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The apprenticeship

Belle says "ifiro" a status board say's ""Magic Invalid" Ifiro has leveled up to max level and is now fireball." Belle correct's herself and say's "fireball" tiny flame's appear at the tip's of her finger's. "Sh*t" the lady wave's her hand up and a forcefield form's around her just in time before the flame's shoot off of belle's finger's and hit the forcefield nothing happen's for a second then the entire house is enveloped in a ball of fire resulting in an explosion bigger than a mansion. Belle jump's in excitement before something tap's her shoulder. "Always watch your back" the queen hit's her in the back of her neck putting her to sleep" lione reaches her in a millisecond and punches her but the lady raised her arm to block it just in time. The force from the punch sent her flying a few yard's away but that didn't stop lione because after every punch he would quickly reach her and just punch her again. The queen's arm started bruising up so she used a spatial portal to use the momentum she had to go flying through the portal and into lione knocking him onto the ground. Lione quickly get's back up and wipe's the blood from his nose before hearing the voice again 'Bringer Of Death' at that moment a scythe made of blue and black flame's appeared in his hand which caught the lady off guard. She mumbled something then the same thing appeared in her hand. Lione surprised but didn't falter he quickly flew toward's her and they were caught in a battle of attrition "wow kid your actually pretty good but you better start taking this serious" 'She's not trying?!' lione thought to himself. They went at it for a few minutes with only lione taking hit's. She mumbles something again and then disappear's. Lione looks around trying to figure out where she went before he feel's something hit him in the back of the neck and he black's out.

A few hour's later he wakes up to the smell of something cooking. He almost forget's that they were in the royal capital and yell's belle's name "BELLE GIVE ME SOME FOOOOOOOOD" he says in a childish tone like he was her son. Belle walk's up to him laughing, "I'm not the one cooking silly" she puts her hand on his head and points toward the queen who is tasting the curry to make sure it is right. He realizes where they were and immediately started turning red. "Its almost ready just wait a second" the queen say's with a confident tone. Belle ready's the table and sits at it like the battle before never happened. They smile at each other and joke around like they didn't just try to kill each other. They ready the table and sit at it each of them grabbed their utensils and quickly scarfed down the curry. "Alright lets get down to business" isabelle moves her plate to the side and looks at both of them. "Per the deal you will now become my apprentice's" isabelle says like she just found a new dog that she likes. "First I will get your rooms ready in the castle, that is where you two will be staying while training." "What you do after that is completely up to you, whether it is to stay and serve under me or go off and do whatever you want" lione and belle set aside their plates and say in unison "We will work hard and do our best." "First show me your status board's.


( Lione )


Strength: 741562846116968683438494252047245897164757608442

Speed: 912496447732328794435300325949903512862171933273







( Belle )





Magic: 63906310821834738610451811827917688801623553800636?





The queen is amazed and terrified at their potential. 'They could be invaluable assets to the kingdom if I play my cards right' the queen calls a servant and tells him to fetch someone with martial art skills as well as a sword master and have them meet me in the coliseum. I also need a Magic arts master of every affinity to meet me at my test house. "yes ma'am" the butler proceeds to walk away but before he does lione yells "also please get a master blacksmith that knows how to deal with magical pendants." The butler sets off to do his job and the queen tells them that they should go explore the capital. "Try not to cause to much trouble, oh and wear these" she hands them both medium sized boxes. They start to head to their room's but belle doesn't go to her's instead she walks inside lione's room. "We have our own room just go change in your's" lione says while taking off his shirt "I don't want to their are weird lady's in their that try touching me every time I try to get dressed" belle says embarrassingly. "Fine just hurry up and go change over there" belle nods and runs behind a dressing curtain. Lione puts on a blue and golden tuxedo that has the royal family's crest on the chest pocket, belle comes out in a blue and golden dress she has a handkerchief as well as a hairpin that have the royal crest on it. They look at each other shocked to be in such expensive clothing and head towards the queens office. "Yall look so cute together" the queen says blushing and acting like a little schoolgirl. "Okay thank you for the clothes we will be back in an hour maybe two" lione says trying to leave as fast as he can while holding belle's hand. Belle realizes they are holding hands and turns red a little but keeps it hidden.

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