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Change of plans

Hiro disappeared from his house and appeared in Itachi's shadow. He could feel Itachi slowly dying as he fell to the ground. Hiro did a quick switch no jutsu and left a copy of Itachi while dragging Itachi's real body into his shadow.

Hiro returned to his house and brought Itachi to the lab. The kid was barely alive and dying fast. Hiro looked at Itachi and went over his options, he could let him die then bring him back as a Shadow General. That was his plan at the start.

Hiro frowned, now he was the technical 7th Hokage.

He sighed "Fuck it. I'm changing everything, let's go." He slapped Itachi's chest and his hand glowed green as he healed Itachi back to fully healthy. Hiro injected him with an Impurity Cleanse, fed him the Ultimate Stamina and Healing potions.

Hiro looked at Itachi and reached into his Sharingan storage list. He merged like 8 different Sharingan into two eyes and merged them with Itachi as he had left Itachi's eyes with the copy he made.

Since Sasuke needed Itachi's eyes or he would go blind, he had to leave them. But this was much better, the eyes Itachi currently had were miles better than what he had before and it seemed that the blood had merged in as well so Itachi had the same abilities as before but now only more.

Itachi slowly woke up and Hiro looked at him saying "Yo!" Itachi said "I'm alive..." Hiro said "Pretty much! Don't worry, your eyes were left in a copy so Sasuke thinks you're dead." Itachi was silent for a moment and Hiro added "But I mixed 8 different eyes into one and transplanted them into your eye sockets, giving you new ones. Though they seemed to suck in a bit of the blood and retained your original Susanoo, Amaterasu, and Tsukuyomi."

Hiro shrugged and said "Now you just have Super Sharingan." he pressed on Itachi's forehead and unlocked Itachi's Haki and cleared the path for his Sharingan, crushing a 30 yr experience token on them as he added "Good thing is that they're now Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan, so you won't go blind from overuse. They were also perfectly merged with you so you can use ALL the power."

He held a mirror out for Itachi and showed him his own eyes.

(Image Here)

Itachi looked at his eyes and said "Where am I?" Hiro smiled and said "My house." as he dragged Itachi by his neck and threw him in a bath saying "Wash yourself, when you're done we have work to do." Itachi was silent and cleaned himself, his nail polish came off and he was fresh as a whistle. His skin was perfect and smooth, all his wounds disappeared and he was completely healthy!

Hiro threw him some 'Oni Attire' clothes. Hiro gave him a black hoodie with the blue oni symbol on the back and joggers with moccasins just like himself. Hiro brought Itachi out, telling him to keep his hoodie up.

Hiro walked up the stairs with Itachi and out the house, Itachi looked around and mumbled "Konoha?" Hiro smiled and said "Look at the cliff, kiddo." Itachi looked and said in shock "You're the Hokage!?" Hiro chuckled and said "Isn't that crazy? Anyway, we're going to make a visit. You're coming with me."

Itachi said "Why? What's your goal?" Hiro walked in the village with Itachi explaining "Originally, I was going to let you die and then use you for myself, but then I decided against it because I felt that it was a waste for you to become my power." he waved to the people and smiled as he continued "Bringing you back from the dead as a Shadow General was the original goal. You wouldn't have been a slave but a subordinate in my army, whether you wanted it or not."

He continued walking as he smiled and added "Though, I changed my mind." Itachi asked "To what." Hiro chuckled and said "I realized that I'm now the technical 7th Hokage of Konoha, seeing the tragedy that was the Uchiha Clan massacre and the manipulations behind the scenes from the so called 'higher ups' in the village, I want them to toss and turn in their graves, realizing all their efforts were literally for nothing. I want them to die with regrets and suffer even more in the after life."

Itachi was confused and Hiro smiled saying "I killed Danzo a long time ago and I let the 3rd Hokage die. There's only 2 left and they won't escape either. What you don't know is that the 3rd Hokage and Danzo stimulated the Coup of the Uchiha clan all those years ago because they felt the clan had too much power in the village. It wasn't about peace, because Danzo would never allow them to have peace in the first place. That's why he stole Shusui's right eye before he could force peace negotiations to go through."

Itachi was stunned and Hiro revealed "The 3rd Hokage knew of all of this but never said anything about it because he didn't want the Uchiha in power either. Obviously, if the Uchiha are in power, how could he possibly be Hokage? He naturally cannot continue to be the leader of the village, so he cut the threat at the roots. Coincidentally, there was someone else who wanted to destroy Konoha because of their own grudges, which is why the Kyubi attacked the village."

Hiro looked at Itachi and added "The Madara you spoke to isn't Madara. His name is Obito Uchiha. Sad story for him too, as you might expect. He almost died then got revived by the real Madara, when he came back he happened to see the girl he loved killed by his friend and went crazy. A shame he doesn't know the truth that she was manipulated and killed herself to save her friend. Big oof."

Hiro waved and walked into a building, saying "Though, it doesn't really matter to me at all. I'm the Hokage, whoever threatens the village will die. Unless I don't want to kill them. I alone decide life and death in the village and everywhere around it."

While Itachi was still processing this information, Hiro shouted "Elders! I have to ask you something!" Itachi looked up and an old man and woman appeared saying "What is it." they were very cold as they didn't like Hiro too much, he did what he wanted and didn't tell them anything, worst part was that they couldn't manipulate him. Though they were cooking up a plan for that.

It was in the works.

A real shame they couldn't plot from the afterlife.

Hiro smiled and said "I killed Danzo and that clown Sarutobi. Today, you'll die too. Itachi, kill them." Itachi looked at Hiro, who added "They were also responsible for the Uchiha Massacre, these are the last two I was talking about. Don't worry, their efforts are in vain."

He looked at the two shell shocked elders and said "I know exactly what you've been doing, you think I can't see you plotting against me behind the scenes? You're both idiots. Heh, I honestly can't believe you haven't been killed till now. Whatever. I'll bring back the Uchiha clan just to spite you, remember to watch from hell, I want to make you as angry as possible."

He turned cold and added "You're not needed in MY Konoha." Itachi immediately moved and stabbed through their hearts, before they could even say a word. He started getting a bit excited at Hiro's words, 'bring back the Uchiha' was ringing in his mind.

Hiro took the two bodies and turned them into black crystals before leaving the building with Itachi, saying "Take me to where the Uchiha clan is buried." Itachi lead the way and they flashed out of the village.

Monkey_Godking Monkey_Godking

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