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99.06% Story: Fate/ Against Fight / Chapter 105: Omake 10: How to turn Mash into SMAS!

Chapter 105: Omake 10: How to turn Mash into SMAS!

Blood could be seen splashing in the air. Following the dirt, you could see the guts and flesh of someone scattered.

"Take this bitch!"

"Argg, damn my leg! Please stop! What have I ever done to you!?"

A person could be seen beating the shit out of another being with a big shield as a weapon.

That person was Mash Kyrielight, the cute poster girl of Chaldea Security Organization and the being in front of her was Demon God Pillar, the stepping stone- I mean the main antagonist of this timeline.

However, at the moment, Mash was anything but cute as her eyes were showing deep hatred while her smile was that of a warlust goddess.

"What have you done to my kohai…?" Gudako shuddered at the sight of her kohai the demon she became.

"I told you, it's her hidden potential and nothing else but I have to say… we do lose something. Want some popcorn?" The person was Einar Sirius du lac and the cause of Mash's new state.

"Yes…" Gudako sighed and accepted some popcorn from the demonic angel fairy.


Gudako was on a singularity but since most enemies were archers, she only took Mash and Einar as her supportive servant…. Well, now Einar is more than enough to handle any enemy on his own.

Soon they reached the core of the cause and find out that just like any other shitty short-term singularity; Demon God Pillar was also present here.

"Einar, can you handle him alone?" Gudako looked at Einar in the hope to receive a positive answer but she saw him looking at Mash who was a little down for the moment.

"What's wrong Mash-chan?" Einar asked his kohai and person carrying the spirit of his nephew.

"Sigh* I am sorry Einar senpai but I think I have not been very useful in combat." Mash signed.

She was a little down for the fact that she was not able to show any skill to her (beloved) new senpai. She thought that with the absence of Artoria or any saberface she could spend some memorable time with Einar but it was all ruined since they were in front of the final boss and except for defending her master's ass, she couldn't do much.

Einar, while thinking something, went towards Gudako.

"I am feeling bad for my kohai…" Gudako said looking at Mash who was sighing after every minute.

Unbeknown to Gudako, it was the state of all other servants except knights of the round table and saberfaces, especially lancers.

"Then I have a plan," Einar smirked.

"What plan?"

"You may have noticed but everyone from the round table has a certain tendency that is hidden well from others. Like Artoria has low stamina in keeping up with me on the bed, Lancelot is a masochist and Bedivere likes cross-dressing in general. Galahad had also one."

"And what would that be?"

"Just watch~" Einar winked and then walked towards Demon God Pillar.

"Hahaha, I am Demon God Pillar Barbados. So you-" Barbados was about to continue when Einar interrupted him.

"You evil monster! Your reign stops here! Haaah!" Einar took out his spear and then ran towards Barbados and swung his spear lousily.

"ah…? Is that supposed to hurt me?" Barbados was confused.

"Hah! Take this!" However, Einar continued to slice the giant pillar like a baby swinging a stick.

"Gentlemen, please be serious." Barbados respectfully pushed Einar away. "And please let me state my reason for creating this singularity and-"


He was again interrupted when Einar flew several meters away from the push that was just meant to make some distance.

"Einar senpai/ Husbando!" Mash and Gudako ran towards Einar.

Mash was worried and took Einar in her arms.

"Mash, that demon… ugg… I am afraid I can't continue anymore…." Einar struggled and said.

Like in Indian drama, Mash and Gudako looked at each other while thunder BGM was played in the background.

"That demon made me useless…" Einar greeted his teeth.

"I am sorry but I only want to state my reason and that push wasn't even meant to hurt you…!" Barbados was offended. Although he is a demon, he was a gentle demon and can't get defeated without stating his reason and the procedure he went through.

"Oh no… Einar senpai…"

"Mash…not only that but it seems like my peni- I mean my little brother is also hurt. I am afraid I won't be able to spend time with any girl anymore…." Einar exploded another bomb.

"What?!" Mash widened her eyes and glared at Barbados who flinched from such a deathly glare. "Einar senpai… then you won't be able to…"

"Mash… I know about your feelings and I also like to create some memories with you but a man's pride is in his dick. Furthermore, it has been cursed so unless that thing is killed and erased from existence, please forgot about me…"

"W-what are you saying…?" Tears formed in her eyes.

"Yeah… I am sorry for being such a useless senpai…"

"Sniff* P-please don't say this!"

"Haha, Mash I think you have to handle that thing alone. Mash, Galahad wasn't only a defensive tactician but also a master combatant. You could also do it, you have to focus, Mash I believe in you…. Bleh." And Einar fainted.

(Day of Fate ~Spirit VS Spirit~ BGM)

Like her limits and class as a defensive servant fly away like a bird, something got awake inside her.

"You..! You!! You damn demon!!!!!" Mash roared and released a tremendous magic wave shaking the whole singularity. Her hair was shining with silver light and her eyes were devoid of the consciousness of old Mash. She turned into Super Mash, SMASH!

"What?" Barbados and Gudako were both confused.

"See?" Einar opened his eyes and take out some drinks to watch the show.

"You were acting?"

"Well duh… Anyway, as I told you that Galahad also had one other weapon in his arsenal and that was me."


"Yeah. You know once I got a cut on my face once in a war, it was no problem but Galahad got so enraged that he erased a small army on his own when he was just 16. In short, if she sees me getting hurt on my face, he becomes a berserker. Since Mash is a girl then I used my D as an excuse." Einar explained.

Gudako could only stare at Einar and wondering if fairies have a crafty mindset in general.

"Take this you **** ****! I will cut you **** and burn it down! How dare you hurt Einar senpai's dick!? I will kill you!!"

"Arrg my leg! Please listen to me!!!"

Gudako could only stare at the bloodbath her kohai was causing and exchanged looked with Einar several times before asking, "Who is the demon again?"


On other hand, Mash was also almost done dealing with Barbados.

"Please forgive me!" However, what comes last was a cute demon girl.

Einar and Mash were shocked by such a new revelation.

"Please! You have to understand! I only push your senpai to talk. Look he is fin-"

Before demon girl could complete, Mash slapped her so hard that broke her few teeth.

"Bitch, did I ever give you permission to speak?" Mash said with a cold tone.

"Foliv mee!" the demon girl pleaded.

"Forgive you?"

"Yesh.. the-"

"Daga Kotowaru."

"Daga what?"

"I said I REFUSE! There is nothing I like more than refusing someone who hurts my senpai. You have just run out of time."

Demon girl widened her eyes and got up to escape.

"Humph, trying to escape?"

Mash shook her head before flew high in the air with the help of Einar's buffs.

She put her shield in front and pinpointed her direction towards the running demon girl. Huge Camelot walls began to materialize until they took the shape of proper walls.


Mash called the name of her new noble phantasm and dropped on the demon girl like Tsar Bomba.


A huge explosion occurred and debris wrecked everything while Einar could only look at the drama with a mob face.


And Gudako was hiding behind Einar.

After erasing Barbados out of existence, Mash came back covered in blood reflecting the sight of a yandere goddess.

"Senpai, are you okay?" Mash asked with a 'smile'.

"Yeah… pretty much…" Einar felt cold in his back.

"Good." Mash smiled and sat on his lap and hugged him affectionately. "Senpai, you promised me a date, remember?"

"When did I-"

"Se~ en~ pa~ I, you promised me a date, fufufu~"

"Oh yeah, let's go! But first, we should go to a hotel to clean you guys up." Einar automatically agreed and carried two girls on Mono and flew in the air.

"Einar senpai, I want to go in a mixed bath to strengthen our bond~."

"Mash, you are a little early-"

"Senpai~ do I have to repeat myself~?"

"Of course not, dear!"

And so the singularity comes to end.

New Class:

Mash Kyrielight -> Berserker.

Conditions to unlock: Try to hurt Einar Sirius and she will beat the shit out of you.

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