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100% Pokémon: The White Stream / Chapter 1: Chapter 1: The Pokémon School
Pokémon: The White Stream Pokémon: The White Stream original

Pokémon: The White Stream

Author: peanutcoffee

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: The Pokémon School

A/N: Please be smart on how you use profanities in your comments, I want to answer them. WB has been deleting comments that had words like, Bitch, Fuck, Adult, and many more. So plz be smart on how you comment.


In a small town, excited and nervous noises filled the air, children, who were not ready for their brand new day of school were whining, while their parents simply laughed, and made fun of them, teasing them, making the kids more nervous.

However, some kids were excited, excited to make new friends and discover new things about the world.

"Onii-san, hurry up, mom's going to get angry at you! It's almost time for the entrance ceremony!" A young girl with long blonde-grey hair shouted, trying to wake up his brother, who was sleeping, and didn't care about anything.

The girl tried to wake him up, but she had enough. The only thing she knew that would wake him up was the sun, so she quickly opened her brother's window, making him jump up in pain.

"Ugh! Sun… I hate it…" The young boy said, ruffling his messy white hair.

The boy looked like a young teen at the age of 13, his messy white hair almost reached his chin, his face almost had no baby fat left, although some remained, in time those fat will also leave.

"Good morning, Nao, what time is it?" The young boy said, narrowing his eyes to see what the clock said.

"It's almost 9! And the entrance ceremony started at 8:45! C'mon I don't want to be late, if you don't move I'll leave you!" The girl slammed the door shut, leaving the boy inside his room.

He sat there for a few seconds before laying down on his bed once more, muttering 'five more minutes' to himself.

The boy slept for 10 minutes straight before waking up by a knock on his door.

"Hello? Dear? Are you awake, please get up and get yourself ready, you are late." A voice of a woman was heard on the other side.

The boy finally got up and went inside his bathroom, taking a towel and a cup with his necessary needs like a toothbrush, toothpaste, razor, etc.

After a few minutes, the boy got out of the shower, with his towel covering his lower body, his messy hair transformed into a… messy hair, but with style…

"Alright… Wait, it's 9:02?! Cool, I have 1 hour left." The boy said, looking at his clock on his wall.

The boy didn't mind being late, in fact, he wanted to be late, he didn't want to stay sitting on a chair for minutes or even hours for a ceremony. He would rather walk miles instead of doing that.

When he finished changing into his uniform, he went and checked out his appearance in the mirror.

He wore a black jacket and a white under-shirt with a dark blue shirt underneath, black pants, and brown shoes. That was the school's boy's uniform, he was going to change the under-shirt but his mom wouldn't let him.

(A/N: Image)

"Alright, I think that… oh wait a minute." The boy hurriedly went to his desk and checked on the small drawer and grabbed a small silver ring.

The ring had K and T engraved on it, and a small pocket that can hold a small stone, which made the boy ponder for years.

This ring was very special to him, he got it when he was on a trip to Hoenn with his mom and sister, he didn't know why there was a K and a T on it, but he thought it was just like that when they bought it.

He then immediately grabbed his bag, and made his way downstairs.

The smell of rich miso soup, and pickles entered the boy's nose. He got curious and looked at the kitchen and saw his mom sitting on the kitchen table, eating rice, miso soup, fish and pickles. (A/N: Has anyone tried pickles with rice? I like it, is that weird? Also, if my mom is nice she makes miso on the side.)

"Ara? You woke up early, I guess I woke you up huh? I guess even you can't resist your mom's cooking!" A woman with long grey hair, that reaches her waist said, showing a smile while holding her chest out.

The boy smiled slightly, his mother loves her cooking seriously. One time, Nao, his little sister, said that his mother's food was bad, that she was grounded for a week.

And that's when Nao learned to be nice to her mother, especially in the kitchen, she even cried about it for days.

"Good morning mom… did Nao leave already?" The boy said, taking a seat across from his mom.

"Ah, yeah she told me that she tried to wake you up for 15 minutes straight, just to sleep again." His mother sighed, thinking of what she did to raise a lazy kid.

"Anyways, did you like the new place? What's it called… Pallet Town? It's completely different from Circhester right?" His mother asked him, now that he thinks about it, yeah, it really is different from Circhester.

The cold, and harsh temperatures in Circhester, versus the warm, and cool atmosphere in Pallet Town really makes it different.

"I'm neutral about it… I was okay with the cold weather in Circhester, so it's hard to switch to a climate like this." The boy said, reminiscing about all the things he did when he was in Circhester.

"Yeah, I know, but at least no more attacks from wild Damanatan's. Haha…" That was one of the few reasons they moved out of Galar, the frequent attacks in Circhester made it dangerous to live in, especially from experienced fighters like Darumaka and Darmanatan.

The two talked for a few more minutes, until the boy finished his food, he waved his mom a goodbye and went towards the school.

"Wait! Kaito, you forgot your stuff!" Kaito's mom shouted, stopping Kaito on his track, he then realized that he forgot his bag. He quickly ran back to his house and got his stuff. (A/N: Will explain why I changed his name lol. You'll see in the end.)

On his way to school, Kaito was forming a plan on what to say to the teachers. He knew he was late, but… they wouldn't take 'I didn't care about the ceremony and slept through it' as an answer.

While he was forming a plan, he wasn't aware of his surroundings and bumped into someone.


"Ow, ow, ow, ow…" Kaito was dragged out of his mind when he felt someone bump into his body and dropped into the ground.

He looked down and saw a brownish-blond haired girl that reached her shoulder, with green eyes. She was also wearing the same uniform as Nao.

The uniform was a red blazer with a yellow bow tie, and a reddish-brown pleated skirt. The girl's school uniform also consists of gray knee-length socks with brown boots.

"Hey… watch where you're going." Kaito tried to say nicely, but that just made it worse, the bystanders heard what he said and whispered to each other.

"Look at the boy, making rude remarks, he probably woke up on the wrong side of the bed."

"Wow… is this the legendary bump scene in romance school anime?!"

"Look at the young girl, she looks like she's about to cry, ugh, boys these days are truly worse."

Kaito was confused, said something nice to her, but then she started to cry. Does she not receive nice things?

But all those thoughts were shattered as he heard what the girl mumbled,

"M-my… m-my toast…" The girl sniffed, crying about her toast. This was her breakfast, she was also late to school since her clock didn't work.

Suddenly, the crowd seemingly disappeared, hearing what she said, just embarrassed themselves by bullying Kaito.

"Hmm…" Kaito stood there, thinking why the girl cried about a toast, but after a few seconds, he didn't get a conclusion and left the girl by herself.

By the time Kaito left, the girl realized Kaito, and she was about to say something, but he was too far away, she just cleaned her skirt and went her way.


After a few minutes, Kaito managed to get to his school without any interference like earlier, when he went inside the gate, the guards got confused, until they saw his uniform.

The guards wondered why a kid would be this late, and then the other guy said,

"Probably because of the entrance ceremony, no one likes those." The two guards then nodded with each other, remembering their old school days.

Kaito just passed by them, wanting to get to his class quickly, he doesn't want to be 'late'.

Navigating through the hallways, he found the school office and asked for his papers. The staff also got confused, but gave what Kaito needed.

He looked at his papers one more time and saw his class, Class 1-A, which was in the highschool building, or Pokémon training building, where teachers of highschool teach kids of 14 to 18 about Pokémon.

The school had three buildings, one for elementary, one for middle school, and one for highschool or Pokémon school.

The elementary teaches kids about… well, simple Math, Science, English, History, etc.

The middle school teaches kids about the same thing as elementary, but more advanced and it touches the subject of Pokémon, business, and the wild.

The highschool however, has two sides, the business side or the trainer/Pokémon side. Students that graduate middle school can pick which career they take. If they take the business side, they'll learn about the world of business and some important facts of the Pokémon world.

If they pick the Pokémon side, they'll learn about how to be a trainer, how to take care of Pokémon, their habitats, natures, and the wild. They'll also touch the subject of business, making 80% of students pick it.

It's a win-win for them, learn about Pokémon, and learn a bit of business.

When Kaito finally got there, he opened the sliding door and saw his teacher stop writing on the chalkboard and look at him with a confused expression.

The students also turned and looked at Kaito, which made him unconsciously take a step back.

"Can you kindly tell me who you are, young man?" The young woman with black hair and brown eyes said, her hair reaching to her back, she then adjusted her glasses, waiting for Kaito's answer.

"Kaito… My name is Kaito, this is Class 1-A right?" Kaito said, double checking his paper, to see if he was in the wrong building.

The teacher nodded, as she took out her clipboard and tried to find Kaito's name on it. After a few seconds, she found it and said,

"Ah yes, you're in the right class, although you are slightly tardy, please find a vacant seat." Kaito nodded, he didn't really care about being slightly tardy, but he didn't want to be late to an extent of missing a couple of classes, that would be a waste of knowledge.

Kaito looked around the classes, meeting a few unknown eyes, but he soon found an empty seat near the window, he then made his way towards it.

As soon as he sat down, the door of the classroom slammed open again, making the students and the teacher look in curiosity and annoyance.

"*Ah… am I late? Sorry, hehehe, I got lost." A familiar girl said, her brownish-blond hair messy from running.

Some male students looked at her with red faces, due to their hormones or the beauty of the girl. Some didn't care and just wanted the class to be over.

The teacher did the same thing she did to Kaito, asked for the girl's name, and told her to find a vacant seat. The girl looked around the classroom, she then found an empty seat behind Kaito. She immediately went there, avoiding some males' raised hand, pointing to a vacant chair near them.

They sighed in defeat, but looked at Kaito with envious eyes, he won… for now.

When the girl sat on her chair, she looked forward and saw Kaito resting his head on his palm, looking out the window without any care.

Her eyes widened, this boy was the one she bumped into!

"A-ah! Y-you're the one who bumped into me!" She shouted, pouting a finger at Kaito.

The class turned around and gave the two their attention, making the teacher sigh, she didn't get paid enough for this.

"Hm?" Kaito looked at the girl with a confused expression, like he didn't know what she was talking about.

The two stared at each other, until Kaito looked away, and faced the teacher.

"Haa… I don't get paid enough for this. Alright enough commotion, My name is Anne, and welcome back to Pallet Town's Pokémon School."


The End of Chapter 1: The Pokémon School


A/N: Alright, this chapter is a lot different then the old one, where he just gets his starter and leaves Pallet. I wanted to explore Pallet first, give character to his mom, sister (new character I put it), Michael and Jennifer.

Also, why'd I change Gabriel's name? Well, it was supposed to be his 'real name' I mean it was in his gold ring back then, but the plot I wrote didn't make sense, and that's why I rewrote the story lmao. Also, I want to use Japanese words like chan, san, kun, etc on the story, Gabriel-kun looks okay but…

And let me know if this is almost better than the old one, did I give them character? Can I do better? Or is this good? Please let me know, anyways, just got back from the park, played 5 games of basketball and my body hurts, deuces✌🏽

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