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CHAPTER 40(The Will of Stone)

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20 Months since Naruto left with Jiraiya...

"Are you sure Mr.Unity?" The leader of the Hidden Waterfall village asks nervously as they both stand outside the paper sliding doors.

"Ofcourse ofcourse, I love meeting children and this one is under so much pressure, the least I can do is thank her." He says while casually sliding the door open.

As the doors open, the ever happy form of Fu, the jinchuriki of the seven tails sits patiently at a table, trying her best not to make a bad impression.

"Quit trying so hard and just be yourself child haha" Jin blurts out, putting on his best old man persona.

Immediately taking his instruction Fu immediately rushes forward much to the dismay of the village leader and talked Jin's disguised hands.

"HI! I'm Fu, nice to meet you new friend!" the girl says.

'Ok just like in the anime with this one,' Jin thinks to himself as he gently holds her hands in his palm.

"Call me Mr.Unity if you'd like, I'm about to leave but I had to pass by to thank you for protecting the people of this village, the burden you carry is great and you are truly a hero for carrying it from such a young age Fu," He says, one of the few times he doesn't have to lie.

He truly wishes he could level this village for their mistreatment of such a kind girl, but like all things, he stays his hand, for the greater good.

"T-THANK YOU!" Fu yells as she wraps her arms around him, small tears forming in her eyes as she thanks him.

"Tell me, Fu, if you could have lived without being a jinchuriki, would you?" he suddenly questions, catching everyone off guard.

"I... I'd get way more friends, of course!" she happily replies.

"You really are a hero, knowing that and still staying cheery, I hope to see you again Fu, maybe when you become a great kunoichi I will hire you," he says as the village head guides him out of the building, leaving Fu in a state of turmoil, most people certainly don't react like that to her much less thank her for being a demon.

As they walk toward the edge of the village, the village head can't help but ask Mr.Unity,

"Where do you plan to head now?"

"Hmm, I have a meeting arranged with the hidden stone, a certain leaf shinobi is escorting me there," he says while climbing into the carriage. "Wish you all the best, and take good care of Fu" he quickly says before closing the door.

As an hour passes, Jin finally drops his henge jutsu and opens the scroll on his back, placing his hand on the scroll a small seal appears literally spelling BUBBLY on the paper.

"Now to deal with the stone, daimyo and kage are both too well defended or strong to handle like the others so I'll just have to do what I can in the meeting. Hopefully flooding them with recourses and dropping their taxes by almost half over the past 18 months should be enough" he says aloud as he closes his scroll.

Almost a week later, the carriage finally arrives in the capital of the land of stone. As Jin sat atop the carriage with a clone inside transformed into Mr.Unity, they immediately make for the meeting hall.

After the annoying security checks, they were allowed into the room, as Mr.Unity takes a seat around the table.

'Hmm, tiny old dude is that kage, what the fuck, must have some broken jutsu or something, oooh' he thinks as his thoughts, and eyes drift over to the girl standing behind the kage.

Noticing his head slightly turning to her, Kurotsuchi glares daggers at him.

'God I wish I could wink at her right now,' Jin thinks before settling for a head nod.

"Lords daimyo, tsuchikage, it truly is an honour to meet you both," Mr Unity says.

"Hmm, I expected the man making his way through uniting the nations to have more security," Onoki teases.

"I assure you, Jin is more than enough"

"Jin?" The daimyo asks, this kind of info is left to the kage, the daimyo is always too busy dealing with logistics.

"The child who destroyed Kunigakure when he was 12" Kurotsuchi immediately chimes in.

The guards in the room become a bit stiffer upon hearing this as Akatsuchi glares at his daughter, speaking out of turn as always.

"I'm only here for DEFENSE, mellow out, what's the kid doing here?" Jin asks completely casually as he nods at Kurotsuchi.

"I'M A CHUNIN!" The girl yells, causing her father and rather so sigh.

"Only chunin in this room apparently, hey if you wanna take this outside I don't mind a friendly spar" Jis says as he gives a toothy grin.

"AS IF I'D LOSE TO A TREE HUGGER!" The girl yells, clearly angry.

"WHEN I win, I'll treat you to a nice date, on me,"


"Kurotsuchi! Outside, now" her father says through gritted teeth, thoroughly embarrassed by his daughter taking the bait of the leaf ninja.

"Hahah I wish all my meeting were this exciting" Mr Unity jokes, "But can we please get to business my lords."

"Ofcourse, unfortunately the land of stone does not need Unity Trading at this time, therefore your offers have been refused. We are determined to stand on our own feet. The will of stone can either any storm," The daimyo proudly says.

"That, oh my. is there anything I can do to change your minds my lords?" Mr. Unity humbly asks.

"Unfortunately the decision has been made" Onoki chimes in.

"Hmm, perhaps the stone could use, maybe wheat?"

"No" The daimyo calmly says.




"Mr. Unity"


"MR. UNITY" The man says a bit more forcefully... and is ignored.

"Maybe vegetables huh"

"THE LAND OF STONE DOES NOT NEED YOUR PITY IN ANY WAY!" The daimyo finally loses his cool.

'Gotcha bitch!' Jin thinks to himself as he fights the smile trying to form on his face.

"Fine, should you ever reconsider then feel free to contact us,"

"We won't," the daimyo says, clearly angry now.

"I suppose I'm done here, we'll leave first thing in the morning, my lords, thank you for your time," Mr.Unity says as he stands up and gives a humble bow before leaving the room with his security in tow.

Walking into the hall, Jin looks over his shoulder and subtly nudges Kurotsuchi to follow them outside.

As she quickly falls into step beside him, to her surprise he doesn't seem to care which only makes her even angrier.

"I'm gonna kick your ass," The girls quietly says.

"So what kind of food do you want for our date?" He teases her.

"MMMMM" she grumbles.

Later that night, after sending Mr. Unity off with the other 'Escorts' and the carriage, essentially sending clones with a clone. Jin doesn't immediately join them in turning in for the night and instead finds himself just outside the capital with Kurotsuchi.

"So, rules?" He asks.

"Anything goes" she replies, clearly a bit excited.

"I'll try to keep you pretty alright" he teases her.

"Ugh, I can't promise the same," she responds.

"Hmm, so you think I'm pre---" his words are immediately cut off as he catches a kunai between his fingers.

"Not bad, for a chunin ehehe" he teases the girl as she rushes him.

Easily avoiding t a flurry of blows as if it were nothing he falls into step with her motions casually.

"You should maybe try something else, taijutsu is kinda my favorite things," he jokes while avoiding her fists.

"FINE!" she yells while leaping backward.

"QUICKLIME JUTSU," she says before spewing a stream of concrete at him.

'what the fuck, that's a thing...' he thinks before he jumps backward.

"Water cutter" she follows up and aims directly at him.

Seeing the oncoming water he immediately runs to the left to circle around her, causing her to slice down a dozen trees as her jet of water tracks him.

"You're kinda slow" he continues to tease her.


"Lave style, lava flow!" she yells as she spits out a stream of lava"

"WOWOWOWOWOOWO!" he screams in panic while he leaps to the side.

As he looks at the pool of lava on the floor, without even shifting his gaze he suddenly ducks to avoid her oncoming flying kick, completely throwing her off guard.

"So, lava?" He calmly asks as she flies past him.

"Ugh, why aren't you taking this seriously?" She asks, clearly annoyed by his attitude.

"If I use a good jutsu and level the area then stone gets mad at the leaf, but yeah let's go eat, I'm thinking we can go get some Bar-b-que," before she could react, as his words reached her a fist collides with her stomach.

Kurotsuchi immediately drops to her knees clutching her stomach as her vision fades to black.


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