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Chapter 4: Level 1 Spirit Monster

"His..." The

  coffee clerk also smiled when he saw that Lu Xin hadn't escaped and turned around provocatively.

  When the smile on his face was distorted to a certain extent, the skin and flesh were torn apart, revealing a black body, which rolled and extended outwards, turning into a twisted and thick tentacles. Some tentacles have huge mouths with sharp and short fangs popping out of them, and some rolling up and down, revealing a huge eyeball.

  Then all the mouths opened sharply, spewing out a trace of viscous liquid.

  Lu Xin shivered: "Run..."

  My sister just looked at the monster excitedly: "I won't run, you see how cute it is..." The

  voice hasn't fallen yet, the monster is already With a roar, he waved countless thick tentacles violently, and struck him.

  Lu Xin was frightened and horrified, and couldn't help yelling: "I..."

  But in his cry, his sister suddenly pulled him, and quickly rushed towards the monster.



  "spiritual power fluctuations reached the limit ..."

  observation point where a staff member pounding the keyboard quickly, in a low voice shouted: "a spirit monster has appeared!"

  Show can be seen in their On the screen, the entire empty subway station at this time seemed to have experienced an earthquake, shaking unceasingly. With the cafe clerk as the center, huge cracks appeared on the surrounding ground from time to time, or it seemed to be beaten out by great force. In the deep pit, the people around, even the "customers" in the cafes, were torn to pieces.

  It's like an invisible force field, distorting, destroying, and destroying everything.

  "A subway train will enter the station three minutes later. There are at least thirty passengers on the train!"

  Another staff member also yelled nervously and turned to look at the woman with short hair: "What should I do?" The

  woman with short hair took a deep breath. After a sigh of relief, I couldn't make a decision for a while.

  "According to common sense, the spider-type mutant can't deal with this kind of spiritual monster without standard weapons..."



  The screen that she saw was constantly shaking. On the screen, the observer flew straight to the coffee shop clerk who had twisted countless force fields around him. His figure flashed, and a deep pit struck out by invisible thought power appeared around him. He shrank so suddenly, a hole suddenly appeared in a person's body seven or eight meters behind him.

  And in this extremely dangerous situation, he actually rushed to the coffee shop assistant abruptly.

  Then he stretched out his hand and grabbed one of the coffee clerk's arm.

  "Chi..." At

  this moment, the picture on the display suddenly disappeared completely.

  That's because the cameras in the subway station have been completely destroyed by that invisible power of thought.

  The short-haired woman took a breath and suddenly shouted: "Quick!"

  Everyone moved nervously, including the little girl in the next room.




  But at this moment, in the subway station, Lu Xin felt bitter, but he made a triumphant laughter on his mouth, and a fanatical and excited light flashed in his eyes. In front of him, countless Dao's seemingly gloomy and terrifying tentacles, instinctively, seem to be touched by any of them, and if they are wiped, they will cause an irreversible and terrifying consequence to themselves.

  But in this endless danger, he only seemed to feel excited.

  The figure rushed forward, made countless twisted and weird poses, avoided the tentacles, and came to the monster.


  He stretched out his hand and grabbed a piece of flesh on the monster's body, turned around, and the juice burst.

  One of the monster's tentacles was directly torn off by him.

  The monster was frantic with pain, shouting at the same time with countless mouths.

  However, Lu Xin's expression seemed even more excited, walking around the monster non-stop.

  His power is obviously not as big as the monster, and he can feel it. Once the monster catches himself, he will lose his life immediately, but instead of feeling scared, he seems to be very fun. Like a cat teasing a mouse, his body quickly approached and sometimes moved away from the monster. Every time he got close, he pulled off a long tentacle.

  He is disassembling this monster... The

  monster has fewer and fewer tentacles. It looks extremely angry and extremely scared, but no matter what kind of fierce reaction it is, it only makes Lu Xin more excited. The ghostly flashes around it, tearing off pieces of flesh... The

  roar of the monster is getting lower and lower, and there are stumps and blood everywhere around it.

  However, these residual limbs or blood stains, after landing, slowly disappeared over time and disappeared.

  At the end, the monster was already powerless to resist, only full of fear, crawling towards the exit.

  However, Lu Xin jumped onto the wall of his body and chased after him. He pulled off a thin iron pipe from the top of the wall. Then, with a big smile, he jumped off the wall and looked at the monster. , Severely inserted the tube from behind him.


  The monster was pierced through its head and directly nailed to the ground.

  The monster struggled desperately, unconsciously slapping the few remaining tentacles on its body.

  And Lu Xin squatted not far away, watching him screaming and struggling with great satisfaction while he was vigilant.

  In the countless eyes of the monster's tentacles, all the tentacles showed a look of fear, and all of the tentacles were stretched straight at the same time.

  Then with a "pop", it turned into a mass of plasma.

  And at the moment when these plasma exploded, they surged in all directions, like a cloud of blood mist.

  Fortunately, Lu Xin was extremely vigilant at this time, and instantly turned to one side, and escaped a group of squirming flesh and blood.

  But the "customers" who chased out from the coffee shops around them were instantly wrapped in flesh and blood and woke up suddenly.

  In the battle just now, under the almost indiscriminate attacks of the "coffee shop assistants", they suffered heavy casualties, but they were motionless, as if they did not feel pain or fear at all. At this moment, they suddenly woke up like a dream, one after another in all directions. Ran over.

  Some rushed to the entrances and exits on both sides, and some even jumped off the subway tunnels.

  Everyone seems crazy, and I'm not afraid of being crushed into meat sauce by the subway that is about to enter the station...

  "Want to run?"

  Lu Xin's eyes were full of enthusiasm and excitement, his eyes rolled, and his figure quickly turned towards the person closest to him.

  It was an obese woman who was limping.

  This woman was swept by the coffee clerk's tentacles just now. The whole left leg has been folded into a weird angle, but she was still running hard, but she was very slow, and noticed that Lu Xin was approaching from behind. She suddenly turned around and opened her mouth so sharply that one of her mouth was cracked to the base of her ears. At this time, her scorched and greasy teeth seemed much sharper than usual.

  At this time, she didn't look like a person at all, more like an irrational beast.


  Lu Xin flashed to the side, avoiding the mouth she had bitten, and then breaking her neck as soon as she stretched her arm.

  Then, he leaped forward and hurried to the other escaped figures.

  There was a strange enthusiasm in his eyes, and the speed was even more strange and swift. He had killed four or five "customers" in an instant. It was just that there were too many customers and they flee without life. When he caught up with his four or five "customers" and killed them, the others had already fled to various places. At this time, the subway platform was already empty.


  Suddenly a slight movement rang from the subway station.

  Lu Xin turned his head abruptly, and saw an old security guard standing in the security booth, looking at him in horror.

  The old security guard has good luck.

  Obviously, the entire subway station has been affected by the fighting, and the damage is very serious, but this pavilion is still intact. And he was unscathed. However, at this moment, he made a little movement, which attracted Lu Xin's attention.

  Lu Xin looked at him, his eyes looked dark and deep, and then his face showed a distorted and excited expression.

  The next moment, he had already moved suddenly, and he rushed to the security booth, his fingers stretched straight, and grabbed the old security guard's head.

  The old security guard covered his head with his hands in horror and hugged his head.

  But the expected attack did not come.



  "Enough ..."

  Lu Xin angry shouting, suddenly laid hold of his sister.

  The younger sister's slender fingers were about to catch the old security guard's face, and stopped just a few centimeters away.

  My sister is crazy, but Lu Xin can stop her.

  When he particularly wanted to stop.

  In the previous battle, if there was a slight error, he would be caught by the monster, so Lu Xin did not dare to stop his sister, even when Lu Xin wanted to escape and the younger sister wanted to come back, Lu Xin did not dare to force her. Because of the disagreement of opinions, both actions and reactions will slow down, and it may be dangerous, and those "customers" are not normal, so if you kill, you will kill.

  But this old security guard is indeed a normal ordinary person. Of course, Lu Xin can't let his sister hurt him.

  "Okay, okay..."

  My sister was forcibly pulled back by Lu Xin, and she seemed very angry, but when she turned her head, she saw Lu Xin's distorted face because of her anger at this time, but she suddenly became behaved. He got up, put his slender arms around Lu Xin's neck, and smiled: "Brother, don't be angry. Anyway, I also want to protect you, am I? Look at those monsters, they are so fierce and terrible..."

  "Sterious words, You can escape..."

  Lu Xin's brows were floating with blue veins, and he wanted to say something, but his younger sister's expression suddenly changed.

  "Oh, those people are coming over, let's go quickly..."

  Lu Xin was startled, hurriedly turned over, landed on the wall, and quickly climbed away from the station.

  In the entire empty subway station, there were only blood stains on the ground and the trembling old security guards.

  "Boom..." The

  subway suddenly entered the station, and the station was full of dust and crumbs.

  At the same time, a white shadow flashed in the iron station of the ground station, and a girl who looked like a doll appeared here.

  She was holding an umbrella in her hand, and she was floating in the air.

  Following her, the motorbikes roared, and the short-haired woman rushed in directly on the motorbike.

  They turned their heads and looked. They didn't see the existence of the spiritual monster, or even felt the remnants of spiritual power. They also didn't see the observed person before. In the entire subway station, there were only broken corpses and the whole floor. The blood stains and the coffee shop clerk who was nailed to the ground, leaving only a puddle of residues, with an unexpected and somewhat frightened look, crawled onto the face of the short-haired woman.

  "How did he do it?"

  she muttered to herself in surprise.

  A mental mutation of the spider system, without standard weapons and without the cooperation of an armed squad.

  How to remove a pollution source body?

  She was filled with suspicious doubts, and slowly turned her head, she saw the old security guard in the security booth.

  The old security guard was already scared stupid at this time, and the fear in his eyes seemed to overflow.

  In his trembling hand, he also held an old-fashioned digital camera from an old age.

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