John brought her to the beach where they first spent the day together.
When she saw the sea her eyes filled with joy as she revived all the memories and the growth their relationship had.
She still remembered when he mentioned for the first time she was a supernatural creature but he couldn't figure out what and she was barely believing his assumption.
So many things have changed in her life, if she looked back at the person she was back then she could barely recognize her.
Her mindset, her values, and even her way to talk to people changed since then.
She removed her dress and sat on the shore lifting her petticoat. She sat enough afar from the sea to get only her fingertips wet from the waves.
John reached her running, "you don't even wait for me!" he complained even if his voice was quite amused.
Roselyn suffocated a laugh as she understood he indeed was right, she forgot about him and only minded about the sea.
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