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10.71% My Goddess System / Chapter 5: New World

Chapter 5: New World

'It was pretty nice to see your parents after a long time.' Kayden sank into the soft embrace of the room, basking in the warm and cozy atmosphere. The air was filled with a sense of familiarity.

Suddenly, John sprang towards Kayden, who had been peacefully resting in the room's corner. He grasped the tiny baby under her armpits and lifted her high into the air, his face beaming with a wide grin that spread across his face.

"Ah-ha-ha-ha! I'm a father now, a father! And I have such a cute daughter!"

'Father... please. Your breath stinks.' Kayden thought with a drowsy look.

John appeared to be composed on the outside, but inside, he was like a complete buffoon. He twirled Kayden around in the air, her tiny body feeling weightless in his strong arms. His eyes sparkled with joy as he continued to spin her around, his laughter filling the room. However, Lisa intervened before he could cause any harm, gently taking Kayden back into her arms.

"You know... the way you're holding her concerns me quite a bit," Lisa gently placed her soft palm on Kayden's rosy cheeks and spoke in a soothing tone. "It irks me to have to remind you."

"Eh? What are you talking about? She's having fun, right?" He said as he looked at Kayden with sparkling eyes.

Kayden managed to hold a stoic expression for a while, but eventually, the floodgates of emotions broke loose, and tears streamed down her face. Perhaps, she figured that if she let out her feelings, John would stop his crazy antics of spinning her around like a toy airplane.

"Eh? Eh? What's wrong?" John panicked. "Is it that you don't like it?" 

"Of course, she doesn't like it. If you keep that up, you might kill her," Lisa said. Lisa's words were bluntly accurate, although not necessarily a positive thing to say. Despite her fiery personality, Lisa had a positive outlook when it came to love, and her motherly care knew no bounds.

Kayden's mind wandered as she thought about her name. She remembered how her mother, Lisa, had chosen it for her in her previous life. But now, with a new family name, she couldn't help but wonder what name her parents would choose for her this time. It was a curious thought that lingered in her mind as she gazed out the window.

"Don't say such bad things. Lilith is a strong girl, just like you, Lisa." John spoke, "Ain't that right, Lith?"

It seemed that her name was Lilith. It's a pretty cute name. Lilith guessed Lith was short for Lilith. So her full name is Lilith Octream? Octream was Lisa's family name.

"Ah! Wait, there's something I forgot!" John shouted, " Lith! Try calling me Daddy!" He was grinning ear to ear. 

'Ugh, what a pain. Did you forget that I was born just a few hours ago? Please calm down and think for a bit.' Lilith thought while frowning.

"John, please calm down. I know that this is a big moment for you, but you're going to scare Lith like that," Lisa said as she shielded me from John.

Lilith knew that he was her father, but she couldn't help but think he was rock-headed. He was the type of person to do something wrong and then ask if he could do it.

"Hm-hm" It took a moment for him to think about what Lisa said. "Ah...well... then I guess I'll go home."

'Huh? What's up with you? I don't know what's going on inside his head, but for your mood to do a 360 turn just by getting scolded by your wife once was a bit... weird?' Lilith thought, almost feeling bad for the guy.

"Er... I didn't mean it like that. You don't have to leave..." Lisa, who wasn't prepared for the sudden shift in mood, tried comforting him.

"No... I'll have to leave anyway. I'll clean up the house a bit while you're gone, and I'll come to pick you guys up later. Just give me a call." John spoke.

Now Lilith's heart went out to the guy. John must have wanted to be a great father.

'Maybe I should call him "daddy" sometimes-... UGH... what was I thinking? Sorry father, but that's never going to happen.' Lilith thought, shivering from the thought.

"Well...that's not a bad idea... but remember to always clean up after eating, ants can get in, you know, and remember to wake up early and open up the restaurant and..."

Eventually, John gathered his things and left, leaving behind a solemn silence in the once-live space. Lisa then wrapped Lilith in her arms, rocking her gently as the nurses brought over a special blend of milk for the newborn. Soon after, Lisa received her meal, and the two settled in for some much-needed rest. Lilith, of course, didn't go to sleep.

Lilith had come to terms with the realization that she was now a divine being, but the weight of her new status weighed heavy on her shoulders. The enormity of the responsibility that came with her divine status left her feeling lost and unsure of her place in the world. She pondered what being divine meant and what was expected of her.

<< information is too big to be told with words. I suggest I send the data directly to the master's brain.>>

'If you had such a good feature, why didn't you use it when explaining other things? Listen, if you have such a cool feature, just make sure to make use of it when possible. It makes my life a lot easier.' Lilith said.


'And go ahead with the data transfer thing.'


As the voice acknowledged Lilith, a sudden wave of dizziness hit her. Her vision became hazy, and everything around her seemed to darken. Her body became weak and unresponsive as her consciousness gradually slipped away.

Lilith's mind was suddenly transported to a hazy realm, feeling like a dream, yet with every sensation amplified. She felt a rush of images and memories surging through her consciousness. It was an overwhelming experience, both exhilarating and unnerving.

<<Data transfer...finished>>

'Ah, is that how it is.' Lilith thought as she opened her eyes.

This universe Lilith was in right now was someplace she wasn't supposed to be in. It was the domain of another god. She was originally supposed to be born in a different universe, but because of her wishes, she was born in this one.

This went against the laws that the then-supreme gods had set up. If Lilith was found, then according to the law, she would lose all her powers as a divine being.

In the vast expanse of the universe, it was the responsibility of the gods and goddesses to oversee their respective universes, ensuring that no other divine beings intervened. However, Lilith knew that she was not supposed to be in this particular universe. She had been destined for another one, yet her heart's desires had led her here. The only reason why the God of this universe had not taken notice of Lilith's presence was that she was small and insignificant in comparison to the vastness of the universe.

As a divine being, one is granted immeasurable power to protect and preserve their universe from any harm from other gods or goddesses.

For divine beings, things like food, rest, and sleep were trivial and unnecessary. They were endowed with various resistances, one of which was an exceptional tolerance to pain. As divine beings, they subsist solely on the boundless energy coursing through the universe.

As a goddess, Lilith didn't experience pain during the data transfer, which was supposed to be excruciating for mortal beings. Moreover, she possessed a unique resistance to extreme temperatures - neither the biting cold nor scorching heat could harm her. Apart from these, she had other resistances, such as resistance to poison, shock, and mental attacks, to name a few.

There was also this fascinating thing. According to the data, this was not something gods and goddesses had. This was only here because of an error Lilith made.


Name: Lilith Octream

Race: Goddess

Class: Supreme God

Level: 0

HP: 100/100

MP: 100/100

STR: 1

AGI: 1

DEF: 1

INT: 1

VIT: 1

DEX: 1

LUK: 1

Free points: 0


[Talent] level 1 (passive): Accumulate a thousand times more exp than usual, including other skills.

[World travel] level 1 (active): Use this skill to travel to a different world. Only one world is available now, and more can be unlocked in the future.


This was Lilith's error, a blue screen. It was kinda like an MMORPG. Lilith didn't play such things as a kid, though, so she didn't know what it meant. But, thanks to the voice, I figured it out.

Passive skills can quickly be learned and grow as time passes, and a passive skill is always in effect. On the other hand, active skills are a skill that is much harder to learn. It requires the person to repeat the same technique over and over again for many years. Unlike passive skills, an active type skill needs an activation from the user to use.

STR/Strength was to increase my attack power. Also, the higher my strength was, the more high-level weapons Lilith could wield. AGI/Agility was to increase my speed and attack speed. DEF/Defense was to improve my defense capabilities. INT/Intelligence was to increase the amount of mana Lilith had. VIT/Vitality was to increase the amount of HP Lilith had. DEX/Dexterity was used to improve passive and active skills performances. Finally, LUK/ Luck increased the chances of receiving good fortune.

There wasn't information about Lilith's class and race, but I don't think it matters.

One thing that caught Lilith's attention was the [World travel]. 

On the skill description, it said that this skill would allow Lilith to travel to a different world. But more precisely, the dimension in which Ellia is supposed to rule.

With the vast knowledge now embedded in her mind, Lilith could visualize the activation of the skill. She closed her eyes and focused on the intricate details, like the complex weaving of threads in a tapestry until she could feel the energy of the skill stirring within her.

After a moment of concentrating, Lilith slowly opened her eyes, and to her surprise, the world around her had changed. She found herself standing in the middle of a dense forest, surrounded by towering trees with leaves so thick that they blocked out almost all light, casting the forest into a perpetual state of twilight. The atmosphere was thick with the scent of earth and plant life, and the only sounds were the rustling of leaves in the wind and the distant hoot of an owl. It was a mysterious and eerie place but also strangely beautiful. Lilith couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and wonder at the sight before her.

As a helpless newborn, Lilith struggled to move her little limbs and found it difficult to navigate her surroundings. 

Then as if answering her calls, the voice spoke up. 

<< Gods and goddesses do not have life spans. Therefore altering your age is possible.>>

'Oh...? How reliable.' Lilith thought and then asked, "So how do I alter my age?'

<<Simply think about your age being changed.>>

Lilith couldn't help but feel a sense of astonishment as she realized how effortless the task was, yet she decided to remain quiet and not make a fuss about it.

With a determined look on her face, Lilith focused her thoughts on growing until she reached adulthood. A sudden surge of energy coursed through her tiny body as she concentrated, and she felt a tingling sensation as she started to outgrow her small blanket. Her limbs stretched and elongated, her muscles expanding and strengthening as she grew taller and stronger by the second. The fabric of her blanket strained and ripped as she continued to grow.

Deep within the heart of a dense and foreboding forest, there lay a stunning young woman whose skin was as smooth and pale as freshly fallen snow. Her hair, as dark as the ebony night sky, cascaded down her back, reaching to the curve of her hips. Her eyes burned with a fierce intensity, a fiery red that seemed to glow in the darkness and evoke thoughts of a demon. Her soft, porcelain lips parted as she shifted her mouth.

Even though Lilith was unable to gaze upon her visage, her experience of a previous life as a man had given her a vivid understanding of her beauty.

Lilith then shifted downwards to a pair of luscious cherries that dangled from her chest, suspended by delicate stems. As if in a trance, she slowly reached out a trembling hand to touch them, marveling at their softness and the way they felt under her fingertips. The sight and sensation of her own body filled her with a sense of wonder and amazement as she reveled in the newfound sensations that coursed through her.

With a sudden jolt, Lilith was pulled out of her reverie, her head whipping back and forth as if to shake off the lingering sensation. "I shouldn't be doing this..." Lilith muttered but was met with another surprise. "This is my voice?"

As her lips parted and the first soft syllables escaped her throat, Lilith was struck by the sheer beauty of her new voice. It was a sound unlike any she had ever heard before. The very sound of her voice sent shivers down her spine, and she found herself entranced by the sweet sound of it as if she were caught in the spell of some enchantress.

"What else can I do with this body...?" With a soft chuckle, Lilith murmured to herself and began to perform a series of stretches, her lithe body contorting and bending in ways that seemed almost otherworldly. As she moved, she felt the smooth, supple muscles in her arms and legs ripple and shift beneath her skin, each movement bringing with it a sense of both power and grace. As she reached the height of her flexibility, she felt her legs parting effortlessly, her body now bent in a perfect split. It was a feat of strength and agility that left her breathless, and she couldn't help but revel in the feeling of her nakedness as if the very air itself was caressing her bare skin.

A sharp crack echoed through the forest, jolting Lilith out of her reverie and sending her heart racing. With a quick turn of her head, she saw a monstrous form looming behind her, its massive bulk casting a shadow over the trees. As she focused her gaze, she could make out the features of a great wolf, its snarling jaws bristling with razor-sharp teeth and its eyes gleaming with savage hunger. The creature was a sight to behold, a hulking mass of fur and muscle that seemed to radiate a palpable sense of menace. And as it bared its fangs at her.

"Shit... I did hear that wolves are way bigger than you expect them to be," With a soft curse on her lips, Lilith took a hesitant step backward, her eyes fixed on the monstrous wolf that loomed over her. Its massive form towered above her, standing nearly a foot taller than she did.

<< The Best solution is to engage in battle. The enemy has already shown hostile intent to master.>>

"Eh? Are you sure? You want me to fight this thing?" As her eyes flickered towards the monstrous wolf, Ellia's voice was tinged with a mix of fear and revulsion, her gaze fixed on the creature's slavering jaws.


"Ah... I don't think I'm outrunning this wolf anyway." Lilith's lips curved into a resigned sigh as she stretched out her legs, getting ready to take on the wolf. "Come here, you bastard." She spoke with a taunting smile.

Rimpa Rimpa

Hey guys! Updates might not be stable but will be! Rember that! Well, this is today's chapter hope you guys liked it. Thanks again guys!

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