Have you ever have one of those times when you don't want to get up from your bed? You know, one of those times when your position on the bed is really comfortable and optimal for going to sleep. But then something comes up that requires you to get out of bed and you know that if you get up now and return to bed you won't get back to that level of comfort.
Well if you are familiar with that situation, then you know how I am feeling now. I am in total bliss laying in the comfy bed and covered by an unbelievably soft duvet. Right now, I just want to curl up and go back to sleep, but I can't because an offending ray of sunlight is falling right on my face making me uncomfortable and hindering my ability to go back to sleep.
After trying to ignore the offending ray of light, I gave up and decided to fix the problem by covering the window and stop the light from leaking inside. With a sigh, I forced my eyes to open and sat up on my bed. Automatically my eyes move towards the light, and I instinctively squinted my eyes to protect them from the harsh glare.
I move myself to the corner of the bed and swing my legs off the bed, but the feeling that I was waiting to experience didn't come. I looked down, and instead of expecting to see my feet land on the ground, I saw a pair of small legs dangling off the side of the bed. Okay, that wasn't right, my legs shouldn't be like this, thinking that I should still be half asleep, I move my hands to touch my knees, but the moment the hands entered my sight, I froze.
What I saw was a pair of surprisingly young hands. My first thought was that these shouldn't be my hands, but then a stray thought hit me and made me think, 'Huh? What did my hands look like?'. The second that line of thought got to an end, an onslaught of panic struck me, and I started to look around and saw myself in an unfamiliar room, but at the same time, I couldn't recall how my bedroom looked like or could remember the room where I had gone to sleep. Scratch that I couldn't remember anything about myself before waking up. The more I thought, the more terror filled my body, I couldn't remember my name or recall anything about his own identity.
With that revelation, fear emerged from within the already peaking panic, and I found myself pushing myself back till my back found the backboard of the bed, and my eyes began to roam around the room. I saw the walls covered with wallpaper-type patterned wallcoverings. A tiny part of my panic-free mind found that weird as I associated walls with painted walls.
I took in the old ambiance that the room presented with its wallpapered walls, old-styled cupboards, and victorian era furniture that decorated the room. The next moment I remembered something and looked down as my heart thumped so loud that I thought it would burst out of my ribcage. I saw the unfamiliar body that could only be described as a child's, and the dam of emotions broke. I started to hyperventilate, and sweat emerged all over my body.
I grabbed my head, trying to remember anything at all; anything about my identity, how I got here. Anything that could help me with my current situation, but nothing worked as I couldn't pull anything out of my brain, and then it happened. A terrible headache emerged at the back of my head, spreading throughout my head, it grounded my temples, and an electric pain burned behind my eyes. Not being able to endure the pain, a guttural scream escaped from my mouth.
Within a couple of minutes, I had gone from feeling comfy in my bed to once in a lifetime level panic attack. After screaming for not knowing how much time, I saw the door to the room open, and a man barged into the room and it looked like he was saying something with a worried look on his face, but I couldn't hear anything because my ears were ringing and finally, I guess my body couldn't take it anymore and I blacked out.
(Scene Break)
When he opened his eyes, he saw that he was still in the same room, tucked into the duvet. Without making a sound, he sat up on the bed and looked around the room, but this time he didn't feel any panic, fear, or confusion as something had changed. That something had helped him make sense of this whole situation. He looked at his hands, which were still of a child's, and felt his legs underneath the duvet, which were similarly child-sized.
As absurd as it sounded, he had somehow transmigrated into a child's body and had lost his sense of identity while doing so. He couldn't recall anything that would point to who he was before transmigrating into this body, and the reason he wasn't going into another panic attack was that even though he had lost his memories regarding his identity, he had gained knowledge that would replace that loss. The new knowledge that he had come into was the identity of his current body.
He leaned back on the backboard of the bed, and looked at the ceiling, and sighed, "Quinn West, so this is my new name, huh."
Quinn West, boy, born in 1979, and currently four years old. Son of Adam and Aria West, born and raised in England, second and the youngest child of the pair with an older sister, named Lia West, who was ten years older than Quinn.
Unfortunately, both Adam and Aria West were no longer in the world, died in an accident when Quinn was one year old. From then on, both Quinn and his sister Lia were raised by their grandfather, George West.
But, the one thing that stood out in Quinn's memories and that left him stunned. It was the presence of magic. Yes, you heard it right. Magic, with a capital 'M', and finally, Quinn's memories had revealed something of utmost importance.
"I am in the world of Harry Potter."
In Quinn's memories, he had seen wands and witnessed the frequent use of the cleaning spell Scourgify to clean after the mess that infant Quinn had made. He saw the mess cleaned in an instant after a single use of that spell. He had seen cutlery floating around at dinner tables and multiple other feats of magic, but more importantly, Quinn's older sister was attending Beauxbatons Academy of Magic. A name that only the real deal would use.
Quinn continued to sit on the bed and took all of it in. Despite the absence of panic of being in an unfamiliar environment, he was still uncomfortable with being in this body. The realization that he had taken over a child's body had left him with an uncomfortable feeling in his heart. Quinn put his arm over his eyes and thought about the original Quinn's last memory.
'He had found his way to an open window ledge and tripped out.'. At that moment, the original had experienced his first feat of accidental magic and bounced off the ground like a balloon, but the next moment the original fainted.
"And, then I took over.", Quinn concluded with the guilt of possessing someone taking over him, torturing him from the inside. He looked outside and saw that it was already late in the day, and the sun had already set, and the night was about to take over the sky.
"How long I have been out? I guess I should let them know that I am up.". Quinn removed the duvet and was about to get out of bed when the door to his room opened, and the man who Quinn had seen just before blacking out entered the room.
"Young master Quinn! You must not get out of bed. You are in poor health. Please, lay down. I will inform the master that you have woken up.". One thing Quinn might have missed mentioning was that the West family was rich, and by rich, he meant old-money rich and successive generations of successful business prosperity, which had not only maintained the family wealth but had seen a steady increase in the family business.
The person in question was the West family's butler, Elliot Dalton. Elliot here held a special place in the subordinates employed by the West family as Elliot was the personal butler of Quinn's grandfather and was his close confidant. Elliot wore standard butler gear, and even though he didn't look like it, Elliot was already over 70 years old.
Wizard kind or magicals lived a lot longer than their muggle or non-magical counterparts. The average life span of a magical was two to three times that of normal people, and thus they aged slower, so it came to no surprise that Elliot looked like a middle-aged man rather than an old aged-man
Breaking out of his thoughts, Quinn tried to talk to Elliot, who was putting the duvet back on him, "Uncle Elliot, I am fine. Can I get some water?"
Elliot stopped trying to get Quinn to lay down and observed him for a second before nodding, "Yes, of course. How forgetful of me. You must be parched" He looked just past Quinn's bed and called out.
"Polly.", two seconds might have passed before a creature appeared, literally popped into the room, and spoke in a squeaky voice, "Yes?".
Polly, as Elliot had called her, was a West family elf and had all usual house-elf features and wore a toga instead of a pillowcase that was adorned by the poster elf of the Harry Potter series, Dobby.
'So, this is a house-elf.', Quinn despite having seen house-elves in the original's memories, was still surprised to see the elf with his own eyes, 'The movie CGI doesn't do the real thing justice.'
"Polly, please get a glass of water for the young master. And, please inform the master that the young master has woken up.", as soon as Elliot spoke the tasks, Polly snapped her fingers, and a tray with a pitcher and a glass appeared in the room. Quinn watched with wonder as the pitcher of water floated and poured the water into the glass. The set floated gently and landed on his side.
Quinn nodded towards Polly, who popped out of the room, possibly to inform his grandfather about his status. Quinn picked the glass to quench his thirst and then turned to Elliot to ask,
"Uncle Elliot, what happened to me?"
Elliot looked at the four-year child explained the whole incident that had taken place today, "Young master, earlier today you fell out of the window. You somehow managed to get the window open and then slipped out. We had no idea when you had fallen, but when I was passing by, I saw you unconscious on the ground and immediately called for the healer.", Elliot's expression showed concern and grief regarding the matter, but the next moment, his expression turned bright and joyful as he continued, "Young master, I must congratulate you. You finally performed your first feat of accidental magic. You fell unconscious because you exhausted your magic. Unfortunately, it came in these circumstances, but all's well that ends well."
Quinn was about to respond, but before he could speak out, another man entered the room, and Quinn immediately recognized the man as it was Quinn's grandfather, George West.
Just like Elliot, George West was also old and was pushing 80 and was a couple of years older than Elliot, but both of them looked like middle-aged men. George West stood with his back straight and moved with conviction, he had a few grays in hairs, but his eyes were bright and full of vigor and life.
From what Quinn could gather from his new memories, George West was a strict man and was a man of few words, but at the same time, he had heard from Elliot and some other people that George West had a way with words when needed that had been cultivated from years of doing business. He used to travel all around the world's magical communities to do business and used to run a tight ship on the family business, but then his wife, Maria West, passed away from a magical disease which caused him to drown himself in his work to avoid grief. The business prospered but that came at the cost of his relationship with his son because he had ignored the parental side of his duties.
After years of a rocky relationship, Quinn's mother had taken steps to make sure that her husband and father-in-law got along better and repair their relationship, and it had been successful to a degree, but when things were looking on the upside, tragedy struck and claimed the lives of both of Quinn's parents. This caused George to focus most of his focus on raising his grandchildren, Lia and Quinn, to make sure that the past didn't repeat, so he mostly stayed in Britain and now conducted his business from his home country.
He walked to Quinn's bedside and took out his wand and waved it to perform some charms that Quinn could guess were diagnostic charms to check his current health status, and then performed another spell that conjured a chair beside him and sat on it.
"How are you feeling, Quinn?"
Quinn was unsure how to interact and converse with his grandfather as he wasn't his original grandson and the current Quinn was a completely different person, so when Polly was sent to inform George, he began to think about how to approach the coming conversation and the answer he came up with was,
"I am sorry, grandfather.", acting like a child who had done something bad was the way Quinn had chosen, combined it with his first accidental magic, which was a big event of a young magical's life, and the fact that he had fallen unconscious twice in a single day would result in Quinn needing to speak less as it would seem that he was regretting his actions that caused everybody to worry and he hoped that George or anybody else won't question him taking his health into account.
Quinn's approach was indeed correct as George replied with, "You don't have to worry, little Quinn. It was not your fault. I hope you won't think much about what happened today.", a hint of a smile made its way on his face as he continued, "You performed magic today, little Quinn. I am very proud of you."
He ruffled Quinn's hair and spoke, "Let's write a letter together to your sister to tell her that you did magic. She will be so happy when she hears about it."
Quinn nodded while smiling, it might be because he had no recollection of his original identity and him having the original's memories that Quinn felt positive emotions when George ruffled his hair and when he thought about his older sister, Lia who was currently studying at Beauxbatons Academy of Magic.
After that, a medi-healer came to check on Quinn, and the conclusion regarding Quinn's scream incident was that even though his magic had saved him from the impact, but his mind still thought he was falling and it was just a psychological reaction from the fall.
That night, Quinn fell asleep quite quickly because of all the life-changing events that had taken place today that had left him dead tired mentally. Before going to sleep he thought about what his life would be like from now on. He was in the world of Harry Potter, a world where magic was real and he had the magic in him. He wanted to see what this new world would offer him.
First Chapter,
Let's GO!
Quinn West - Main Character.
George West - Grandfather.
Lia West - Older Sister.
Elliot Dalton- Family Butler.
Just like always,
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It was the start of June and the start of the summer season in Britain. Quinn sat in the backyard of the West Manor, enjoying the first sunny morning of the season. He thought about his life since coming to this world. And, having been in this world for a few months, he could say that except for the presence of magic and seeing it used every day, his life was the same as a four-year-old child.
He was learning how to read and write, draw, and did all the activities a four-year-old child did. But, there were some other things that he thought were not usual for a child his age. He was being taught two languages at the same time. While everybody else in the West Manor talked to Quinn in English, Quinn's grandfather, George, talked to him in French.
Quinn's late grandmother, George's wife, Maria, was born and raised in France. Maria's mother tongue was French, so George had learned French for her. Now, he was teaching his grandchildren to speak the language that his wife spoke. Quinn's sister, Lia, studied in Beauxbatons Academy Of Magic, so reading and writing french was a prerequisite for studying at that school.
Other than learning two languages, he was also learning how to play the piano and weekly lessons of formal ballroom dancing.
He practiced the correct posture of sitting, standing, and walking. He had to eat every meal with correct table manners. Quinn learned formal speech, how to speak according to different situations, and family history. He also learned basic maths.
Quinn had to be honest; learning all these new things was fun and challenging. West Manor didn't have a TV, so Quinn had to do something to keep himself occupied, and learning all the things kept him occupied, so he didn't get bored, but there was one takeaway, Quinn had to pretend to learn at a slower pace to maintain his cover as a small child. But, it turned out that pretending all day long was extremely taxing and frustrating. Pretending to forget concepts, making mistakes, learning things that he understood at once was frustrating beyond words.
Quinn had motor skills and mental capacity far surpassing that of a child, so he learned to dance quickly, but he had to pretend by stepping on his instructor's toes. He had to make mistakes on the piano despite having learned the material correctly. He had to pretend to count on his fingers when doing maths and mispronounce names of people and places taught in family history.
And it turned out that all of this wasn't enough, as even with Quinn pretending to make mistakes, he was still learning at an exceptional pace. Subjects like formal dancing, piano lessons, French, and Family History were new to Quinn, so he didn't know the normal pace of learning for a four-year-old, but he was clear about Maths. So, when he was suddenly taught a concept at a much higher level for a four-year-old, he realized that he had paced himself incorrectly.
But, it was too late, and Quinn couldn't slow down his learning at this point, and Quinn didn't think that he could slow down, as anything slower than this would drive him crazy. So, Quinn decided to learn whatever the adults taught him and hope they won't go overboard, or he would seriously have to pretend to be dumber, and that was antagonizing.
All of this was the plus side of things in Quinn's life. Now, let's come to the downside of his life. Quinn couldn't do any magic; no matter how much he tried to get access to his magic, he couldn't move a single thing or perform any magic.
Now, if Quinn was a mainstream Harry Potter fan, who only watched the movies and read the books, then he wouldn't have felt down about not being able to perform magic, but you see, Quinn wasn't your mainstream fan. But no, Quinn was an extensive fanfiction reader. Quinn, in his previous life, had read more fanfiction than the original work. He had read fanfiction characters doing wandless magic, and he wanted to accomplish that, but no matter how much he tried, he couldn't do a single piece of magic.
But, it was not Quinn's fault that he couldn't do magic. He didn't know anything about magic theory and didn't have any access to any text regarding magic. And, he didn't have access to wands as people were protective of their wands and didn't like to hand them over to anyone. Plus, Quinn was educated not to ask anyone of their wands, so asking someone for their wand was out of the question.
All Quinn could do was keep trying to bring out the magic within himself, but nothing worked. Every day he failed to do magic. But, Quinn wasn't going to give up his pursuit of wandless magic. He knew that it was possible, and he knew it was possible to do it at a young age, as a young Tom Marvalo Riddle was able to do magic without a wand before ever knowing that he had magic.
Quinn positively believed that he would be able to achieve wandless magic soon, but what Quinn didn't know was that it would be a while before he could start on his magical journey.
Another thing that irked Quinn was that he was under constant supervision, at anytime an adult was around him, watching him so that the accident wouldn't repeat itself. But, that was a huge hindrance for Quinn as it turned out that a child glaring at a ball for tens of minutes was weird, so Quinn couldn't practice magic without them asking questions, which Quinn would rather not answer.
Quinn realized that if he wanted to make quick progress with his magic, he would need to understand how magic worked, and he knew exactly how to get the resources to get his magical knowledge kickstarted. He just needed to wait for a couple of weeks to start his plan.
(Scene Break)
Quinn sat on the living room sofa, swinging his feet while drinking a glass of apple juice. He was excited as today was the start of his plan of getting a start on learning magic. A faint smile graced his face as he bought up the glass to take another sip of the juice.
Elliot, who was sitting on a chair near Quinn, saw him smiling, and a smile of his own made its way on his own face as he could guess why Quinn was smiling, but he decided to ask,
"Young master, why are you smiling?"
Quinn looked at Elliot, and his smile turned to a grin, "I get to see Lia after so long. I am excited to see her."
This wasn't the first time he would meet her, she had returned home for the Easter holiday, and he had gotten to spend time with his elder sister, and he had gotten to know her, and it was true that Quinn was excited to meet Lia. Quinn's planned heavily depended on Lia's personality, and he was sure that if things went according to plan, by the end of this week, he would have his hand on the things he needed to get started on learning magic.
Elliot, who heard Quinn, wouldn't believe it if someone told him the things that were going inside the mind of his young master.
It took another half hour before Polly, the house-elf, informed them that the master and young miss had arrived home via the floo. Quinn got down from the couch and patiently waited for Lia and George to enter the living room with bright eyes. It was when a brunette young girl with stone grey eyes ran into the living room and gave a bright smile the moment she saw Quinn and hugged him the moment she reached Quinn.
Quinn laughed as she spun him around, and she responded with giggles of her own.
Unlike Quinn, Lia was eleven years old when she lost their parents and was at school when she got the news that news. This caused a huge impact on her, as after that, she became quite overprotective of Quinn. The elder sister request letters on Quinn every single week and was quite doting on her younger brother. When Lia heard about the incident, while happy for Quinn for doing accidental magic for the first time, she was also quite angry because of the circumstances that the magic had shown itself in a dangerous incident.
From what Quinn had heard, Lia had written a strong-worded letter to George regarding what she thought of this incident and criticized him for the lack of care for Quinn, and when she had returned home for Easter break, she had kept a strict eye on the new arrangements. Lia was scared of losing her baby brother after losing her parents that caused her to spoil Quinn whenever she got the chance.
(Scene Break)
Quinn knew about Lia's doting behavior, so he decided to take advantage of that, and after giving her a couple of days to decompress at home, he decided to make his move. And, an excellent opportunity presented itself to Quinn.
One day, Quinn and Lia were playing in her room, but after some time, Lia felt a little sleepy, and before she knew it, she had nodded off, and that gave Quinn the perfect opportunity to execute his plan, so he went to the bookshelf in Lia's room. He browsed the bookshelf and tried to find the first-year textbook on Magic Theory, but the moment he looked at the books he froze, and a moment later slapped himself on the back of his head.
Quinn planned to pick the textbook on Magic Theory and then pretend to treat it like a toy, and when Lia tried to take it from him, he would throw a tantrum so that Lia would let him keep the book as she had already passed her fourth year, and wouldn't need a first-year textbook. He knew that Lia would go soft on him and let him keep it, and then he would carry that book everywhere so that everyone would know that the book was from Lia and no one would try to take it from him.
But, he had forgotten a simple detail that had just screwed up his whole plan, which was that all of Lia's books were in French.
"You moron!". Quinn whispered to himself as he slapped himself on the forehead. "How could I forgot that Beauxbaton Academy Of Magic is in friggin' France! Of course, the books would be in French!"
Quinn started to pace in the room as he felt miserable about himself and his failed plan. He was so sure about himself and that his plan would work without a hitch, but his first plan had failed spectacularly. After failing to do magic for months, this plan's failure had put Quinn's morale down.
He hadn't been in Lia's room a lot, and this was the first time after thinking of this plan, so he hadn't thought about the books being in French. The location of Beauxbaton Academy Of Magic had completely slipped his mind, and Quinn knew that this was an idiotic mistake, but one that had derailed his whole plan. Even though Quinn was learning French from his grandfather, he wasn't nearly as good as to read a book of that level and completely understand it.
He sighed as he sat down on Lia's bed, and in the silent room, he found himself retrospecting, something he hadn't done in a couple of months, or to be accurate, he had avoided retrospecting about his life and how he got here.
There had been a few times when the atmosphere in the West Manor had been exceptionally joyous, and the merry vibe had sometimes made Quinn think of himself as an outsider. He would think that he had stolen life from the original Quinn. Seeing people around him laughing and having fun would lead him to think that if he really belonged here.
Something that haunted Quinn was that from the memories of the original. He knew that the fall from the window wasn't the reason for the original's death. Quinn had seen that magic had broken the impact, and it was after that the original had blacked out. It made Quinn think about if he was the one who had taken over the body while the original was weak after using magic and somehow eradicated the original's soul. Quinn had tried to assure himself that he wasn't in this body willingly and that he shouldn't be held accountable, but nevertheless, Quinn couldn't help but feel the guilt and shame on his part as even if unwillingly, he had taken a child's life from him.
Quinn sighed as he laid on Lia's bed, and while his retrospection went into negative loathing, he too fell asleep and thus came to an end of Quinn's plan to get started on magic as soon as possible.
(Scene Break)
It had taken Quinn a while to get back up on his feet and start working on magic again.
He knew that he couldn't get access to his grandfather's office where the manor's library resided. And, even if he could, he wasn't sure if he could gain what he needed as there might not be a basic-level magic theory book in that library.
He also knew that it would take a good while for his French to get to an appropriate level. So, Quinn decided to scrap the plan of gaining insight via theory and was back to his previous hit-and-trial method, and the result came exactly one year after coming to this world. And, even though Quinn didn't know it at that time, he had witnessed one of the most basic yet one of greatest mystery and core concepts of magic.
It was exactly one year after Quinn had transmigrated into the world of Harry Potter. He had worked on gaining magic every day for a whole year, but he had nothing to show as a result of his hard work. Plus, being raised in a magical household made it all more antagonizing for Quinn. He was surrounded by magic every day.
And, it turned out that the fanfiction trope about the trace on children from magical families not working because of being surrounded by magic performing adults was true, as his sister Lia was allowed to do magic in the house.
The only reason a lot of children from magical backgrounds didn't do magic at home was that parents didn't allow it home as tweens and teens with magic could cause a lot of mess at home that they would not rather clean up after, and rather than a rule of not performing magic at home, it was more of a matter of discipline at home. Lia was allowed to use magic as long as it was in a specific large empty room in the manor because that way any possible damage would be minimized and contained.
Now, we could see Quinn lying in his room, absentmindedly staring at the ceiling drowning in frustration as he had just find out that today was the day exactly one year after his transfer. He had started his day all merry, his studies were going great, except for magic he was making great progress on all fronts. And, even though some of that stuff was easy for someone of his mental capacity, it still somewhat helped his bruised ego, but then lo and behold, he took another punch to the gut when he saw the date on the clock in the dining room, and his mood went into the dump.
Quinn flipped himself on the bed and mushed his face into the pillow, groaning into it to show his frustration with himself. He then spent another ten-minutes groaning in his room, and after doing that, he sat upon his bed and stared at the ball in front of him.
Quinn had a lot of mixed feelings towards this specific ball. It was your average rubber ball toy, and Quinn had used this ball, trying to move it with magic, but for a whole year, he had just glared/stared at the ball, and the ball just sat there unmoving.
Adults around Quinn thought that this ball was Quinn's favorite toy as he spent a lot of time with it and carried it around with him all the time, but not for the reason they thought. They thought that Quinn liked the ball very much, while Quinn himself only kept the ball so that he could sneak in some practice when no one was looking.
As Quinn stared at the ball, something inside of him snapped, and anger welled inside of him, and he ended up yelling at the ball,
"Urgh! Why won't you move!"
And, it was then Quinn felt something move inside him. He felt a soft vibration in his body followed by a feeling of flow, and then Quinn's eyes widened as he saw the ball shot across the room and slammed itself on the wall in front of Quinn with great force, and then bounce off the wall and came back to hit Quinn on the face. He didn't dodge the ball because of the shock and took the hit.
"Oww!.. Hahaha!". Quinn laughed while tearing up because while his nose hurt, he was elated that he was able to do magic even though he knew it was accidental magic fueled by anger. Quinn knew that it was a start on his magical journey.
-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- (Ah, the good old star-hypen line.)
Quinn West - Main Character - 5 years old.
Lia West - Elder Sister - 15 years old (5th-year student)- Beauxbatons Academy Of Magic.
George West - Grandfather - Pushing 80 years old, Businessman.
Elliot Dalton - West Family Butler - Over 70 years old.
Adam West - Father of Quinn and Lia West. (Deceased)
Aria West - Mother of Quinn and Lia West. (Deceased)
Maria West - Grandmother of Quinn and Lia West, George West's wife. (Deceased)
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