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Hey guys, I really do appreciate the feedback that I got. There were some concerns over the whole system and rpg like things. I really do apologize if it's off putting from the story, I'm a relatively new writer and basically this acts like a crutch for me. It makes it easier to have a sense of progression for the main character. I understand the concern and will be looking to tone down on that aspect. I'm probably going to make it like a training regiment until he gets to a certain level before it's gone. Maybe that's a good compromise.

-Another concern is "Harem." Honestly, I'm not so sure since that only person I have in mind is wonderwoman right now. I've always loved their dynamic and kinda wanted to see them together like an immortal and strong power couple. I'm open to more people if it fits the narrative but as of now, I'm not so sure and confident over a harem romance just yet!

-Growth Codex: yeah so basically what I had in mind with this is this acting as a system in conjunction with the AI(more info about this later). From what I understand, this cannon acts like a population control of some sorts that creates a class system for Kryptonians and selectively creates roles for individuals. In so, being infused with this, Kal-El is free to choose to become anything he wants. That's also going to play apart in the CLASS portion of the system. But some people are a little off put by this and I understand

-Superman's abilities: Sorry guys, superman is freaking strong as hell and if I forget some of his abilities please do mention. I'm pretty sure I can just edit in the extra info when needed.

I think that any more feedback is appreciated thanks. To be honest, I didn't really expect people to be reading this. I'm just sick of waiting for updates from my favorite authors on this website!


Chapter 3

Astra's eyes widen at the information table. Absorbing the information of his potential capabilities, Astra hovers over to the TRAINING section.


Flight or Fight : Learn how to achieve flight using unique Kryptonian bioelectric aura. Learning enough of this section will allow the individual to unlock the flight ability.

"Alright, let's start training with this." Astra has always been a training maniac, from an early age, he was able to absorb many of the training regiments of the amazons mixed with Greek fighting stances to hone his martial prowess. By around age 8 or 9, he was able to defeat many of the amazons who were many years his age. His only limiting factor that time was his height difference in which it was exploited since he was still small. But his strength even as a child was unrivaled. Which sort of makes sense now looking at the stats. If his current strength was only E-rank as of now, he wonders about his actual peak potential if there was any.

'Affirmative, please review the following demonstration within your mind. I will create a visual comparison for you to view and review.' His Ai says.

In his mind, he can see himself first squatting, then an aura of some sorts gathers along his body and materials begin to float steadily. With a burst of energy he sees himself blasts into the sky.

Seems simple enough Astra thinks to himself.

In so, he begins to ready himself into position. His legs planted into the sand, his eyes steady into the sky. He can feel energy rising within himself as suddenly he bolts straight into the sky. His eyes widen and blood pumps as his heart beats rapidly. He couldn't help but laugh in excitement as he reached the clouds. His fist balled and arm pointed straight at the sky. Unfortunately, in his premature excitement, his concentration waivers and he feels himself letting go. Unable to keep his fist balled, his arm loses it's form and his body begins to plummet back into the surface landing straight into the ocean water with a huge splash.

He spurts out the water from his mouth before swimming right back onto the beach.

Looking at his wet white tunic full of dirt and smudges from the beach he couldn't help but lament.

'Oh Hera, Mother will be furious.' Astra thinks before shaking his head.

Astra stretches and gathers himself once more. Before starting again however, a voice rings into his head.

'Gather your bearing and feel the bioelectric energy aura within you. Command as if it's an arm or a leg. Feel the energy from the sun shining down upon you. Concentrate Kal-El, you can do it.' The Ai voice mutters softly.

It was strangely warm hearing that from an Ai, but Astra concentrates his mind and kneels down. His fist points downward against the hard sand. Feeling the gentle warmth from the yellow sun makes him feel full of energy and vigor. Astra can feel an invisible force moving along his body. It acted as a barrier of some sorts and he is able to manipulate it. Slowly, the small pieces of sand around his body and fist begin to float steadily and swirl in a chaotic fashion. Feeling a strong burst of energy, Astra opens his eyes and his body once again shoots straight back into the sky. His balled fist pointing straight as his body moves along in it's direction. He reaches the clouds once again and this time he wasn't stopping. Going past the Earth's atmosphere, Astra finds himself in space viewing his 'home' planet at this perspective and it was spectacular.

Looking around him, he noticed that the environment of space doesn't affect him. Maybe it had something to do with his bioelectric aura or maybe his ability to absorb solar radiation. Whatever the case, he's not complaining.

Feeling the direct warmth of the sun, his body shimmers with energy and power. His eyes glow a red hue of energy.

HEATVISION(PARTIAL UNLOCKED) : Release massive solar energy stored within the body through the eyes. 'Partial unlocked skill' Due to the individual having blood of an ancient Kryptionian royal, the HEATVISION ability will be further upgraded through uses and experiences. There are restrictions in order to protect the individual from the potential backlash.

This was one of the known abilities that Astra saw within himself with the help of the codex.

'Hmm would you look at that, I wonder what other abilities I can unlock with just basking in the sun?'

Unfortunately he spoke too soon as loud voices rang in his ears. Astra can hear people talking, disturbances, machines working, clanking. Closing his eyes, his head is hammered in pain as his body struggles to contain all these new information from the trillions of lifeforms below him.

SUPER SENSES(UNLOCKED) : The five senses of smell, touch, hearing, vision, and taste are enhanced to extreme degree depending on the current strength of the user.

'Kal-El...listen to my voice. Block out those senses and focus on my voice. Similarly on how you were able to achieve flight, focus and block out those noises and senses.' His Ai says softly.

After some time, Astra was able to lessen the pain and block out the noises. Wiping the smudges of blood from his nose he looks at it in surprise. This was the first time he saw himself bleed.

'...You are strong Kal-El, being able to withstand that level of disturbance at your age.'

Astra remained still before turning back towards the sun. Seeing his own blood made him feel a little excited in a weird way. It shows that he was still alive and part of something. There were so many years when he felt alienated from the others at Themyscira, but he now feels a little closer to the people here on this planet.

Smiling for real in a long time, Astra turns around and bolts back into Earth, his tremendous speed creating a sonic boom as he reproaches the Earth's atmosphere.

Flight or Fight : Learn how to achieve flight using unique Kryptonian bioelectric aura. Learning enough of this section will allow the individual to unlock the flight ability. (Completed)

Astra couldn't help but smile widely at the notification. It has been quite a while since he can feel himself growing stronger. Despite those little setbacks in space, he feels a whole lot better. Reaching his secluded small stone house away from his sisters, Astra lays down on his hay bed. Even with the festival going on outside, he wasn't too sad about missing it now. He feels excitement to explore and grow stronger. Closing his eyes, Astra falls into a deep sleep.


Feeling a finger something poking his face, Astra sleepily nudges over to the other side of his bed.

"Astra...wake up…." Diana says stretching out her words loudly.

"Five more minutes"

Feeling someone jump on top of his back Astra let out a groan before nodding. Grabbing Diana off of his body he stands up stretching his body.

"...Astra did you get stronger?"

Astra raises his eyebrow. How did she notice?

"Y-You got stronger without me!" Diana rushes over and playfully punches his chest. Astra can only laugh before giving his friend a small hug. Diana, in her surprise, went red from this act. Astra being a little dense didn't see this as he let out a small laugh before patting her head.

"Sorry Diana, I promise to be your sparring partner for the whole day today to make it up to you."

Quickly getting out of Astra's embrace, still a little red from her cheeks. Diana smiles widely to his statement.

"Really? Do you mean it?"

"Yeah of course, when do I break my promise? Come on let's go, mother is probably waiting for us at the pavilion."

Reaching the area, Astra and Diana talked a bit with his adopted mother Hippolyta. After some time, Diana had to go practice her swordsmanship and prepare for a tournament. Waving goodbye to Diana, Astra turns back to Hippolyta.

She was one of the fiercest women on this island. From an early age, she had trained him extensively and encouraged him to become stronger. Despite her age, she was still a tough woman and he is someone who doesn't pull his punches when facing his mother in a spar. In fact, she will never let it down if he did. After some ass beatings, Astra was able to consistently overcome here and beat her in duels. Instead of feeling indignation, Hippolyta was rather proud that her adopted son had beaten her.

"Is there something you wish to ask, Astra?"

Swallowing his saliva that seems to be stuck in his throat. He gathers some courage and begins.

"Mother...I wish to leave the island and explore the world."

After a few minutes of pauses. Hippolyta raises her eyebrow.


"Look I wish to...wait...sure? Just like that?" Astra says in surprise.

Hippolyta chuckles.

"I understand that it hasn't been easy living on this island my boy. Your sisters have been less than hospitable to you ever since your arrive here. I can't fault you for trying to leave."

Astra smiles sadly.

"It's understandable they-"

"No, there is no more excuse for them, even after living with them for almost a decade they treat you like trash. If I weren't a queen I'll probably smack them myself son. I'm sorry for not being able to help you after this time. I failed as a parent…"

"No-no, you have given me a home here and trained me. You have done enough. You and Diana mean too much to to me."

Hippolyta smiles sadly wiping a small tear forming in her eyes.

"Does Diana know?"

Astra pauses total forgotten about that.

"Oh Astra, you didn't?" Hippolyta covers her mouth, imagining her daughter and how sad she would be. Diana and Astra were inseparable even at a younger age. They were best of friends and did everything together. This is going to be very hard for her. A slight glimmer flashes in her eyes as she looks at Astra. While she didn't explicitly state it or show it, she was hoping her daughter would get together with Astra. What sane women wouldn't? He was a young handsome young man that possessed tremendous strength while also caring strongly for her daughter. It was a shame that their love hasn't bloomed or matured yet...

Astra sighed and ran his fingers through his hair.

"No, I just don't know what to say to her. I-I am a little afraid of saying goodbye." He confesses. It was strange, just the thought of never seeing her again made him feel hollow. But he couldn't just ask her to go with him, this was her home.

Hippolyta hums before nodding.

"How about this Astra? Why don't you stay here and train in the forbidden gate for several years and wait until you are both of mature age before setting off. That way you can train your body in preparations of the outside world while thinking of a way to say goodbye to Diana."

Astra's eyes widen.

"You don't mean...the gate of Tartarus?"

Hippolyta smacks him in the back of the head.

"Foolish boy not that gate! I mean the cracks that form annually during the winter solstice. You can go inside and train and come back the following year. It will be a dangerous endeavor, but looking at you now, I doubt you will have too much trouble that you wouldn't overcome."

Astra rubs his head. What a great ideal! He can train to become more powerful and hone his Kryptonian abilities and skills and prepare for the outside world. Hopefully by then, he will have his feelings and thoughts about Diana sorted out.

"Yes mother, that sounds great!"

"Good, now wash up, you smell and don't forget to tell Diana when it's time. Do not leave my daughter hanging when the time approaches."

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