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16% Luke Adventurous Life in Final Fantasy VII / Chapter 3: Chapter 2 The Sparda

Chapter 3: Chapter 2 The Sparda

It's been a month since I order the Materia and Doyle was able to get all the Materia I Request.

It seems my 100-time learning speed extend to the Materia that I end up mastering all of it in a month. Right now, my rate of hunting is faster because the Slash All Materia.

In this month, Mom found out that I've been hunting monsters. At first, she is upset that I am not telling her about it. But she let it be after seeing how much I hunt. When asked, she answers that she is already prepared for it as it is in my blood. She said that I will be a Hero in the future. If it was others who said it I will ignore it as nonsense of a parent wanting their child to be a Hero.

But, there might be some truth if it was Mom who said it. She sees it after all, what Sephiroth will become in the future.

Today after asking for permission that I will be out for a week which she consents after giving me a phone to call her every day. 'First I will go to Forgotten Capital and use Yamato to turn myself into a demon.' I thought as I run toward the Forgotten Capital direction using Haste and Flight to make it faster.

It took five hours for me to arrive and it was still noon since I left in the morning. " Let's search for a safe place first." I said while looking around.

Finding a lake, I pitched a tent beside it and start to eat lunch.

"Now, before anything else. Let's become a Demon first." I said and walk into the tent.

I sit down and unsheathed Yamato out of it's scabbard before pointing it toward my heart. "Let's do this!" I said and stab myself with Yamato.

"Gurk, damn it's hurt." I said with tears in my eyes and everything start to blackout.




I open my eyes to find myself not inside my tent anymore.

"So, we find ourselves a new owner of Yamato." said a voice behind me.

I look back and see a man with a long blue coat and white hair slick to the back standing behind me with Yamato in his hand.

"Vergil!" I shouts in surprise only to hear a chuckle at the side.

"It seems my dear Brother is more famous than me." said another white-haired man now with Red coat as he walk toward Vergil.

"Dante" I said not too surprised this time.

"Ohh, so I am famous too, hahaha." said Dante while placing his hand on Vergil's shoulder.

"Enough playing around Dante. We got something more important to do." said Vergil slapping away Dante's hand.

"You two old man never tired of bickering around like a kid." said another man with short white hair this time as he shakes his head.

"You two get along well after all this time huh." said another person and when we look at him. He is an old man with white hair slick back wearing a monocle standing while holding a great sword in front of him.

""FATHER!!"" Shouted Dante and Vergil.

"Wait what? This is my GrandFather Sparda the first Demon who side with Human and closed the doot to Hell?" asked Nero in surprise, Even I was surprised to see him.

"Yes, I am!" he said while looking toward Nero. "So, I have a Grandson huh, who is this who have him?" he asked

"Who else but my Dear Brother. Even I was surprised when I found out. I thought that one of my one-night flings bore fruit before I found out it was him. Hahaha" said Dante drawing a stink eyes from Vergil and Nero and a smile from Sparda.

"Let's stop here and proceed with what happened with this young one." said Sparda as he looked at me making me nervous a little.

"From what I can see Through Yamato this world you live in is different from the one we lived in. You discard you Humanity to be a Demon, for What?" he asked sternly, his gaze boring through my being to see through me.

"Well, for power of course." I answer him honestly while gathering all my courage. "A Power so strong that I can protect my loved one easily. So strong that we can live leisurely without being afraid to be threatened." I continue while gazing at him.

"Beside, I am not a pure Human to begin with. Adding one more bloodline is not that bad." I said while shrugging.

"Hahaha, I like this kid." said Dante while laughing on the ground while Sparda still looking at me sternly before he smiles in content and nodded at me, Nero just smirk at my answer. Last is Vergil who still looking at me.

"Just be sure you don't lose yourself in your quest of power." he said while looking away.

"Hmmm, you are worthy. From now on you can call yourself a Sparda proudly and you will inherit everything that we own. You will be the Fifth Sparda. Make us proud and hold into that conviction of yours so you are not strayed from your path!" he said and all of them start to shine and shoot toward me merging with me.


I woke up with Yamato still impaled through my heart. I take it out and the wound healed immediately.

"I successfully become a Demon a full blood one at that because the 'Reactive Evolution' react and make me full blood instead of Half-Blood it should be." I said as I walk out of the tent.

"It seem the transformation is not that long" I said as I took out my phone to see the time.

Looking around, I take a stance with Yamato. "Judgement Cut" I said trying to use Judgement Cut toward the Lake and space start to tears in the middle of the lake."Heh, Nice!" I said with a smile.

I look at my clothes soaked with blood. I took it off and jump into the lake to clean my body. Looking at my reflection it seem that I look more mature now. After all is clean I walk out of the lake and see my blood soak clothes on the ground. "Let's burn it!" I said as taking out a lighter from my storage to start a fire. after that I toke out a clothes out and wear it which is a little tight. "It seem I grow up from the transformation." I said with a sigh.

"I am Hungry again!" I said and take out monster meat then start roasting it.

After finish eating, I stored the tent back inside the storage and go back to the Forgotten City. After Treasure Hunting for a while I manage to get Enemy Skill Materia and Comet Materia. There are also few Elixir, Magic Source and Guard Source. I let Yamato absorb Aurora Armlet, Viper Halberd, and the two Materia. All my Materia, I let Yamato absorb it and not it was fused with Yamato making it stronger.

I stay in the Forgotten City for two days. Hunting Boundfat and Trickplay.

Satisfied with the Hunting and Treasure Hunting. I left the Forgotten City and went toward the direction of Bone Village which only takes half an hour to arrive.

Inside bone Village I go around asking for a Materia that they Dug if there is some good Materia. Three hours looking around I got myself Summon material for Phoenix and Bahamut Zero which I bought using the gold I own inside the storage. I immediately let Yamato to absorb it along with three other which is Fire, Heal Materia, and W-Item. I also bought one of each Materia they got including the one that Yamato already absorb even though I don't need it now I like to hoard item.

Finish my business in Bone Village, I continue my journey and now fly toward Costa del Sol and arrived at night at which I immediately look for an Inn to sleep.

The next day, I woke up and start to look around the town and buy a new wardrobe. After finding that nothing is interesting. I went to the last spot I want to visit before go back home, Nibelheim.

"Before that, let's Exchange some Gold into Gill. 5 million Gill is enough for now." I said to myself before looking for a place that can buy that much gold.

I need to take rest at North Corel halfway before taking another day to arrive at Nibelheim which takes two days from Costa del Sol. Continuing using Haste every time is costly on my Ether Potion that I have to stock as much as I can at each town I visit. Good thing I don't need to use Flight anymore since I can fly using my Devil Trigger.

Arriving at Nibelheim I sneak around Shinra Mansion and see that there are still many researchers living there. Knowing this I decide to leave.

After a kilometers distance from Nibelheim. I take out Yamato and make a cross motion cut in the air, cutting the space apart to create a portal to Icicle Inn and walk through it.

Arriving home I was greeted by a shocked Mom and Ifalna who was surprised at my growth in this last week. I left look like a five years old child and now I look like a seven years old kid.

"Luke, how did you grow so much in a wee?" asked Mom in surprise.

"Hehehe, I don't know. Growth sport?" I said tilting my head.

"Sigh, anyway it's good that you are safe. How is your journey?" she asked.

"Fun, and I manage to get many things." I said.

"I see, now go into the bath!" she said and I nodded at that as I want to soak in hot water.

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