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The Cupboard Under the Stairs

Green eyes snapped open in the darkness. Harry noticed at once how little he could see. He wondered why it was so dark. Harry tried to feel the surroundings near him. It seemed like he was back in his bed.

When did he came back to his cupboard? In fact, he had no recollection of actually coming back. The last thing he could remember was... well...wasn't he making breakfast for Dudley?

Then everything went black.

He had a hard time figuring out what happened. The back of his head still stung with pain. Ouch! It's still quite sore to touch. Did someone actually knock him out? He wondered. It seems like that's what really happened.

Why though? Harry had no answer to that.

Harry tried to look out through the slits on the cupboard door. The hallway looked very dimly lit. It looked like it was night now. Dursley's must be well into their sleep by now.

His empty stomach growled quite loudly. He had a sudden craving for the bacon he was cooking. There was no point in thinking about food now, as he found the cupboard locked.

Harry tried to find the switch for the light, and a single dimly lit bulb started flickering away above him.

He then looked for his friend Alastair; his friendly spider was nowhere around. Harry went back to his little bed. He rolled onto his back and tried to remember the dream he had been having.

It was not exactly a dream but more like a nightmare, in fact. At least it ended on a good note, right? He did beat the creature after all. But who was that guy who saved him in the end anyway? He never saw that guy before.

'Harvey Miller' the name just popped into his head. No one was more surprised than Little Harry. What surprised Harry was that he had never heard of that name before. Yet he knew it was Harvey Miller who saved him.

Wasn't that just a dream? Harry wasn't sure of it anymore.

Little Harry was curious about it, though. The gent saved him from that creature after all. He decided to try to remember more about who that guy was.

It was a good thing Harry was lying on the bed, or else he would probably have fallen down from the sheer number of memories that assaulted him.

Harry lay there clutching his head, slightly overwhelmed by the influx of things that he kept on remembering as Lieutenant Colonel Harvey Miller.

Memories were very peculiar indeed. Harry saw everything from Harvey's perspective. Through it all, Harry felt like he was Harvey.

Harry saw himself growing up on the streets; it was a constant struggle to get by daily. Harvey, like Harry, did not know his parents either. Harvey had it slightly harder than Harry. He would have been lost in this world if not for the army. Harry picked up a few things as he relived his life once again his life.

The struggle for Harvey to get by each day, was very real for Harry. He saw himself pushing himself day by day to get better. To make it out was his constant fuel. He won't be just one of the hundreds he saw who wasted themselves on the streets. He dreamed of a world where he never slept hungry. He dreamed of a world where he could help his fellow people on the street. He dreamt....

Harvey knew he would rise from the bottom or he would die trying. There was no other option.

The next moment, Harry found himself in a boot camp. Harvey's training days were hard. He saw himself pushed to the limit. Through blood, sweat, and tears they forged a soldier out of him. Then he found himself fighting for his country. He saw the wars in which he was involved. The war was such a terrible thing. Even though he was a liberator for many, yet he lost just as many to do it .

He and his fellow soldiers sacrificed a lot of things throughout the years. Yet they did things that sometimes left them rather numb. They shed blood for their loved ones—they became too good at it, in fact. They hoped they would never become the very evil they set out to stamp out.

Harry saw things he was not prepared to see. Yet he saw the same. There was no stopping the memories. Harvey saved many, yet his ledger was dripping in red as well.

The rise within the army was gradual. He met his love while he was still in the army. Then he really started living, not just existing. A family was something beyond his wildest dreams. He knew how precious it was. He loved them with all his being. It pushed him beyond his limits.

Many years of pure joy. These were Harry's favourites so far. Harry experienced love for the first time in his life. He felt accepted by these people. Some of his best memories that he would cherish for a long time.

As assimilation continued, the line between little Harry and Harvey blurred even further.

Little Cathy came soon enough. He found his little heaven on Earth. But nothing could have prepared Harry for the heartbreak he felt when he lost his only family.

Harry knew something had broken within him. Harry now knew what it meant to have a family that loved him, yet he felt terrible emptiness after their passing. It hurt to even think about them.

He thought the pain would go away after a while, but it never really did.

Harry pushed on—well, Harvey did against overwhelming odds, but he still went on. Harry admired that part of Harvey. It felt like he was Harvey after all.

After the loss of his family, it was hard to go on day by day.Yet he pushed himself to achieve the dreams of his lost loved ones. He was content with his life, then he saw his walk, and then he died?

Wow...was that actually God?? He did not know. Yet he was quite overwhelmed by this turn of events. He now knew there was life after death. Maybe he can meet his parents after he die?

Harry never really thought of life after death like that before. He then heard about his mother, Lily Potter. He heard about her. Her sacrifice for him so that he could live on... tears dripped from his eyes. She loved him. His parents did not die in a car crash after all. The Dursleys lied after all. He wondered what all, they kept from him.

Harry saw Harvey's arrival. The battle with Voldemort was awe-inspiring. Why was Voldemort here, inside him?

He after all knew the answer to that. The night Lord Voldemort tried to kill him, when his mother sacrificed her life to became a shield for him, the unstoppable Killing Curse rebounded upon Lord Voldemort, and a fragment of Voldemort's soul was blasted apart from the whole and latched itself onto the only living soul left in that collapsed building. Him.

The battle was hard-fought between Harvey and the creature. Yet Voldemort was defeated once again. Even though Harry survived, it was not without losses. His saviour, Harvey, had to give up himself entirely to heal him.

Now Harry was left in a conundrum. He knew he had changed a lot after the sacrifice of Harvey. Did the changes make him a different person? Who was he now?

Was he still just Harry Potter?

He had no answer to that. Everything that happened to Harvey, he felt like he lived through it too. He felt the love he had for his family, Millers, he still mourned for them. He was Harry Potter. Son of Lily and James Potter. He was also a wizard!

What Harry couldn't really figure out was how Harvey knew about him? It felt like Harvey knew a lot about him and his life, yet he did not think more of it. Maybe later he would. He had other pressing concerns.

Harry didn't know how long he spent in bed. There was a new bowl of water in his cupboard. He decided to drink a little bit. His throat was quite dry after all.

He no longer layed down in his bed. He, in fact, sat on his bed. He knew, deep down, he needed to address it.

Yet he did not really want to. He was scared, in fact, of what he would learn. He had a vague idea.

Harry screwed up his courage. He wanted to see it for real. He wanted to see his parents.


For that..

He tried to remember his prophesied enemy; he thought about the infamous Dark Lord.

Harry found himself once again overwhelmed..


Next chapter will be on the 7th

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