If you want to read ahead, you can check out my Patreón @
[ https://www.patreón.com/fictiononlyreader ]
The link is also in the synopsis.
On September 1, 1991, Quinn decided to get to the train station early.
He told his grandfather the day before and gave him the reason. "The Potters are going to be there tomorrow, and I am sure that parents of the children are going to stay and crowd the platform. Plus, reporters are going to be there to click photos for their articles. I don't want to get in the middle of all that chaos and would prefer to get a compartment before it gets too crowded. So, can we go early, please?"
So, on the day, Quinn reached the platform early and got himself a compartment. When Quinn saw outside from his window and saw reporters standing around the platform waiting for the Potters to arrive. And as time passed, Quinn also saw parents of students not leaving and staying at the platform.
Quinn sighed and thought, 'Poor people, most of these people won't even get a look at the Potters. Then there would be the nervous non-magical parents. What would they think when they see the crowd of people and reporters.'
Quinn also thought about how some of the parents would ask about the Potters. He could imagine the horrified look on the parent's faces while listening about the war and Voldemort. Quinn was sure that Hogwarts faculty didn't share that information with the parents as it would be terrible publicity. One thing was for sure, some parents were going to have one hell of an experience, and that too just before sending their children off to a strange and unknown world.
After a while, Quinn got bored and took out a book on Healing magic from Egypt. And Quinn began reading a chapter on bones. It had all kinds of information on bones, the composition of different bones, herbs, and magical beast organs that facilitated bone healing, potions recipes for various bone anomalies, and healing charms that repaired bones.
The information in the book impressed Quinn, "Huh, so you don't need to use Skele-Gro for every bone injury. Now, where do I get people with broken bones..."
It was then that Quinn heard the crowd outside become noisy and made him look outside, "The Potters are here, huh." He shook his head and dove back into his book.
Ten minutes later, Quinn heard a knock on his door that made him give a distracted glance to the door. There he saw two girls, one blond and one brunette. Quinn sighed before gesturing them to enter.
The brunette opened the door and asked, "Are you saving the seats for someone? Or, can we join you in here?"
Quinn shook his head and gestured to the seats, "Please, enter. The seats are free. You are welcome to join me." Saying that, Quinn stood up from his place to help them with their luggage. He pulled his fake wand and clearly showed it to them; following proper protocol, he asked, "I will be using my wand to get your luggage to the racks above if that is acceptable to you."
It was the polite social norm to ask before using magic on other people or their belongings. The brunette smiled and nodded while the straight-faced blonde stared at him for a while before giving a single slight nod to show that she permitted Quinn's help.
Quinn pretended to follow the luggage with his fake wand even though he wasn't using pointing to direct the luggage. After he placed their luggage on the luggage racks, Quinn asked, "I haven't seen you two at Hogwarts. Are you two by any chance first years?"
The brunette excitedly answered, "Yes! It is all so exciting. You must be a senior, can you tell me about Hogwarts? Is it true that there is a giant squid at Hogwarts?"
Quinn chuckled in reply, "Yes, there is a giant squid in Hogwarts, but it is quite difficult to see the squid. It doesn't emerge from the Great Lake for long periods." He paused before continuing, "By the way, My name is Quinn West. May I get your name?"
"Oh! My name is Tracey Davis. It is nice to meet you," answered the brunette with an ever-present smile on her face.
Quinn smile and held out his hand that Tracey took. Quinn turned her hand to kiss her knuckles, causing her to giggle. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Davis." Quinn usually shook hands as a greeting but changed greeting according to the person in front of him, but he switched it to this style seeing their attire. He could clearly see that they were from traditional, old-school British magical families. A traditional greeting was much appropriate for these two.
Then the two turned to the straight-faced blonde, and Quinn thought, 'No way is she who I think she is. But... blonde, straight-faced, no expressions, and she clearly is from a pureblood family. Friends with Tracey Davis... yup, she is the child of fanon.'
The expressionless blonde critically stared at Quinn's outstretched hand and finally spoke her first words since entering the compartment while gracefully allowing Quinn to hold her hand, "Daphne Greengrass."
Quinn repeated the same action of kissing her knuckles. "Nice to meet you, Ms. Greengrass." He was once again met with silence, but Tracey chatted with him.
"Which house are you from, and what year are you in, Quinn? And, can I call you Quinn?" babbled Tracey, full of energy.
"I am from Ravenclaw, second year, and yes, you can call me Quinn," answered Quinn before asking, "You must be excited to get to Hogwarts. Have you thought about which house do you want to join?"
Tracey shrugged in response, "I don't know. I am fine with any house." Quinn turned to Daphne Greengrass, expecting an answer, but she didn't say anything, and Tracey spoke, "Sorry about her, Daph is really shy. And to answer your question, she wants to be in Slytherin."
The blonde Greengrass snapped her head towards her friend and glared, "I am not shy, don't speak nonsense." Tracey giggled at getting a response out of her friend.
Suddenly, all three felt a jerk as the Hogwarts Express began moving. Quinn took out his pocket watch and looked at the time, "Only ten minutes late. I was expecting more delay. I was clearly expecting a thirty-minute delay."
"The Potters really attracted a crowd, huh. I wonder which house would the Boy-Who-Lived go to?" spoke Tracey as she watched the crowd outside.
To Quinn's massive surprise, it was Daphne Greengrass who answered the question. She scoffed, "The golden boy would definitely go to Gryffindor. To him, any other house is a lesser option." Quinn could hear the dripping condescending tone in her words and voice.
"Oh my, from your words, I assume that you know Harry Potter," Quinn asked, wishing to learn more about this connection.
Daphne frowned at him, "Why are you a fan of him? Do you want me to introduce you to him?" She looked like she was going to say more, but Tracey interjected and answered, "She is friends with his sister, Ivy Potter."
"Am not-!" she said heatedly but then closed her eyes to calm down. Quinn seriously wanted to read Daphne Greengrass's mind, but he could see the telltale signs of occlumency in use. Her expressionless face was a clear sign of emotional aspect occlumency, and it wasn't farfetched to assume that she had defense shields up. He didn't want to risk getting caught and decided to use legilimency at a later date when he was better prepared.
But all was not finished; Quinn had gathered enough information to deduce, 'Daphne Greengrass is at least acquaintance with Ivy Potter, so there might be a connection between the Potters and Greengrasses. From what grandfather has told me, the Greengrass family is firmly planted in the Grey faction, which means the connection is not political, which indicates a personal relationship. But of what kind? I doubt James Potter is friends with Jacob Greengrass; they are too different. What then? What prompted Daphne Greengrass and Ivy Potter to meet? Self-note: Find more about this connection.'
Quinn also thought about Daphne's words about Harry Potter, 'She clearly doesn't like Harry Potter. Any other house than Gryffindor is a lesser choice were her words... does that mean this Harry Potter thinks less of people in other houses? That is not good, is it? Oh Merlin, don't let him be like Gryffindor's Draco Malfoy.'
Quinn looked at Daphne, who had calmed down and spoke, "A snappy one, aren't you? I have no need to go through you to get to Potter. If I wanted to meet them, I would have approached them myself. But, thank you for the offer." After saying that, Quinn changed the topic and talked to Tracey about Hogwarts as Daphne listened.
The next part of the train ride was quite similar to last year's; When the Trolley lady came, he ordered the same bar of chocolate just as last year and asked for the buffet car timing. But then Draco Malfoy came into the compartment. He was walking to the back of the train when something caught his eye, and he barged into Quinn's with his two bodyguards, Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle.
"Hey, Greengrass, you are friends with Potter. Do you know where he is sitting?" asked - no, demanded Draco. Quinn slightly tilted his head and looked at the scene with interest.
Daphne looked at Draco and spoke, "No, I don't. Now, don't disturb me and get out." She didn't give him a second look and returned to the book she was reading.
Draco seemed miffed and then looked at Tracey and sneered while speaking to Daphne, "It looks like you are still hanging with your filthy half-blood pet."
Tracey's face darkened as she looked down, and Daphne snapped her book close and confronted Draco, "Dare to say that again, Malfoy, and I will hex you to tomorrow! Tracey is my best friend, and you would treat her properly. Speak to her like this again, and I will make your life miserable." By the end of her rant, Daphne had her wand out and was pointing it at Draco.
Daphne's momentum overwhelmed Draco. His face turned red, and he spluttered, "M-my father will hear of this Greengrass."
That prompted a laugh from Quinn. The whole scene was just too damn funny. Seeing Draco splutter in a panic about his father was comedy gold.
Quinn's stifled laugh reached Draco's ears, and when he saw Quinn, Draco decided to save some dignity by targeting Quinn. He looked at Quinn and spoke, "What are you laughing at? Do you know who I am?"
Quinn gently closed his book and stood up. He walked closer to Draco and held out his hand for a handshake, and Draco actually took Quinn's hand. Draco didn't know why he was holding Quinn's hand, but something compelled him to shake Quinn's hand, and it wasn't magic. It was pure body language and confidence that allowed Quinn to command the room.
Quinn squeezed Draco's hand firmly and answered, "I know who you are, Mr. Malfoy. For who I am, my name is Quinn West. You asked me what I was laughing at? I was laughing at you. Now, why don't you apologize to Ms. Davis, and we can call this over. I would rather not look at you more than the bare minimum."
All of Draco's plans or quips were already out of his head. He was just staring into Quinn, who was smiling, but the smile seemed discordant to Draco and made him uncomfortable.
"Haha, w-what will you do if I don't apologize? I will have you know that you are talking to a Malfoy. You are in the presence of someone better than you," spoke Draco, hoping that he would scare, but it didn't.
"I already told you that I recognize you, Mr. Malfoy. As for what I would do? You will only leave here if you apologize to Ms. Davis, or I will hold you for the rest of the train ride. And, trust me, I am not joking. And, for you being better than me; yeah, that is a good joke," spoke Quinn in a humorous tone, but everybody could decipher the true meaning from his words.
"M-My father w-will know of this. He is close to the minister! I will have your wand snapped," spoke Draco, pulling out the daddy card.
Quinn nodded and replied, "Sure, you can write to your father, but for now, you are still apologizing." saying that Quinn tightened his grip on Malfoys hand and gave a stern look to Crabbe and Goyle; warning them not to interfere.
Draco winced, feeling the grip on his hand. He looked at Tracey and murmured an apology, "I am sorry."
"Now, repeat that again and add that you won't do it again," instructed Quinn. Draco wanted to protest, but a look from Quinn made him stop.
"I am sorry. I won't do it again," spoke Draco with a face flushed red with embarrassment.
Quinn smile and released Draco's hand, who quickly put it behind his back. Quinn patted Draco's clothes in a cleaning motion and said, "That wasn't difficult, was it? Now that you have apologized, please leave. You were talking about Potter's cabin, right? Go find it, go on, hurry along." After saying that, Quinn shut the door close and ignored the stunned and embarrassed Draco.
Quinn walked back to his seat and sat in the now silent compartment.
Tracey looked at Quinn with an amazed and thankful look, "Thank you." It truly amazed her at how Quinn had handled Draco. It was quite a sight to watch.
Quinn smiled and replied, "Please, it was nothing. He made you uncomfortable and was about to get on my nerves, so I made him leave, but not before teaching him a lesson. And overall, it was a fun experience."
Daphne humphed and interjected, "We could have taken care of it ourselves. You didn't need to interfere." She was unhappy that she was not the one to make Draco apologize to her friend.
Quinn slightly tilted his head in confusion, "Us? You must be confused, Ms. Greengrass. I only stood up for Ms. Davis. I wasn't thinking about you at all. That is why I only asked Mr. Malfoy to apologize to Ms. Davis and not you, remember?" Hearing Quinn's words made Tracey giggle, and Daphne frowned and glared at him.
Quinn looked at the time on his pocket watch and asked his two companions, "Would you two like to accompany me to the Buffet car for lunch?"
Tracey jumped at the invitation, "Sure, we would love to join you." Daphne was about to say something, but Tracey pinched her to get her to stop talking. Daphne could only rub the pinched spot and relented in silence.
- (Scene Break) -
After they returned from lunch, the peace of Quinn's compartment was once again interrupted. A person opened the door causing all three people to look up at the person. Oh boy, were they surprised to see Ivy Potter standing at the door.
Ivy was about to say something when she met eyes with Daphne and said, "Oh, Daphne, didn't see you there. How are you?"
Daphne quirked her brow and replied, "Your eyesight must be getting worse. Why don't you get them checked? Maybe then you and your brother would match."
Ivy narrowed her eyes and countered, "Or maybe it was because I mistook you for a statue. There isn't much difference between you and a statue, you know?"
While they were arguing, Quinn nudged Tracey and asked, "Ms. Davis, what is happening? Didn't you say these two were friends?"
Tracey giggled and replied, "Oh, they are friends, alright. They just don't know how to express themselves. They are cute like that." Quinn could tell that there was more to this story, but he let it go and commented, "If you say so, and I would have to say this is much more interesting."
Tracey smiled brightly and responded, "I know, right!"
The two girls exhausted their insults for each other, and Ivy turned to Tracey and asked while waving her hello, "Hey Tracey, I am looking for a toad. Have you seen one?"
Tracey waved back and shook her head, "No, I haven't seen a toad, sorry."
Just then, another person came, and Quinn recognized her as Hermione Granger. Looking at her, Quinn had one thought, 'Yeah, that is Emma Watson, alright.' She looked at Ivy and asked, "Did you find Neville's toad?"
Ivy shook her head and replied, "No, not yet."
Quinn decided to offer them some help, "You should approach one of the prefects and tell them about the missing toad. Ask them to relay the message to the driver, who would announce it over the speakers across the train; that way, you would reach all the students in the train."
It would be much more efficient for them to ask the driver rather than going to every compartment. Plus, he didn't give the idiotic advice of using a Summoning Charm (Accio) as it didn't summon living beings.
Ivy looked at the third person in the room for the first time and saw Quinn. She immediately recognized him from the bookstore, "You-"
But, Hermione spoke before her, "Thank you, we would do that." And, before Ivy could start again, she was once again cut by Daphne, who stood up and spoke before Ivy, "Good, now that you got some help, leave." She didn't wait for Ivy to respond and shut the door. Outside of the room, Hermione dragged Ivy along.
Daphne sat back and glanced at Tracey and Quinn, who were smiling at her. She asked, "What?"
Both of them shook her head and replied in unison, "Nurthing~."
When the Hogwarts Express was about to reach the Hogsmeade station and Daphne, Tracey, and Quinn had changed, Quinn decided to give them his consultation calling cards.
He handed them the black calling cards and explained, "If you need help with anything. Please come to this room, and I will help you at a suitable price. I also accept IOUs of equal value. I would be in for a consultation when the back of the card shows you an {IN} symbol. So, don't be shy to come to me for help."
The two girls looked at the black and gold card and saw the front side switch between {AID} and {Solution to any of your problems}.
Then he kissed Tracey's knuckles and did a mock-bow to Daphne before separating from them to join the other students.
Tracey waved his goodbye and said to Daphne, "Quinn is so dreamy~." Daphne just stared at her friend like she was crazy, but she did look at the card he had handed to her.
Quinn West - MC - 12 years old - Hogwarts (2nd Year) - Novice Consultant.
Daphne Greengrass - 11 years old - Hogwarts (1st Year) - Stone-faced blonde
Tracey Davis - 11 years old - Hogwarts (1st Year) - Bubbly Brunette
If you have any ideas regarding the magic you want to see in this fiction or want to offer some ideas regarding the progression. Move onto the DISCORD Server and blast those ideas.
The link is in the synopsis!
Just like always,
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If you want to read ahead, you can check out my Patreón @
[ https://www.patreón.com/fictiononlyreader ]
The link is also in the synopsis.
Quinn walked into the Great Hall, once again taking in the grandness of the hall, and made his way to Ravenclaw bench. He looked at the long bench of Hogwarts robes customized to contain Ravenclaw colors. Robes had blue linings, a Ravenclaw symbol on the left chest, and a blue tie with white and silver stripes. Quinn, too, was wearing the same robes; last year, the house-elves had customized Quinn's robes on his first night at Hogwarts. Quinn had taken a liking to the Ravenclaw blue after wearing it every day.
Quinn searched for his roommates and found them. Eddie Carmichael and Marcus Belby, Ravenclaws from the same year as Quinn. He made a beeline towards them and smiled when he saw their seating arrangement. As usual, Eddie was sitting opposite Marcus, prepared to stay away from his terrible eating habits. Quinn also made the same decision and walked to Eddie's side. He patted Eddie on his back as he sat beside him. "Good to see you again, guys. How are you two?" said Quinn in greeting.
"Hey, Quinn, where were you? I didn't see you on the train," asked Eddie from his side. "Oh, I got early and sat down before the Potters got to the platform," answered Quinn.
"You could have come to see me," complained Eddie. Quinn shrugged and responded, "I forgot, I had some interesting company. And, you could have done the same; I didn't see you coming to me." Both the boys looked at each other before smiling and dapping in greeting.
"Oh, I got a little late at the platform. Believe me when I say that for a second, I wasn't sure if I would be able to make it aboard the train. The crowd to see the Potters was crazy," Marcus shared his experience of the morning at the platform.
Eddie leaned towards Marcus and asked, "So, did you see the Potters? I wasn't able to see them. I did go to their compartment, but they had drawn the curtains."
Marcus shook his head, and Quinn spoke, "Hey, I saw Ivy Potter, Boy-Who-Lived's twin sister. She came to my compartment looking for a toad."
Eddie, Marcus, and other Ravenclaw near them leaned towards Quinn for more details. "A toad?" asked Marcus.
Quinn told nodded and told them about her, that she had red hair and green eyes and that the train announcement was his idea, but nothing of the interaction that she and Daphne had; that stuff was personal.
As time passed, Quinn also greeted other Ravenclaw as they arrived in the Great Hall.
"Chang and Edgecombe, how are you two girls doing? Did anything fun in the break?" Quinn made small talk with Cho Chang and Marietta Edgecombe, who stopped by for saying hi.
"I went to Italy with my family. How about you?" chatted Cho.
"Oh! Italy, beautiful country, isn't it? Did you go to the Vatican?" asked Quinn and shrugged in response, "Na, I didn't go anywhere this year. My family was busy this summer. But I did have a lot of fun. Did a lot of reading. "
He also congratulated Penelope Clearwater when he saw her. "Clearwater is that a prefect badge I see. Congratulation, you deserve it."
Penelope smiled and replied, "Thank you, Quinn. I hope I won't be seeing you out after curfew." Quinn put on an innocent expression and said, "What? I am always in the common room after curfew. You know I love to follow the rules."
She swatted his shoulder and shoulder, "Stop with that look. You are always the last one to enter the common room. Most of the time, you come back in is after curfew. So, please don't let me catch you, or I would have to give you a detention."
Quinn shrugged and proudly said, "Oh, come on. I start my day early and end it late. You should look at with positivity, recognize my hard work that would make a Hufflepuff proud."
She shook his head and commented, "Or, a silver tongue that would make a Slytherin proud." Quinn winked and smiled, "Prefect Clearwater, you are giving me a poor reputation; I call it smooth-talking and not a silver tongue. It is one of my good points."
She sighed and relented, "Only you, West. Only you." She left but not before saying, "But, I will still give you a detention if I see you."
After a little while, Quinn was looking around when he saw someone enter the hall, and Quinn wasn't sure what to make of it. He truly wasn't expecting this person to be here. Quinn watched as Lily Potter entered the Great Hall and walked to the staff's High Table. The student body murmured, seeing Lily Potter, and whispered among themselves.
After wrapping his head around seeing Lily Potter at Hogwarts, most definitely as a new teacher, Quinn laughed... hard.
Eddie looked at Quinn and asked, "Why are you laughing?" Quinn shook his head and chuckled to himself, "It's nothing. This is all so amusing to me. Right, amusing. We were already getting two Potter. One more isn't nothing to worry about." Quinn looked at Dumbledore chatting with Lily and thought, 'Oh, Dumbledore, you clever old goat.'
In Quinn's mind, Lily Potter being here was an obvious attempt from Dumbledore to keep the Potters close. He wanted to have maximum influence over the Potters, and what better way than to allow Lily Potter to stay close to her children. Potters already held Dumbledore in high regards, and with this, he had done them another substantial favor.
Quinn also glanced at Quirinus Quirrell. He was wearing a turban and fidgeted in his chair. Quinn looked at the turban and could imagine Voldemort's face on the back of Quirrell's head. The canon was afoot, and Quinn was here at ground zero.
- (Scene Break) -
When all the students, second-year and above, settled down in their house long-tables, McGonagall came to the Great Hall and announced, "The new first-years are ready and waiting in the Antechamber, so please behave and support them as they get sorted."
And then McGonagall led the new students into the Great Hall. With McGonagall in the lead, the new first-years walked in a line, taking in the grand sight of the Great Hall, forgetting their nervousness for just a moment.
When the students reached the front of the hall, they gathered just below the steps that led to the High Table. Seeing them look all nervous made Quinn's heart swell.
"Look at their expressions; they all look so nervous," said Quinn as he smiled. Marcus looked at him with doubt and asked, "And that makes you happy?" Quinn nodded and smiled widely, "Yeah!"
The sorting hat sang its introductory song, but Quinn didn't join the rest of the school in applause as he associated the hat with bad memories, and last year on that stool made him feel exposed.
The sorting finally started, and Eddie looked at Marcus and Quinn, "Remember your bets. The first student of this year will go to which house. I choose Ravenclaw, Marcus choose Gryffindor, and Quinn chose Hufflepuff. The winner gets five sickles from the other two. Put the money on the table." Quinn had proposed a bet among his roommates, and they had enthusiastically agreed to it. The surrounding people also heard them and began betting with each other. Soon the entire student body was betting.
McGonagall unrolled a roll of parchment and spoke the first name, "Abbot, Hannah." A pink-faced girl with blonde pigtails stumbled out of line. McGonagall put the hat on her, which fell right down over her eyes, and sat down. After a pause, the hat shouted, "HUFFLEPUFF!"
Quinn smiled and collected the money on the table, "Payday~." Then he looked at his two friends and purposed another wager, "How about this, If I guess thirty students' houses correctly, you two will give me half-galleon, but if I get even one less than thirty, I will give you both a galleon each. How about it, deal?" He placed two galleons on the table.
The two looked at each other and nodded. Both pulled eight sickles and fifteen knuts out of their pockets and placed them on the table. Eddie looked at Quinn and repeated, "Thirty and no less."
Quinn smiled and said, "Get ready boys, you are about to see something truly magical. Also, the first girl that went Hufflepuff is included."
Quinn rubbed his hands. He saw Susan Bones go up the steps and said, "Hufflepuff." The next moment the hat yelled, "HUFFLEPUFF." Then Quinn advantage of his knowledge and nailed the houses of every character he recognized.
"Ravenclaw." "Boot, Terry." "RAVENCLAW!"
"Ravenclaw." "Brocklehurst, Mandy." "RAVENCLAW!"
"Gryffindor." "Brown, Lavender." "GRYFFINDOR!"
"Slytherin. "Bulstrode, Millicent." "SLYTHERIN!"
"Oh, I am not sure about this one but, Slytherin." "Davis, Tracey." "SLYTHERIN!"
"Another Badger, Hufflepuff." "Finch-Fletchley, Justin." "HUFFLEPUFF!"
"Gryffindor." "Finnigan, Seamus." "GRYFFINDOR!"
"Definitely, absolutely, one hundred percent sure, Gryffindor." "Granger, Hermione." "GRYFFINDOR!"
"Ah, she is the classic Slytherin material and the better kind!" "Greengrass, Daphne." "SLYTHERIN!"
"Sigh, the big guy is going to Slytherin." "Goyle, Gregory." "SLYTHERIN!"
"Our housemate, a prestigious Ravenclaw." "Li, Sue." "RAVENCLAW!"
"He looks like he is about to wet his pant. You know what, Gryffindor!" "Longbottom, Neville." "GRYFFINDOR!"
"Hmm... Hufflepuff." "MacDougal, Morag." "HUFFLEPUFF!"
"Slytherin, no other choice. A pity for the Slytherin house. Well, at least they would have money." "Malfoy, Draco." "SLYTHERIN!"
"Looks like a typical Slytherin." "Nott, Theodore." "SLYTHERIN!"
"Slytherin all the way." "Parkinson, Pancy." "SLYTHERIN!"
"She feels like a Ravenclaw." "Patil, Padma." "RAVENCLAW!"
"Twins, huh? Gryffindor!" "Patil, Parvati." "GRYFFINDOR!"
By the time Quinn had gotten ten students correct, the entirety of Ravenclaw table was hanging onto his every word. Quinn's predictions were passed onto the entire table via word of mouth. Because of Quinn, the Ravenclaw table had the most fun during the sorting ceremony.
On the staff's High Table, Lily Potter was sitting beside her favorite teacher, Filius Flitwick. She noticed how the Ravenclaw table was ooh-ing, aww-ing, and clapping for every student. Even for those who were being sorted into Slytherin. She knew how intense the house rivalry could be. In fact, the cheers were increasing with every student.
Lily turned to the Flitwick and said, "Professor, your students are showing great inter-house unity; they are cheering so enthusiastically for every student. It is quite nice to see it; In my time, only the house cheered for their sorties. I am impressed that you were able to teach them to rise above house rivalry."
Flitwick also noticed his house table, and after listening to his new former student now colleague's praise, he felt pride as Ravenclaw's head of the house. He didn't know what was the difference this year, but he was happy about it. It would be quite a shock for him when he would later learn that the Ravenclaw students weren't cheering for the new students, but for Quinn, who was on a roll of guessing the sorting of the new students.
Finally, it was Potters' turn on the sorting chair. McGonagall looked at the scroll and then looked at the new students before announcing, "Potter, Harry."
While everybody on Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, and Slytherin tables were standing and craning their necks to get a look at the Boy-Who-Lived, the Ravenclaw table was watching Quinn, who had his elbows on the table, fingers interlocked. He looked left and then right before speaking, "Gryffindor."
A series of nods and murmurs went through the Ravenclaw table as the Ravenclaw students turned their eyes to Harry Potter, who was climbing the steps to the stool.
Quinn observed this version of Harry Potter and, for the first time, took note of the difference between him and the canon Harry. This one looked confident unlike, the nervous canon Harry. He was smiling as he sat on the barstool, and his eyes were looking at the Gryffindor table.
The moment the hat dropped on Harry's head, it shouted its decision, "GRYFFINDOR!" The Gryffindor table went wild, and Harry also stood up from the barstool with a bright smile. But, he stopped in confusion when the Ravenclaw table's cheers drowned the Gryffindor table's cheers.
Harry was confused; were they happy that he didn't come to Ravenclaw? The staff and faculty, along with the other three houses, also felt puzzled. What was wrong with Ravenclaw this year?
Quinn didn't feel surprised at the swift decision; this version of Harry differed from the canon version and wasn't a hatstop. He turned his eyes to Lily Potter. She was looking at Harry and fondly smiling while clapping.
'She must be quite happy to have her child in the same house as herself,' thought Quinn.
His friends prompted him to make the prediction, and Quinn looked at McGonagall, who said the next name.
"Potter, Ivy."
Quinn wasn't sure about this one. He had seen her at the bookstore lost in the book, but she was also raised in the Potter household with two Gryffindor parents and Sirius Black as a frequent visitor. Quinn looked at the galleon on the table. He picked one and tossed it into the air. He caught the coin when it came down and looked at it. He looked at the people around him and said, "It was a close decision between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw, but the galleon has spoken, Ivy Potter will go to Gryffindor."
The hall went quiet as everybody waited for the hat's decision. The hat stayed on Ivy's head for almost a minute. Everybody saw the hat move and knew the time had come.
It was followed by a chant from the Weasley twins, "We got Potters, We got Potters."
Quinn pumped his fist and spoke, "Yeah!" Quinn knew that not all studious people went to Ravenclaw. It was a person's beliefs and choices that decided their house in Hogwarts. He didn't know Ivy Potter well enough to know where she would end up, and Quinn solely based his prediction on what he had seen and heard of her. Ivy going to Gryffindor was pure luck and speculation.
For example, Quinn knew Hermione Granger is smart and studious, but her beliefs weren't the same as a Ravenclaw; she didn't hold a Ravenclaws' values of being clever, scholarly over Gryffindor's bravery and courage. In the books, Hermione herself had said to Harry, "Books, cleverness, but there are far more important things like bravery."
The hat also added his own thought to the decision, like where the child would grow the most. If Hermione had gone to Ravenclaw, she might not have been able to make friends.
'When it comes to academics, Ravenclaw is a cutthroat house. There are plenty of backstabbings and betrayals in Ravenclaw,' thought Quinn as he looked around the joyous house that became ultra-competitive during examination time. He looked at Gryffindor and Hermione and thought, 'Maybe that is why Hermione was sorted into Gryffindor.'
The sorting continued, and only one person was remaining. McGonagall called him to the barstool, "Zabani, Blaise."
Quinn stared at Blaise and announced, "He will go to Slytherin." The Ravenclaw house waited with bated breath for the hat to announce its decision.
The second the hat announced the sorting, some of the older Ravenclaw students lifted Quinn and threw him in the air to celebrate. "Whoa! This is somewhat whacky. Hey, do it more!" But they had to stop when McGonagall yelled at them.
Albus Dumbledore was chuckling when he got to his feet. He beamed at the Ravenclaw student before looking at all the students, his arms opened wide.
"Welcome all!" he said. "Welcome to a brand new year at Hogwarts! Before we start the banquet, and I get to know about all the fun the house Ravenclaw is having, I would like to say a few words. Here we go, Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!"
Previous year Quinn had taken a trip to the kitchens and confirmed his theory. Nitwit, Blubber, Oddment, Tweak were indeed the name of the house-elves, and they were the oldest house-elves in Hogwarts and took care of the first meal of the year.
After the meals were done, Dumbledore made his annual announcements. "I have a few start-of-term notices to give you." He looked at all the student body and continued, "First years should note that the forest on the grounds is forbidden to all pupils. And a few of our older students would do well to remember that as well..." He repeated the same words as last year before saying, "And finally, I must tell you that this year, the third-floor corridor on the right-hand side is out of bounds to everyone who does not wish to die a very painful death."
Quinn, who had just finished his pudding, put his spoon down and sighed as he heard those words, "Lovely. Absolutely lovely."
Marcus looked at Quinn before asking, "What is?" Quinn sighed before smiling towards his roommate, "The pudding, of course."
Dumbledore continued as he had said nothing out of order, "Lastly, I would like to introduce you to a new addition to Hogwarts." He gestured towards Lily Potter, who stood up and smiled at the student body. "From this year onwards, Madame Lily Potter will be joining Hogwarts' staff. She would take the position of Professor of Muggle Studies. Please, give her a warm round of applause."
Quinn looked at Lily Potter and then the Potter Twins before finally looking at Quirinus Quirrell, Voldemort's host.
'Potters and Voldemort, both are here, and so is the Philosopher's Stone. All the players have gathered for the first time... the game has begun,' thought Quinn giving Dumbledore, Quirinus Quirrell, Lily Potter one last glance before walking and fading away in the crowd of students.
Quinn West - MC - Made a galleon in a wager - Star entertainer.
Lily Potter - Muggle Studies Professor - Excited to teach at her Alma Mater
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