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Chapter 105: Chapter 105


The morning after I broke my knuckles on my new Dragonite's face and lay the beat down of the year on him and Gyarados, the air was sliced the howl of a roaring dragon.Zipping through the air rapidly, Dragonite lashed out with a clawed fist sparking with electricity.

His opponent, not even half the pseudo legendary pokemon's size shot forward, ducking under the blow, white light exploding from his feet and enhancing his speed.

Charmeleon evaded the Thunderpunch easily.

Dragonite immediately slammed his feet into the ground and swung his tail to propel himself around, but Charmeleon was one step ahead of him, doing the very same, only faster thanks to more than a single factor, but his Quick Attack very much helping.

Charmeleon jumped as he spun around, a clawed fist of his own igniting with an aura of burning orange.

Dragonite turned around just in time to get hammered in the face with Charmeleon's mega punch attack.

The orange scaled dragon slammed into the ground hard, stunned by the blow.

But Charmeleon wasn't done.

No, how could he be? Not when he was an avid student at the Jord School of Hard Knocks.

Before Dragonite could recover, Charmeleon latched onto one of the larger reptiles legs and heaved while jumping high into the air.

The fire type shot up easily thirty feet into the air from the force of his leap, carrying the much larger and heavier dragon and flying type up with him, before beginning to rapidly rotate like a spinning top.

"Meleon!" the smaller red scaled pokemon roared after rotating multiple times and picking up a lot of momentum and unleashed the seismic toss.

He launched Dragonite back down towards the ground, where he smashed into and through the hard stone ground of the battlefield outside the back of the Cinnabar City pokemon centre, debris shooting up into the air as a crater formed.

Despite the massive pair of blows Dragonite was just dealt, never mind the blows he'd taken from Charmeleon before them, he wasn't down for long.

Maybe after five seconds at best, the orange scaled dragon pushed himself up on shaky limbs and rose back up to his feet, mouth baring a savage snarl.

Charmeleon in contrast, having landed about ten feet away, eyed the dragon almost boredly. While Dragonite was covered in bruises and a few cuts, Charmeleon's scales were merely scuffed a bit here and there.

It was clear who the stronger of the two was currently.

"Alright, that's enough." I called out, putting an end to the battle.

Charmeleon smirked and walked away, making his way over towards where I currently sat on a rock to the side of the battlefield to join us. All of my pokemon were currently out of their pokeballs and spread out around the area.

Dragonite jerked his head towards me and scowled, but I merely raised an eyebrow at him challengingly.

He held my gaze for a moment, before scoffing and trudging over to the other side of the battlefield, away from the rest of us.

It was a testament to how strong and durable Dragonite really was, that he was still willing to continue even with how damaged he was.

And showed how little damage I truly did to him last night. Amateur he may have been, but Dragonite would tear me apart in a proper fight and the only reason I 'won' that little scuffle last night, was just through the sheer shock factor of a human laying him out.

I looked to Chansey who stood demurely at my side, my side which she had barely left since last night after she healed me up…after slapping my shit in.

"Can you go heal him again please?" I asked her.

"Chan." Chansey turned her nose up at me in reply, showing her displeasure to me once again, but did as I asked regardless and made her way over towards Dragonite to heal him.

Yeah, seems I was still in the bad books with her. She wasn't happy with me at all for the stunts I pulled last night.

Though technically, I suppose she wasn't the only one. Granted, the others directed their anger towards Gyarados and Dragonite.

Specifically Dragonite though.

His battle against Charmeleon?

That was his fifth one so far and it was only just after ten in the morning. After we went through our typical morning training and conditioning and moved on to practice battles, my other pokemon didn't waste any time in picking out Gyarados and Dragonite as their opponents.

Milotic in specific fought them both back to back and beat them both, rather harshly at that.

Gyarados was more or less let off with that, but Dragonite, prideful as he was, didn't show a bit of remorse.

And so got challenged by Pidgeot next after Chansey healed him, and beaten within twenty seconds.

And then Fearow after he was healed again.

…And even Bellossom.

Dragonite's humiliation when she danced around him and then defeated him after barely taking any hits was very plain to see on his face.

And now he was trounced by Charmeleon as well.

They were really hammering their displeasure into him.

Usually I wouldn't have let it go this far. But, Dragonite has a real attitude problem. Well, maybe I shouldn't be the one saying that since well…we're not all that different really.

But, even after last night, he barely gave me any face.

Letting things play out like this, established a pecking order. In that, he may have been a Dragonite, one of the most naturally powerful species of pokemon that existed.

But, that meant nothing in the face of pokemon I trained. I let it go to grind it in, that he was weak compared to my other pokemon, or at least, nowhere near as skilled.

I was using these practice battles to send a message to him, 'Look at how strong Bellossom is, she's smaller than your hand but still kicked you around. Think how powerful you would be with my training.'

And while it seemed to be slow going, it was working.

After all, since the second he sat down after battling Charmeleon, Dragonite hadn't taken his eyes off me, staring at me heatedly.

Still, I have to admit.

Dragonite sure is something. All three of my newest team members were really. I hadn't started them off at the lower levels of training at all today, I had them join right in at the same gravity training all my other pokemon were doing.

And they were able to take part. Sure, they didn't last as long as my other pokemon and struggled with it, but the fact they started right off at the current level showed their innate strength.

Especially Dragonite. While Gyarados and Blastoise had bowed out just after halfway through, Dragonite struggled and toughed it out to the end and not once had be backed down from any of my pokemon even after getting his ass kicked repeatedly.

Dragonite was practically made for this kind of training. Dragons in general really. They seemed to grow quicker and better under intense training conditions.

I'd had the theory after watching Ash's journey and the various dragon types he'd trained, and watching Dragonite more or less cemented it for me.

He was far from my strongest pokemon currently.

But, he wasn't going to take too long in catching up, I can tell.

It was just a matter of making him respect me before that time came.

"Alright guys!" I called out and stood up, bringing the eyes of all my pokemon to me. Though, that wasn't very hard considering most of them were crowded around me and both Gyarados and Blastoise were just at the right side of the battlefield resting.

I had a pretty good handle on their personalities so far. Blastoise was a pretty chill type, very go with the flow, Gyarados was a bit weird, very attentive and listened to me when I spoke, though had a very short temper.

Most likely that came from just the aggressive temperament Gyarados were known for.

I looked around at them all before smiling, "Great job this morning," I praised them, "We'll be heading out soon towards Grandpa Canyon, you remember what I told you guys before right?"

I got a various set of nods and calls of acknowledgement, though three in particular looked rather confused.

Ah right, I hadn't let my newbies know what we were going there for yet, "There's a few pokemon I want to catch there, some real tough guys," I explained, "Through a bit of luck I learned that a bunch of ancient pokemon are living within a cavern under Grandpa Canyon, so we're gonna head there, beat them up and capture them!"

To finish things up, I flashed them a grand thumbs up.

Gyarados accepted my words easily, and Blastoise shrugged, rather uncaringly, his shoulder cannons would have probably rose up and down with the motion if they weren't currently retracted so he could recline more comfortably.

Dragonite's reaction was more telling though.

His head perked up and a grin spread across his face, an eager desire to battle in his eyes.

Hmmm….should I?

Eh, screw it.

"The strongest of them all is a really powerful Aerodactyl," I explained to them all and then looked directly at Dragonite, "You wanna take it on?"

I'm rather doubtful he can beat the Aerodactyl. For one, it was stupid strong. The Kabutops within that cave barely blinked at getting hit by Ash's Pikachu's thunderbolt, and they ran away in terror when Aerodactyl showed up. It was that exact reason I sent Golem, Shiftry and such back. To deal with any problems like if I caught any of the others before Aerodactyl and needed some of my strong pokemon around to control it.

Still, I'll give him the chance to try at least.

"Droo!" Dragonite nodded eagerly, grin widening to the point he bared his teeth.

"Alright, we'll head out once I stock up on some more food for you guys." I said, and began recalling all ten of them to their pokeballs. I had two slots left, so I'm aiming to capture Aerodactyl first or second. It'll be better if I have it with me rather than send it to Viridian City, but I've planned for either variable at this point.

For now, it's time to head to the Pokemart and stock up on some super delicious pokechow munchies.

Adding three more rather huge pokemon to my line up means the food intake increased quite largely.

'Good thing I'm loaded now.' I breathed a sigh of relief.

I pulled my phone from my pocket and brought up the map of Cinnabar Island on it, before pausing and checking my call log.

Thirty seven missed calls from Hilda, during the night when I was sleeping. Not to mention a text message that was very….loud?


All caps and demanding he called her. Though when he woke up, saw the call log, saw how many times she'd called him, he tried to call her back only for it to ring out.

It was the middle of the night in Unova when he tried after all.

Though, it seemed to be something more to do with him than her so he didn't need to worry.

'Wonder what I did to piss her off?' he thought as he made his way around the Pokemon Centre, a few people giving him odd looks as he did.

That was another thing.

Most people he'd saw today had been giving him really weird looks. when he tried to ask one guy about it, he yelped in fright and ran away.

People were fucking weird man.

"Well, not my problem." I shrugged.

I've got shit too do after all.

Can't say I'm not a bit tempted to stick around for a bit though. While most people had no idea where Blaine's gym is on this island nowadays, I do. But, considering how much trouble Surge gave me, I think I'll hold off for now and just sweep through them when I get back.

Once I return from Kalos, my pokemon will be way stronger and I'll just fly to the main eight gyms of Kanto and mop them up one after another in a few days tops.

If Alain can fucking do it, so can I!

0_Jordinio_0 0_Jordinio_0

I've started uploading stuff a little bit earlier on my Pa--treon. If you wanna see them just that little bit quicker, you can find the links in any of my story descriptions.

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