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33.84% vMMORPG: Broken Chains / Chapter 22: 021 A Date with Death?

Chapter 22: 021 A Date with Death?

* Ding *


Loot Style: Party Leader Distribution


32 silver coins

4 Wolf Pelts (Uncommon Quality)

Bone Dagger

Wolf Bone Caestus


Destiny hopped up and down with excitement!

Karma posted the item descriptions of the two weapons they got.



Wolf Fang Dagger

Grade: Rare

Requirements: Level 15, 60 dexterity, and a rouge class

Description: A dagger made from a sharp tooth of a giant wolf.

Attack Power: 22

Critical Chance + 8%

Critical Damage + 4%




Wolf Bone Caestus

Grade: Rare

Requirements: Level 15, 80 strength, 30 dexterity, and either a monk or battle priest class

Description: A pair of Caestus made from bones and leather strips from a giant wolf

Attack Power: 30

Passive Effect: Brittle Bones - 6% chance to leave shards of bones where any attacks land while using this weapon. Inflicts the Pain debuff on the target.

[Pain - Deals 10 damage every 2 seconds for 20 seconds.]


Both Karma and Destiny's eyes were practically sparkling.

James got the twins attention, "Karma, Destiny", both twins looked at James.

"None of these items are useful to me. I would like to give them to you. Destiny you have the highest damaging skill between you and your brother. I believe you should take the dagger."

"Absolutely not!" yelled Karma. "You were the only reason why we survived the battle. You at least should take the caestus."

James shook his head. "I cannot wield them nor know anyone who can."

"You can take it to the auction house and sell it" Karma disagreed, "It is a very powerful item. Not only does it have a high attack power but it was a passive effect. This item might as well be equal to a level 25 weapon. The top guilds would pay a fortune to get their hands on it!"

James only smiled, "I have plenty of gold coins and a profession that can make me more money than I can use." James continued to insist.

"I will only accept under three conditions" Karma spoke with conviction. "First, you will continue to party with us. And second, you cannot decline any items we give you. We will continue giving you loot until it equals the amount we sell the caestus for. Finally, you must tell me your profession. If it is one that is unprofitable the deal is off and I will make you take the caestus."

James felt his mouth go dry. [He is so persistent; I guess I will have to shock him into submission.]

"I accept your conditions." James showed a face full of confidence. He linked his profession in the party chat.



Profession: Rune Master

Grade: Legendary

Level: 4


"You're a" Destiny was nearly speechless.

There was not a single player who did not hear about the profession. Some players found information about the profession in the library while other found able it from conversations with NPCs. There are several posts on the forums with great detail on what the profession can do and its benefits. A TLDR (to long didn't read) of the forum post was that it was a cash cow. Not only can you make a boat ton of gold but you can make runes that are otherwise rare drops from monsters.

This time James got to laugh and the twins misfortune. "My class revolves around runes. So naturally I am also a rune master. When I get better materials I will create and enchant your weapons to have fire enchantments."

"You better promise!" Karma forgot about the deal in his excitement.

Their discussion was interrupted by a small earthquake. The trees in the forest off in the distance start to shake. Birds, animals, and other monsters all started running away from a certain part of the forest.


The trio experienced an ear piercing sound.


* Ding *


The Guardian of the Forest felt it's child's death and has awakened.



The trio does not know who yelled but they all instantly listened and started sprinting in a direction away from the howl.

As they went James used [Leach Agility] on any monster he could find while alternating the spell's buff between the three of them. If someone fell behind he would take the buff from the leaders and give it to them.

The trees starting from where the the howl originated started to shake and rattle. Many fell over or broke. Something was making its way to the trio at an alarming rate.

The trio ran into what looked like a clearing. Before they got far they had to quickly come to a stop.

They were now stuck between a rock and a hard place.

Looking in front of them was a cliff. They could not go forward any more. They felt the hair on the back of their necks stand on edge.

They slowly turned around. The monster had caught up to them.

They were petrified. A massive wolf blocked their way into the forest. It was twice the size of the last wolf.



Alpha Wolf, Guardian of the Forest

Grade: Violent

Level: 35

Hp: 18,000/18,000

Status: Enraged - All stats + 20%


The twins pretty much accepted their deaths already.

"Well, it was a good run. I do not mind dying to a creature like this. At the very list we do not have to worry about dropping any items", Karma tried to console the group.

"This will be my first death", James panicked. "It doesn't hurt does it? I have some of my pain threshold still turned on."

"We still have our pain thresholds turn on as well. So far we have not had any pain when dying in the past."

[Leach Agility] [Leach Defense]

"What are you doing Blaise?", Karma and Destiny were confused.

"There is no way we will survive, but I do not want to go down without a fight."

The twins took out their weapons and prepared for the attack.

The wolf's paws started glowing dark red. It readied itself to pouch on its child's murderers when all of a sudden a grinding sound was heard approaching the trio and the massive wolf.

They all looked towards the sound.

There was a young woman walking towards the group unfazed by the massive wolf. She was dragging an massive axe that was almost twice as large as herself. The axe's blade dug into the ground as she walked.

The twins faces paled. They didn't even react that way when the alpha wolf appeared.

James took a closer look at the woman. She had a very defined looked; she had a gothic lolita dress on with red frills. With each step she took her red boots made a small click. Following her legs upwards, his eyes moved up from her red boots to her block stockings and garters. Her black hair was tied up into a ponytail by a black and red bow.

It took him a little while to take his eyes off her. He looked to the twins to ask if they knew who she was but stopped after he noticed their expressions.

"What is wrong? I have never seen someone so pale and freaked out. The alpha wolf didn't instill this much fear into you."

"You don't know who she is, do you?", Karma asked.

"No I don't, who is she?" James asked.

"She is a blood thirsty devil. She kills without remorse or warning. She lives for battle and has rained as the PvP Queen in every game she played."

James looked a Destiny, "PvP Queen?"

"No one remembers her original name. Everyone just started calling her the Reaper. One day she started naming all her characters 'Reaper" to match the nickname." explained Karma.

"Wait, she is Reaper? The other person with the hidden class?"

Just as Karma was about to respond a sound rang out.

* SFX: Rocks breaking*

Reaper, who was slowing walking towards the group, suddenly dug her heals into the ground and broke out into a sprint. She moved so quickly that the ground broke at her feet when she broke out into the sprint. She approached the group before they knew it.

The wolf saw that she was targeting it so it moved into the open some more. Here it would have an easier time moving. It did not want to get stuck in the trees.

As Reaper approached the wolf she swung her axe horizontal to the ground. The wolf jumped up into the air in attempt to dodge her axe but was too slow.

[Maddening Strength]

Just before the axe blade made contact with the wolf she turned it sideways. She hit the wolf with the blunt side of the axe.

* Smack *

The impact of the attack caused the wolf to go sailing through the air.

The trio watched as the wolf flew over their heads and over the cliff's edge. The wolf quickly fell to the ground below.

The twins turned to look at where the Reaper was last but they couldn't find her.

James noticed something in his peripheral vision. It was Reaper, she stood a whole head shorter then James.

She was also observing the wolf fall.

She was on her tippy-toes peering over the cliff with an amused look on her face. When she noticed that James was looking at her she turned her head to look back at him. She had a smile on her face as she peered into his eyes.

His [Magical Eyes] momentary activated automatically but he quickly turned them off. He thought it was weird since she was not a magic based class.

She saw something flash in his eyes in that moment and tilted her eye a bit in response. It looked like she was curious.

Both Reaper and he turned back to the cliff at the same times.


* Ding *


Player helped with the killing of a violent monster.

Player has received an 15,465 experience points for killing a violent!

Player has received an extra 3,000 experience points for killing a violent!


James's level jumped from 8 to 13 in an instant. The twins were too busy keeping their guard up against Reaper to notice that he leveled up.

Reaper murmured something under her breath, "Oh? Interesting."

James had used his leaching spells without realizing it as Reaper attacked the wolf. He stole half of Reaper's experience for the kill.

She turned to face James and went to move towards him when Karma yanked James by his arm and forced him behind him and his sister.

[- James, get ready for a battle. Her favorite think is killing. Do not worry about leaching her strength if you can't keep up with her movement. Just keep the agility and defense spells active! -], Karma put a message in the party chat.

James cast both of his spells and retreated backwards out of the fight's range. Reaper noticed the aura but didn't do anything about it.

The twins attacked first. They knew being on the aggressive would be their best bet against the Reaper.

Reaper did notice the debuffs right away but found it interesting. She wanted to see more; when she attacked the wolf she got a buff that increased her attack power but now her defense and agility is lower. [This will be an interesting battle; I've grown bored until now.]

She gave a wide grin as she swung her axe in a large arc in front of herself to block the path of the twin's incoming attack.

Karma and Destiny had to back off or risk getting hit.

[Stealth] Karma drifted into nothingness while his sister kept the battle going.

James never saw fight between players before. It was nothing like fighting a monster. The fight was faster and more intense. He felt like there would be no way for him to be able to switch out spells at the right time nor cast his fireballs without potentially hitting one of the twins.

Destiny dashed towards Reaper and went into a slide-tackle. Reaper, in response, jumped into the air. While watching Destiny she noticed a small smile on her face.

Reaper felt danger behind her. The twins saw that their plan was about to work. Karma had climbed the nearby tree while Destiny was positioning the fight under it.

Destiny forced Reaper into the air and Karma started his attack. There was nowhere for Reaper to go.

Suddenly Reaper's giant axe transformed. The axe blade vanished into thin air. What once was a huge axe turned into a polearm. Reaper twirled the pole around her body to block Karma's [Hidden Strike].

His attack was deflected and he fell to the ground by his sister.

[Maddening Strength]

Reaper, while still in the air, threw her polearm towards the ground. As the polearm left her hand there was a small shockwave and it started to move so fast it became blurry.

The twins did their best to move away from the epicenter of where the polearm would make impact.

* Crash *

* Rumble *

The polearm crashed into the ground so hard that large hole formed. Rocks and debris flew into the air. While the twins dodged a direct hit they were hit with all kinds of debris. Both of them lost a forth of their HP.

They did not let the damage they suffered slow them down.

Reaper landed on top of the polearm and the twins approached her from both sides.

[Cross Cho.....

[Tendon Cu.....

Both of the twin's attacks were interrupted. Reaper had slid part way down her polearm and used centrifugal force to swing around the pole on her decent. She kicked both of them sending them backwards.

When they regained their footing they dashed towards Reaper once again. This time one of them going high and the other going low.

Reaper removed her polearm from the ground.

* Thwack *

She smashed the polearm into Karma's side. His HP dropped critically low.

Enraged Destiny started swinging her dagger at Reaper. She used as many skills as she could in her flurry of attacks. Reaper dodged around and parried all of her attacks with her polearm.

Reaper would occasionally transform her weapon back into and axe while playing with Destiny. Reaper started to slowly put on a bored face.

Reaper smashed her axe into the ground. Midway up the polearm Reaper wrapped her legs around the polearm, Destiny quickly came in for another attack. Before the attack landed Reaper quickly flung out her arm and caught Destiny by her throat. Thanks do being off the ground Reaper was now taller than Destiny so she lifted her into the air while crushing her throat.

While Destiny was grasping at the hand around her throat Reaper looked over to Destiny's brother. He had just now stood back up; he was very wobbly.

Seeing that he stood up Reaper hurled Destiny at her brother. The impact caused the twins to roll backwards. They were now on the opposite side of the battle from where James was standing.

Reaper started dragging her axe across the ground again while slowly walking towards the twins.

James had enough. [Fireball] [Fireball][Fireball]

In quick succession three fireballs made their way to Reaper. She dodged two of the fireballs without looking. The final one she cut a part with her axe.

Reaper was now looking at James.

The bored look on her face disappeared and was replaced with a sadistic smile.

"Finally, you took action"

James saw the look on her face and felt fear like he as never before felt. His heart started beating faster and faster.

Everything felt like it was in slow motion. He saw her axe transform back into its polearm form. She lifted the polearm into the air and threw it like a javelin.

[Maddening Strength]

Again, a small shockwave ripple out where the polearm left her hand.

* Plunk *

The sound of a projectile piercing wood rang out.

James had blinked once and missed everything. His surrounding were slightly different and

all he could feel if pain in his right shoulder.

He found that he we pinned to a tree a foot off the ground. The end of the polearm pierced his robe while one of the wings on the Sigil of Apollo was ever so slightly pierce into his shoulder. All he could do was hang there.

He looked back at Reaper with fear in his eyes. She readied herself and broke out into a sprint again. The ground at her feet shattered like when it did during your approach to the alpha wolf.

She quickly appeared in the air in front of him. He quickly closed his eyes waiting for the game over notification. He waited for what felt like an eternity before opening his eyes.

He saw Reaper directly in front of him. She had one of her heels digging into his stomach while the other leg dangled in the air. She also held herself up in the air with one arm holding on to her polearm.

She had positioned herself so that they were perfectly eye to eye. Once again his [Magical Eyes] activated automatically.

They stared into each other's eyes for a moment. He temporarily got lost in her ruby red eyes while she was doing the same.

His eyes were much different; his natural eye color was a green. Thanks to his [Magical Eyes] they turned cyan; his natural green color mixed with the [Magical Eyes]'s blue color and turned into a mesmerizing ocean blue.

Looking closely at his eyes she found tiny runes floating around his irises. Where the pupil should be she found a wisp of mana. It was the most beautiful thing she ever had seen.

Snapping out of his stupor he tried to find the reason his eyes turned on. He noticed some tiny rune shimmering around her name plate.

Seeing that their friend was pinned down by the Reaper the twins ignored their injuries and ran towards them.

Not even turning to look at the twins Reaper gave them an ultimatum "You better stop or I will kill him. You know I can turn my polearm into an axe at any time. The wing of Apollo will turn into an axe directly into his body. I'm sure it will be very painful."

The twins halted their steps instantly.

James started to wonder about the runes around her name. He remembered seeing them somewhere.

After searching his memory he found the answer, [The Mask of Illusion! The runes are hiding her real name!]

James wanted to try a bluff. He put on a calm and serious face. He slowly leaned his head closer to Reaper to make sure she could hear him, "Everyone calls you Reaper but I curious to know your actual character name that you are hiding." James had whispered so that only the he and Reaper could hear.

Reaper's eyes flashed quickly with surprise then suspicion. "I do not think you can handle the price of such information", she replied in a hush and blood thirsty tone.

The two continued their secret conversation. "You would be surprised on what I can afford."

Reaper quietly giggled. James was a tad worried, it sounded a little sadistic. "Then does that mean you accept the price? Some would say you're making a deal with the devil right now."

"I will accept any price but with a condition. I don't care about what happens to me but you must like them leave safely."

Reaper took a quick peak at the twins. "Just that? I've grown bored of them. I'm more interested in you now."

James looked over to the twins, "You two leave me here and get to safety! I will be fine", shouted James.

"No we refuse, isn't that right Karma?"

"Yes we will not be leaving until all three of us die by her hands or find a way to escape."

"You know, I agreed to the condition. However, it is not my fault if I have to kill them because they refuse to leave and try to fight me again." Reaper said with a small amount of sarcasm in her voice.

James quickly sent a message in the party chat, [- I will be okay, I made a deal with her for now. Get back to the city now! If she kills you there is a good chance you will drop that rare item." -]

Karma and Destiny still did not budge.

James sighed, [- Listen, I know you two need the gold from the caestus. I don't care why but you must return to the city safe with it. Do this for me; don't let everything we've gone through today be a waste.-]

Karma's face stiffened, [- How did you know? -]

[- I have suffered in life too, I can naturally tell -]

[- Fine but you better return -]

"Destiny, let's go!"

He turned to leave and forced his sister to follow.

Reaper had a large smile on her face, "Our condition has been filled, now for your payment."

"How much do you want?" questioned James.

Reaper licked her lips.

She leaned into get closer to James's ear, so close that her delicate nose had touched his ear, "The price to know my true name is great, can you really afford it?" she whispered.

James could feel her warm breath on his ear and smell her frequent breath. He felt his heart rate go up.

"I can afford any price."

"There is no going back on a deal with the devil."

"Doesn't matter to me."

She was still whispering into his ear the whole conversation. She put her hand on his chest and adjusted herself so that she could whisper into his other ear.

"First you have to tell me how you know about my second name", her voice got a little coy.

James was feeling goosebumps on his skin now.

"My eyes can pick up on magic fluctuations. I saw runes around your display name."

Pleased with his answer Reaper wanted to tease him some more. She shifted her body so that it was almost completely lying on his body. Her legs wrapped around James's side. Then she let go of her polearm and used his shoulders has a support.

* Ba-Dum, Ba-Dum *

She was close enough to hear his heart that was loudly pounding in his chest. She smiled again.

She moved back to his other ear while ever so lightly brushing his nose with hers. "My real name is Mercury", she then gently licked his ear after telling him her name.

James's body shivered when she licked his ear. [It is a good thing that the game can't show I am a little turned on right now.]

"Mercury? As in the element?"

"Yes and no, do you know of the Mad Hatter?" questioned Mercury.

"Yes, he was a hat maker who went mad due to mercury poisoning. What does that have to do with your name?"

"Apostles of Apollo turn mad during battles and can tell when they are nearby. Blood lust and battle fuels both Apollo and his Apostles." Answered Mercury while she was giggling.

She slowly moved her face towards James's and when she felt close enough she put her free hand on his one cheek and sensually whispered into his ear, "The price" she paused for a second," is you."

For next sentence she slowly spoke and emphasized every word." You… are… mine… for… the… day."

James had a bewildered look on his face.

She had a small seductive smile on her face. She grabbed both sides of his face with her hands and leaned in.

"Do you have a problem with that?" She spoke still whispering.

Envision Envision

Sorry for the lack of chapters over the weekend. I rewrote this chapters a few time due to not being happy about a few things.

I may rewrite it again but later in the future. The story must continue.

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