"When you sent me a letter days ago about the snakes' invasion I wanted to go see myself what was happening so I smelled where the snakes were and when I found them I spied them for hours..." Jake said, at each word he said his voice lowered down a bit more as if he was going to say something crucial.
Jake kept staring right at John's eyes, he wished he could read through his mind so maybe he would spare himself to tell John what he discovered.
"Keep going." John indulged him to speak.
Jake swallowed down, "I found Ethan there, he was planning with the snakes. Giving them advice and telling them what your squad's weak points were."
John hearing Jake laughed loudly, took a breath relieved as he gestured with his hand, "stop it, I was truly getting concerned." John kept giggling but when he saw Ethan's face was still blank, his lips tightened into a thin line.
"I'm not joking, John."
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