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75% Star Wars The Timelord / Chapter 2: 002 Getting Born

Chapter 2: 002 Getting Born

My first feeling after being send to the new Universe was how tight it was around me and how wet falls began to crush me. Trying to get some space I wanted to move my hand but with no success. I got into panic mode trying to move and reject my coming death by forcing my howl Power against these crushing waves of mead. All these actions made me grasp for air but nothing comes, my mouth didn't move one bit and with that the panic did rise to a new height.

Struggling further seemed not to work so I began to recess the situation and then it dawned on me I was about to be born.

If I could make a face it would show a completely disbelief face with a strange smile hanging on my lips. Nerveless I began to reorder my thoughts till a voice pulled me out of my dwelling. My soon to be mother was about to go into labour and I fucking idiot haven't chosen my appearance yet.

Hoping it would still work I chanted for the Panel to appear and fortunately it did. Fast looking over my specs I was reassured my parents were humans and I also chose to be one if not I didn't know what would happen to me or my new soon to be mom.

Rather than wasting any more time I chose my skin to be slightly going into green. My eyes too seem deep black in colour and my hair to become dusty brown. Feeling the overall appearance to look good I made my face appear to be masculine and rigid. My last touches were and the overall proportion to be deemed ideal and then gave myself the necessary specs to pleas my future beloved. Next I wanted to move on to my inner being but sadly blackness took over a not even born yet infant can't do too much was all I can lament later.

Then I feel a slap on my ass groggily opening my eyes I wanted to scream how dares to slap your daddy but nothing other than the cry of an infant came out of my mouth.

Congratulation Mister and Misses Vingol you have a healthy boy.

The first few days in my new live I learned that I was on the Planet Muzara witch was in the Trestis sector and that it was 5 year after the first colonisation took place on this planet. This was a good thing because I wanted to be part of the mandalorian wars and if my knowledge didn't fail me we should write the year 3995 BBY.

The second thing I heard when my parents did talk in my presence was their names, Lana and Mark Vingol and that my name was now Edward. Not that I would use the name much but it had a good ring to it Luis Edward Vingol.

Past this few snippets of information gathering I had nothing else to do. Firstly because what did you expect a few day old one child to do other than getting his milk and sleep and sleeping I did enough because I didn't want to drain my body or overstress my bones. Instead I just go with the normal flow of what a baby should do at least till I am 4 years old because I don't want to strain my body extra in my growing faze.

That lead to my boredom and trying to tap into the Force itself but sadly there was no response from it. I did not panic because hey I knew I had talent with the force so I just had to wait.

After six month of nothing happening in the family or around the house I started to get impatient and wanted to see more of the world and with this carving getting higher I started to become unrested and tried to move my body from my parents arms whenever I had the chance. Still this rocking and struggling was nothing else than a baby's natural instincts. The only difference was the fact that my brain had other thoughts just as to explore more than a normal baby would want to.

After the 7 month I couldn't hold back anymore and even if prematurely I started to crawl around my parents were unnerved by my activity in such a young age. Most parents would be ecstatic that their child would be early active speaks early or even shows interest in music because they think their child would be gifted. My parents were the opposite. They were not fearful of me don't get me wrong but they were overprotective of their first born. This hurdle I thought would become a stick in my ass.

With my growing body and my increasing activities I began to seek out the fundamental environment of the house. The new techniques intrigued me and I was exceptionally ecstatic when my parents gave me a T3-A2 Utility droid to look over me and the house.

With this new companion around which I saw as a Friend and snitch to my parents I started to seek out windows to look at the world outside.

In my 8 month of live I was finally fit enough to start trying to walk. This was great to me but send my parents again into frenzy how to watch over me so I would not do anything dangerous.

Walking made my live much easier and to put it simple the world looks so different when you stand instead of crawling on it even if it is just a few centimetres.

On my 9 month of living I started to try and use words because I wanted to learn the language and be able to communicate. The first words were naturally dada and mama and this send shivers down my parent's spine while being too happy for their own good.

If you ask why I understood the planets name it is easy louds are in every language the same which has the same root and with that I could made out the name of at least a few things even when the language is unfamiliar.

With the language training beginning I also started my tinkering with my toys this was something that surprised even me considering I was never a toy fan. I speculate that this has something to do with my mechu-deru ability cause I also feel an innate understanding of the inner working of said toys.

The following few month I tried to learn as much vocabulary as I could and tried out the lauds till I did feeling that I got them right.

In my 14 Month of live I was finally able to speak my first sentence that had structure and was comprehensible.

That been taken care of I slowed down my outside development and began to play more with my droid. This had reasons first I didn't want my parents to die of shock and happiness and second I didn't want to be outcaste because they could see me as a anomaly.

So the next Year other than listening to music and watching children shows going to the fields to play in them with my mom and dad I intensified my understanding of the technical side of things. Still being a now a little bit over 2 years old I didn't have much wake time my body still needed rest most of the time.

When I was 2,5 years old I got introduced to the neighbours child a 3 year old male named Dave. This guy was a drag the only good thing about him was that he could spare a little with me in children bouts but other than that he was a drag.

So when my 3 year rolled around I again started to meditate and tap into the Force. It took me almost the howl year to finally get a response and when I got it I was relieved.

From this point on I started to train my force training or to put it simple I circulated the Force throw my body to unlock my force constitution witch would help me nourish my growing body.

In addition to the ever growing sensing of the force and circulating exercise I also started to unlock the healing ability of the force. It comes to no surprise that my parents were very worried in that state of my training seeing as I had many injuries during that time and even tried to stop me from playing outside. Naturally with time I got a hang of how to heal myself with the force even if it was really slow.

The first step to unlock the ageless body was done but I didn't want to continue in that regard at least not bevor I reach between the age of 18-26 were my body would be in its ideal state.

To sum my next 3 years together is an easy feat because nothing relevant happen other than secret running exercises, weight lifting and challenging small animals.

Altogether my first 7 years were with no hiccups and were productive but sadly all good things must come to an end and mine was the time I had to go to school again. Furthermore it was an AG school which means it wouldn't help me in the slightest for my future. The only good thing was I still had one face I knew there and that would be Dave how just so happens even when half a year older was in the same class as me.

The first day of school started with me going to the enlistment ceremony and getting the information in witch class I was sorted into. By the way it was B2 same as Dave Yeahhhhh…. I for myself had no hope for these following few years but Dave was happy and like a pressured bottle that would seem could every moment explode. Getting into the class I saw many children sitting on chairs or standing and talking with each other already. So I took the opportunity to get the best place for me viable and that was the last row on the window the place of the loner of a class.

That said and done I waited for the teacher to arrive while my supposed friend was now hold up by a few other children and was melting into their circle. As far as I am concerned reacted to no one and watched how the parents leave the school ground.

When the middle aged teacher finally arrived he made a round up call and introductory session. What a pain and finally the shit had to hit the fan when the first break arrived.

"Hi Edward" said a slightly bulky kid to me. Fancy, finally being able to meet You. My name is Thomas Chesbri and I am the son of the mayor of this settlement. My father came many rumours to the ear of the prodigal son of the Vingol household. I have to say I am not impressed. I thought you would be more. More refined more charismatic or at least be able to entertain me but it seems my hopes were too high.

Grinning into my Face, I had to give him that he had a good tongue and knew how to set someone up but nerveless his grin ticked me off. So I said "Mister Chesbri, I am sad I didn't reach your standard of an excellent human being and am just a loner and part of and agriculture school class but can Mister Chesbri answer my question why you are here other than make a fool out of yourself while throwing around your parent's status?"

I could see how his face got slowly red and the grin became slightly forced but to give him credit he didn't lose his countenance and hold up the facade of a greater person.

"Vingol how dare you questioning my decisions! I am making a great sacrifice by going to this school to learn more about the not so gifted people and their struggles don't lump me together with yourself how has no drive to better himself for others."

"Yeah Yeah and you oh so noble person, stands so much above the rest, to grace us with your presence, isn't just because this is the fucking only school on the colony and your father just can't put up with your bullshit to teach you hand on, for your future and now you have to spew your shit of your superiorly to us because nobody will listening about it from you?"

Now his shade of red got even more pronounce it was hilarious to see him try to hold up this farce, did he really think anyone would put up with this much bullshit he spurs around?

So it came to no surprise to me when he blow up trying to reach for me to grab my collar but sadly for him I reacted faster than he anticipated. The First thing I did was jump of my chair and in the same motion I kicked the table in front of me. The table hit him hard on the chest and this Chesbri idiot with the table landed on the front desk.

The howl classroom was quit even bevor the all eyes were on us because he was just a tick to loud so all could hear our conversation of me being a waste sadly for him now his action backfired.

"Try sad again Chesbri and the next time I break both your hands." I said threaten to the slowly getting up kid in front of me.

"You" said another kid coming behind Chesbri. He was big and muscular most likely his bodyguard.

"What do you want muscle head?"" your owner wanted to grab my caller without reason when his intimidation did not work he switched to a physical approach against me so I had all right to protect myself from him and the same applies to you!"

Finally being able to stand alone Chesbri just Humpft in the background. "Jack let it be, let's go to the infirmary first and Vingol this will be not the last of it." With that he turned around and left the classroom.

What a good first day at school I thought. I became infamous, am on the bully's bock, have my first enemy and a high profile one at this, showed that I am not to be trifled with and found out that Dave is just a gawker and not somebody how you can trust your back with.

The Rest of the day was the uneventful if you put aside the curious eyes of my classmates, the hateful stars of Thomas and Jack or the unfruitful tries of Dave to talk to me. I knew there will come a retaliation but it will be nothing I could not handle the same shit happened to me in my other live so I can handle myself I taught to me.

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