The men were neatly dressed in shiny shoes. Their bodies are stocky.
"Carry out your duties with care! It must not be known by the hospital and the prison wardens.
Create poison in the food. Broken car brakes, or whatever. To be sure, kill Mr. Yudhisthira as soon as possible. He can't testify! "
Nindy was shivering with fear. They planned a murder.
The sky is getting darker. Lightning flashed across the twilight sky. It was raining heavily. The men hurriedly left the floor.
Stay Nindy alone. Nindy is cold.
"Oh... Thirsty! I'm thirsty!" Nindy caught the rain. How many days has she not drunk. and eat too. Ooh! Yes! Thank you, God! I'm still alive!
"Oh my God! Forgive me!" Nindy was crying.
Earlier, without any fear, Nindy had planned to die for herself. Suicide! Canceled
She didn't want to die silly.
Then he intends to kill Frans and his lover. Not so either. They can't just die! No way! Nindy canceled the plan. Then he planned something bitter for them. That hurts!
Nindy shivered.
Now she had just heard that someone else was plotting a murder.
Nindy is scared. She was terrified by the plot of Assassination! Just the plan, she was already scared! What else did you do? No, I'm not a criminal. I'm not a killer! They are assassins.
Nindy got goosebumps.
Who are they! Why do they want to kill someone?
Mr. Yudhisthira! Who is he? Nindy seemed to have heard of that name! How many names are the same in this city?
But Mr. Yudhistira Salman is the only one. Is he the one you wanted to kill? Why does he want to be killed? Oh, he's a witness! What witness?
Oh, my God! They must be criminals! Are they hitmen? Why is an assassin in this hospital?
This is a prison hospital! Good people or indistinguishable! The one in lockup must be evil! which is free isn't it! Only people who have problems with the law can be locked up. That is if caught.
Were they prisoners too? Not! Their clothes and shoes are great! They are not prisoners! Then who are they?
Mr. Yudhistira, room 303. That is a special treatment floor for the prisoners of big criminals, a type of corruption, the floor for the detention of elite officials, the rich, the famous. On special care! Not just anyone can enter that floor. There is a special lift to that floor. There are also elevators for employees and hospital staff.
Ah! should I tell the guards! Yes! I have to act!
Nandy crawled, she can't walk anymore!
Sick! Nindy slides on the wet floor and in the rain.
If in a normal state of thinking. Nindy must be afraid to see him. She is like the ghost in that movie The Sisters!
But Nindy is scarier than that ghost. The door from where it was located was very far. She must be able to get to a warm, dry place as quickly as possible. So ... Nindy is not just fidgeting, how strong can she be with a fat body like this. Weight. Nindy rolled. It's ridiculous. Nindy is like a giant snake rolling in the rain. His body was not only wet but also dirty. Lightning flashed. Nindy paused for a moment. She saw on the floor that many mineral bottles were scattered about.
There's a lot of trash in here!
Nindy's brain is still sane. She can still think about cleanliness!
Even though the current situation is very sad. Her curly hair was covered with dirt from the floor. Look around him. Nindy rolled again while occasionally feeling the floor throwing trash in front of her. She didn't want to be stepped on by glass like that.
Nindy continued rolling. Ah if on fire, I would be like a boar! Nindy joked with herself.
Nindy stopped rolling, she was near the door. From there she can drag again.
"Ouch!" Nindy felt pain in her stomach. Nindy just realized the wound in her stomach.
She just had a C-section. Now she felt that it wasn't just her stomach that hurt. Her feet too. Her leg was injured. Ouch! Nindy held her head.
Her head hurts.
Oh, my God! I am very hungry!
Nindy is normal. Her stomach sings.
There's a light there! It must be the guard's room.
Nindy tried to stand up. Close to the wall. Walk slowly shifted on the wall.
She looks like a giant spider that settles in the dark.
Guardroom. There must be food and clothing there.
Finally, Nindy arrived at the guard's room. There is a bed.
These beds are smelly and dirty! Lots of trash in here! Nindy grumbled to herself.
She is always neat and likes cleanliness.
For a moment Nindy forgot about the pain in her stomach and the wound on her leg.
Hungry! Hungry mother tortures me! Bread is bread here!
Nindy eats the bread impatiently.
PHHT! PUP! Nindy almost vomited. The bread expired!
Do not care. She couldn't possibly die from expired bread!
Drink. There is a dispenser here. Sugar and coffee!
Hot water! I need sugar and hot water! Coffee is fine! Better to drink coffee than die!
Ah! Nindy found a glass. Dirty glass! Let it be!
Watch out, you Frans! Feel my revenge later!
You also have to sew on the belly, roll on the ground in the rain. Eat expired bread! Suffer!
Nindy remembers her grudge!
The only grudge makes him strong!
Nindy felt her stomach hurt again. The pain was not from stitches in his stomach or hunger. Nindy felt constipated in her stomach. She wants to poop!
Am I poisoned! Oohh Nindy feels excruciating pain.
Toilet! I need a toilet! Tissue too! This is tissue.
Where is the toilet ... that ... there is a toilet.
Next to the bed. There is a toilet there.
Ahh! Nindy fell to the floor. She's crawling!
Toilet! I need a toilet!
The toilet door opened.
Thank goodness.
Toilet sat! Light. Click!
There are towels, soap, shampoo, and old toothbrushes!
Let it still be used!
There is water too. Many know the mice! Let it be!
Watch out, you Frans! Feel my revenge later!
Nindy let out the pain. That stinging taste! Shouting in the toilet.
Oh no! Don't scream! It's bad if anyone finds out I'm here!
Nindy covered her mouth with her hand.
Remove the trash in his stomach. Then take a peaceful shower. These dirty towels! Let it be! This is the history of my life!
Watch out, you Frans! Feel my revenge later !!!
Fresh! Fresh Nindy has finished taking a shower. The pain is gone
Thank goodness the guard wasn't there! This hospital guard must be as fat as mine. Her dress is big, it fits my body!
Nindy didn't know. The prison hospital's night watchman. One week ago he committed suicide. Plunge from the fifth floor.
Suppose someone else climbs to the floor. They must have run away scared. Nindy is mistaken for a ghost.
Nindy dressed in the blurry mirror.
The guard's clothes are clean enough even though they smell musty! The shirt is up and down to fit the body. Nindi is a little dizzy about the smell.
It is okay!
Nindy wrapped her dirty clothes in black plastic bags and threw them in the trash.
There are alcohol, bandages, and eucalyptus oil, and pain medication, complete too!
Very nice.
This is a hospital, right! Naturally, the guards here have medical facilities and first aid kits.
Nindy is taking pain medication. After a while, the pain in his stomach subsided considerably.
She rubbed eucalyptus oil into the stomach around the operation of the legs, hands, neck, and waist. The smell of eucalyptus oil overcame the musty smell of the clothes she was wearing.
She was now like a giant baby, smelling of eucalyptus oil.
It is okay!
It's better than before. White clothes from the hospital, wet and dirty. When used, it looks like a fat woman on top (of the tree).[¹]
Not funny! Once again Nindy laughed at herself.
Maybe Frans was like that. Laughing at himself and insult me secretly.
Nindy remembers that Frans often laughed at his ridiculousness.
"Oh, my dear baby doll ... you are so cute with this eucalyptus oil. It smells refreshing!"
"Oh, honey ...your bedclothes don't fit... oh poor ...muaaach... muaach... it's okay... you just put on your pajamas to fit in!"
Bullshit! All nonsense! Nindy swore. Remembering Frank's crap.
Nindy just realized it turns out that Frans's laugh was not because of affection or to praise and pamper him. That blatant insult was uttered with a feeling of fake love. Originally the man must have been horrified to see it.
Aah! Annoying memories. How stupid I am to be a slave to fake love.
Nindy smoothed her hair, tied it back with an elastic band.
Wearing a hat, it fits snugly on his head. Nindy cleaned the wound on her leg. Nindy remembers the wound on her leg.
With great effort Nindy managed to clean the wound on her leg, bandaged it.
Oh, mother ...! My legs are heavy!
Nindy's legs are as big as her thighs. Even though she may have lost 5 kg, she's still fat. Maybe he now weighs 98 kg left. Horrible!
Nindy insulted herself again.
You have to diet Nindy. So it's easy to get revenge. Light body revenge will be more agile! Nindy advised herself.
By insulting herself again, that way Nindy knows that it might be like someone else insulting her.
Said she was a cute baby doll. Sigh.
That person, Frans, and his girlfriend or his wife, must be laughing at this point. They won.
Damn you, Frans! You've been planning this for a long time.
By now he must be having fun or honeymooning with that woman.
Nindy's guess was right. Frans and his new wife are on a honeymoon on a luxury cruise ship in continental Europe.
Nindy imagined that she was like a fortune-teller.
Damn you, Frans! Wait for my revenge!
Nindy swore again.
Good! Forget the reptiles! Focus! Do good to help others.
Mr. Yudisthira! Room 303!
Nindy took a deep breath. Regulates breathing.
"Sit up straight with relaxed shoulders
Close your eyes, focus!"
Nindy inhaled air through the nostrils in a count of four, after the lungs,
hold for a count of four. Exhale in a count of four,
exhale through the nostrils on a count of four as well. Repeat up to 10 times!
Nindy remembers the breathing science taught by Ratna.
Relieved. The tightness in her chest was gone.
Mr. Yudisthira! Room 303!
Okay! I went down to the 3rd floor.
It's okay! Be strong!
Nindy motivated herself.
But ... this was then
Paper! Pen!
Where's the paper and pen. This!
Nindy wrote a letter.
Mr. Yudhsthira.
I'm Nindy.
Block I prisoner in a drug case. I received information that there was a conspiracy who wanted to kill you.
Don't eat anything from the hospital. Food is poisonous.
Do not believe anyone. Don't use your car, the brakes are broken!
Trust me I'm not lying. I also know their faces. One of them is named Roy!
Alright ... what else!
Shoes! where are the shoes. It's a shoe! Boots! The shoes are old and dirty. The shoes are oversized.
It is okay!
Can be the wedge.
Clean up first.
Hair oil!
Nindy takes hair oil. Clean those boots with hair oil. The result is good
The shoes are clean too.
21.00 o'clock
Now ... All right!
Mr. Yudisthira! I came to your aid!
It's not easy for Nindy to get down from the 5th floor to the 4th floor carefully.
Nindy was exhausted.
But remembering the life of Mr. Yudisthira is more important than the pain in his body. Nindy hardened her heart trying to walk down the wall to the stairs and then down the stairs by sitting down.
This is different from when she was up earlier. If this afternoon she managed to climb the stairs by walking slowly and crying. Determined to commit suicide.
Now she went down the stairs as hard as she could by sitting down. Nindy shifted little by little. Made it to the fourth floor.
Nindy's eyes saw the wall. Elevator!
How stupid I am. There's an elevator! Why am I taking the stairs?
Nindy pounded the floor. Regret her stupidity.
Watch out, you Frans. Feel my revenge later!
Frans must be blamed, he must get the right kind of revenge.
Nindy can only blame Frans for all her stupidity and bad luck.
Mr. Yudisthira! Room 303!
Room 303! There he is.
There were two men at the front on guard.
Nindy about one of them. He's Roy.
Astagfirullah! Roy, the guard of Mr. Yudisthira. He's the criminal. Danger!!!
Nindy is getting nervous!
Quiet! Quiet! He doesn't know who you are!
Nindy calmed down again. Stepping slowly closer to Mr. Yudisthira's bodyguard.
"Who are you? What are you doing here huh ?!" asked the man named Roy in a grim voice.
He looked closely at Nindy. Suspicious.
Nindy smiled bitterly.
Mr. Rahmat!
Roy read the name written on Nindy's shirt.
"This officer is a sissy ?! His face is like a woman. So ugly. His face is full of acne scars!" _ Roy covered his nose. Take one step back. Avoid the musty smell of clothes and eucalyptus oil into one.
"I checked the room, took out the trash!" Nindy worked on her voice.
"Right! This man is a sissy!" _
Roy was disgusted.
"Do not belong!" Roy ordered, he kept his nose shut. Can't stand Nindy's scent.
'Sissy eucalyptus oil!'
Nindy comes in. Mr. Yudisthira is sleeping.
Mr. Yudisthira Salman! He is right! The conglomerate! What's the suspect in what case? Why did he have to be killed?
Mr. Yudisthira Salman fell asleep peacefully. His hand is on an IV.
Hah! He's not sick! His face passed was good for people with asthma.
Nindy reads Mr. Yudisthira's illness on the patient board.
He's just pretending to be sick.
That's normal! The officials are very afraid of going to jail. The pain was used as an excuse to avoid examinations.
"Mister! Mister...!" Nindy woke Mr. Yudisthira.
The man didn't move.
"Mister... Mr. Yudisthira!"
Mr. Yudisthira remained silent. Not moving.
Oh, my God! Is he dead!
Nindy is scared.
Nindy holds her pulse. Still alive! She is still alive! Nindy cheered happily to herself.
Suddenly Mr. Yudisthira woke up. He gasped in surprise to see the ugly human in front of him.
Nindy covered Mr. Yudisthira's mouth.
Mr. Yudisthira was self-conscious. His life was in danger.
Mr. Yudisthira tried to fight back. He pushed Nindy hard.
Even a woman who is weak and sick.
Nindy is not easy to take down. She weighs almost 98 kg with a height of 170 she is very strong with a rhino body like that.
[¹] it's a girl ghost white (white ghost laughing out loud)
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