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Campione In DxD Campione In DxD original

Campione In DxD

Author: Shitty_Author

© WebNovel


So yeah, I decided to start writing a new novel, some people reading this might have tried reading my other now dropped novel a Mad Gamer in Harry Potter. That won't be continued by me I just can't really think of how to write it. For anyone curious I did have a vague plot lined up that will be below this foreword if anyone wants to write it. So, part of the reason I dropped my previous novel is that I felt like I had to update it daily and it became like an obligation and eventually I just decided to give up. So that doesn't happen here I'm not going to promise any kind of regularity of updates or chapter length. Also if you don't like the novel just stop reading, I'm mostly writing to do something other than just moping around all-day not to hear people complain about it. I get that somethings I write people won't like but just stop reading if that's the case. It's what I do, I spend most of my time reading random fanfics on web novel and the moment I get bored or annoyed by something happening I just stop reading instead of complaining about it. OK. Mini-rant over, this isn't so much based on my own limited experience so much as it is reading other authors on the site dealing with people complaining about their writing.

So because I'm an ass I'm only putting the full explanation of the novel here for people that actually bother to read the foreword.

So basically, someone from our world (without magic) accidentally commits a hit and run while drunk. Immediately thinking fuck it they decide to become a criminal and other the course of a couple of years kill a lot of people over the World, just because they feel like in the grand scheme of things killing one person by accident and a bunch on purpose aren't that different. Eventually, they are caught and sentenced to death (I know fuck all about different judicial systems so fuck it.) At the execution, a suicidal god from a dead world appears and uses our protagonist's hand to kill themselves, seconds after this the protagonist dies. However, in the multiverse at the same time as this, the protagonist's world is moving and happens to pass by a version of the Campione world before moving past, as a result, the main character receives the abilities of a Campione and receives the sole authority of the suicidal god Adaptation. Then, because the protagonist's world is bound by several world laws to not hold any magic (Hence why a god could die so quickly) their soul now separate from their dead body and fused with a Campione's authority is forced out of the world and into a nearby world in the multiverse which happens to be a version of highschool DxD that is close to canon.

So yeah, Synopsis over. Aside from this, I have another idea for a novel, which is basically 3 friends from an AU version of our own reality die from bombs dropping in world war 3 in the midst of a game of dnd, and are selected by a ROB to be reincarnated as it's amusement each receiving 3 wishes with the condition that they can't hear what the others are wishing for and if any wishes match it wastes a wish. This would be set in DanMachi. If I do decide to write this there will be no regularity in releases and I will decide which novel to update on a whim. So yeah comment if this novel idea is something you'd be interested in. I already have plans for the wishes each character makes, and they are OP, to say the least.

End of Foreword

So I had a general plan for events that would happen in mad gamer in harry potter based on each year.

So for the first year, it would mostly follow canon ruby grinding skills while sticking closely to the golden trio.

In the second year, ruby would begin to talk to and hang out with luna trying to start a romance. Also in this year, Ruby would use her abilities to create a false persona called the smiling man and every time the basilisk strikes leaving a petrified victim, she as the smiling man would abduct and kill a random pureblood from Slytherin leaving messages insulting the heir in the blood of the pureblood victim.

In the 3rd year, Ruby would allow things to mostly follow cannon however over the course of the year her eldritch mind of madness skill would grow massively as she uses her smiling man persona to spread chaos all across magical Britain.

in the 4th year, Ruby would enter herself into the Triwizard cup by just yeeting a ball of paper past the age line. this would also be the year she starts to openly display more of her abilities. In the tournament, she'd win the first 2 events by just driving the dragon insane and breaking its mind to such an extent it goes comatose and the second task by using apparition underwater where no-one can see. Finally, in the graveyard at the end of the tournament, she would 'be possessed by the Smiling man who systematically takes Voldemort to pieces before making a deal with Voldemort bound by magic that 'the smiling man' would not get involved in either side of the conflict with the sole exception being to save one specific individual who is not told to Voldemort. In this way, Ruby is able to continue following canon as long as luna is involved while also having an excuse to stop using 'the smiling man' as by this point she has grown bored of the persona.

In the 5th year, she follows canon mostly helping with dumbledores army and allowing most events to unfold as canon as she spends most of this year cuddling with luna and just furthering her relationship with her.

In the 6th year, she starts begins just absolutely fucking with everyone around her gradually revealing herself to be the smiling man at the end of the year as the 'golden trio' begin the Horcrux hunt. (Luna would have already been aware of this fact from some time during the 5th year.)

In the 7th year, she just follows the golden trio around harassing them as they hunt for Horcruxes as well as snuggling with luna. Eventually, the battle for Hogwarts comes to pass and while ruby is distracted luna is hit by a stray killing curse. This is very bad for everyone. As ruby has continued to grow her eldritch mind of madness this causes it to finally reach max level and her physical form ceases to exist and she becomes a full-blown eldritch terror akin to Yogg-Sothoth who immediately brings about the apocalypse ending the world.

Then I would maybe have had an epilogue where ruby and a newly resurrected Luna are living in a paradise created within the bounds of Ruby's true eldritch form.

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