Reviews of The Hunter That Returned From Hell by Rish_madara - Webnovel



  • Writing Quality
  • Stability of Updates
  • Story Development
  • Character Design
  • World Background

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I read till chapter 49 before I gave up. The writing quality is average. The translation is good but the actual writing is pretty dull and repetitive to the point I skimmed and skipped a lot of the fight scenes. Dialog is the same when it occurs. A lot of telling not showing happens in this story but still doesn't tell you much of anything of value. I didn't read up to the point where updates would matter. Honestly, this story's MC acts like a knockoff version of John Wick. It's pretty boring. His OPness at least would have made more sense if he received the game system in the dungeon and leveled for 400 years. He's an idiot. Instead of doing some research into the new society and spending time with his family he's an arrogant young master that immediately catches the eyes of others and endangers his family. Yes he has centuries of combat experience but he shouldn't be taking on entire guilds of higher level than him so so early in the story. The story barely shows you the game system, he gains levels way too quickly, and there is little world building that occurs. Basically a Gary Stu story with a 2-D background for his "slaughter sprees of justice".

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This story is a very good story about hunters but the grammar is incorrect a lot of the time. overall there is a huge room for improvement and the pace of this is not too fast but not too slow. The fight scene are kinda just description of the battle along with some sound words

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Hi! This is kera, an editor of the international writing contest SWA II. I believe your book has great potential, so I invited you to join in a week ago. Please reply to me so I can discuss this with you in detail.

View 1 Replies

I have to go to the fireflies to the fireflies to the fireflies to the store and get it done by this is a romance 💒 to go to go 6 to hbs ngews

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LV 6 Badge

The story is quite cliched, but not bad. I enjoy stories like this. But unfortunately, I can't read it. Wrong words everywhere. Grammar is quite bad as well, even for me who is not a native speaker. This story really needs heavy editing.

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Need moreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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Personally I like the storyline, but please also pay attention to the development of other characters who will help Kang-Ho, and whats no less important needs romance so that the nuance isn't too dark, even though the initial design is "hell" but occasionally there is a rainbow color is good too, right?, unfortunately it seems like it took a long chaps to know that, and I'm currently at chap 92, so far it hasn't been a disappointment to me, so good work ...

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@ chapter 80 It;s pretty common, really. Mc stayed in hell for 400years and now he's prone to anger and beast-like and he's extremely overpowered, for some reason his experience allows him to kill around 300 people without a problem Most of the story goes like this: Someone insults Mc's family or show some killing intent > Massacre > Few dungeons to get the level required for the next battle>> Someone else wants to kill his family >>> Another massacre

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really bad grammar, not creative at all... why the hell is this so high rated??? I am pretty sure there should be better stuff in the top 20???

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this novel was taken from somewhere else, I remember starting to read it a few years back but dropped it for being too tedious to read, I don't know if it's a stolen novel or a repost cuz I couldn't care less

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Reading this is a chore. The author describe every unnecessary details, it's tiring. The plot and idea is decent, but the execution is poor.

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I really enjoY the main character, he is really dark and has a deep bloodlust for anyone that wrongs him or his family I am curently at ch. 40 and there is no harem developement, take that as you will. My biggest problem is the frequent typos where letters are missing or swaped with some other letter, it hasn’t been uncomprehendable but annoying.

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Well, can you use something like this, ( , ) its like im rapping in my though. Also, can you describe the other characters. You add detail in Monster but not in other characters... Anyway, i like how the story go so far.. I hope you do something!

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WQ- There are at least 3 typos in like every chapter that i read so far possibly even more didm't really Count them but it feels like a lot Updates- 1 chapter a day is decent Story development- Nothing special you have seen it before in a couple other novels already he accidentally Falls in i presume a dungeon he named it hell himself after like 400 years in Hell he dies but wakes up 2 years later and then the whole i,m gonna make my family conditions better and get out of poverty shit so decides to become a hunter after no research done on it. Character design- Every high schooler can make characters that are the Same as this like its so bland and like all the Conversations feels like it is copied from other novels i haven't seen anything yet that didm't happen in another novel i read World Background- Just Standard Korea setup with Dungeons hunters and that Kinda stuff and hunter Association Summary- It isn't worth it to read this if you're bored just go reread solo leveling would be more fun that reading this.

Reveal Spoiler
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Thats really good novel. Thanks ­­­­­­ ­­­­­­ ­­­­­­ ­­­­­­ ­­­­­­ ­­­­­­ ­­­­­­ ­­­­­­ ­­­­­­ ­­­­­­ ­­­­­­ ­­­­­­ ­­­­­­ ­­­­­­ ­­­­­­ ­­­­­­ ­­­­­­ ­­­­­­ ­­­­­­ ­­­­­­

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seems interesting enough so far. so far it's reminding me a lot of the lucifer system novel. i haven't read far enough yet though, so i don't know if that changes and it becomes unique. as for the writing quality, the english is very bad but it's still understandable. all in all, not a bad novel, reminiscent of the lucifer system novel. has potential

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So far ive Read 43 chapter its an good and has amazing potential but i think there are some thIngs that need to fixed: 1. Mcs control over is emotions when he fights bc he kills without thinking and causes quite a lot if problems for his family trying to “protect” them, if he continues like this he’ll be the reason for their deaths. A why to fix this in my opinion which i think is absolutely nessecary any way is a skill i call “absolute control” (absolute control over his mind,body,and arua) is goes with his title of an assassin and the author has mentioned he is not in control of his mind 50% and is suppressing an inner monster in which will get rid of these problem or at least help 2. repeative fighting style for 2-3 chapter per fight i can pretty much sum it up for in 3 words... dodge,strike, and kill. for 400 years of fighting its pretty bland so i propose : A skill i call “god of mastery” its use is simple he gets instant mastery towards any martal arts and cold weapons but the priority will be daggers,katana, ninjato, bows, and needles/posion,ect. And 3. which think would be a great skill “phantom/light manipulation” a skill in which is he intangible to physical to at a certain amout and can also conseal his arua and only those that are stronger then him can sense him/ his mana. he can also become one with a shadow or become invisible. This is my first a probably last review like this so hope it good. :)

Reveal Spoiler
View 7 Replies

The only thing that kept me reading is that I like the dungeon esc stories but everything else, default to the very structure ...............................................................................................................

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Im currently about 80 chapters in and it feels like the writing quality has gone down a bit after each chapter. Writing quality - 2 -Pretty lackluster, overall "its in english" but the wording could be chosen better to create a smoother sentance. At multiple points the sentences will jar to a stop or end up be missing key words to make it flow right. Story Development - 3 -it doesnt seem like theres much of a plan at all, except "protect family. kill enemy." and whatever story is there feels patched together. Character Design - 2 -Not much to say there, typical OP MC that really is too dumb for his own good and is OP just to be OP. updating stability - 2 - none listed / week. granted there was a new update ~14hrs before posting this. Maybe it'll look up from here. World background- Legit feels like a ripoff of solo levelling meets latna: survival of a sword king. Overall i wouldnt say avoid this, but veteran readers be warned: this is a bit rough. Maybe it'll improve in the future, and if it does ill come back and edit this.

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Alguien me explica como una persona que paso 400 años en el infierno no pueda con una persona de nivel 25!!!! Por dios que coraje que asco de novela y dicen que se tiene que adaptar pero madre tampoco así

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I read 80 chapters and I can say this novel has a lot room for improvement. For beginning... Let's start with MC, he spent 400 years in hell... I guess it killed most of his brain cells. Zero research about 'hunter' actions before becoming one. If not plot armor, his stupidity would kill his family. Writing quality needs some editing. Some typpos here and there. Some sentences are quiete broken. WQ - 3 stars. You should consider editing your story before putting it before pay wall. None likes paying for being proof reader... SU - 4 stars. Story dev. - 3 stars. It's okay... Ruthless protagonist trying to improve his family situation and acts like wuxia protagonist killing random guy son. Blah blah blah. It could be avoided with some brains. Character design - 2 stars. It's probably weakest side of this story. Most of characters are cliché or bland. World background - 4 stars. Currently it feels like default Korean novel. This rating might improve if you make things better later in story. This review is based on free chapters. Maybe, you started to put more effort after getting contracted. I will visit later... No money for spirit stones and run out of passes. I hope this story improves. Good luck.

View 16 Replies

wow, the author caught my attention just from the synopsis. Really enjoying reading novels that include all kind of creatures and beings and this one has just that .... Great job

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WOW This novel is brilliant!! plain extravaganza if you ask me. characters are just awesome and strongly portrayed by the author. KEEP IT UP!

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Creative writing skills, the picture created is undeniably beautiful. The story develops well through out the chapters. Good use of words that complement the subject. A great read

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Quite an interesting story. The protagonist seems to be in quite a tight spot having to risk his life all the time. Interesting to see his adventures in what he calls hell.

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Very interesting book. It is very interesting and deep. Liked the way the author stitched the story together with a lot of interesting and magical stuff. This is one of my favorite book so far. Good luck author

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If it continues on the same path this book will become very good. I just hope he takes care of everything so his family is safe. Then just become an absolute demon.

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This is the first time reading a magical Realism genre...The synopsis looks quite interesting and I read the first chapters which I liked so far...I will read further chapters when I get free time...The author's writing style is well written...Definitely recommended book...Excellent work, Author! Kudos!

View 1 Replies

As the first real reader review i shall tell you the person who is reading this because you want to know about the book to read the book because, it is a good story, so stop reading this and read the book.

View 2 Replies

I read till chapter 49 before I gave up. The writing quality is average. The translation is good but the actual writing is pretty dull and repetitive to the point I skimmed and skipped a lot of the fight scenes. Dialog is the same when it occurs. A lot of telling not showing happens in this story but still doesn't tell you much of anything of value. I didn't read up to the point where updates would matter. Honestly, this story's MC acts like a knockoff version of John Wick. It's pretty boring. His OPness at least would have made more sense if he received the game system in the dungeon and leveled for 400 years. He's an idiot. Instead of doing some research into the new society and spending time with his family he's an arrogant young master that immediately catches the eyes of others and endangers his family. Yes he has centuries of combat experience but he shouldn't be taking on entire guilds of higher level than him so so early in the story. The story barely shows you the game system, he gains levels way too quickly, and there is little world building that occurs. Basically a Gary Stu story with a 2-D background for his "slaughter sprees of justice".

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This story is a very good story about hunters but the grammar is incorrect a lot of the time. overall there is a huge room for improvement and the pace of this is not too fast but not too slow. The fight scene are kinda just description of the battle along with some sound words

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Hi! This is kera, an editor of the international writing contest SWA II. I believe your book has great potential, so I invited you to join in a week ago. Please reply to me so I can discuss this with you in detail.

View 1 Replies

I have to go to the fireflies to the fireflies to the fireflies to the store and get it done by this is a romance 💒 to go to go 6 to hbs ngews

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LV 6 Badge

The story is quite cliched, but not bad. I enjoy stories like this. But unfortunately, I can't read it. Wrong words everywhere. Grammar is quite bad as well, even for me who is not a native speaker. This story really needs heavy editing.

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Need moreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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Personally I like the storyline, but please also pay attention to the development of other characters who will help Kang-Ho, and whats no less important needs romance so that the nuance isn't too dark, even though the initial design is "hell" but occasionally there is a rainbow color is good too, right?, unfortunately it seems like it took a long chaps to know that, and I'm currently at chap 92, so far it hasn't been a disappointment to me, so good work ...

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@ chapter 80 It;s pretty common, really. Mc stayed in hell for 400years and now he's prone to anger and beast-like and he's extremely overpowered, for some reason his experience allows him to kill around 300 people without a problem Most of the story goes like this: Someone insults Mc's family or show some killing intent > Massacre > Few dungeons to get the level required for the next battle>> Someone else wants to kill his family >>> Another massacre

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really bad grammar, not creative at all... why the hell is this so high rated??? I am pretty sure there should be better stuff in the top 20???

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this novel was taken from somewhere else, I remember starting to read it a few years back but dropped it for being too tedious to read, I don't know if it's a stolen novel or a repost cuz I couldn't care less

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Reading this is a chore. The author describe every unnecessary details, it's tiring. The plot and idea is decent, but the execution is poor.

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I really enjoY the main character, he is really dark and has a deep bloodlust for anyone that wrongs him or his family I am curently at ch. 40 and there is no harem developement, take that as you will. My biggest problem is the frequent typos where letters are missing or swaped with some other letter, it hasn’t been uncomprehendable but annoying.

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Well, can you use something like this, ( , ) its like im rapping in my though. Also, can you describe the other characters. You add detail in Monster but not in other characters... Anyway, i like how the story go so far.. I hope you do something!

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WQ- There are at least 3 typos in like every chapter that i read so far possibly even more didm't really Count them but it feels like a lot Updates- 1 chapter a day is decent Story development- Nothing special you have seen it before in a couple other novels already he accidentally Falls in i presume a dungeon he named it hell himself after like 400 years in Hell he dies but wakes up 2 years later and then the whole i,m gonna make my family conditions better and get out of poverty shit so decides to become a hunter after no research done on it. Character design- Every high schooler can make characters that are the Same as this like its so bland and like all the Conversations feels like it is copied from other novels i haven't seen anything yet that didm't happen in another novel i read World Background- Just Standard Korea setup with Dungeons hunters and that Kinda stuff and hunter Association Summary- It isn't worth it to read this if you're bored just go reread solo leveling would be more fun that reading this.

Reveal Spoiler
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Thats really good novel. Thanks ­­­­­­ ­­­­­­ ­­­­­­ ­­­­­­ ­­­­­­ ­­­­­­ ­­­­­­ ­­­­­­ ­­­­­­ ­­­­­­ ­­­­­­ ­­­­­­ ­­­­­­ ­­­­­­ ­­­­­­ ­­­­­­ ­­­­­­ ­­­­­­ ­­­­­­ ­­­­­­

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seems interesting enough so far. so far it's reminding me a lot of the lucifer system novel. i haven't read far enough yet though, so i don't know if that changes and it becomes unique. as for the writing quality, the english is very bad but it's still understandable. all in all, not a bad novel, reminiscent of the lucifer system novel. has potential

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So far ive Read 43 chapter its an good and has amazing potential but i think there are some thIngs that need to fixed: 1. Mcs control over is emotions when he fights bc he kills without thinking and causes quite a lot if problems for his family trying to “protect” them, if he continues like this he’ll be the reason for their deaths. A why to fix this in my opinion which i think is absolutely nessecary any way is a skill i call “absolute control” (absolute control over his mind,body,and arua) is goes with his title of an assassin and the author has mentioned he is not in control of his mind 50% and is suppressing an inner monster in which will get rid of these problem or at least help 2. repeative fighting style for 2-3 chapter per fight i can pretty much sum it up for in 3 words... dodge,strike, and kill. for 400 years of fighting its pretty bland so i propose : A skill i call “god of mastery” its use is simple he gets instant mastery towards any martal arts and cold weapons but the priority will be daggers,katana, ninjato, bows, and needles/posion,ect. And 3. which think would be a great skill “phantom/light manipulation” a skill in which is he intangible to physical to at a certain amout and can also conseal his arua and only those that are stronger then him can sense him/ his mana. he can also become one with a shadow or become invisible. This is my first a probably last review like this so hope it good. :)

Reveal Spoiler
View 7 Replies

The only thing that kept me reading is that I like the dungeon esc stories but everything else, default to the very structure ...............................................................................................................

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Im currently about 80 chapters in and it feels like the writing quality has gone down a bit after each chapter. Writing quality - 2 -Pretty lackluster, overall "its in english" but the wording could be chosen better to create a smoother sentance. At multiple points the sentences will jar to a stop or end up be missing key words to make it flow right. Story Development - 3 -it doesnt seem like theres much of a plan at all, except "protect family. kill enemy." and whatever story is there feels patched together. Character Design - 2 -Not much to say there, typical OP MC that really is too dumb for his own good and is OP just to be OP. updating stability - 2 - none listed / week. granted there was a new update ~14hrs before posting this. Maybe it'll look up from here. World background- Legit feels like a ripoff of solo levelling meets latna: survival of a sword king. Overall i wouldnt say avoid this, but veteran readers be warned: this is a bit rough. Maybe it'll improve in the future, and if it does ill come back and edit this.

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Alguien me explica como una persona que paso 400 años en el infierno no pueda con una persona de nivel 25!!!! Por dios que coraje que asco de novela y dicen que se tiene que adaptar pero madre tampoco así

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I read 80 chapters and I can say this novel has a lot room for improvement. For beginning... Let's start with MC, he spent 400 years in hell... I guess it killed most of his brain cells. Zero research about 'hunter' actions before becoming one. If not plot armor, his stupidity would kill his family. Writing quality needs some editing. Some typpos here and there. Some sentences are quiete broken. WQ - 3 stars. You should consider editing your story before putting it before pay wall. None likes paying for being proof reader... SU - 4 stars. Story dev. - 3 stars. It's okay... Ruthless protagonist trying to improve his family situation and acts like wuxia protagonist killing random guy son. Blah blah blah. It could be avoided with some brains. Character design - 2 stars. It's probably weakest side of this story. Most of characters are cliché or bland. World background - 4 stars. Currently it feels like default Korean novel. This rating might improve if you make things better later in story. This review is based on free chapters. Maybe, you started to put more effort after getting contracted. I will visit later... No money for spirit stones and run out of passes. I hope this story improves. Good luck.

View 16 Replies

wow, the author caught my attention just from the synopsis. Really enjoying reading novels that include all kind of creatures and beings and this one has just that .... Great job

View 0 Replies

WOW This novel is brilliant!! plain extravaganza if you ask me. characters are just awesome and strongly portrayed by the author. KEEP IT UP!

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Creative writing skills, the picture created is undeniably beautiful. The story develops well through out the chapters. Good use of words that complement the subject. A great read

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Quite an interesting story. The protagonist seems to be in quite a tight spot having to risk his life all the time. Interesting to see his adventures in what he calls hell.

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Very interesting book. It is very interesting and deep. Liked the way the author stitched the story together with a lot of interesting and magical stuff. This is one of my favorite book so far. Good luck author

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If it continues on the same path this book will become very good. I just hope he takes care of everything so his family is safe. Then just become an absolute demon.

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This is the first time reading a magical Realism genre...The synopsis looks quite interesting and I read the first chapters which I liked so far...I will read further chapters when I get free time...The author's writing style is well written...Definitely recommended book...Excellent work, Author! Kudos!

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As the first real reader review i shall tell you the person who is reading this because you want to know about the book to read the book because, it is a good story, so stop reading this and read the book.

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