Final edits finishing and this story will be officially complete and uploaded before the week ends.
Writing the story type I wanted failed 3 times :(
Using a world like Naruto where every villain is a pawn for another villain is a pain in the ass, and filling the plotholes...ugh, but yeah after 3 rewrites it's complete and being edited.
The time between when I started volume 3 and when I wrote the current version was longer than I expected and I wrote like 100 chapters of my other fanfics(Some haven't been posted) so the writing quality and story quality should be better, the style changed a bit however because of how well known the Naruto story is, so for the sake of keeping it fresh I changed the author style from omniscient.
Just updating you guys because people getting really really really antsy waiting for an update so for the last time, no I DID NOT DROP THIS STORY.
See you in a few days everyone :p