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15.38% What Doesn't Kill You, Eats You / Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Round Two

Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Round Two

Echoes of wickedly childish laughs and cackles bounced off the filthy sewer dwelling. He lounged on the ledge of a storm drain, hand rubbed his dissatisfied stomach, a leg swung, decades of hunger barely cured and that waste he consumed seemed to caused an uproar crave for something sweeter.

"What a day." Pennywise sang to himself, more than pleased of how well his dreadfully unfavourable situation did a complete one-eighty.

A boiling anger still remained as a repulsing taste in his mouth from that event those many years ago—or was that just Johnny Boy flavour? How those meat sacs called children, the Losers' Club, managed to outwit him. Oh just the thought of it still rails him up. During that lengthy stretch of time, he played over and over, all the sweet ways to end each one of those Losers in his mind. It angered him, feeling as if those dreams might not be obtainable anymore because of how much has changed.

He can sense it, see it, how this town, newly rebuilt, just for him to wreck havoc all over again and without the interference of those spineless brats. So lovely. And what couldn't make his awakening even better is Junia's appearance.

Ah Pretty Little Junia

Such a tasty blessing she is. Tongue passed over his sharpened razor pointed teeth at recalling their encounter that happened only hours ago. If you could have only witnessed yourself what a spectacular show Junia played for him.

If you were wondering what became of her, why not see for yourself? He'll wait for her return, they all do, ones with darkness.


Junia bolted upwards in a fit of panic, she vividly remembered the last moments before her fainting spell; being in the Neibolt house with a newly revived Pennywise. Hands patted frantically to feel soft fabric, breath rapid in heavy pants as cold sweat soaked her body and eyes scanned surroundings in fear of the killer shape-shifting clown.

Quickly, she realized by the warm bed sheets, tidy floor, poster plastered walls, modern furniture and blowing fan that she was home. Bright sunlight shined mercilessly through the blinds.

Unsure of whether to classify being mysteriously brought home and tucked into bed, as a strangely gracious or cunning but she definitely labelled it to be alarming. Junia concluded the actions resulted of two things; the creature, known as Pennywise, possessed the abilities of teleportation and high level telepathic capabilities. Either one being as much as a threat but now collectively heightened his danger.

Junia jumped nearly out of her skin when a loud melody sang. She rolled her eyes and sighed in relief and stupidity of being frightened for no reason. Lazily, a hand dangled over the bed and into a bag she recalled leaving the device in. Vibrations served as hints to its location and retrieved her phone to see a mysterious in-coming call. She sighed as her thumb swiped the green button and instantly wish to have ignored instead.

"Where is my brother Skank!?" barked an extremely high pitched, bratty, female voice through the built-in speaker.

Junia was not near any mood to entertain this little bitch, John's younger sister. Should have guessed this outcome, after all, she knew how very dead that tool and his body lied back in Neibolt. Memories forced a flashback of how Nightmare on Elm Street clawed right through bones and flesh like paper. She pushed the thoughts aside, knowing it will come back in terrors. "ah sorry who is this? I think you have the wrong person."

The sister growled into the device. "Bitch you very well know who I am!" and she was correct but Junia enjoyed in twisted pleasure of the younger girl getting heated, especially when no words or actions could bring true harm. Junia was wrong.

"Everyone in Derry knows who exactly I am! I'm the Queen-fucking-Bee and you're nothing but a sad excuse for an adult that can't keep a job and whores herself out to anything that can walk on two legs!" ouch.

Junia remained silent, lips parted to fire back how wrong the brat was. That she worked hard every day to assure Jaison had everything he required. That she is far cry from being a whore as her most precious gift was in complete tack. Nothing came out. It was practically over. Don't worry. She'll have the last laugh.

The brat snorted in superficial victory. "Yeah! I fucking thought so whore!" was shouted before the line went dead, the screen reverted back to its home picture of Jaison and her father.

Junia sighed, guilt over her malicious intentions to use that jerk as bait and lure out what she wanted washed away in the shower. Now with a lighter heart and refreshed body, she prepared for damage control.

She stopped at the front door, there was a body mirror bedded with the closet and stared into her reflection. Taking a moment to ponder whether or not this course of action was stupid or intelligent. The clown and his words of declaration sounded like the voices who lead her to Derry.

Junia couldn't understand why a strange heat engulfed her body in light throbs as she departed from home.


Pennywise glared in disgust at the mutilated body of Johnny Boy, his mouth still flourish with an incredibly repulsive taste, like he ate poison. He snarled in annoyance, the consummation of something he knew wouldn't agree to his appetite.

This is another secretive reason to why he is picky in luring only children to float. Most times than not, their bodies are still young and clean of any chemicals or diseases, even if so, he will not be affect, it's just really all about preference.

To him, alcoholics are bitter, drug addicts sometimes have a deathly sour after taste and diseased adults are just flavourless, cause no type of sensation. Smokers are the worst, as seen with Johnny Boy there. Would you eat rotten meat? Didn't think so.

He sensed, through yet another predatory advantage, Junia approached in brave caution. Mouth widened in a grin of thrilling excitement that showed two enlarged front teeth, oh he can smell that addictive fear already. Did this girl truly have a death wish or brain damage? Definitely the first one, he knew that to be correct. In his long long long lifespan, adrenaline and adventure seekers of different strokes wandered down here. This one, however, proved to be abnormal. She is in tune with her humanity and what makes them as a species tick. You don't often find that around, truly a rarity.

That unsettling smile of his widened all the more when aglow eyes sited her figure stumbling out a large storm drain coming from the Neibolt well's direction. Clothes different in comparison to the other day, body now dressed in a tight all black getup. The clown though these image of her to be more pleasing than the introductory one. A exotic mid-night maiden.

"Why hello Little Junia." darkly sang Pennywise in welcome. "Fancy seeing you down here."

Junia felt her chest constrict in tight anxiety, nerves began to discourage and that is a major flaw when dealing with a creature like Pennywise. She exhaled, breathing out her doubts.

The clown noticed a change, her eyes said everything. When frightened, they quiver. When strategizing, they sharpen. When confident, like now, they are clear and true.

Hm. How interesting. He wondered how they would react being railed mercilessly for him to enjoy her cries in pain, pleasure and terror.

"I couldn't find John's body, you left me no choice but to come down here." she accused Pennywise of purposely setting her up by using that tool as continued bait.

He giggled, astonished she pieced all the clues together. "Ding! Ding! Ding!" the clown sang with volume, both gloved index fingers erect, swung along to each word and steps closer to her. "Correct! Such a smart thing you are!"

She swallowed, backing up to match the advances, trying to keep to the reason of her descent into his liar and decent space between them. Neck still tingled from being gripped so violently. "Great, then can my prize be that jerk's car keys?" Junia asked in fronted bravery, a palm open to receive the requested item.

The clown's expression was one of utter surprise, she couldn't tell if it was a tactic or not. "Hm I don't believe I have those." lied Pennywise, a finger tapped his chin before pointing up like an imaginary bulb lit in his massive head. "Yes! In fact I do! It's right over there." He gestured grandly, moved shockingly graceful to the side and ushered her to a scene absolutely horrifying.

A gasped caused breath to pause in her burning throat. Before her, no longer John's body but a carcass. Unable to identify features from the overwhelming bloody sight, human inner works put on display for only them to see, lacerations decorated where the face and neck should be and blood soaked jeans remained purposely in tack.

Oh, when disgusted, her eyes twitch, accompanied by a greenish tint in her skin similar to creamy chocolate. They quivered slightly as well, she is frightened and he could smell it.

Pennywise, insanely pleased with the girl and her reaction to his little 'gift', circled around Junia and loomed behind. Grinning ear to ear, gloved hands playfully rested on her shoulders, he leaned and whispered. "Spectacular isn't it?" hands tightened their grip tight.

Junia just stared in terror, not wanting to answer or was too afraid. It didn't go unnoticed by the clown who inhaled the blissful taste of her fear, resisting cutting into her lush skin with his itching teeth. "Have a closer look!" he snarled and pushed Junia with immense force towards the very dead body.

She couldn't defy gravity and stumbled hard onto god knows what filth that caked the creature's home, nor did she want to know honestly. Junia landed on her knees and inches from feasted John.

Pennywise hurried over and position himself across to get a close up of her every reaction, crouching down. Junia's anxiety caused the bountiful chest the girl was blessed with to rapidly fall and raised in a pleasurable sight. Especially in that alluring neckline which displayed cleavage to its full potential. The clown couldn't stop strings of drool to leak from his open mouth, he needed to taste her, today.

Junia shakily reached a hand out to the carcass, knowing if she didn't act soon with Pennywise observing so closely he would do something much worse. Eyes blurred in and out of focus. Trying to multi-task and tame her fear, not wanting to ignite a drive in the creature she won't be able to withstand.

The clown watched Junia intensely, such a little fascinating thing. He noticed how careful and calculative her movements were, wheels turned, using logic and memory to decide which pocket Johnny Boy stashed the keys.

As frightful Junia seemed to be, it still wasn't enough for Pennywise to formulate a proper persona. He would have to dig much deeper into the girl. Odd, he doesn't venture in such complicated ordeals, which meant she is something extraordinary.

Junia called for his attention as those round brown eyes looked at him with defeat. Black hair that seemed to blend seamlessly with the sewer's shadows, covered half her face, she sniffed. "the keys... aren't here... right?"

Tongue trembled over sharpened teeth and yellow eyes glowed furiously.

In seconds, Pennywise lunged over the mutilated body to wrap fingers around her neck once again.

She didn't have a mille-second to register the clown had teleported them above ground and in the abandoned Neibolt house, too dazed by being knocked against and pressed on something hard.

Unable to take proper inhales of air, mouth was occupied by a wet foreign appendage that ruthlessly invaded. What she did take notice is how he tasted like candy apples instead of iron.

Sweetly bitter.

As if her delicious licks of fear weren't enough. Tears formed in the corners, severed as a catalyst to heightened arousal in Pennywise. He growled and abruptly stopped the assault. The feverish colour and hazed-over eyes only tempted the clown for more.

Junia gasped when roughly lifted by the hips and trapped with immense pressure by hardness belonging to him. Boots could no longer touch or find ground, leaving her unprotected to whatever cruelty came.

In a last and fruitless attempt to fight back, Junia mustered every ounce of strength to push him off. Slender fingers trembled in the soft old clown attire, realizing what a foolish mistake that was. He hadn't budged, not a bit.

A deathly chilling giggle rumbled out of him, eyes blazed all the more brightly. "Bad move pretty little Junia." he sang darkly.

Pennywise grabbed both her coloured hands and pinned them behind in a vice grip. The action forced her back to arch and pressed all of her firmly against him. No room available for even wind to pass.

"I... I just need those keys." she managed to plead in a quiet tiny voice. Tears freely dampened her cheeks. He snickered, her heart dropped.

"Aside from your entertaining bravery, I do adore you begging too." Pennywise complimented in a shakily, breathless voice. His unoccupied hand gently combed mid-night locks to expose a delicate fleshy neck, she trembled, quivering eyes couldn't connect to his. The clown carefully pulled her shirt down the shoulder and leaned in. Closer and closer until exotic skin buried his red painted nose, taking long awaited sniffs.

Junia shielded eyes behind darkness, confused and scared to why, although this being was so violet and harmful, why was her body aflame and hot. It ached and itched. In areas she believed wouldn't response in such fashions to any physical body.

The terror, her essence that radiated from Junia was incredibly intoxicating. It hit the right spot, almost too well. Pennywise was overtaken by the powerful and natural urge of his to claim what he wanted, to abuse the girl in every form, to feed the ravenous hunger, to carve this maiden body into nothingness and peel flesh off bones with his teeth.

But it is far too early for this newfound plaything to be deposed of.

He released the iron grip on Junia, who fell hard on her ass. The pain was momentary but the shakes remained. Ears caught a jiggle noise and a thump. She glanced to see John's car keys on the dusty wood and reached out.

Pennywise, out of nowhere it seemed but she was in such a daze, shoved Junia by her shoulder, down, onto the filthy house floor. He snarled a warning to be heard. "But the next time, I may not listen and devour you."

Even with dizziness in play, those glowing, bright eyes of his were unavoidable and craved something deep into her, and it wasn't fear.

Junia gave a small nod. He left, slamming the door.

Shakily reached out again and grabbed the metal item that caused this treacherous experience.

Mission not yet accomplished but good enough.

LightDarkGemini LightDarkGemini

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