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Chapter 64: Extra 4.8_POV Melissa

Late in the night, around 9 o'clock, I finally finished eating dinner with my big sister. It been a while since we last ate with the whole family during dinner. My parents who aren't home, my siblings and me who were busy with other things. In the end, we all ate when we wanted to, sometimes with each other and sometimes alone.

It felt different the first time, but right now I'm quite used to it. I do try to eat at least together with my siblings, but what can you do when everyone does what they want to do?


I heard the door being opened and watched my mother step in our house.

"Mom, you're back!", I shouted excitedly.

I know my mom is always tired after going here and there. She has almost no rest time. I hope she'll at least be a bit happy if I welcome her warmly because there's nothing, I can do to share her burden.

"Did everyone already eat?", mom asked me and my eldest sister.

"Yes, we all already ate.", my big sis answered.

"Do you want to eat?", I asked her knowing what her answer was going to be.

She shook her head while taking a seat tiredly: "I'll eat when your father gets home."

I could only nod my head hearing her expected answer.

"I'm going to make something to eat for us.", she said while standing up when she just sat down and walked to the kitchen to make new food.

There was still food over from what she made for us before she went to work, but most of the time she makes other food for themselves. The reason is that we, me and my siblings, have different taste than our parents. Even when we're fine with eating what they eat, she still makes us other food. Food that we like.

I'm happy that she does that for me, for us, but now she needs to make dinner twice in a day. There are days when we make dinner, but in the end, she still needs to make dinner for the two of them. I feel bad, but I don't know what I could do.

After an hour, the food was done. She put everything neatly on the table and sat down. Me and my sister followed her, and we began talking about what happened at school, what we heard from our friends etc.

There was a harmonious atmosphere around us. We laughed and talked. It was fun.


The language my parents grew up with and the language we grew up with are different. I, no we, never could speak their language efficiently. We could understand them, but we could never make sentences that even make sense. Only our mother could understand us well, even our father doesn't understand what we say all the time.

That's why the language barrier around us can make it hard for us to communicate.

"Dad, you're home!", I said while greeting him warmly.

[He's normal.]

My mom followed me together with my sister. They too greeted him and told him that dinner was already prepared.

"I'm going to make something. Wait for a bit.", my dad told us.

We let him do what he wanted and took a seat. It took a while, but he finally came with the food he prepared.

While my parents were eating, I told my dad about everything I just told my mum. He listened attentively, but I'm not sure if he understood everything but it is the thought that counts, right?

I talked and talked while looking at them eating. I saw my mom eating a bit from what we ate, a bit what she made, and a bit of what dad made. She ate everything there was in hope that nothing would remain of todays dinner.

Without any signs he talked about our grades. About how they are bad, how we will never make it, how we are a disappointment.

This is the first time he told us this, but it is still as heartbreaking as the first time. I know my grades aren't the best, I know that I did better back in the days. But what can I do when I just can't do it? I try, I try so hard, but I still fail. The test where I study the hardest at is barely a pass while the test where I barely do something gets a good mark. Is it my fault to want to give up?

Lazy. I'm lazy. I'm incredibly lazy. But even then, I try to study, when I don't want to.

"Why are you suddenly talking about their grades.", my mom questioned him angrily.

"I can't?", he replied angrily: "Why can't I talk about my kids grades. Haven't you seen their grades yet?! I never saw such bad grades!"

"We are eating right now! Can't you say such things on another time!"

"WHY?! Aren't I saying the truth!"

"You're always yapping when you are drunk! I told you to drink less! Don't you know that your health isn't good!"

"What has me DRINKING do with all this!"

"Isn't it the reason why you are talking about such topic!"

"Mom, dad, don't talk like that. Let's continue eating.", I interfered before a bigger chaos could take place while giving my sister a look for help.

She understood what I meant and helped me direct the topic about something else.

They once again began eating, but this time it was less warm than before. But it's okay, at least they aren't fighting each other.

"Here eat this.", my father gave my mother a portion of what he cooked.

When he first came in, he didn't seem too drunk, so I thought we would have a nice family chat, but this was only what I thought. Now that he drunk and drunk while he ate, he began to become more and more drunken. His movement and the way he talked was the biggest sign of his darkness.

I dread what will come.

"I'm full. You eat.", my mother answered while finishing the food on her plate, but my dad seemed to mind her attitude a bit too much: "Why don't you want to eat what I made?! I made so much effort making it, but you don't APPRECIATE IT?!"

"What are you talking about?! I ate it!"

"Yeah, she ate it, dad. I saw it myself.", my sister answered in hope of calming my dad, but he didn't seem to appreciate it.

"What are you saying! I didn't even see her touching it! You all are lying!"

He began to spout a lot of bad things. Things that you wouldn't want to hear in your lifetime.

The more he talked the more my mom and sister became mad. My sister wanted to teach father a lesson about how he should act and what he could and couldn't say. But before she even had the chance to say something she was interrupted by mom.

"Don't talk back to him. Just stay quiet."

This was what my mom always told us when our dad was drunken or mad. She hoped that he would calm down if we didn't refute him, bur sometimes it hard to stay quiet, you know?

My sister closed her mouth obediently and watched my mom finishing her last single food. She stood up to clean the plates and we followed.

Behind us our father was still rambling on and on, but I ignored it. I was always the timidest of the siblings. I didn't dare to do things my siblings did, I didn't dare to express what I wanted, and I didn't dare to say anything to my drunken father. I could only look at the side hoping for it to end as fast as it could.

We stood quietly while watching our mother was the dishes. Of course, my dad couldn't stay quiet, and followed us shortly. He had the cooking pot in his hands. Inside lies the food my dad made. He came to us with an intention that couldn't be described good.

He threw the pot in the sink while opening the tap. The water flowed in the pot, and the edible food became wet: "If you don't want to eat it than no one will eat it!"

He began to put other foods inside it and succeeded in making a mess.

"What are you doing with all this food!", my mom said with anger.

"Bad food should be thrown away!", he answered drunkenly.

My sister had enough. She ignored my mother's rule and began to scream back. She creamed, he screamed, my mom screamed. And I watched not knowing what to say for this to end.

And sadly, this wasn't the first time I saw this.

"Is it not your fault that you children always get bad grades! It's because you never tell them to study that they became someone JUST like you!"

"Aren't we your children too!"

"I don't have such children!"

"Diana! Don't talk back to your father!"

"Why can't she talk to me!"

"Don't shout at my mom!"

"Okay! Okay! If you don't want to be my child, I'll DIVORCE your mom!"

"I didn't say that!"

"Write it! WRITE IT! Write that you want to DIVORCE ME!"

"Why are you suddenly talking about that?!", my sister asked defeated.

I couldn't say anything, but only hug her to comfort her. She seemed at the point to wry out. Her shoulders began to shake, her breathing escalated.

It's so painful.

The tears that gathered in my eyes couldn't be released in the world. What if everything will become worse if I cry out?

Our parents were still bickering. Our father still talked about divorce. Everything was a mess.

It's not the first time he mentioned divorce, and it surely won't be the last.

Our mom decided to not argue further with dad, and decided to go upstairs to their room, to the room they share.

"Mom, you can sleep in Alpheus's room.", I told her.

I didn't want her to share the room with my dad because I knew he wouldn't let her sleep all night. She still needed to get up early the next day. How could I let my mom not sleep a whole night?

My brother is currently sleeping in our study room, so it won't matter if she slept in his room this night.

My mom only nodded her head and went to my brother's room. I wanted to follow her upstairs but noticed that my sister didn't follow. Anxious that my father would do something to my sister, I stayed downstairs.

"Aren't you going upstairs?", I asked my sister.

"I still need to get my papers for school.", she said while gathering her things quickly.

"Okay, I'll wait for you."

It didn't take long for her to be done. Our father was still badmouthing us, but I was used to just accept everything, so I didn't react.

My sister instead was trembling from anger. She wanted to argue back, but I didn't let her. I took her upstairs to our room.

"What happened?", my second sister asked.

This question opened the suppressed dam of my sister. She was unsatisfied that she couldn't convey her thought to our dad. That our dad was so mean to our mom. And that it was all our fault.

She cried and cried. It was not everyday that you saw her cry, so when she does cry it meant that she couldn't handle it anymore. That she was on a tipping point.

My sister and I could only comfort her. I tried to not cry because they shouldn't be burdened by another person.

My second sister began to complain about our father. She never really liked him all too much. If he did something bad, even when it was something really small, she'll explode. Our father was never the kindest to her. He always scolded her for being dumb, for being fat and so on.

He was never happy about the things we do.

Now that we are older, his dissatisfaction grew more and more. The times where we laughed together with the six of us grew smaller and smaller. Until I almost can't, no don't want to remember the good times. The times where I didn't know how black the world actually could be.

When did it all go wrong?

I heard noises coming downstairs. My father is surely making a mess, but the next day everything would be the same as always. The messy sink would be cleaned. The messy dining room would be cleaned. Everything would look like nothing happened.

My mom would surely wake up earlier than she already does and make everything clean again.

"Let's sleep.", I said after noticing that my sister was stable again.

They agreed because they didn't had the energy to do anything because of a certain someone. I turned off the light and went to our study room. I saw my brother still gaming.

"Go to sleep. If you don't want father to be madder than he already is."

Normally he wouldn't listen to me, but he knew that at certain times, it is better to listen than not. He turned off his computer and went to the bed. He lied in bed while I put out the light.

"Good night.", I whispered and closed the door.

I went back to my room. I closed the door and went to bed. I couldn't help but be exhausted knowing that this night would haunt me for some days.

I went to sleep while thinking about tomorrow.

[Would my friends notice my abnormality?]


A/N: Hey everyone! A fast update, right? And it is even quite a long chapter, not as long as the previous one but long enough.

This ends the extra chapters. This means that the next chapter would be from the main story!

I hope you all aren't too sad about it! HAHAHA!

Thank you for the Power stone, Corninha_69_106_!

See you in the next chapter!

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