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86.84% Multiversal Internet Cafe! / Chapter 32: Chapter 27 - Intense Confrontation

Chapter 32: Chapter 27 - Intense Confrontation

Seiko jumped back from the clash, firing a beam towards Hirota. However, Hirota blocked it with his leg, flinging it into another planet before rushing towards Seiko.

[Create skill-]

Hirota raised his hand towards him.



Seiko quickly blocked Hirota's punch and tried to counter with one of his own.

"Do you think you're the only one with Supreme Authority?" Hirota smirked.

Hirota ducked under the punch, pulling Seiko closer before landing a powerful uppercut to the chin. The impact sent him flying up into the air, but quickly recovered before Hirota could follow it up. Hirota teleported behind him, attempting to land another strike. But Seiko quickly reacted, grabbing him by the arm and using the momentum against him to throw him over his shoulder.

Hirota was flung deeper into space but quickly caught himself. However by the time he had recovered, Seiko had already caught up. A brilliant golden energy engulfed Seiko's fist before he unleashed a devastating punch directly to Hirota's jaw. The impact left Hirota momentarily frozen, his form crackling with golden lightning, before he was abruptly launched to the edge of the universe. Seiko wasn't done yet however.

Descending upon Hirota like a bolt of light, he landed a powerful kick directly to Hirota's chest. The force of the impact shattered the barrier, hurtling them into another universe. He pressed his feet against his chest, crashing Hirota into a multitude of planets before finally crashing him into a black hole.

[Complete Restoration]

Seiko began healing over and over again, his limbs getting torn apart but then getting put back together.

"What's wrong?" Hirota smirked.

['Complete Restoration' will be deleted in 10 minutes.]

He grabbed Seiko by the face, spinning around and throwing him further into the blackhole.

[Complete Restoration]

[Complete Restoration]

[Complete Restoration]

[Complete Restoration]


Seiko was continously being torn apart and put back together, while also having to fight Hirota. In an instant, Hirota appeared in front of him, throwing a punch. Seiko was just barely able to block it, his arm shattering in the process. The force behind the blow sent him further into the blackhole.

[Complete Restoration]

"Let's go somewhere better than this dump."

Hirota flew into Seiko, grabbing him by the shirt. He swung him around a couple of times before throwing him into a portal. Seiko landed in a bar, crashing through a table. Hirota walked through the portal soon after, grabbing a bottle of beer and throwing it. Seiko swiftly dodged out of the way, kicking a table into the air and at Hirota.

Hirota crashed through the table and headbutted him before sweeping his legs.


Hirota tried to kick him while he was still down, but Seiko swiftly rolled out of the way and jumped back up to his feet. Hirota smirked, a disc forming a few inches above his palm.

"Let's step it up a little!"

He throws the disc into the nearby jukebox.

[Now playing: Into The Fire - Ultrakill]

Seiko rushed towards Hirota, attempting to do a spinning back kick aimed at his neck. Hirota swiftly blocked it, in which Seiko responds by quickly standing up straight and going for a right hook. Hirota blocked it again, sending a punch of his own. Seiko moved his head to the side slightly, Hirota's fist brushing against his face before he crouched down a little bit and went for a uppercut. Hirota jumped back from the uppercut, countering with a straight kick to the face that pushed Seiko back a little bit.

Seiko quickly recovered, getting into a fighting stance as Hirota ran towards him. He leaned back a little bit, swiftly dodging a kick to the head and quickly punishing with a punch to the gut. It stunned Hirota for a moment, but not for long as Hirota blocked a jab and returned the previous blow with a punch to the jaw.

Seiko got pushed back a couple of feet, blood dripping from his nose.

[Complete Restoration]

He swiftly kicked one of the legs of the table, breaking it off and grabbing it. He swung it at Hirota rapidly but Hirota was able to dodge them all.

"Your sword skills are lacking." He smirked, also breaking the leg off of a chair and using it as a sword.

Seiko rushed towards him again, swinging the sharp piece of wood again. However, Hirota blocked with it ease, countering with a lightning-fast cut to the face.

"Urgh!" Seiko grunted in pain.

[Complete Restor-]


Hirota swiftly followed up with a relentless barrage of slashes aimed at Seiko. Seiko attempted to block the onslaught, but the ferocity of the attack left him with both small and large cuts covering his entire body. Hirota's movements were a blur as he spun around, expertly disarming Seiko and knocking the weapon from his grasp before piercing Seiko through the chest.

"A-A-Blurgh!" He spout up a mouthful of blood.

[Complete Restor-]


Hirota's smirk grew wider as he leaped back before launching himself towards Seiko. His kick drove the wooden piece even deeper into Seiko's chest, causing another spout of blood to erupt. With the momentum of Hirota's attack, Seiko was sent hurtling through a portal. He emerged on the platform, crashing right between Meliodas and Beerus, where the ongoing tournament continued, momentarily disrupted by this unexpected event.

"Is that Seiko-"

Before Kazuma could finish his sentence, a red beam of light shot past and grabbed Seiko, flying him into another portal. As Seiko crashed into a mountain, Hirota grabbed him by the hair and threw him into the air.

"I'm going to plant me a dumbass tree!" Hirota laughed.

He teleported above Seiko. Planting his feet firmly into Seiko's chest, he drove him down into the planet's surface. The impact was devastating as Seiko crashed through layer after layer, descending into the deepest reaches of the planet where the ground was perpetually bathed in searing lava.

Despite the grave injury, Seiko summoned the strength to stand once more, ripping the wooden piece out of his chest.

[Complete Restoration]

"Where did that bastard go?"

Then, Seiko sensed something looming above him, causing him to look up immediately. Hirota wore a sinister smirk as countless bright red spheres materialized from his very being, spilling into the heavens like a blood-red blanket.


The red spheres, taking on the form of sharp swords, rained down relentlessly upon Seiko. Displaying incredible agility, he leaped back, nimbly evading a few of the descending blades. Nevertheless, the ferocity of the onslaught left him with cuts from those he couldn't entirely evade. Seiko's golden aura gained a sudden surge of energy as he reacted with a swift punch, deflecting one of the swords hurtling directly toward him. He continued to maneuver through the storm of red blades, ducking, dodging, and rolling in order to evade the torrent of swords.

'I need to think of a plan. Any attempt to create a skill will just be blocked by him. Think think you idiot!'

Seiko dived to the side with split-second precision, narrowly evading a sword that whizzed past him.

"Oh! I know now!"

The rainfall of swords had finally stopped, giving Seiko a moment to breathe. Hirota rushed towards Seiko, throwing a punch.



'This won't last for long as he also has Supreme Authority, but that's more than enough time.'

[Create skill: Brainrot]

[Warning: This skill is in risk of gravely dangering you. Do you still wish to create this skill?]



[Brainrot is complete.]

Hirota broke out of the timestop, landing the punch. However, Seiko grabbed his fist, seemingly having more strength than before.

"What the?"


Seiko's retaliation was swift and powerful as his fist connected with Hirota's face, sending him hurtling into the cold vacuum of outer space. Hirota quickly recovered, chuckling.

"Well, this is interesting. So you bypassed the godly skill limitation and reduced its loading time by registering it as a self-harm skill." Hirota remarked, his voice laced with a sense of twisted admiration.

"You insane bastard." He cracked his knuckles.

Seiko flew up, floating a couple of meters away from Hirota.

'Brainrot, a skill that allows me to use further power in exchange of my sanity. It would be best if I finish this before I completely lose myself.'

Seiko assumed his fighting stance, his determination unwavering. Hirota mirrored his readiness, the stage set for another intense clash between these two individuals.

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