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7.4% RWBY: Tinker of Fiction / Chapter 4: Chapter 4

Chapter 4: Chapter 4

|Daily Roll: 24! Fullmetal Alchemist|

Just like yesterday, I open up my eyes and quickly check which tech trees do I get. I really hope to get some offensive tech. The last two tech trees are too focused on my survival and resource gathering.

That is good, but sometimes, you need to attack something to survive. Hell, I'm fine if I get a tech tree that lets me build some armor. I already have armor from Minecraft tech tree, but it was too bulky for my test.

"Let's see…."

I close my eyes and begin to search all the blueprints inside my head. Hmmm… alchemy? Homunculus, Philosopher stone, and Gate of Truth? What the hell is that? It looks like I got another weird tech tree.

However, this tech tree has some interesting weapons.

Ultimate Shield, Ultimate Spear, and Ultimate Eye. Those are the most interesting tech, in my opinion. It involves me modifying my body or creating a homunculus that can serve me. This tech tree specializes in Bio-tinker.

But it was not entirely Bio-tinker. I can still build a WW1 era weapon as well. This tech tree is bizarre.

For now, let's see what kind of ingredients I need to build those bad boys…

"Dammit. I can't get those items! At least not yet! Why in the seven hell do you need Grimm pool to make an Ultimate Shield? ARGH!"

I need to dry up a small Grimm pool somehow and use it to make the Ultimate shield, and that is the easiest among those ultimate sets. If I want to make the Ultimate Spear, I must kill a Grimm Titan and harvest their core darkness.

What is Grimm Titan? It was an old Grimm that ate many negative emotions of the people of the Remnant. They are a Titan that has survived for one hundred years and continues to consume a massive amount of negative emotion.

When they become titans, they will get special abilities and make them even more dangerous. The people of Remnant are only able to kill two titans with the help of a massive army. Once a titan gets killed, they will drop a black crystal.

This crystal is poisonous and can kill a human around it within a second. Because of that, this crystal will immediately get destroyed before the energy inside the crystal can spread out.

Yup. The main ingredient of those is something that can kill humans close enough to it.

Haaaa, and here I thought that I was finally able to sleep in peace, knowing that Grimm would not immediately kill me in my sleep. Well, at least I can have a blueprint for my fabricator. The only thing I need is to make gunpowder.

While the weapon in this tech tree is rather outdated, it was still a weapon that could kill a normal human. No. A human with an Aura is not normal.

I can also mount some machine guns on top of my base in case some Grimm attacks me. I need to buy some material, but I don't have too much money left. Tch. I guess I need to sell those dust earlier than I thought.

|3rd POV|

Angelo walks toward a building in the middle of the lower part of Kuchinashi. This building is known as the only bar that will ask who you are. As long as you have hunter's identification, you can get inside.

It did not need to be yours or how you get it. As long as you have it, you can get inside.

Because of this rule, Angelo can get inside the bar even when he does not unlock his aura. He still needs the incognito mode of auraless human. Aura attracts Grimm, and Angelo does not want that.

After giving his fake huntsman identification to the bouncer, Angelo gets inside the establishment.

The reason why he got into this bar is to gather some information. Information about who is willing to buy his Dust crystal. Right now, the crystal inside his bag of holding is in its raw state. It can still be used as an energy source, but it cannot be used as a weapon's ammo.

Angelo cannot process the dust because he has never seen one of those machines. If he sees it or maybe gets a blueprint of it, he can make one for his base.

But for now, he needs to find some buyer willing to buy some raw dust crystals.

"Oh? Angelo. It has been a while."

Angelo smiles a little at the owner of the bar, Opal. Opal is the woman who runs The Skillful, the name of this bar. She is an older woman with a youthful appearance who has a scar running down the side of her face, carrying herself with a strong posture. She wears old, battered armor.

She is a kind old lady, and many people fall for that. They thought that Opal did not defend herself and tried to rob her. It was their first and last mistake. She is a famous now-retired huntress, and there is a reason why her bar is the safest place in this city full of criminals.

Even with her old age, she still can kick anyone's ass.

"Good morning, Opal. How are you?"

"Still alive. How about you? I hear you get attacked by your fellow gang members."

"... the news already spread?"

"Yup. Your killer boasts his achievement here about murdering you and how he will become a lieutenant in the Silver Snake guild."

"Haaaa… Here I thought that I had more time."

"I won't ask about what kind of plan you want to do, but I recommend you never go to the upper part of the city."

"I know. I don't need to go there in the foreseeable future."

"Good. So, what can I do for my loyal customers?"

"... Can we talk about this inside? I don't want others to hear about this conversation."

"You need to pay for it. I did not choose a favorite."

"I know. I will pay for ten minutes."

"Good. Come on."

Angelo follows the veteran huntress to the back room, where he can see a couch and table inside the room.

"So, what kind of business do you want to talk about?"

Instead of answering her question, Angelo takes out a big dust crystal from his bag of holding.

"This. This is the business I want to talk about. Before you ask, no. I did not steal this. Believe it or not, I found this in the forest in the west from here. I found this inside a cave. I find it among the wreckage inside the cave. I think it was the former base of a bandit. I want to sell this quickly."

"I see. You did not want to own that thing for too long in case the bandit wanted it back."


"Well, I know a few contacts that are willing to buy your crystal. However, are you sure? I can give you some contact, and you can go to them yourself. I will only charge you for the information."

"And how long will it take?"

"A week."

"Yeah, no. I don't want to risk it. I will take the middleman deal. Seventy for me and thirty for you."

Opal looks at Angelo for a second before nodding her head and saying,

"Very well."

She takes the dust crystal from her table and says,

"Come back tomorrow morning. I will have your money by then."

"... Can you give me some money upfront? I need those to buy something."

"Very well. How much do you want? I think I can at least sell this thing for three hundred thousand liens."

"Just a few thousand will do."

"Very well."

After taking the money from Opal, Angelo gets away from the bar missing the pity look Opal gave him. Opal gives him a pitying look because she thinks that Angelo is struggling to get some food.

Angelo is one of the people that Opal can trust in this shit hole. Angelo is the type of person that only does what he does to survive. While he works for a crime family, he never does something that steps outside of the moral line.

Never sell drugs to children, never kill anyone that is not involved in the business, and never rape anyone just to make a point.

As far as Opal knows, Angelo is the only one that never does those three things while also working for the criminal family.

She likes him for it, and combined with how big he gives a tip; Opal considers him a great individual.

The least she can do is to sell this crystal at a great price. She gets some profit from selling this, after all.

LuxVonDeux LuxVonDeux

You can find the advanced chapter here:


Or if you want to give me some coffee.

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