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5.97% My Fanfic Archive / Chapter 3: Whirlpools Revenge by fanwriter10101

Chapter 3: Whirlpools Revenge by fanwriter10101

The Nation of Whirlpool Islands was the most isolated place in the whole world. It was isolated due to the fact that no one from there could bend. It was because of their inability to bend that led to their isolation from the rest of the world. People talked about legends of how the sprites crushed all the Island nations people to never bend and as a result people stopped going there, even traders. The avatar himself never went to Whirlpool Island nation. However the Whirlpool people were blessed with two things; their minds and ability to manifest golden chains.

The Whirlpool people were blessed with minds that created machines far ahead of their times, technology that the other nations could even dream of. Their ability to control gold chains were the most dangerous of all as it had the ability to suck away their opponents energy, which could be very dangerous to benders, however even with all their advancements they would never be able to share it with the world as the avatar sealed there nation away. They were stuck on their islands never to interact with other nations, only from the outside could their nation be unsealed.

That was the turning point. The people of Whirlpool were enraged that the avatar, the one who kept balance dare seal them away! Thus the seeds of hatred and the outcry for vengeance were placed, and for 300 hundred they waited, the endured, they advanced, they trained, and waited for the day till a foolish outsider, as they called others, to unseal them and when they were free they would carry out their crusade of vengeance. That day would come when the new avatar would reawaken.

Land of Whirlpools: Uzushiogakure-Capitol of Whirlpool Island:

Uzushiogakure was the capitol of the Whirlpool Islands. It was also the seat of the royal family who controlled and ruled over Whirlpool Islands; the Uzumaki's. The Uzumaki's were one of the first and the oldest family to live on Whirlpool Islands and as a result they invested into the land. This natural lead them to gained more political power thus making them the rulers of the many Islands. Unlike other rulers they Uzumaki's were kind and easy going people, in-fact most of the Uzumaki's loved pranking.

A boy sat on his chair overlooking his table which was littered with maps. He had blood red hair, violet eyes and fair skin. This was Naruto Uzumaki, son of Kushina Uzumaki and Minato Uzumaki, the current rulers of Whirlpool Island. Naruto was a very interesting boy for his age. Ever since he was 4 he was all ways learning and when he reached the age of 8 he started his training in his golden chains, and other such as political, and educational. He was a very bright boy, with an intelligent mind and a furious temper to go along with like his mother. When he reached 12 he started his military training regarding military strategy, tactics and firearms training.

Whirlpool had a very unique military. For starters everyone had to serve in the military for at least 2 years from there you would be put in reserves and be called upon in the defense of the homeland. Unlike other nations they had discovered gunpowder 200 years ago and as such there firearms have developed greatly, but the navy was their pride and joy. Their fleets consisted of massive metal ships with massive guns ranging from 6 inches to 18 inches. Some of their ships were designed to be fast for hit and run operations, while others slow with massive cannons to with enough firepower to level the fire nation, some were considered the jack of all trades with good enough speed and good enough firepower. Then there were the so called "flattops" these had a command structure in the middle to the side while having a flat deck for their flying terrors called airplanes. For now their fleets remained in anchor since there really was no mission.

When he was 16 he completed his training and began draw many plans of attack ageist the outsiders when his nation was unsealed. Ever generation of Uzumaki did this and when they died out there children's carried on their tradition. Life wasn't was for him, when he was four his father passed away, his mother who was pregnant at the time with his sister grew depressed, but pulled through thanks to him. When his sister, Mito, was born a few months after his father's death Naruto swore that he would protect her. He would be dammed if anyone hurts his sister. His sister had just begin her studies since she herself was 12.

"I don't even know if these maps will even be useful, I mean it's being 300 years surly new nations would have raised right?" Naruto asked himself, but then all of the sudden he felt a chill and right at that moment one of his guards rushed in.

"Lord Naruto, you mother, lady Kushina has summoned you." The guard said. Naruto nodded and got up.

"I wonder what mother wants?" he mumbled. It was then he was tackled by his sister.

"Brother! Where have you being!? I haven't seen you in days!" Mito said. Naruto chuckled. His sister was all was hyperactive.

"Calm down Mito, you know I was in my office most of the time, you could have seen me any time." Naruto said as he walked to meet his mother. Mito was walking besides him.

"I know that but your all ways working when you are in the office!" Mito answered. Naruto ruffled her hair.

"When you have the same job as me you'll understand." Naruto said as he opened the door to the throne room. Which right now was filled with officers from different branches of the military. Naruto raised an eyebrow.

"Eh what is going on here?" Naruto asked. Everyone looked towards him. The officers all bowed to their prince and princess. Kushina just smiled.

"Well you see son now is the time." She said and Naruto gasped. His eyes widened. Now was the time. Some fool on the outside had unsealed there nation. Now was the time for them to strike.

"So someone unsealed us?" Naruto asked. To which see nodded and gestured her hand and an officer from the air force branch walked up.

"Yes lord Naruto, and as to who out scout planes report of metal ships with coal engines heading towards us. Their insignia appears to be that of the fire nation, an armada of at least 200 ships is heading our way, but there ships are far too small and pose no threat to our superior vessels and they also have no anti air defenses which means that the outsiders are still lacking in technology." The officer said before stepping back.

"So I assume you want to lead our fleet's into battle?" Naruto asked. His mother nodded.

"Should I leave survivors?" Naruto asked.

"No, kill them all. Not a single one of their ships must escape." His mother answered Naruto nodded.

"All right I want all vessels to be prepared for battle and all planes on standby as well. I want all land divisions to prep for landing operations that will take place once this battle is over. Well don't just stand there move!" Naruto said as he left the room. The officers soon filled out to carry out their commanders order.

"Mother is brother really going to war?" Mito asked her mother.

"Yes, but don't worry your brother is a strong boy after all he is my son!" Kushina said as she smiled.

Everyone in the nation was cheering. 300 years off being isolated and sealed away they now have their chance of vengeance! Soon people saw as there two fleets departed from port with 1 left at port to protection. They didn't have the resources to build a 4th fleet, but that would no longer be an issue. With the new territory's they were bound to capture they would have all the resources in the world they needed.

Fire Nation flag ship:

The admiral of massive armada of the Fire Nation viewed out from the bridge. He grew a smile. They had over 200 ships that were fully loaded with troops, supplies and other resources they needed.

"Sir are you sure this was a wish?" This second in command asked.

"Yes it is. With the old Whirlpool Islands under our control we can secure the Southern Water Tribes. Not only that but the Whirlpool Island will be a great secret ship yard since very few know of its existence." The commander replied. This invasion was his idea, but before he could even think of doing such a thing he need the Fire lord approval. Many such as Iroh voiced their opinion stating that the Whirlpool nation should remain sealed away, but the Fire lord approved of the invasion. It took them two years to find the key to unseal the Whirlpool Islands and now they were steam towards it.

"I don't see why you are so afraid, I don't think that being isolated could help them. Those people who are weaker then the Southern Water tribes I me-" He couldn't finish his sentence because a one of his ship just went up in flames, all there was left was floating metal and wood.

"What just happened?!" He asked. Enraged that he had already lost a ship. No sooner did he say that more ship started to explode.

High above the sky: Above the Fire Nation armada:

A Kawanishi H8K (I will be using the Imperial Japanese navy for the navy) was flying above the Fire nation fleet.

"Target appears they are not aware who's attacking them." The radio men of the crew said.

"Don't blame them after all out battleships got more range then there's." A gunner replied.

"H8K we are requesting more targets." A voice came from the radio.

"Roger that Nagato sending the next set of targets..." The radio men said as he sent the Nagato class battleship. All the while seeing the Fire Nation lose one ship after another. Then they started to lose more. Soon another voice came through the radio.

"This is battleship Mutsu, we are requesting targets as well." The captain stated.

"Roger that sending targets..." The radio men said as he sent another set of targets.

The Fire Nation's armada was in flames. Ships were being blown apart and men were trying to save their lives, however their armor prevented them from swimming and drowned. Those were didn't have their armor were holding on to any floating wood or metal. They thought there were safe...there were wrong. Soon some strange sounds filled the air. The survivors looked around to find what was making it and they spotted many larger metal birds. Some thought the birds would save them, but it was not meant to be. The large metal birds started to fire upon them with some strange objects. Whatever they were they were ripping the men in the water apart.

"Come around for another strafing run, leave none of them alive!" The lead fighter said. Said fighter was a pure white with the Uzumaki family crest on each wing. This was the Zero fighter. Unmatched in speed, and agility. Soon more Zeros started to strafe the enemy troops in the water. A few hours later the sea was ready and black with floating bodies ever where. It was a massacre. The armada of 200 Fire Nation ships...wiped out like childes play.

"Sir out recon plane reports that all enemy ships are destroyed. The fighters have also confirmed that all enemy troops are dead. A total victory sir." A officer reported to his Captain.

"Good, but this is only just the beginning soon the world shall be united under one banner, and that will be the banner of the Whirlpool Nation..." The Captain said as he viewed outside the bridge of his ship to see two whole fleets moving past them, with them were troop transports, carriers, destroyers, cruisers, and most of all battleships. Now was the time for them to venture out of there island, to explore, to expand, to exploit, and to...exterminate.

"We are about to embark upon the Great Crusade, towards which our people have waited for many years. The eyes of our nation are upon us. Let us make sure we not fail them." The Captain said and soon the battleship falls into formation along with the whole fleet. There time was now.

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