. Please…" Nancy said.

"Of course, I never would say no. but we need to talk tomorrow when you come back." Daisy said.

"Ok. Deal." Nancy said.

Nancy turned to her daughter and asked her, "Will you sleep with auntie here or at her place?"

"Here." The little girl said without hesitation.

"Ok. She will come here. Let me go to work. I also want you to read hard and be a nurse like me when you grow up. I told you nurses also work at night because people never fail to get sick even at night." Nancy told her daughter.

"Are you going to give them injections?" Lydia asked her mother innocently.

"Yes," Nancy said, "I am going to treat them."

Daisy smiled at Nancy. Nancy winked.

knowing her mother was deeply thinking on how to obtain her rent before the end of the following day. She never wanted to be charged for being late but from time to time, she would get charged.


When evening came, Daisy knocked at Nancy's door. She was escorting her boyfriend who had not come sleep that day.

Nancy welcomed them to her house.

"This is my friend who I have been telling you about." Daisy introduced Johnston innocently. Nancy had never met Johnston but would only hear Daisy praising him from time to time.

"Pleasure to meet you." Nancy said as she greeted Johnston.

"We are on our way to the bus stop. Their bus leaves in a few minutes." Daisy said.

"It is ok. At least he knows you friend, someone who can host him for a few minutes when he comes and you are not yet home." Nancy said with a smile.

Daisy did not reply.

"Come honey, let us go before you get late." Daisy told Johnston.

As Johnston turned to go, Nancy did a quick analysis of him. Johnston was slightly shorter than Daisy but with a broad chest and large arms totally befitting of someone who works at a construction site. He had a small tattoo on his right bicep.

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