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"Would you just relax Booker, there ain't anything there. The Jerrys are not crazy enough to fight an offensive especially in this weather. The war is about over...and with Superman's help we don't even have to do much!"

Looking over to his partner, Booker sighed and put down the binoculars in their fox hole.

"Damn it James, I don't get how you are always so calm in these situations. We are literally sitting here in our foxholes overlooking the German front lines. We gotta' be ready when they attack. I don't want to be caught with my pants down when a Jerry comes and shoots us."

James laughs loudly before patting his jittery friend on the back. He takes out a cigarette and offers one to Brooker.

"Here, this will calm you down."

"How the hell do you even get this?" Booker looks at him in surprise.

"Like how I get all my whiskeys, smuggling of course. The civilians that we liberated were more than happy to trade in a pack of cigs for some of our rations. Now come on, take one and relax."

Booker begrudgingly took the cigarette as James lit more for his buddy.

Feeling the nicotine do its job, James chuckles looking at Booker.

"So tell me again about this 'Superman'? Is he even real?"

"Real as real can be. I saw him with my own two eyes that day. When we first landed in Normandy on that dreaded beach. Many of us, myself included, knew that it was going to be a bloody fight. Hell, just from looking at the bunkers many of us prayed to God that we will live past that day. We all wished for some miracle and low uphold, Superman stood before us."

Booker pauses before continuing, his eyes in reverence.

"He flew right dab in the middle of the beach as the Jerrys let out their machine guns on him. To everyone's shock, none of the bullets even made a single scratch on him!"

Immersed in his friend's story, James looks expectantly.

"What did he look like? Some kind of alien?"

"No you idiot! He...looked human of course, but the things he did that day was no less than other worldly. He shot these red beams from his eyes across the bunkers and destroyed them in literal seconds. Next he flew around the beach alone subduing the Jerrys."

"Why do people call him Superman?"

"Well, he had a symbol on his chest that looks like the letter "S". It was catchy and eye appealing so most of us went with it. Anyway, Superman repeated this action all across the invasion and helped us secure the beach without any casualties. It was a miracle that saved many of us while also closing this war that much faster."

"Wow, that does sound crazy." James chuckles.

"Crazy or not, many of us could testify to this."

The two then sit in silence for a few minutes until James sees something that catches his eyes.

Across the snow laid forest, James seems to make out an outline of what appears to be several men.

"Hey let me see those binoculars right here."

Handing James the binoculars, Booker squints his eyes into the same direction that James was looking at. He too could see a couple of people across from their dugout.

"Hmmm… could be stragglers. They look German alright but they are unarmed and there are only about 20 or so of them."

"Hey let me see."

Handing him the binocular, James gets up from his foxhole to report his superiors.

Within the binoculars, Booker sees that they were all dressed in a standard black Nazi uniform with gas masks covering their faces. Looking at their sides, the group of German soldiers had no visible weapons at their disposal. Even if this was the case, Brooker was uneasy and his senses seemed to scream at him to run away.

But discipline overruled his fear as he gulped the saliva in his throat. Reaching for his rifle Brooker gets up when he feels a touch on his shoulder.

"Whoa, easy there soldier. Your friend here reported that there were some German stragglers?" A tall scruffy officer asks.

Booker nodded and handed the officer the binoculars.

After a few seconds, the officer confirmed their reports and signaled their defenses to be on alert. While it was only a small group of Germans, it was safer to be wary than to drop their guards down. It could very well be a trap, but from the looks of it, the German stragglers looked unarmed. Maybe he can interrogate these soldiers and get a promotion.

Smiling at the prospects of a promotion, the officer gathered a small force of American soldiers to intercept the unharmed German soldiers.

Unfortunately, Booker was one of the members in the unit. He and about 30 other Allied soldiers made their way from their foxholes and dugout to meet across the Arden Forest hill.

As they approached closer, the group of German soldiers stood still waiting for them to get close.

Standing before them, Booker's earlier fears seem to ring out in his head and stomach. His senses tell him to run away now. But still, Brooker had to swallow down this impending feel of doom and made himself walk.

"Jesus Brooker, your's so pale. Are you alright?" James says concern for his friend.

Brooker shook his head.

"I'm all right, just feeling under the weather."

James crossed his arms before going up to the officer. They seemed to be arguing over something before James took out a pack of premium cigarettes. The officer looks at James and back at him before nodding.

James comes back and pats his shoulder.

"Stay here for a while, the rest of us can go further and take in the prisoners while you wait here."

Booker then nods and sits down. He continues watching his unit walk closer to the German stragglers.

The confrontation started off well enough as the Allied translator seemed to be discussing something with the German soldier. But after a few minutes, the translator's eyes widened before looking at the officer. The American soldiers then tensed as they aimed their weapons.

Brooker's fears seemed to be rising as loud gunshots rang out.

The German soldiers that were shot did not flinch as they moved in quick motions unseen by the eyes.

Booker was seeing his squad members being cut apart by their hands.

'They are monsters.' Booker thinks out loud as he reaches for his gun. But before he is able to aim and take a shot, a burst of air is heard and in behind him stands a German soldier.

Feeling a tingle on his chest, Booker looks down to see an arm sticking out grasping his still beating heart. The world begins to darken as he lays down on the ground.

Loud artillery rounds can be heard seconds before closing his eyes.

In one last thought, Booker knows that the Allies were in trouble. But he still has hope that Superman can beat these Jerrys.


The German blitzkrieg was spearheaded by massive armor tank divisions with the newly created Nazi super soldiers.

The initial bombardment of artillery lasted for several minutes before the rumbling of tanks awoke the surprised Allied soldiers.

In a matter of hours, the 80,000 Allied soldiers were overrun by the sudden and swift full attack by the Germans. A particular unit of German soldiers acted as the frontlines with the armour tank division. Every single line of defense fell quickly as reports radio in.

In total, about 400,000 Germans made the offensive and they were now enclosing into the Belgin port city of Antwerp. According to Steve, if the German capture this port, they can effectively cut out the Allies supply line which spelt big trouble.

Diana and Steve arrived at the city in Belgium just in time. They were escorted to the headquarters.

Arriving before the American general, his expression was not pleased.

"I asked for reinforcements from the command center and they sent me a woman and one pilot? Is this some sick joke?" The general yells smacking his fist on the desk.

Diana raised her eyebrows at the old man and was about to speak when Steve cut her off.

"Don't worry about it princess, I got this."

Steve then turns to General Pattison.

"Look General, we are all you got. Headquarters is occupied fighting the German blitz corp and has no way to send more reinforcements. Fortunately, you won't need any reinforcements when you have the princess here."

General Pattison looks at Diana in question. He was old fashioned and did not believe a woman belonged in the battlefield, especially one as beautiful and young as the women before him.

"Look here girly, I'm not sure why…"

"Diana, my name is Diana and I am from Themyscira. I'm here with the help of Steve Trevor to assist you in fighting the Nazi."

"I frankly don't care who you are-"

Steve throws a rifle at Diana who catches it in mid air. She takes the rifle and bents it with no effort. Diana then places the bent rifle on top of the General's desk.

General Pattison clears his throat and looks at Diana with new found fear and respect. He heard a little bit about the so-called 'meta-humans' from his advisors. The appearance of a 'Superman' had made waves across Allies intelligence to now fully try to understand these people. He was one of the first to be declassified about this notion of people with extraordinary abilities living among them. Maybe this Diana was one of them.

"Alright, maybe you could help us. Come over here, I want to show you something."

The general then opens an envelope with pictures of a squad of German SS elites. They were fitted with a gas mask and dressed in all black.

"Fashionable." Steve mutters quietly.

"Very much so, these groups of Germans are single handedly crippling our defenses and wiping out full battalions of my soldiers. According to sources, they are also individuals with tremendous powers."

Diana looks at the pictures pondering before asking.

"Where is Superman?"

The general shrugged his shoulders.

"Do this task for me and I will tell you everything about Superman and his whereabouts."

Diana's eyes glower in slight anger as she contemplates using the lasso on the old man for the information. But realizing that trust is a strong foundation that needs to be built, she decides against it for now.

"Alright General, we'll help you fight against this squad of super soldiers. In return, we need fuel for the ship and information concerning the whereabouts of Superman."

A knocking then is heard from the door. A frantic soldier comes in, blood soaking from his sides as he opens his mouth from exhaustion.

"General, the death squad is back. They are killing our men right now!"

"Looks like that is our cue princess, let's do this job and get you to Superman."

"Thank you Steve, about this battle-"

"Nope, I'm coming with you. You need someone out there with you. I'll go even if you drag me into one of these cells."

Looking at the pilot, Diana sighs and smiles a little.

"Thank you, but be careful. If these people are as dangerous the General thinks they are, you run when I tell you to."

Steve nods his head agreeing. The small smile from Diana made him freeze up before he had to mentally slap himself. He didn't really have time to appreciate it until now, but Diana was a beautiful woman when she smiled. Steve wishes he can see more of it in the future.

"Sounds good."

JohnFrost JohnFrost

Hey guy, damn I've been busy as hell this week. Anyway thanks for reading!

Note : Don't worry, Steve Trevor is obviously not a potential love interest for Diana. More like a one sided crush as of now.

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