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50% Legend of Rahu / Chapter 2: Rebirth

Chapter 2: Rebirth

King POV

"Let's run away and rebuild. As long as one member of the royal family is alive, we can always create another empire." the king said to his family, turning his back amd facing the castle's exit.

"Are we just going to abandon the people?! Father, we must defend this kingdom. What of our honor?" shouted the crown prince.

"Know when to retreat, boy. There is no honor if nobody is there to be a witness." the king scolded his son then kept on walking, until he heard the voice of his daughter.

"What if I summoned a hero!" she shouted, running towards her father.

"You would die! I will not allow it."

"Father, it's too late. I've already started the summoning."

Rahu POV

Rahu stared at his chains and wondered how long he had been in hell. It could have been one hour or ten years, he couldn't tell.

Suddenly he heard a voice and life started to pour into his soul. He saw the flesh of the dead gather onto him as he levitated into the air.

"Heed my call hero, you have been chosen. Take my oath and be reborn into this world. I exchange my body and soul for yours."

"Princess?" he muttered before fainting.


In the modern world, in a countryside.

Snow was falling. It was cold breeze of autumn perhaps. The hometown wasn't big but it wasn't short either. A large group of houses made up of fresh bricks could be seen clearly. In one of those houses, Our hero Rahu opened his eyes. However when he opened he realised that it was sticky around him. He tried to move his limbs but...

[What is this, why I can't move around my arms and limbs like I used to? Its like I got very small arms and limbs and I am unable to move like I used to.]

After thinking thinking a lot, he realised that he is reincarnated and is in a body of a baby. He assumed that he is in a womb of some lady, who will become his mother, in future.

After thinking again, he then realised that he can't even see anything now other than feeling stuffs around his body. He realised that only now and he started sweating then.

[It seem this life is destined for me to be blind perhaps.]

However just when he was worried about his future struggles, a sweat chirping voice sounded in his mind.

"Hey, fool! You think that you're blind just because your eyes ain't developed yet. Remember that you're not even a baby yet. You're just a fetus who hasn't even developed the eyes yet. You were lucky to have reincarnated when his brain was developed. Otherwise you would be dumb until the brain is developed."



Princess POV

I called my hero Rahu, and when I called him. The king, i.e. my father stabbed me from my back directly to my heart. It was then that I realised that I'm dead.

[To think that, our royal family was just a selfish family. Looking at my brother, he seem to be laughing at me in mine final breath. Atleast when I looked at my mother, she seemed to be crying some tears.]

[I realised that before dying, I already casted the summoning spell to my hero Rahu. Now that I'm dead I guess he should be able to be summoned here. Atleast I did a good deed in my final breath.]

After thinking that she died. Far away, her soul was seen travelling at a speed more than lightning, going to netherworld, when she came near the netherworld, her soul was also chained along with another soul, that was the same soul, she summoned. It was hero Rahu. He muttered Princess before fainting. Right after he fainted, a spacetime crack appeared near us. It sucked both of us.

Now that I see, he is reincarnated into a fetus in some woman's womb. And I seem to be stuck with his mind. It like I can hear his thoughts though. It's as if, the spacetime crack fused our souls but retained our sentience.


Back to present

"Princess, what are you doing here? Last time I saw you was in netherworld? Perhaps you also died?" Rahu asked the Princess.

"Are you dumb? Hero Rahu. You seem to be dumber than what I estimated you to be. I'm no longer the princess and since I appeared in netherworld it already meant I'm dead." The princess replied.

"Not to mention that after the last spacetime crack, our souls seem to be fused. Try to meditate a bit, I'll show you somehow."

Rahu didn't ask anything. He just followed what the princess told him to do. After meditating for a quite a few time he appeared in his sea of consciousness. After appearing there, he saw a voluptuous body of princess who appeared to be a teen. She had a red rosy lip. Her body was slim, with her twin peaks making her beauty more everlasting. Her eyelashes were like sabers, her eyes bright and black like a whirlpool which attracted Rahu more into her.

"'re lost beauty?" Princess smirked, breaking the thought process of Rahu.

Rahu, in return, gave a helpless smile.

"Princess you're very beautiful. Even in our previous world, you were the best beauty of the empire or even the continent. By the way, I remember you used the summoning spell and afterwards death energy seem to be absorbed in me. However you appeared before me in the netherworld not long after. It confuse me a lot. What happened after all?" Rahu asked in a demanding tone.

"Chill man. You're asking a lots of dumb questions..I'll answer you with my story."

After sometime, Princess continued "You's like this...." She started telling Rahu, how she tried to convince her royal family and her father to protect the citizens and when they didn't agree to her, she used the summoning spell on him. She was a magician with summoning attribute. However after using the summoning spell barely, her heart was stabbed. She told everything which happened afterwards as well.

"That makes sense of why the death energy were attracted to me. In order for a dead to become summoned, I needed to be a ghost"

"However that spacetime crack just sucked us out of nowhere. It can't be explained as well. It's a mystery as to why we got sucked and fused together." Rahu said in a grim tone.

The Princess nodded. She turned her back and said "We have to live together now in one body and mind. I hope you don't abuse this on me."

Rahu replied "You think of me as such person? Don't worry. We will survive and in future we may get the other body for you."

The princess nodded. It seemed that Rahu understood how she can't use his body and her being stuck was a trauma to her.

Little did they know, that their coordination will not only help them survive in future but they will become the immortal duo of heaven.

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