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Chapter 4: The Next Morning

The very next morning, Sirius opens his eyes then grimaces when the events of the prior evening return to his mind. 'Well there goes my bachelor life, it looks like I am going to need to finally do what Lily always said and grow the hell up...' Sirius thought to himself. Rolling out of bed before slowly walking into the washroom, Sirius contemplates the dilemma of what he needed to prioritize before the old git tries to weasel his way between himself and his godson.

"Hmm... it would seem that going to Gringotts and getting formerly recognized as Lord Black is a must especially if I am to have any protection from Dumbledore..." Sirius mutters to himself. About an hour later after having a *ahem* relaxing time in the bath Sirius makes his way downstairs to the kitchen for a quick brunch as it was already past 11 in the morning. Seeing his mother with a newspaper, he stops almost out of habit before sitting down. He glances at the title of the Prophet which states, "You-Know-Who Defeated! Our Hero Missing?". The article then went on with quotes from a certain Half-Giant and Mad-Eyed Auror that the 'Hero' was last seen being taken from the Potter's house after the apparent death and questionable 'betrayal' by one Sirius Black. Now glaring at the paper, he hisses out "So that blasted bastard decided to go that route? It seems that instead of openly claiming me as one of MoldyC*nts death munchers he wants to make others question me."

"Yes it would Appear so. Luckily he isn't an official member of the Wizengamot even though they are basically agreeing to whatever Albus says. Yet you mark my words this new ministry is under dire straights right now and if they have even half a mind they are going to either elect him as Minister or something close to it in order to ensure their public reputation. Luckily I still have a seat, even if currently unused: me supporting you should you face trial will undoubtedly help your case." the old lady smirks.

"Hmmm... If that's the case then we need to go public with this, as well as bring Harry with me today when we go to Gringotts, doing so, while risky: will show everyone that Harry is safe as well as not being harmed. After all if I was a 'death muncher' Harry would be gone by now. Will you be ready with-in half an hour?" Sirius asked. [Author: Yes I know that its properly called 'Death Eaters' but I like to poke fun at bigoted idiots.]

"Yes, albeit while I don't really wish to leave here considering the changing climate... It seems to be necessary" Walburga quickly stands and starts to head to her room to change, as Kreacher starts cleaning her place at the table while using magic to finish cooking Sirius's breakfast/brunch.

"Will Master wish for a early drink to go along with his breakfast?" Kreacher politely growls out.

Doing a double take at the little bitter old elf Sirius exclaims "Never in all my years have you even been so polite, well at least since before I attended Hogwarts, why the change?"

"Master is to be Lord Black, Master has my Mistresses' approval once more, as well as great Master Regulus's Support." Kreacher croaks out.

"Who would have expected this..." Sirius mutters under his breath. "No I will have to wait until later tonight to have a drink, as I need to be on top of my game today." Thinking to himself about how over half of Magical Britain is likely to be baying for his blood should anything go wrong, Sirius quickly moves to start eating.

Twenty some odd minutes later after both eating and having changed into proper a proper decorum which consisted of a Muggle styled black Swallow-tailed Tuxedo with a matching black shirt and shoes Sirius is by the door completely ready, either for a duel or for public pictures that would surely come as he is dressed in mourning attire. Walburga finally finishes as well and comes down the stair in an outfit reminiscent of a Victorian era Noble Lady's dress.

"Kreacher! Bring Harry! and make sure he is swaddled and his-" Before Sirius could finish his sentence, Kreacher teleports to them silently. In Kreacher's arms is a swaddled and dressed baby Harry. Harry was in a warm wool sweater and wool nappy and wool beanie.

"The little master was fed a few minutes ago as well as changed less than an hour ago. He should be right as rain until your return" Kreacher softly says.

"Good!", Sirius carefully picks up Harry while glancing at Kreacher. "I want you to also shadow us today, make sure you stay both invisible as well as unnoticeable while the three of us make our way through Diagon Alley, only interfere should we be taken down, and should you do so: prioritize Harry first and foremost, with myself as secondary. Mother comes last as she is very close to her end anyways. Understood?" Kreacher frowns but nods after seeing Walburga not make a move to disagree with her son.

"Well, shall we?" asks Walburga almost grinning through her ever present sneer at the prospect that she may well be able to blast someone unto oblivion today. Grabbing Sirius's outstretched hand She apparates to a empty room in the Leaky Cauldron.

After their vison comes back the first thing they notice is the sound of many MANY people cheering, laughing, and yelling in joy. Opening the door the noise continues until someone notices Sirius Black holding the one and only Harry Potter. Walburga Black is basically not noticed, realizing this she slowly moves to 'blend' into the crowd in order to not be the first target should anything happen.

As Sirius walks forward people start quieting down... till the point where one could hear a pin drop. The crowded bar's patrons eyes go wide, both realizing that Harry Potter is in their presence, as well as in the arms of a man that the Daily Prophet had questioned as possibly both a Death Eater as well as a likely traitor. Sirius realizing that everyone was on edge, slowly brought out his wand.

The widened eyes of the crown bulge even further.

Each and every patron holding his or her breath.

Each and every patron praying, hoping, wishing: that the Daily Prophet was wrong.

That this 'Hero' wouldn't be murdered in front of them.

With an almost insane grin very similar to a certain cousin of his, Sirius opened his mouth to speak.

Zarosian Zarosian

1105 Words. In the case you all missed it or simply didnt realize it, I would appreciate a voting on whether there should be a tiny Harem or medium Harem, as well as whether this will be a mixed AU. You can find out more in the Auxiliary chapter "Ideas to be Voted On".

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