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53.33% From Truck-Kun To Part-Time System! / Chapter 16: 16.Love Between The DEAD!

Chapter 16: 16.Love Between The DEAD!

[[16.Love Between The DEAD!]]

[[3rd Person's POV]]

Derierei kissed Shizuka, with eyes closed, and on her tippy-toes, as the latter woman was taller by a few centimeters.

Derierei kissed Shizuka, and the blonde was internally celebrating, but outwardly, she was reciprocating Derierei's kiss, pushing her lips °hard° against the pinkette's soft, delectable pink lips. A *Ding!* came into Shizuka's mind, but she didn't care about it as she pulled Derierei closer to her, wrapping her arms around Derierei's hips.

They both kept kissing each other, and even without the need to use their tongues, they conveyed their feelings through the intent behind their kiss. But in the end, Shizuka needed to breathe, so she had sadly broken their lip lock.

The blonde took deep, shaky breaths, while the pinkette kept on shyly stealing glances at Shizuka's flushed visage.

"Derierei..." With her name coming out of Shizuka's mouth, Derierei looked up to the blonde, who stared deep into the pinkette's eyes.

"Was the...Affection reward really...ha~...needed?" The nurse asked the shorter woman, with her voice now reaching a husky tone that no one would have ever expected would be possible. And, having been asked, Derierei put both of her hands on her mouth as she slightly bent down to avoid Shizuka's gaze, slowly shaking her head.

"N-no..." The pinkette confessed with a meek voice, still keeping her head slightly down. But Shizuka, with a sudden boost in confidence and suave-ity, raised Derierei's face by catching the shorter woman's chin, and stared deep into the shy woman's blood-like eyes.

"Then I think I need a different reward..." With a sudden out of character action, Shizuka said something smooth, and Derierei definitely hadn't expected it, and was thoroughly surprised, then, unexpectedly, from shy, she suddenly had a change of expression.

With a smirk and a haughty look, she replied with a very sweet voice. "Yes. You definitely need something else...."

Derierei, who had been shy earlier on and was on the receiving end, had turned the tables and pulled Shizuka's face down. "Something like...this..."

Bringing Shizuka's face to hers, Derierei surprised the nurse with a sudden kiss! Then, before the blonde could respond, Derierei pried Shizuka's weak lips open with her lips and began to play with the taller woman's tongue.

She couldn't help it, and Shizuka suddenly let out a muffled moaned! "Aaah♡~"

For as long as she could, Derierei played with Shizuka's tongue, until the blonde was beginning to feel faint and weakly hit Derierei's back. Realizing that Shizuka needed air, the pinkette stopped the kiss and pulled away from the blonde. And even though Shizuka knew that she would have fainted from the lack of air, she could help but whimper once Derierei's tongue left hers.

Seeing the taller woman's desperate look and whimper, Derierei's smirk got wider and become triumphant. With her hand that was already on Shizuka's cheek, she rubbed the soft skin with her thumb as she said, "Such an adorable little girl. I'd say I would just want to eat you up...but I'd rather play with you first."

Hearing what Derierei had said, Shizuka had become thoroughly °turned on°.


[[3rd Person's POV]]

True to her words, Derierei had °played° with Shizuka, always edging Shizuka to her end, but never going through it. There hadn't even been any penetration, anyone eating each other out, not even a caress in Shizuka's lovely secret place, nor even with Derierei -Shizuka had been taught about the birds and the bees after Yuki had realized the rumors about Shizuka being so gullible, and she was mad about it, but was still thankfully pure-. The whole ordeal between the two was Derierei kissing her with her tongue, some biting and caresses on the skin, and nothing more. Yet somehow, Shizuka had always been nearly brought to release, only to be denied by the woman who was giving her immense pleasure.

By the end of the hour in Shizuka's cabin, the blonde lay on her bed, tired and unsatisfied, probably nearing insanity, when Derierei completely stopped.

"If you want to please your Mistress, and receive a reward, then you better be good to your future sisters, okay?" With the enticing possibility of a reward from her Mistress whispered in a smoky tone, Shizuka nodded with her tongue lolling out her mouth.

"Ye-...yessshhh...Mistreshhh!" The blonde had a hard time to respond, as she was tired and was still wasn't given complete release.

"Good girl." Was Derierei's final words as she left the half-naked, hicky-ridden woman laying on her bed like she was completely and thoroughly fucked.


When Kiriko and Rika came back, with Rika now driving the SUV, Shizuka had enough time to recover from giving herself an intense release. If any of the women in the camp were to realize that their innocent, ditzy nurse had been moaning like a slut, mostly calling out Derierei's name, and at times, everyone else's names, they would have had a heart attack! What Shizuka, and especially the others hadn't known, was that Derierei had opened up a new door for Shizuka! Sure, she was still her old, klutzy self, but now, she had a different side, like Saeko!

And now, Shizuka was currently with Yuriko.

"I have to thank you, Shizuka." The high-class woman regarded Shizuka with a grateful tone.

"Hmm?" The blonde hummed in confusion. She wasn't sure why her friend -and future sister-wife?- was currently thanking her for. Shizuka knew she had done a lot of things to be thanked for, but she didn't need to be specifically thanked for those, because she didn't need them.

"Thank you for everything. I mean it, Shizuka. Before all this, I was lost. Just a puppet controlled by my parents, to follow whatever they wanted. And after cutting my strings, I just wandered aimlessly, with my daughter helping me walk. Then you came along, worming yourself into my life, intk Lillian's, into my daughter's. You changed us for the better. And when everything went to hell, you were still there for us. You saved my daughter, you saved me, and you saved everyone else..." Yuriko smiled faintly as she looked over the forest, catching a sight of a doe passing by.

"You brought us together, and had done so much for us. And I thank you for that." The slightly older woman caressed Shizuka's shoulder, conveying her feelings.

Shizuka, for her part, smiled in appreciation, taking Yuriko's hand in hers and rubbing her thumb on the soft, pale hand.


While eating dinner, everyone began to discuss about what to do for tomorrow, once again, this time, with Shizuka adding more in with the reveal of her System.

"The points of interests in Shoshoramu are; library, the town center/mall, and their police station." Shizuka shared as she points at three places on the map encircled with a black marker.

"Hopefully the library would have what we'll be needing." Added Yuki after gulping down her food.

"It's small, but whatever the next Raid Team get from it would be better than nothing. I hope that there'd be books that I could use to help me teach Alice-chan." Lillian worried about her daughter. Though she didn't care about complex math problems, how a black hole works, and anything advanced really, what Lillian wanted was for Alice to know enough, to be at most, high school level of understanding.

"Even if we don't get anything tomorrow, we'll be sure to help our Alice-chan! Not only am I a genius, but even through all this, what we have learned last year should be somewhat fresh in our minds." Saya mentioned the former students and herself, and none had showed any signs of backing out. They knew the importance of education, as dreadful as it is, and it would be important for Alice to have some, so that whatever happens in the future, she wouldn't be confused. Even now, Alice was a slight bit ignorant of what the zombie apocalypse meant, but they were sure that the little angel would take whatever she faces in the future like a champ!

And Lillian, seeing how the teens were readily offering their time to teach her daughter, smiled in appreciation. "Thank you." The pink-haired mother bowed slightly to the teens, who had returned the it with a nod and a smile.

"Thank you girls." Shizuka, seeing what had just occurred, couldn't help but smile and praise the former students, who blushed in return.

"Anyway, since we will spend most of the day looting these three locations, the Camp Team would start chopping trees around the camp. I got a blueprint..." Shizuka pulls out said blueprint from her inventory and opens it up on top of the map. "...from one of my Mission rewards. And other than that, I also have blueprints for a wooden spike barricade and a trap for small animals, which we will deal with on the day after tomorrow."

Pulling out the other two blueprints and showing them to her friends, Shizuka nodded. Things were starting to look up, but Shizuka sighed as she needed to break the current move.

"Everyone, I have to say something." The nurse stood from her seat, gaining everyone's attention once again.

"I have been informed by the System...that everything will start to get harder." She sighed as Shizuka saw everyone's confused looks. Of course, Shizuka already thought about explaining everything to her friends, but that didn't mean that she liked to be the bringer of bad news.

"The System had told me that the zombies will get stronger, as they have become crucial in the World's premature evolution. It was also because of that, that the System was able to reward me with magical items, like the Totems, and more that we will discuss about tomorrow night. But the point is, zombies will get stronger, and us humans would have to become stronger, too. In reality, everyone here would naturally gain something that would give them the upper-hand against these stronger zombies without the need of the System's intervention, because that is the advantage of the World evolving would bring to us humans, and every other living thing here." After explaining, Shizuka was slightly out of breath, and everyone was digesting the massive information they just received.

Currently, they were able to easily deal with zombies, as long as they completely outnumber them, but with them growing stronger in someway, it would surely be trouble. However, thankfully enough, Shizuka had said that they, too, would gain something from it. And fortunately for them, Shizuka was currently using her [Soothing Charm] on them once again.

Shizuka was grateful for her school, as it had helped her a lot with dealing with people.

Afterwards, they begun to make additional plans on creating their base. With the knowledge of stronger zombies, they put focus on the wooden spiked barricades, if the zombies ever pass through the ward. Unfortunately, the Ward wouldn't completely shoo away zombies, but it was better than nothing.


By 6 in the morning, Saya, Rika, Kiriko, Shizuka, Rei, and Derierei were ready to depart. Of course, Lillian had made their breakfast and lunch, which was filled with vegetables from their reserves meant for the whole day. Lillian had used up most of the vegetables prepared for the day, because the Totem of Verture Growth had already shown its usefulness! Not only did it cut down the plant's time needed to grow to full maturity, but it also hurried their fruiting process! So Lillian decided to add most of the vegetables in the current Raid Team's bentos.

And, once the Raid Team left the camp, the Camp Team had their breakfast, then began cutting trees! Alice had also helped her big sisters, auntie, and mother by being the errand girl. No one wanted Alice, a 7 year old, deal with physical labor just yet.

While the Camp Team were cutting down trees, the Raid Team, who had taken the Eighteen-Wheeler, MTVR, and SUV, were half-way to Shoshoramu. Rika drove the eighteen-wheeler, while Shizuka drove the MTVR and Kiriko lead them with the SUV. As for Derierei, she was on top of the eighteen-wheeler and was practicing with her scythe.

Soon, when the Raid Team reached the town, their first destination was the town center. It took some time, since the eighteen-wheeler was so big and they kept on looking for bigger roads, and running over some zombies, but they finally reached the zombie infested town center.

Stopping as they got closer to the center, Derierei jumped off the huge truck and went beside Kiriko.

"I'll lure the Zs away." The pinkette declared as she went to get her electric guitar and speaker. Strapping the guitar to her back, together with her scythe, Derierei carried the speaker on her shoulder and faced the restaurant 50 meters away from them.

"Lead them in after the zombies start clearing up." With those words, Derierei left, and Kiriko just looked at the "younger" woman with a grin.

"Damned maniac." That was how Kiriko described their second leader.


Inside the restaurant, Derierei was currently throwing out everything there was inside the building. The tables, chairs, boards, and everything else that could slow down the zombies. She had already checked the building and found no zombies, and a way out, so she currently didn't care about making noise.

Then, after having cleared the place out, Derierei went to the closest outlet, and plugged in the speaker. The feedback came out immediately, and Derierei had to lower the volume as to not prematurely lure the zombies.

Checking if the electric guitar was finely tuned, Derierei began a simple rift. And seeing nothing wrong, she started to play Sleep Is For The Weak by Dreadnoughts, at full volume.

Immediately after Derierei started, zombies began to face the direction where the music was coming for. Then, not too long later, zombies had began to pile up around the restaurant, covering the glass walls with their bodies. Unfortunately for the flesh-hungry dead bastards, Derierei had reinforced the glass.

Sadly however, Derierei wasn't able to do much, because if it was up to her, she would have instantly vaporized them. But if she did, it would be breaking the World's current laws. The World was still updating its rules, to turn this mundane world to a world of fantasy, but currently, it would take years for that to happen. By-passing the rules that was currently set to be able to reward Shizuka woth the magical items were by look, too, and doing it once again without being careful would possibly destroy the world.

But, back to Derierei, she was currently at the chorus when the glass started to crack. Smiling to herself, Derierei was slowly making steps backwards, prepared to run towards her escape. However, for now, she was going to continue playing with her electric guitar.


Once the zombies began to clear up, Kiriko, Rika, and Shizuka began to slowly drive into the town center's/mall's parking lot. They had, of course, grabbed the attention of some zombies, but Saya had killed them with the recurve crossbow. She was far away from being a professional at it, but she could still headshot a close by zombie while inside a slow moving vehicle.

Once the group had gotten closer to the mall itself, they saw a fair bit of zombies exiting the mall, hearing Derierei's music. Then, parking the eighteen-wheeler and MTVR right in front of the mall's entrance, with Kiriko, Saya and Rei leaving the SUV and killing the nearby zombies.

There were still zombies inside the mall, but the group were confident that they would be able to take care of them. And then, Derierei's music got cut off, but none were worried. Derierei was very strong, and smart enough to be able to easily escape.

And after a few minutes, they jaw Derierei on the distance, holding a broken and bloody electric guitar. Then, once in hearing distance, Derierei said, "Killing Zs with an electric guitar? Check. Ten-out-of-ten would do it again."

It earned a few chuckles, but they soon sported a serious expression as Derierei threw the broken guitar into the mall, making a noise as it hit the ground, and definitely catching the attention of most zombies inside.

"If any if you see anything unusual, ya better say it immediately! Even if ya think that ot was yer imagination, say it." With Derierei's serious and stomach-churning tone, the group nodded as they prepared to intercept the incoming zombies.


[A/N: Another short chap, sorry. I hope I could make a longer one later, or tomorrow.

Anyway, the harem will be owned by Derierei, as you have probably guessed from what I wrote.

Next, some evolved zombies, new members! And finally using the rewards, like the sharable points!

Also, the Second World will be: Akame Ga Kill!

It's dominating the votes, so yeah, AGK for the win!

AKG Host?:

Esdeath, will have a slave harem.

Kurome, will have a dominated harem (like a slave harem, but they wouldn't actually be slaves.)


HOTD world might end in 30th chap.

Thanks for reading! Haha I think it was a wonderful life and a broken heart of the most memorable books in the Social Sciences and I don't have much to do with it all the 4 nations have been stuck for a long time now but it's not really a good idea yet for a bakery is a good thing to have a sense of protection and a woman who divorces his wife and his wife so she could be a good fit for the job.]

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