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pilot part 2

(The episode opens with everybody looking at the van)

Erica: This van doesn't look big enough

Angel: I can fix that.

(Angel spins her arms, a white aura comes into her hand and hits the van)

(A white light spreads all over and a wind spreads all through town, then stops)

Spike (wipes his eyes): Look!

(Everybody sees a limousine-like van and gasps)

Angel (smiles at everybody): How did I do?

Queen (thumbs up): Impressive.

Maka: He He He. (Looks at the van) You have extraordinary powers

Angel: Thank you

Spike: Do all aliens of your planet have these powers?

Angel: They use technology mostly, My family is old fashioned, so we use our own powers for our own good.

Tito: Relying too much on technology is an alien thing too.

Angel: Yes.

Penn: How much do aliens know about humans or Earthlings, I should say?

Angel: Technically, we have been watching Earth for 2 billion years

(All of the students jaw drop along with Sandra)

Queen: I knew it (looks at Angel) did aliens cause the big bang or did they see what caused the big bang?

Angel: A big light spread throughout the galaxy and then, Earth appeared, that's what my superiors showed me.

Tito (looks at Queen): You owe me a ten dollar bill

Queen (stomps on the ground with one foot): Dang it! (Reaches into her pocket and gives Tito a dollar)

Tito: (puts the dollar in his wallet, puts it in his purse, then puts the purse in his robe) Thank you

Queen: You may be a spirit guide, but you are still one heck of a gambler.

Tito: I am still human, and I feel it makes me feel satisfied.

Queen: (shrugs her shoulder) I can respect that

(The screen shows Belle with a cowbell, on top of the limousine-like van)

Belle (rings the cowbell with a smile): Come on, everybody, all aboard, our trip awaits.

(Everybody walks into the vehicle)

(The screen switches to a building, which has a long line)

Maka: Amazing!

Belle: I've always wanted to come here.

Queen: Me as well.

Spike (pointing to a spaceship): Is that the model of the spaceship from Tomoi?

(Tito, Queen, Kenny and Victor look at the model and smiles)

Victor: It's perfect.

(The screen switches to Charlie and Darl with Erik, Penn, and Todd are walking through the book alley and see ten books)

Todd (looking at Charlie): One of your projects is here.

Charlie (gasped): No way!

Penn (hugs Charlie): Cool! Let's check out more

(Erik walks around checking out books, when he notices a girl who has blonde hair in a ponytail, wearing a brown dress and heels reading a book in a chair)

Erik (thought): She's cute, and (sees the girl is reading 'Roses and Thorns') likes romance

Penn: Erik, I found that book you were looking for

(Erik runs off to Penn)

(The girl turns around, but Erik is gone)

(Penn gives the purple book to Erik)

(The screen switches to Violette, Cheese, Matthew, El, Becky, Sandra and Clay in a sports section)

Matthew: I can't believe there is so many sports anime on this display

Cheese: Agreed (looking at a pile of books) but is that for everybody or just you?

Matthew (giving the money to the cashier): Of course, this isn't just for me (then a cart comes)

Cheese: Of course, so everybody told you what they wanted

Matthew: Of course, I wouldn't buy this many, without (pulls out a long list that wraps around Cheese) this (looks at mummy Cheese) oops (pulls the list off of Cheese)

(Cheese spins all the way to El, who is playing with a soccer ball, Clay gets in the way and stops Cheese)

Cheese (eyes spinning): Thanks Clay

Clay: No problem

Cheese: So (walks back to Matthew) what's all the manga on there

(The screen switches to Erica comes out of a dressing room wearing a red dress with seashells on it and seashell earrings)

Cake: 6 out of 10

Erica: Then, I'll need to think bigger

Taylor (while in a dressing room): Definitely

Erica: You don't even see my outfit

Taylor: I'm judging by Cake's score

Erica: Understandable, what do you think Dolly?

Dolly (opening the door of her dressing room): Mix the colors

(Dolly has cotton candy dress with red long sleeves and blue heels)

Cake: Oh! I think I'll try that

(The screen switches to Jack and Larry dressed as samurais, while looking at each other)

(Maka takes a picture of Jack and Larry)

(Mai is taking pictures of cardboard cut out of Yaoi couples)

(Cloud 9 is painting, while looking at the TV)

(Edward is dancing with Mai)

(Parker reading manga on a couch, while upside down)

Maka (smiling at Parker): I'm going to try that (gets on the couch, while upside down)

(Larry and Jack are watching TV with Cloud 9 and smile)

(The screen switches to Al throws Belle in the air three times)

(Belle laughs)

(Al smiles)

(Al and Belle is eating in a manga cafe)

Belle: I'm loving this trip (eats some cake)

Al: I'm glad (looks at the window)

Belle: Al

Al (looking at Belle): Yes

Belle: Next time i'm paying, okay.

Al: Okay.

(Erica,Taylor, Cake, and Dolly are at the manga club too. They sit at the same table)

Erica: This place is a steal

Taylor: No kidding, I found a new manga and it feels like a fanfic I read

Cake: Let me read it too

Taylor (showing a manga to Cake): Sure

Cake (eyes widen): Oh, you meant that fanfic called 'Naoyi Tami'.

Taylor (looking at the manga): Yup.

Cake (looking at Taylor): Do you still write fanfics?

Taylor: Of course

Cake (with her phone out): Send me the links

Taylor: All of them or only or only two?

Cake: Two for now

Taylor (with her phone out): Got it

(Cake and Taylor are looking at their phones, then puts them up)

Dolly (looking at the manga): What a cute romance

Erica (by Dolly): Let me see

Dolly: It's a tsundere romance

Erica: My favorite kind of romance?

Dolly: Great we can read together

(Erica nodded)

(Windra, Q, and Angel walks into the library)

(Windra heads to a computer)

(Q takes Angel's hands and leads her to the back)

Angel (whispers): What is the point coming behind here, there's no books on the shelf?

(Q pushes a red button)

(A bookcase leaning against the wall flips with a door, the door opens)

(Q leads Angel to the secret room)

(The episode ends with Casper and Umeji in the secret room sitting on a couch)

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