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6.21% Married To My Ex-husband's In-laws / Chapter 21: Nindy To Be A Queen Of Mafia In This Woman's Prison

Chapter 21: Nindy To Be A Queen Of Mafia In This Woman's Prison

The elevator door opens.

"Finally!" Nindy came out the door of the elevator in a hurry was accompanied by a curious garden from Frans. How many women like eucalyptus oil? This beautiful woman is one of them. Frans stunned. Why did I not greet the beautiful woman before, huh? What is the employee at this company? Why did I just see it? Frans couldn't see the woman's face.

The glasses worn by the woman covered part of her face, even so, Frans could see her woman's beauty. His nose was small, his lips were tiny, his chin pointed, his hair was bun practically showing off the neck of a beautiful and white level.

The beautiful woman has high in almost the same as Frans, but because she uses high heels, their height is parallel. Perfect! Frans was fascinated.

"Wait! I like him. The scent of his perfume!''s not! It's impossible! Which maybe dolphins turned into a mermaid, in this office again...'s impossible!" Frans throws away the thoughts, but can't. His mind still remembers Nindy, comparing Nindy with a beautiful woman in front of it.

"This woman is perfect, beautiful, beautiful, the body is fantastic...10... number 10. Perfect value!

Nindy...Far ... passing... Damn! Damn! Why did I keep thinking about him! The woman raised her too high. How could she refuse to meet me! Arrogant, not He had come to prison three times in the small town. When he came there both, he also couldn't meet Nindy. Who came by someone else. The woman is ugly and insane.

The woman promised to give chocolate cake to Nindy, after receiving it, she ate the cake in front of Frans. Not only that, the crazy woman destroyed expensive red roses that Frans brought.

"You don't come again. Nindy doesn't want to meet gay look like you!" The woman sneered.

What! Watch you! You call me gay! Hah! Crazy woman! "Frans just told it in his heart. But ... What is the power of him! Frans was willing to be insulted by Nindy's friends. All of that because of the money 25 billion US dollars.

Can halfway it's okay! Frans willingly. Willing to return to Nindy, but he was in prison too. With a little word regret, beautiful poetry, roses, and chocolate, or a little tear, no problem.

As long as Nindy is willing to come back with Frans, it's okay. After all, Nindy and I will live separately, visit Nindy and 3 times a week, it's okay! As long as Nindy is happy, happy and forgets that Frans has ever hurt! As long as Nindy divides the US $ 25 billion. Does not matter! Frans is ready to accept the consequences of his past mistakes, as long as Nindy forgives him. all. For the future, for money.

Frans came for the third time in prison. Frans was rejected at the entrance.

"On Nindy's orders, a man named Frans Winata is prohibited from stepping into the prison gate!"

Damn it! Nindy Great! But is Nindy that great? He could order the prison warden to forbid Frans from visiting the prison. God damn it! Arrogant! So is he in jail? Is now Nindy transformed into a mafia queen in this women's prison?!"_

Damn! Nindy is great! But what is true is Nindy as good as that?

She could order the prison guard to forbid Frans to visit the prison. Taking teaching! Proud! So what is she in prison? What is now Nindy to be a Queen of Mafia in this woman's prison?! Nindy became like Claudia Ochoa Felix, the Queen of the Mafia?

Ck ck ck! Not playing!"

Frans couldn't be anything. Everything. With Nindy's money can be in power in this prison. The prison is a palace. The prison guard becomes his troops. Paying people blocking Frans, it's nothing rich. She is already rich.

Frans is upset considering that.

Frans lost track of Nindy.

"Where did that beautiful woman go? How fast the way is! Oh, there she is. Did she turn right ... where? Women's toilet...awh!"_

Frans stopped his steps. If not busy, Frans wanted to stick in his place or wait in front of the woman's toilet. But it's impossible! Toilet the man right on the left.

"What am I waiting for him here?" Frans confused Is he a company guest? Want to meet who he is? On this floor, there are only 4 rooms, HRD[*] room, CEO room, a team of lawyers, and room Mr. Yudhistira Salman. Does he want to go to the room? Is she a guest of Mr. Yudhistira Salman? Judging from his appearance, she was a classy woman from the socialite. Is he one of Mr. Yudhistira Salman's business partners?

Not everyone can enter this floor. Never mind this floor, just in front of the receptionist there are already ordinary guests intercepted, they can't just enter.

Especially until it goes up to the 7th floor. King's floor of Salman! He must have a gold card! If not, why did the first-floor officer respectfully respect him? She is not an ordinary woman! Frans immediately square! Feeling not worth the beautiful woman! Mr. Yudhistira Salman's business partner comes from the upper class. Jet groupset. Upper-class people, levels of the president, minister, conglomerate. Then the woman entered which class?

Did I have to ask the secretary of Mr. Yudhistira Salman, Mr. Rama? Not possible! How could I ask him! Arriving at Mr. Rama secretary of Mr. Yudhistira,

I can't, let alone enter Mr. Yudhistira Salman's room, without any orders! That is the name of suicide! Discharged without respect.

Frans could only meet Mr. Yudhistira at large meetings.

"I just got there... she beautiful woman, if a mate didn't run anywhere!"_

Frans excited again, towards the room of Mr. Dyan Angkasa.

"Oh my God! I entered the wrong room! This is the HRD room, right? "Frans's face turned red, embarrassed when asked by the doorman of the HRD room. He has only worked here for one year. Rarely goes to the 7th floor.


Mr. Yudhistira Salman's room,_

"Miss Nindy is here yet?" Tuan came out of his study.

"Not yet, sir, but according to a report from the receptionist, Miss Nindy has been escorted to a special lift!" Mr. Yudhisthira's assistant replied respectfully.

"Hmm...why did it take so long ?!" _Mr. Yudhistira Salman is restless, impatient to wait.

The door to the room opened. Mr. Yudhistira Salman turned to the door with a smile that he had prepared. It was not Nindy who came, but Mr. Dyan Angkasa, his lawyer. Mr. Yudhistira Salman's face pulled his smile away. Dyan Angkasa's arrival was not expected.

"What's up?" Asked Mr. Yudhistira Salman with a cold smile.

"There is a bit of a problem...!"

Yudhisthira frowned.

"What is the problem?"

"Miss Nindy ...!"

"Enter my room!"

Mr. Yudhistira Salman entered the room again accompanied by Mr. Dyan Angkasa.

Mr. Yudhisthira did not discuss Miss Nindy's problem in front of his assistant.

No one should know that Nindy has been in prison.

Nindy asked Mr. Yudhistira Salman. The Supreme Court on behalf of the government apologized to Nindy for the mistake in the legal decision. Nindy's case has been deleted.

His name is clean from legal cases. Nindy is innocent.

Nindy also received compensation for the sentence she had served

However, Nindy requested that freedom is kept secret. Nindy also asked as if he was still in prison. Mr. Yudhisthira finally managed to find a woman who had the same name. Another Nindy. Convicted for the same mistake, it's just that the woman's sentence was 10 years in prison.

Soraya paid the woman to pretend to be Nindy. It was this woman who accepted Frans when he came to prison for the second


[*] HRD : Human resource development

Chapter 22: Meet Again with Frans

When entering the workspace of Mr. Yudhistira, Dyan Angkasa had glanced at the living room table, the table was full of food, pastries, and wet cakes, there were various kinds of drinks arranged neatly.

"Oh, what is Raditya will come to this office! It is impossible, Mr. Yudhistira Salman never allows Raditya to the office, the child is hyperactive! What is Mr. Yudhistira's arrival of special guests!" Dyan Angkasa followed Mr. Yudhistira Salman's move.

"Close the door!"

"Yes sir!"

"What news?" asked Mr. Yudhistira with a face that was impatient.

"Look ... It's been two months, Miss Nindy rejected Master's help money, instead she returned the money we had sent it ...!"

"What! Why can it be so?" Mr. Yudhistira Salman frowned. Only this time someone refused his help.

For Mr. Yudhistira Salman, the assistance he gave to Nindy was not much compared to the value of His life.

He owes Nindy's life. Nindy struggled to provide information about the planned murder. Even though at that time Nindy had just undergone a cesarean section.

Mr. Yudhistira Salman is very grateful. But the girl refused his help. Even though now Nindy needs a fee to treat her mother, and the cost of living. Mr. Yudhistira wants to offer a job in his company, becoming a secretary.


"Forgive me... We have deducted the finance of Miss Nindy ...!"

"Why did you do that!" Mr. Yudhistira Salman frowned, did not like the actions of Dyan Angkasa. He was hopeless. Mr. Yudisthira Salman never gave such a command. Mr. Yudisthira Salman's face became dark.

"I'm sorry... I want to take a prevent!"

knock knock knock

There was a knock on the door.

"Mr. ...!" Assistant Mr. Yudisthira opened the door. "Login!" Assistant Mr. Yudisthira Salman stood at the door, looking at Dyan Angkasa, then looked at Mr. Yudisthira, waiting for orders. Mr. Yudisthira Salman turned to Dyan Angkasa.

"We're talking about that next time!"

"Good ... sir! " Dyan Angkasa left the room.

"You ... Look for Miss Nindy ... Where is her!"

"Good sir!' Answer his assistant. The assistant nodded, went out of the room.

It's been 30 minutes, Nindy hasn't arrived at Mr. Yudisthira's room.

"It's strange! Where is she? She should have arrived at this room 10 minutes ago. Did she get lost? It's impossible! Why hasn't she arrived yet? Does she press the wrong elevator number?" Mr. Yudisthira Salman became nervous impatient. Only this time he was restless waiting for someone, in his own office.


Previous events, in the toilet of women,

"God! Why is the creature here? Does he like it?

Oh, God! Frans works here! Damn you, Frans!" Nindy panic. She immediately locked the door outside the toilet, afraid Frans to break into it.

"Messed up!" Nindy is not ready to meet Frans. The pain in her heart has not been lost. Her chest is hot.

Nindy itchy hands wanted to beat the man with Yudo techniques learned for martial arts.

If he met Frans elsewhere, maybe she beat the man, slamming it to the floor loudly.

"Hah... Congratulations to you, Frans! Fortunately, you meet me here, otherwise, your body that the Czech is broken three! Grhhh" _ Nindy groomed, like an angry cat. Her breath is tight.

Nindy sorted her chest while exhaling in a soft mouth several times.

"Quiet Nindy! Not yet the time you reply to revenge!" Nindy calmed her down. She is not ready to meet Frans, his emotions are unstable.

Nindy opened the door slightly peeking a little out. Frans stands between ornamental trees in the middle of the room, the distance is 20 meters not far from this female toilet.

"Damn it! Why is the creature standing there? Is he deliberately waiting for me!" Nindy closes the toilet door, locks it. Nindy breathed her breath once.

"Ahh!" Nindy holds her stomach. Suddenly Nindy's stomach was sick, like wanting to defecate.

"Ouch! The pain relapses again, why is it like this ... ahh!" Nindy bowed, and... Buush! A big wind comes out with an unpleasant smell. "Why... so like this ... my stomach hurts again!


The pain in Nindy's stomach decreases. Again.

Buussh! The sound is smaller. It's relieved! The pain is gone.

"O, Lord! Fortunately, there are no people here! Just make it shy.

"Nindy... Don't be emotional, calm down ...calm down!

"Take a deep breath, count until 4 , ... 1... 2... 3... 4! Exhale slowly until 6, ... 1.... 2...4... 5... 6...

Nindy remembers the sound of the yoga coach. "SUCCESSFUL! Face all with a beautiful smile!" Nindy smiled at the mirror. Don't care about Frans.

Frans must be curious. The big mole in her nose was thrown away. Her ginsul gears are also none. Nindy tidies up her teeth, whiter and there is light Frans does not exist. But in front of him now stands the figure of a well-built man wearing a black suit. Jack. Nindy read the name tag in her clothes.

He is assistant by Mr. Yudisthira Salman.

Nindy had seen this man, he was with Dyan Angkasa.

"Miss Nindy?!" The man asked with a face that looked doubtful and confused.

He was afraid of the wrong people.

"Yes!" Nindy answered firmly.

"Hah! Ooh... I'm sorry!" Jack doesn't believe it.

He was Nindy.

Nindy smiled how much.

"It's okay!" Whoever people who have known him before no one believes that he is Nindy...

the fat Nindy now has changed.

Even Frans who had lived with him for three years did not recognize him. For eight months Nindy processed its changes little by little Nindy which was once a fat and acne woman, transferring to a woman of wind, beautiful, clear, tall, slim, all of them happened because of an act of revenge, her revenge to Frans. Until here Nindy was grateful, Frans brought the wind of a good chance to live Nindy.

"...Where did the fats go?" Jack was stunned, he was very surprised, amazed curiously.

"Mr. Jack!" Nindy made a man make it aware of the man.

"Oh... yes... yes miss... sorry!" Jack became wrong, shy himself.

"...Miss Nindy... let's... let me take it to Mr. Yudisthira's room... follow me!"


Jack walked ahead, his red face returned to normal. Nindy arrived at Mr. Yudisthira Salman's office. The man's expression was the same as Jack's. Surprised, of course. "Good afternoon Mr. Yudisthira ..!"

Mr. Yudistira Salman was stunned.

"Nindy ...?!"

"Yes sir ...I'm Nindy!"

"Really?! You Nindy?"

"Really sir!" Nindy smiled.

There will be many people who are surprised to see it change like this.

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