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Chapter One: Going Home

 The dark red moon hung down above the city's row upon row of tall buildings, almost covering half of the sky.

  A dark black, rust-stained train around the city swiftly traversed the entire city under the gaze of the red moon, and in this train, some passengers in various clothes were reading newspapers. , And some dozed off in the dim light.

  "Ding, the moon station is here!"

  Lu Xin woke up from his doze, picked up the bag, and flowed out of the car with the surging crowd.

  Carrying a bag, he walked across the dirty and dilapidated steps, the platform full of newspapers, and walked to the ground of the city. He looked up. The glow of neon lights around made the streets of the city and the people on the streets. , There is a kind of weird feeling of colorfulness, but no matter how rich the colors are on the streets, the red moon over the city still represents the background color of the world.

  Since the appearance of the Red Moon event thirty years ago, the whole world has always been like this.

  Of course, Lu Xin didn't know the difference. He was born after the Red Moon incident, and the world has always been like this.

  He carried the bag through the alley that had just rained, and boarded a dilapidated old building. The elevator broke down again, so he could only take the stairs and slowly came to Room 401 on the fourth floor. With the key out, he opened the thick and heavy door of the house.

  The corridor was quiet and cold, but the room was warm and soft.

  In the kitchen, Dad was stewing meat, steaming in the pressure cooker, exuding a tempting smell of meat.

  My sister is lying on the sofa, holding snacks, watching a very old cartoon, SpongeBob.

  Mother is elegant and decent, wearing a white wool cardigan, standing by the window talking on the phone.

  "Brother Nine, you are back!"

  Seeing Lu Xin walk in and put down the quilt, the younger sister raised her head and said hello with a sweet smile.

  "Is Xiao Seventeen behaved at home today? I bought you the bear you want!"

  Lu Xin touched her head and handed her a brown bear.

  "Ah, thank you brother, I really like it!" My

  sister jumped up happily and hugged the bear in her arms.

  "I'm back?"

  Mom looked up at Lu Xin, then smiled and nodded: "Sit down and rest for a while, and dinner will be soon!"

  Lu Xin nodded and sat at the dining table.



  table already put out four dishes, as well as plates of blue dishes, rice served in a bowl, there has been cold.

  However, the whole family didn't mean to sit down and eat.

  My mother was continuing to say softly on the phone: "Sister Zhang, in fact, what happened today is really wrong with me. Don't be angry. Of course, my gray woolen sweater style is really old, but how do you say it? Doesn't it look good?... Yes, I called you because of this... Of course you didn't say it, but I know you think so..."

  "No no, don't get me wrong... I just I would like to ask you to apologize... You are not easy to curse, you are too uncivilized..."

  Dad's voice of chopping bones grew louder and louder, and his cursing voice came faintly: "Scum, trash, just break into someone else's house , Damn it, damn it all... Damn eating so much, I can't finish it no matter how to chop it, and it won't be clean no matter how it cooks!"

  My sister was sitting cross-legged on the sofa happily at this time, tearing the brown bear bit by bit, pulling with two, biting with her white, fine teeth, and biting off the brown bear's ears. , Biting his eyes, tearing off both arms bit by bit, carefully watching the process of separating his arms from the bear's body, showing an excited and contented expression.

  "I have to wait for a while to eat again!"

  Mom had put down the phone, and said softly: "I had a misunderstanding with my neighbor Zhang, I'll apologize to her!"

  Then, she took out the inside of the drawer. The scissors walked out gracefully and closed the door.



  Lu Xin Jingjing the dinner table waiting.

  He felt that he was lucky. At the beginning of the Red Moon incident, the world had been in chaos for a long time. During that time, many people died, and many orphans like Lu Xin appeared. A large part of it disappeared after he became an adult, and Lu Xin was able to be adopted by his parents and had a warm home, which many people admire.

  Of course, this family, these families, sometimes feel a little weird.

  But this family, in this dilapidated and dirty little satellite city, is still very successful.

  My mother returned soon, with a relieved smile on her face, and said, "Sister Zhang has made up with me!"

  Lu Xin found that under the collar of the white woolen sweater she was wearing, there was an inconspicuous extra. The blood stains are very fresh.

  The family began to eat.

  The younger sister still hugged her little bear, and after she tore the little bear apart, she sewed it back.

  It's just that the body is skewed and crooked, and it is full of rough needle corners, but my younger sister likes it more than before.

  Dad sat at the dining table, opened a bottle of unreadable white wine whose label had been defaced, clamped a chopsticks and greens, and killed a glass in one go. There is no meat on the table. Dad likes to chop bones and stew meat, but he never allows people to eat, nor does he let people get close to his iron pot. He was also wearing a plastic enclosure, stained with blood, and there were a few flies turning around him.

  There was the sound of police sirens approaching outside, and noisy people kept coming, not knowing what they were talking about.


  Pop !" Dad suddenly put down the wine glass and looked out the window with blood-red eyes: "It is noisy, the damn knows that it is noisy, and even a stable meal is not eaten. I waste the Metropolitan Police Department and can't find anything. , Waste neighborhood, I know to peek at others every day!"

  "Don't scare the child!"

  Mom picked up a green vegetable and ate it carefully. Her bright red lips were very dazzling under the dim light.

  Lu Xin remembered that she did not wear lipstick.

  "Fuck the kid, damn it, damn it!"

  Dad was even more angry, his five fingers gripping the bottle tightly, violent veins, and cursed: "Bitch, you damn it too!"

  "Yes, it's you In my eyes, everyone deserves to die, only you shouldn't!"

  Mother smiled gracefully and calmly: "Because you want to save the body in the end, you like to collect the body!"

  She said, put down the dishes and smiled softly Then, he looked at Dad: "Because those people are better than you when they are alive, and they are more capable than you, so you especially don't like seeing them alive, you like to see them no longer able to speak! "

  Shut up, shut up, do you know?"

  Dad was really irritated by his mother. He smashed the bottle so violently, he rushed to choke his mother's neck.


  Mother smiled very happily, even though her pinched face was purple, her smile was still very elegant: "Waste...waste..."


  Pop !" Dad finally couldn't help it, and began to fist and kick the restaurant, and the restaurant kept shaking. .

  "Wow... Dad, don't beat mother..." My

  sister was so scared that she cried and hugged the bear tightly . Her expression changed suddenly, and she giggled wildly: "Fun, fun, so fun..."

  While laughing, she Suddenly turned over and jumped up, like a flexible spider, climbed to the ceiling, hooked the chandelier with two feet, and somehow fixed the body, twisted and turned his head, watching the fight below, with a mouth in his mouth. He patted the toy bear with both hands, and his mouth was still whimpering, as if laughing, as if crying: "It's so fun..."

  Dad became more and more angry, and his body seemed to be constantly moving. Enlarged, the muscles broke through the shirt, revealing a cyan back, covered with just black hair, and the facial features became distorted and huge. He waved his fist and punched his mother hard, punching and punching. He had been beaten up, but his voice was still so elegant: "It's so good, this incompetent furious look..."

  Lu Xin took the rice and sat beside the overturned dining table, slowly eating the rice grains in the bowl. .

  Red Moon after the event, there is a warm family is difficult to get it ...

  though their home, the family will have some small problems, sometimes arguing and fighting, but still at home ah ...



  out of the window, is on the A room in the living room window of Lu Xin's house has been arranged as a simple studio.

  A short-haired woman in a casual suit was observing Lu Xin's room through a telescope.

  Through the lens of the telescope, you can see that in the empty room, Lu Xin is sitting alone in a chair to eat. It is obvious that he is the only one sitting there, but that room seems to have had an earthquake, tables and chairs. When it was overturned, the chandelier kept shaking, and a bunch of white flower-like cracks appeared on the window glass from time to time, as if something had hit it.

  "The mental power of the Observer of Mental Mutation No. 13 has appeared!"

  Two young men in exquisite work clothes next to her were calculating quickly and the other was recording.

  "Does he have the potential to be recruited?"

  "How big is the potential threat?"

  "What is the specific ability?" The

  short-haired woman shook her head and said, "It's still unclear. He is not like other mental mutations. It will show a strong form of abnormality, such as being able to enter other people's dreams, or unintentionally releasing a mental plague, etc., he looks very normal, he can go to work and work normally every day, and can even handle work well, but The spirit may occasionally be disturbed!"

  "Sounds of great potential and good guidance!"

  Behind them, a man with a somewhat dignified face said: "Have you ever tried to let the dreamer enter his dream for evaluation?"

  " Yes !"

  The short-haired woman in the red suit nodded lightly and said, "But after the dream maker entered his dream, he never came out again!"

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