Malcom smiled as he looked at the house with hope and anticipation. He then urgently said, "No! I will go for Nora, rescue her, and we will leave the cave."
Upon hearing this, Skyler looked at him with a frown for a second.
Malcom returned her gaze with determination.
With that, Skyler realized that Malcom wouldn't back down, and it was understandable. She released a deeper sigh than she intended and then replied, "Fine. I'll help Malcom!"
Junica agreed with a smile. There was no point backing down at this point. Especially when their main object was already in front of them. Aside from that, kids won't grow if adults like her keep on sheltering them.
"Alright! Then I'll distract the spirits! Honeys and sweethearts, cover me!" Albert said as he stood up.
Jessika grinned in understanding. Her eyes were glinting with anticipation.
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