The rain had started to subside, the black clouds slowly disappeared, revealing a clear blue sky.
Orange light on the western began to sprinkle on the horizon indicating that the time had entered the end of the afternoon.
Bai Mo had just finished restoring Xue Ning, Ju Xian, and Hao's bodies.
The recovery process he had just carried out did not affect the mana in his body much.
Unlike Fu Xie Lan, even though there were no significant injuries on the girl's body, his mana was continuously being sucked in without his permission. Of course, he still clearly remembers the time when he recovered the girl's body in the forbidden forest and also by the lake while in Fairy's territory.
"Just you wait, they'll come back to their senses soon enough," Guard Bai Mo said immediately, leaning his body against the castle wall.
"Thank you," Xue Ying replied with a bow and only received a nod from the man.
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