Alright, with the actual soldiers taken care of though...Logos, Pathos. You two mentioned that Jin Fang, Jinju Ren and Cornelius were on the way to the Library?'
<Yup, yup! Archanidame sent them on a spider alongside several zako guards.>
'That...seems redundant, but helpful.'
=It is, but they still got here regardless. They're just waiting on you to open up a door.=
'Right on. But on an important side note...Logos, Pathos, do you guys have any idea what the goal of this attack might be? Because it seems... unnecessarily loud.'
<=We're still trying to figure that out milord. For the time being, just keep them occupied.=>
'Now which way do I go?', Zhen Liu thought to himself as he continued to fly over Undertow alongside Nepherage.