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100% Lightnings True Form (dxd) / Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Reunion

Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Reunion




At this point of time I really question how much life likes being difficult cause currently standing in front of me is Sirzechs Lucifer himself with a stupid looking bright smile. "So your the one going into my sister's territory, before you go just know she can be a tad bit difficult."

The fact he had to say that just means she's probably gonna piss me off...

"Well let's go so you may meet her and her peerage." As he says that I walk over to him and stand by his side as a magic circle appears below us and we vanish...




(3rd Person)

"Any sacred gear works directly with the correlation to the current feelings of its owner... Or, to put it another way the stronger those feelings are, the more powerful the Sacred Gear will be." Spoke a girl well known in devil society as Rias Gremory.

"I didn't know. That's cool." was the reply of Rias Gremorys newest servent Issei Hyuodou

A girl with black hair and violet eyes with a yellow ribbon suddenly came over to rias and whispered something into her ear.

"Something has come up... Akeno and I have to step out for a moment."

"Wait a minute I have more questions for you!"

"Remember, even if your promoted no matter their rank, a single devil can-"

Before she could finish her sentence and cast a magic circle one popped up in the middle of the ORC. A magic circle Rias was all to familiar with.

"Brother? whys is he here?"

From the magic circle appeared to people one with bright crimson hair and the other with dark black hair.

"Rias here's the fallen angel who shall be integrated into your territory." Sirzechs said with a smile on his face as he looked at his sister. Before another word could be spoken Issei ran up to Karasu to punch him. But before he can even cock his fist all the way back he reels over in pain as there's a dent that magically showed up on his stomach.

"Far to slow you didn't even see my punch..."

Silence went all throughout the room no one moved.

"Gi- Give me back Asia!"

"Now who the hell is that and what do I have to do with her."

"YOU FALLEN TOOK HER I KN-" Issei reeled over again but this time threw up blood.

"I have no idea who this Asia is but even I'd a Fallen took her you better not think it's all of us again or I'll torture you."

Sirzechs could only sweat drop at what he was seeing, "Well umm yea this is the fallen who's gonna be in your territory and imma just go byyeee sis love you!!!" Then the sis con dissapeared into a magic circle

Silence came over the room once more but of course there's always someone to interrupt it. "Listen here I know that your supposed to stay in my territory but if you do anything I'll wi-" Karasu started walking off and out of the club not caring for rias had to say.

Rias started yelling for him to come back and listen but he kept walking off.




(Timeskip everything that happened in cannon up to the point issei beat Raynare.)

"I am Rias Gremory, also known as the next head of the house of Gremory."

As raynare looks up to Rias she can't help but let a tear slide down her face she says nothing and stays still.

"Its time for you to join your friends I disposed of earlier." As rias says that she drops some black feathers in front of raynares face

"So you killed them?"Issei spoke out

"Rias fuse is long, but when pushed, she lives up to her title as Empress of Annihilation."

As they kept talking among themselves rias started explaining to raynare why she came to stop them and how Issei's sacred is the boosted gear.

Raynare just stared at the ground and let put a small chuckle in her head even when she's fin to die all she can think about is him. She looked over at Issei she thought about turning into her human form to get Issei to help her but ultimately gave up on that idea... she at least wanted to die with one last request.

"When you kill me please do give my feathers to the man I love I atleast want him to have that."

Issei looked down and walked over to Raynare with his head down, "SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT SHUT UP STOP SAYING YOU LO-"

"I wasn't talking about you dumbass." Suddenly a silence came throughout the abandoned church... "I'll make sure to add his to your pile." Was the voice of rias as she made her way to face Raynare before she could use the Power of destruction a coldness swept throughout the church everyone besides raynare started shaking in fear... Raynare however was blushing and squirming she knows this aura all to well so cold and menacing yet it feels her with warmth.

"Karasu" the name went through everyone's heads inside the church once it came out of raynares mouth.

"Rias Gremory it would be quite difficult for you to kill me as you just so boldly claimed." As everyone in the ORC minus Akeno turned around they were greeted with Karasu with all 5 pairs of his wings out. "She is to be integrated by the Grigori so you shall not be able to kill her. He then walked to back of the church were Asia body was and grabbed threw her over his shoulder. Then he walked over to raynare and grabbed her by her hair and dragged her to the entrance of the church. Before exiting Karasu looks back and see's how there all still shaking and frozen in fear. He shakes his head before teleporting away with raynare.

A few minutes later akeno shows up and sees how everyone is shaking. And immediately rushes to take everyone back to the ORC. Still not knowing that the fallen angel she met at the ORC was the cause of there situation and that it was also her dear beloved twin brother that she hasn't seen since she ran away.




"AHHHHH!!!" With in the torture facility in the Grigori Raynare was strapped down to a table as Karasu at the moment was cutting her open.

"This is all on you I hope you know Raynare, even though you've told me why you did it you are still dumb for thinking that order to kill that boy and girl came from Azazel." Raynare only looked at him with tears in her eyes she didn't dare plead for him to stop knowing how he is and also she wouldn't go against him even if he treats her wrong.

Karasu then unlocked the cuffs that were holding her down and said, "Now use the new ability you've gained and heal those wounds." Raynare hands shakingly make there way yo her stomach and she started healing herself barely able to stay conscious do to the sever blood loss. After 30 min raynare was able to heal all the wounds she suffered and got off the metal table she was on. It took her a while stable herself on her feat.

"Now turn around and bend over the table also bring your wings." As he said that he went and picked up a tool that looked somewhat like a bonesaw. When raynare heard his words she started shaking uncontrollably while tears leaked from her face. She could guess what he's planning but she after a few seconds she did exactly as he said. Karasu then came behind her as he ripped off her clothes... well what was left of them. As he ripped off the last piece of fabric covering raynare her wings sprouted from her, kuroka then took off all his clothes and stood behind the bent over raynare with bone saw in hand.

Karasu then took the bone saw and started sawing off raynares wings from the base. "AHHH NOO ITS TO MUC-....AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" Karasu had shoved his dick inside raynare without her even being wet. As blood kept coming out with each thrust he made sure to keep sawing off the wing. Raynare could only take this pain but if others were to know she's happy this is happening they'd think she's insane... which she is cause as long as he's with her no matter what he does to her she'll be happy.

Screams of pain kept coming out of her mouth that day, she'll never forget about what happened to herself this day.




It's been a week since those events as Karasu is walking to the ORC with raynare who has a dog collar around her neck that says "Cumdump" with a cord that extends into Karasu's hand.

As they make it inside the ORC the shocked faces of the members of the ORC are what there welcomed too.

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