Mr. Yudisthira Salman, together with three madams and children returned to Salman City.
Mr. Yudisthira couldn't help but be calm if he stayed in Jakarta.
He changed the rules within the city of Salman City.
Since the kidnapping of Zenaya Putri, Salman City has been closed to outsiders.
The entrance to the city is guarded 24 hours.
Everyone who leaves or enters the area is strictly inspected
Even if the city's security is tightened, the moon means that the comfort level of the city's residents is getting worse.
It is better if the manager of Salman City improves comfort services and ensures the safety of the city's residents from crime and violence.
Salman City is safe for everyone, including the entire Salman family.
Salman's children and wife and the rest of the family can go anywhere, and of course, remain under the supervision of city security officers.
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